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Personal Information


BitMappers Computerclub Hasselt









BitMappers Computerclub

The BitMappers Computerclub has been very busy in Hasselt(B) since 1992. About 80 members from all ages are gathering once a month to discuss soft- & hardware matters. Mostly Windows based programs. The BitMappers Computerclub is a group of people who share there passion for computer and technology. Every month on the 3th friday of the month, there is a meeting in the Vrijzinnig ontmoetingscentrum at Hasselt. The theme of the meeting changes every month.

This year (2007) the management decided to participate into another world: Linux based UBUNTU. They even hosted the release party for the latest ‘Gutsy Gibbon’ in coörporation with UBUNTU Belgium. This interaction worked so well that soon after the party they unanimous decided to become a full ‘supporting point’ for UBUNTU users within the region.

The BitMappers Computerclub is one of the best equipped unions in Limburg. They offer very comfortable accommodations for there member meeting into which all necessary display and audio equipments are foreseen. For educational purposes, the club has full access to a well installed computer classroom, including e-mail and Internet access.

Ubuntu Contributions

Gutsy release Party 20/10/2007

Just recently, the BitMappers Computerclub organised a Gutsy Gibbon Release party in coöperation with BartBroeckx (Bartek).

Culture fair in Hasselt 8+9/09/2007

The BitMappers promoted Ubuntu on the Culture fair in Hasselt

14/12/2007 First Ubuntu lesson

Fabian gave an introduction to the installation of Ubuntu for new members followed by a presentation about the file structure by BartBroeckx (Bartek).