Sunday, January 27th, 2008, 7:00pm (1900) PDT
- IRC channel renaming
The IRC council has decided that US state LoCo teams must use the #ubuntu-us-NN (where NN is the state regioncode) format for their channel names
- Several people think that switching from #ubuntu-california to #ubuntu-us-ca is a bad idea.
- Need to decide whether to put #ubuntu-california or #ubuntu-us-ca on the SCaLE business cards that harkonen is planning to make. He's not around, so the matter's deferred.
- Planned resources: Four computers for demos, Canonical's conference pack, wifi router
- Clarified that demo computers aren't just for Compiz and will be available to demo the rest of Ubuntu too.
- nhaines asked who was going to be in the booth so he can print name tags for them
- Going to ask on the mailing list because everyone is/should be on it
- adaminla did research on a banner sign: 6x2 color logo, black lettering, $70.00, we get to do our own artwork for it
- Planned resources: Four computers for demos, Canonical's conference pack, wifi router
Original Agenda
SCaLE6x - Two weeks away!
- IRC channel
- We'll need to change eventually (to #ubuntu-us-ca) due to canon
- We should probably put the new one on anything we print (like for SCaLE), which is the only reason we need to address this in a timely fashion
- We will have -california forwarding
19:04 < Flannel> Welcome everyone, to this pre-SCaLE meeting. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/08January27 is our agenda. Its exclusively taken up by SCaLE issues at the moment. 19:05 < Flannel> from the look of it, we may have to have another dedicated SCaLE meeting next weekend, or sometime the week following, right before SCaLE. Just as a final time to touch base with everyone. 19:06 < Flannel> But we don't need to worry about that tonight, as it'll be less formal 19:06 < Flannel> So far, our agenda is: SCaLE, and then the issue of IRC channel moving. 19:07 < nhaines> Do we want to go over the IRC channel moving first? 19:07 < Flannel> We probably should. It ties into SCaLE anyway. 19:07 < cactaur> Yeah, I'm wondering about that. Let me get this out: 19:07 < cactaur> QUOI?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 19:08 < nhaines> cactaur: Freenode has a channel naming policy. As an Ubuntu-related group, we fall under that policy (as extended by Ubuntu). 19:09 < AlgorithmicContr> Wow, it's 7PM already 19:09 < nhaines> And Ubuntu's name policy for LoCo channels is #ubuntu-nn where nn is the country code for that team. 19:09 < cactaur> Oh, so we should ALL be part of #ubuntu-us? 19:09 < nhaines> Because -us is divided into states, we're #ubuntu-us-ca 19:09 < AlgorithmicContr> pfft policy 19:09 < cactaur> aaaaahhhhhh..... 19:09 < nhaines> Except that we're not. ;) 19:09 < Flannel> Its not really a freenode thing. The IRC council (which, I didn't even think was actually existant at the time they came up with the scheme) decided it back in september 19:09 < AlgorithmicContr> except California isn't a country! 19:10 < nhaines> AlgorithmicContr: the geographical indicator is us-ca 19:10 < AlgorithmicContr> although, soon, I hope it will be 19:10 < Flannel> The scheme for states is -us-SS 19:10 < Flannel> so, we'd be #ubuntu-us-ca 19:10 < cactaur> We're the tenth largest economy in the world. We should be an exception! 19:10 < AlgorithmicContr> Yes, I agree wholeheartedly with cactaur! 19:10 < Flannel> Well, personally I feel it happened behind closed doors, as there wasn't really any discussion with the people it affected 19:11 < Flannel> and I agree, -us-ca is stupid, -california makes more sense, and thats why I've been... ignoring it. 19:11 < AlgorithmicContr> but we're just rebellious teens so ignore our ideas nhaines and Flannel 19:11 < Flannel> AlgorithmicContr: I'm with you ;) 19:11 < AlgorithmicContr> Ah! 19:11 < nhaines> Seems I read about it some time in September, but I thought it had been decided further back. 19:11 < Flannel> But, if we're going to be printing cards, depending on the volume, I dont know if we should have -us-ca or -califonia 19:12 < Flannel> nhaines: they had the meeting in september, although, interesting, theres no log of it anywhere. 19:12 < Flannel> I was hoping to find some grandfather rule, but I found nothing at all, either way 19:12 < Flannel> anyway, 19:13 < nhaines> That's interesting, too. 19:13 < AlgorithmicContr> Flannel: So it never existed! It's only a fabrication of your cognition! 19:13 < Flannel> nhaines: Yeah. It really seems like a mandate. Sort of feel like having a teaparty regarding mandates without representation ;) 19:13 < AlgorithmicContr> hehe 19:13 < nhaines> haha 19:14 < Flannel> since -us-SS makes it seem like the states are subteams of the -US team, which we're not 19:14 < Flannel> and other issues like that 19:14 < AlgorithmicContr> well, if anything I don't think we should provide the -us-ca scheme on the cards 19:14 < AlgorithmicContr> if the change occurs, couldn't we just redirect this channel to the newly -ca-us one? 19:14 < nhaines> Well, #ubuntu-us-ca is quite formal. But it would be a logical name. That could make us easier to find. 19:14 < AlgorithmicContr> -us-ca* 19:14 < Flannel> Yeah, there'll eb redirects either way 19:15 < Flannel> we currently own both channels, and that won't be going away 19:15 * AlgorithmicContr attempts to join 19:15 < AlgorithmicContr> heh, I have ops. 19:15 < AlgorithmicContr> just kidding 19:15 < Flannel> You didn't even try and join 19:16 < Flannel> Anyway 19:16 < AlgorithmicContr> opps,I jointed -ca-us 19:16 < Flannel> I just wanted to bring that up, regarding the cards that harkonen is working on 19:16 < Flannel> I personally prefer -california greatly over -us-ca 19:17 < Flannel> I dont know how many cards harkonen is planning to make 19:17 < Flannel> was hoping he'd be here tonight. 19:17 < nhaines> Last he responded to me, he told me he wasn't sure how many he was printing either. 19:17 < Flannel> Alright, we can come to a consensus on the matter later 19:18 < Flannel> So, general SCaLE stuff. 19:19 < Flannel> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale6x is shaping up nicely. We've got four computers (Aaron's isn't up there) for demos. And I'll be bringing mine to do burning on. 19:19 < Flannel> I have our Conference pack from canonical 19:19 < nhaines> And I'll bring my computer with a monitor for presentation/slideshow display. 19:20 < Flannel> I could be bringing one of my junky computers, with a little 480x640 monitor, since that's all we need to verify the CDs as well 19:20 < Flannel> Anyone have any questions or comments or other things to add re SCaLE planning? 19:20 < cactaur> Oh yeah, should I bring speakers? 19:21 * Flannel isn't the one to answer that. 19:21 < nhaines> I need to know who expects to be putting some dedicated time in the booth, so I can provide name badges. 19:21 < cactaur> Eh, why not? 19:21 < AlgorithmicContr> it seems like a lot of people are bring their computers to show off compiz and whatnot 19:21 < AlgorithmicContr> bringing* 19:21 < Flannel> AlgorithmicContr: thats the point 19:22 < AlgorithmicContr> some people don't really care about that 19:22 < Flannel> AlgorithmicContr: What would you prefer? 19:22 < cactaur> A server? 19:22 < AlgorithmicContr> I don't know,I guess people would like to see not just the eye-candy aspect of ubuntu 19:23 < AlgorithmicContr> maybe, things like games 19:23 < AlgorithmicContr> a wine demo of some sort 19:23 < cactaur> Well, that's not EVERYTHING we'll advertise. 19:23 < AlgorithmicContr> just a suggestion 19:24 < cactaur> OH YEAH! That's important. 19:24 < Flannel> AlgorithmicContr: we're just looking for computers capable of doing the eyecandy. Everything else in Ubuntu will be available (well, wine stuff would require some prep time) 19:25 < nhaines> Welcome, Scunizi. :) We're discussing SCaLE plans. 19:25 < Scunizi> howdy.. just saw the email. 19:25 < Flannel> Howdy Scunizi 19:25 < Scunizi> Hi ya.. 19:26 < AlgorithmicContr> good to see you could make it Scunizi 19:26 < Scunizi> thanks.:) 19:26 < AlgorithmicContr> yo adaminla 19:26 < adaminla> sorry i'm late. 19:27 < adaminla> what's going on? 19:27 < cactaur> Just discussion SCaLE plans. 19:28 < AlgorithmicContr> your presence is counts, what cactaur said 19:28 < cactaur> Right now, figuring out who's bringing what... and what we should advertise. 19:28 < adaminla> OK. I did some research on banner. 19:29 < adaminla> e-maild results to flannel. 19:29 < Flannel> I got them, for the record. Even though I wasn't as judicious in replying as I should've been. 19:29 < adaminla> OK. 19:30 < nhaines> While we're discussing that, I completely dropped the ball on t-shirts. 19:30 < adaminla> sign maker said it's a 2 day turnaround. 19:31 < Flannel> Oh, that short? 19:31 < AlgorithmicContr> cactaur: If you don't want to carry around speakers, I could provide. 19:31 < adaminla> yep. 19:32 < cactaur> AlgorithmicContr: That'll be great. Don't feel like bringing a subwoofer. 19:32 < Flannel> adaminla: You sad (from your email): 6x2 color logo, black lettering, $70.00, is that a standard "give us the logo and the letters" or do we get to do more or less our own artwork? 19:32 < AlgorithmicContr> I'm not 100% certain of my potential attendance 19:32 < AlgorithmicContr> cactaur: Heh, I'll bring in decent spare that I have 19:34 < adaminla> use our own art work. I showed him the logo from qur wiki, said ok. he can do the lettering. do we need the ubuntu lettering/ 19:35 < Flannel> adaminla: I only ask because we might want to do more than just the "Ubuntu California", different sizes, etc 19:35 < adaminla> this guy can do what ever we want. 19:35 < Flannel> alright 19:35 < Flannel> thanks for doing that research adaminla 19:36 < adaminla> no problem. 19:37 < AlgorithmicContr> we if we have a network drop, is anyone going to provide cat6 cables? 19:38 < nhaines> It's bring-your-own, I think. 19:38 < AlgorithmicContr> oh. 19:38 < AlgorithmicContr> so it's not some embedded socket? 19:38 < Flannel> I think I've got a couple laying around. (just a couple) 19:39 < nhaines> Not sure what you mean. We'll have a router so that'll take up the provided cable. 19:39 < nhaines> Flannel: should the SSID be ubuntu-california or just ubuntu-us-ca? ;) 19:39 < adaminla> BRB 19:39 < AlgorithmicContr> hahahah 19:39 < Flannel> nhaines: definately the former. 19:40 < nhaines> Gotcha. 19:40 < AlgorithmicContr> nhaines: need an adapter? 19:40 < AlgorithmicContr> for wifi 19:41 < nhaines> I'm not sure I understand the question. :) There will be a wireless router. 19:41 < AlgorithmicContr> well 19:41 < AlgorithmicContr> nevermind what am I saying 19:41 < AlgorithmicContr> <_< 19:41 < Flannel> Alright, anyone have anything else "official"-ish for the meeting? 19:42 < Flannel> Yasumoto might! 19:42 < nhaines> I do! 19:42 < Yasumoto> haha, heya guys 19:42 < Yasumoto> no, I'm just here to see what's going on 19:42 < Yasumoto> sorry for being late, I just got back from visiting a friend at Pepperdine ~_~ 19:42 < nhaines> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamHowto says "For United States Teams, please use the full state name (#ubuntu-utah for Utah)" 19:43 < adaminla> Back 19:43 < Flannel> nhaines: I'm sure that's just leftover. But, yes, that used to be the scheme. 19:44 < nhaines> Where is the current practice stated? 19:44 < Flannel> Yasumoto: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/53836/ 19:45 < Flannel> nhaines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamHowto#head-92fbb73bddb4f3630defca54266d85cf52c64b21 19:46 < Flannel> Hahaha 19:46 < Flannel> wow. So, same page says both ways. 19:46 < Flannel> We'll keep -california for the time being, that's for sure. 19:47 < Flannel> We wont be printing 10000 business cards anyway. We wont get stuck with them for decades 19:47 < nhaines> True. 19:47 < nhaines> Yeah, I was confused for a moment. :) 19:48 < nhaines> Flannel: do you think a presentation with audio would be appropriate or do we want to have things silent so we can talk? 19:48 < adaminla> I told the sign maker *ubuntu-california* 19:49 < Flannel> adaminla: We'll get back to you (well, to him, via you) with any specifics 19:49 < adaminla> OK 19:50 < Flannel> nhaines: I dont know. If we're talking, we can always mute it? 19:50 < nhaines> Probably true. 19:50 < Yasumoto> sweet, thanks Flannel 19:51 < nhaines> Okay then, only thing I need to know other than that is, like I said, people who will be at the booth for more than a few minutes so I can have badges for them. 19:52 < Yasumoto> nhaines: if you wouldn't mind making one up for me, that'd be really sweet 19:52 < nhaines> Yasumoto: you're on the list. :) 19:52 < Flannel> nhaines: since not everyone's here, we could do it via the ML. That might be more reliable. 19:52 < Yasumoto> nhaines: awesome, thanks a bunch, I owe you one :) 19:53 < nhaines> Flannel: sounds like a great idea. Do we know if everyone's on the list? 19:53 < Flannel> nhaines: Hmm. No, I dont, actually. 19:53 < Flannel> Is anyone here *not* on the mailing list? 19:54 < Flannel> nhaines: I'll put it in the topic too, just in case. 19:54 < nhaines> Excellent. 19:54 < nhaines> Wording on the badges looks good, too? "Ubuntu California"? 19:55 < Flannel> nhaines: Yeah. they look good 19:55 < Flannel> Alright, so. Anyone else have questions/comments/whatever regarding SCaLE and/or our booth? 19:57 < Flannel> So. I think that's our meeting. Thanks everyone for contributing. Feel free to stick around if you have any questions/discussions with anyone else individually (not like you need to be reminded that you can)
CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/08January27 (last edited 2009-03-26 05:19:29 by adsl-68-127-174-112)