Sunday, July 27th, 2008, 7:00pm (1900) PDT
Info page: http://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/public/content/home
- Joe went to it and will tell us about it when he gets back.
- Lindependence
Report at https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/2008-July/000359.html
- Went really well! Everyone had fun, and there's talk of doing it again elsewhere.
Email by Grantbow: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/2008-July/000355.html
- nhaines is going to talk to OCLUG
- Flannel talked to NOCCC
- Need to make a decision on email addresses being on there, contact more LUGs, work on page layout
- Some stuff should be moved back to the national project; our page should focus on CA-specific stuff
- National project is dormant; maybe we should resurrect it?
- Going to discuss more after the meeting.
Linux World Expo is next week!
- the dotORG pavilion was full, so we'll be at the Canonical booth instead, maybe?
- Grantbow will send some CDs to BALUG
- Follow up on the mailing list
- CaliforniaTeam/Projects/GlobalBugJam
- August 9th, at Chapman University, in the City of Orange. Starting at 10am, going on pretty much all day
- Keysigning party at the beginning of the event, moving into triage at 11am
- Will be an IRC presence. Carpooling might be available.
- Questions to the mailing list
- SGVLUG Presentation
- August 14th. Meeting is 7pm to 9pm, and we'll be presenting for half of that
Original Agenda
OSCON & Ubuntu Live remants have concluded - news
Lindependence in Felton, CA has concluded - news
User Group Contacts and Groups - status
CaliforniaTeam/HardwareSuppliers implementing UbuntuFriendlyHardwareSuppliers - status
Linux World Expo prep status - San Francisco Moscone Center Aug 4-7
Ubucon - Thursday, August 7 - description at the bottom left of linuxworldexpo.com and Ubucon
Global Bug Jam California Aug 8 - 10 - Details
SGVLUG Presentation Aug 14th 7PM @ Cal Tech
19:10 < Flannel> Alright, so... its 7:10, good of time as any to start a meeting. 19:10 < Flannel> Welcome everyone to our July 27th meeting! 19:11 < Flannel> Agenda can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/08July27 19:11 < Flannel> it consists of: OSCON, Lindependence, User Group Contact status update, Hardware Suppliers updates, LWE/Ubucon, GBJ, and SGVLUG 19:13 < Flannel> Anyone have any topics to add to it currently? 19:13 < Flannel> Alright. So, first topic: OSCON. 19:13 < Grantbow> Did anyone actually go to OSCON or read some good writeups about it? http://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/public/content/home 19:13 < Flannel> OSCON wrapped up a few days ago. I know Joe was at OSCON 19:14 < Flannel> I think he's planning on telling us all about it once he gets home 19:14 < Flannel> So, we'll look forward to that in the next few weeks 19:15 < nhaines> Sounds good. 19:15 < Flannel> Next topic is Lindependence. 19:15 < Grantbow> http://radar.oreilly.com/ has some info on OSCON for those interested 19:15 < Flannel> We got a lovely email from Larry about Lindependence a few hours ago: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/2008-July/000359.html 19:16 < Grantbow> Yes, I attended the first day and Daniel covered last Tuesday and yesterday. I think that's the last scheduled event. 19:16 < nhaines> Grantbow: There's one more scheduled event for September, I believe. 19:17 < Grantbow> Unfortunately we didn't have any Internet connectivity the first day. 19:17 < Grantbow> for Felton or is that the next town? 19:17 < Flannel> For those of you who haven't read the email yet: It went superbly. So well, that they're planning to try and do somethign similar in another town. 19:17 < Grantbow> Boulder Creek 19:18 < Flannel> And, the rest you can read yourselves, I won't spoil it. 19:18 < Grantbow> a town in Italy? cool. 19:18 < Flannel> Italy? 19:19 < Grantbow> http://linuxlock.blogspot.com/ talks about the towns that called them. 19:19 < Grantbow> Vicenza Italy was one 19:20 < AlgorithmicContr> That's very interesting 19:20 < nhaines> That's just a list of where some other users were interested in doing a similar event. 19:21 < nhaines> Okay, anything else to report about Lindependence? 19:21 < Grantbow> I met nice people from all different levels of expertise. 19:21 < Grantbow> It was fun. I guess that's it for now. 19:23 < Grantbow> As for UserGroup Contacts, as I mentioned in the email I worked on a couple pages for this. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-ca/2008-July/000355.html 19:23 < Flannel> Alright, so, Next topic: status updates on: contacting local User groups, which is already underway! 19:24 < Grantbow> We now need people to start talking about the LoCo with their user groups. 19:24 < Grantbow> If you do, please edit one of the two pages listed there. 19:24 < Grantbow> SGVLUG can be added pretty soon I assume. :-) 19:25 < nhaines> I intend to talk to the president of the OCLUG next time there's a meeting. I thought I'd get to do it yesterday but no meeting this month. :) 19:25 < nhaines> Although I've already mentioned the LoCo to him. 19:25 < Grantbow> great 19:25 < Grantbow> sorry there was no meeting 19:25 < Flannel> We've already talked to NOCCC too, we'll have to remember details and throw them up there. 19:26 < nhaines> Since the change in leadership at NOCCC, it might be wise to touch base again. 19:26 < Grantbow> There's also a comments page I populated with the discussion from two weeks ago about confidentiality of the LUG contacts. 19:26 < Grantbow> link is at the bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/UserGroupContacts 19:27 < Flannel> Some of these pages will be moved, but the link will still be there. 19:27 < Grantbow> huh? 19:28 < Flannel> Grantbow: I'll explain after the meeting 19:28 < nhaines> Grantbow: we'll reorganize the pages so they make more sense logically. 19:28 < troyready> I don't see anything about confidentiality; just curious as to what that entails 19:28 < Grantbow> ok 19:28 < Grantbow> I was thinking about how to link it from our wiki - for users I think the Groups page of brainstorming is more appropriate. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Groups 19:28 < nhaines> troyready: concerns about email harvesters scraping the wiki pages. 19:28 < troyready> nhaines: OOOH, right; thanks 19:28 < Flannel> troyready: and what we might be able to do to mitigate those concernes 19:28 < Grantbow> it was a discussion last week - I removed them for now. 19:28 < nhaines> Grantbow: probably through Projects, but we'll have to talk it over. 19:29 < Grantbow> interesting, ok 19:29 < Flannel> Anyone have questions/comments about UGCs? 19:29 < Flannel> or anything associated with it? 19:29 < Grantbow> FYI, I added a bunch of Northern California links to the Groups page. 19:30 < Grantbow> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/HardwareSuppliers is next I think. 19:30 < Flannel> Indeed. If we're done with UGCs, we'll move on to the related Hardware Suppliers topic 19:31 < Grantbow> Sorry, didn't mean to jump ahead. 19:31 < nhaines> I *think* we're done. Ongoing project and all that. 19:32 < Flannel> Grantbow: yeah, go ahead. 19:32 < Grantbow> I've updated that Hardware Suppliers page and slightly adapted the letter to incorporate the comments from two weeks ago. 19:32 < Grantbow> I was just working on it before the meeting. 19:32 < Grantbow> Flannel: thanks for links to those materials - I've added those to the bottom. 19:33 < Grantbow> It seems canonical is revamping their partner program. 19:33 < Grantbow> I had to update the link and they added a new IHV class of partners in the last week I just noticed. 19:33 < Grantbow> Comments welcome - what do you guys thing? 19:33 < Grantbow> *think? 19:34 < nhaines> I haven't had the chance to take a look at it yet but I hope to get to it this week. 19:34 < Flannel> Grantbow: Most of this content (the "how to do this" stuff) could probably be merged into the main project page(s) 19:35 < Grantbow> the main project is dead 19:35 < Flannel> Grantbow: That means you're restarting the main project! 19:35 < Grantbow> it's hardly been touched in months 19:36 < Grantbow> uh, no, lol 19:36 < Grantbow> we are doing our thing and that's enough for now. 19:36 < Flannel> The California specific page I *think* should deal with just CA specific stuff (who we've contacted, etc) 19:36 < troyready> The infrastructure of our wiki page looks good 19:37 < nhaines> We should definitely be working to support the national efforts as well. 19:37 < Flannel> s/national/global/ 19:37 < Grantbow> troyready: thank you 19:38 < Grantbow> since the global effort fell apart I think we are on our own for awhile 19:38 < nhaines> Well, at *least* national. But national level should be working with global efforts too. It's like the circle of life only without the catchy song. :) 19:38 < Flannel> Grantbow: The "global" effort consists of whomever is working on it. Putting the content on the other page won't obligate you to do anything globally. 19:38 < Grantbow> I've looked at the two or three other attempts to implement this. It didn't get very far and the information is displayed in a number of ways. 19:38 < Flannel> It'll only help other people who want to do it. 19:39 < Grantbow> OK, I can edit the latter template with your suggestions about "Display Ubuntu information or CDs in your store? " 19:39 < Grantbow> *letter 19:40 < Grantbow> and add the links to the materials on that other page instead 19:40 < Flannel> I'm not sure which template you're talking about. We can talk details after the meeting. I'd be interested to see the other attempts to implement it as well. 19:40 < Grantbow> they are linked from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFriendlyHardwareSuppliers when you have time to look 19:40 < Flannel> Since, that might go on for hours, and I know nhaines has an early bedtime 19:41 < Grantbow> Belgium, Australia, UK and Tamil 19:41 < Grantbow> yup, next topic 19:41 < Grantbow> Yasumoto isn't here, is he? 19:41 < Flannel> Alright. So, we'll discuss the hardware stuff after the meeting for whomever is interested in putting in their comments/etc 19:42 < Flannel> No, he can't make it tonight 19:42 < Flannel> Alright, so the next topic is LWE 19:42 < Grantbow> He was the one contacting Canonical for us, right? 19:42 < Flannel> Yasumoto had discussed some things with some people. Does anyone know what the final outcome was? 19:43 < Flannel> the dotORG pavilion was full, and last I heard he hadn't heard back from jono 19:43 < nhaines> Yikes, I should know this one. 19:43 < Flannel> and He'll be at LWE 19:43 < nhaines> I'm sure Canonical won't mind any extra help. 19:44 < Grantbow> right 19:44 < Grantbow> I'll get some CDs made and get them to the BALUG booth. 19:45 < Flannel> I'll ask Joe to send us an email on that. Since it can't wait for the next meeting. 19:45 < nhaines> Okay, so we'll follow up on this via the list. 19:45 < Flannel> For those of you who don't know, It's Aug 4-7 (next week, M-R) 19:45 < Grantbow> yes, LWE is Aug 4, next meeting is Aug 10 19:45 < Grantbow> Ubucon is Aug 7th 19:46 < Grantbow> I guess that's it. 19:46 < Flannel> Alright, so, keep your eyes peeled for LWE info. 19:46 < Flannel> Next topic is GBJ 19:47 < Flannel> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/GlobalBugJam 19:47 < Grantbow> greg-g: ping 19:47 < Flannel> Our GBJ (or one of them, at least) is going to be on August 9th, at Chapman 19:47 < Flannel> University, in the City of Orange 19:48 < nhaines> And it is going to be awesome. 19:48 < Flannel> We're currently starting at around 10am, and we'll run more or less "all day". It'll be losely scheduled. 19:48 < Flannel> And yes, it should be awesome. 19:48 < troyready> whoohooo 19:48 < Flannel> We'll have keysigning party before hand, and we should have instructions on how to be prepared for said keysigning soon (on the ML) 19:49 < nhaines> So that means we're meeting before 10? 19:49 < Flannel> Maybe nhaines can dig up his presentation that has been postponed a number of times 19:49 < nhaines> I'll work on it. ;) 19:49 < Flannel> nhaines: Nah. We'll probably start everything at 10, with triaging at 11 or something 19:49 < Flannel> Biggest thing to Remember: It will be FUN, and you don't have to know anything to come and participate. 19:50 < nhaines> I sat down with jjpeters and danage a couple weeks back and explained GPG to them. Lightbulbs went on, so I suppose I'm not totally bad at explaining GPG. :) 19:50 < Grantbow> nice 19:50 < nhaines> If you've ever wanted to help out Ubuntu but don't know where to begin, this is your chance to find out! 19:50 < Flannel> Thepoint of GBJ is to sit down and have fun with our team. So even if we don't get any bugs triaged or fixed, it'll still be a success. 19:50 < Grantbow> IRC presence as well during the events, right? 19:50 < nhaines> You don't have to be good at it because it's easy and we're going to teach you and all work together. 19:50 < Flannel> Yeah, we'll be on IRC, and might even have video/audio feeds 19:51 < Flannel> Carpools might be available for those who want/need it. 19:51 < nhaines> Flannel: I'll blog about it on Planet. 19:51 < Grantbow> There is nothing scheduled here yet but greg-g and I will pull something together one way or another. 19:51 < Flannel> nhaines: Oh yeah. You're all fancy with your planet feed. 19:52 * Grantbow cheers nhaines 19:52 < Flannel> For those of you wondering, the schedule that's on there will almost certainly be broken. 19:52 < Flannel> Anyway, anyone have questions/whatevers about GBJ? 19:52 * Flannel doesn't know if he mentioned it. 19:52 < Flannel> It's in two weeks, minus one day. 19:53 < nhaines> I'm especially looking forward to the part where we eat. 19:53 < Flannel> Alright, well, if you have questions, shoot an email to the mailing list, since someone else probably has that same question. 19:54 < Flannel> Next topic: SGVLUG Presentation 19:54 < Flannel> This Presentation is the Thursday after GBJ. Which means its on August 14th. 19:54 < Flannel> The SGVLUG meeting goes from 7-9, and we get half (not sure which half). 19:54 < nhaines> That's two weeks, plus four days. 19:54 < Flannel> Everyone/Anyone is encouraged to attend. 19:56 < Flannel> We'll be giving a presentation on Ubuntu... and... Ubuntu. 19:56 < Flannel> Server, Desktop, Flavors, etc. It'll be an all around good time. 19:56 < Grantbow> http://sgvlug.org/ 19:56 < Flannel> And if anyone has any ideas they want to offer for what we ought to cover... let me or nhaines know. 19:56 < nhaines> So if anyone has any suggestions as far as specific topics, they should bring it up. 19:57 < Flannel> We're definately open to suggestions. As long as they're not stupid. 19:57 < nhaines> You know how it is. You use Ubuntu long enough and you start to take things for granted. 19:57 < Flannel> Alright, so, that's not true. We're even open to stupid suggestions ;) 19:58 * Flannel lets everyone know he's joking. We really are open to everything. 19:58 < Flannel> And even if we don't use them this time, we'll keep them in mind for next time. 19:58 < Flannel> Apart from that, we're done with the agenda. 19:58 < Grantbow> good timing 19:59 < Flannel> Oh right. SGVLUG meets at CalTech 19:59 < Flannel> Anyone have anything else to discuss tonight? 20:00 < Flannel> Alright, that about does it. Thank you all for coming. Next meeting is in Two weeks (that's the day after our Bug Jam), August 10th. 7pm.