Sunday, June 1st, 2008, 7:00pm (1900) PDT
NOCCC (North Orange County Computer Club) presentation
- 50 people in attendance, passed out some Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs, and business cards.
- In the future, we might want sheets of paper with important URLs and information on them to pass out.
Presentation slides are online: http://www.nhaines.com/ubuntu/california/presentations/noccc-presentation.odp
- Some people asked us to come back again in a year or so to give updates.
- Link to Yasumoto's photos of the event will be on the mailing list soon
SGVLUG Presentation
- Want us to come give a presentation about Ubuntu specifically (they're a LUG, so they probably know about Linux in general)
- Tentative date: August 14
- More information as the date gets closer
- Going to make CD sleeves: you print off a 8.5x11 sheet, then fold it into a CD sleeve, and it has information about Ubuntu on it
- Need designs for the sleeves, so we can design it collaboratively
- nhaines is an Ubuntu Member now!
- Yay!
Original Agenda
- CSULB Recording Followup
NOCCC Presentation Followup
SGVLUG Presentation -- August 14, Tentative
- Nathan Haines is an official Ubuntu Member!
19:05 < Flannel> Alright, 7:05! Welcome everyone to our first meeting in June! 19:05 < Flannel> Our agenda for this evening is pretty simple at the moment, if you have anything you'd like to add to it, be sure to speak up at some point: 19:06 < Flannel> 1: NOCCC recap, 2: SGVLUG announcement 19:06 < Flannel> so, I suppose our meeting so far is all about acronyms. Anyway, anyone have any topics to add for the time being? 19:07 < Yasumoto> I'm good 19:07 < nhaines> We should resolve to get those radio recordings. 19:07 < Yasumoto> nhaines at noccc ftw 19:07 < magitek> yea, awesome presentation 19:07 < Flannel> nhaines: We should. You want to email Glenn about them? 19:08 < nhaines> Flannel: That's what I get for raising a topic. :) Sure, I'll try again. 19:08 < troyready> radip recordings? 19:08 < troyready> frpm noccc? 19:08 < Flannel> troyready: Before the CSULB install thing, nhaines and I did a radio interview with Glenn to promote it 19:09 < Flannel> (that would've been at the end of april) 19:09 < troyready> Got it - I saw pics 19:09 < Flannel> Alright, so, first topic, NOCCC presentation was today 19:10 < Flannel> We had about 50 people in attendance, passed out a number of Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs, and passed out some business cards. 19:11 < sn9> is that an organization that has a gripe with the California Conservation Corps? 19:11 < Flannel> So, expect to see some new faces around here, the ML, and forums, asking questions about Ubuntu and Linux 19:11 < Flannel> sn9: I don't think so? 19:11 < sn9> no-ccc 19:11 < Yasumoto> sn9: north orange county computer club noccc.org 19:11 < sn9> ah 19:11 < magitek> it's an organization whose collective age of its members is in the triple digits 19:12 < danage> ? 19:12 < magitek> actually maybe quadruple, sorry. 19:12 < Flannel> danage: Most of the members are retirees 19:12 < magitek> but seriously, it's really cool. it's the oldest (2nd maybe) computer club in america 19:12 < nhaines> And engineers. 19:12 < symptom> so thats like 2-20 yrlds? 19:12 < Flannel> Nathan gave a great speech about Ubuntu and Linux in general, and we got a lot of good audience questions afterwards. 19:13 < sn9> ten 99-year-olds would still be quadruple digits 19:13 < nhaines> Flannel: and during as well. :) 19:13 < symptom> sn9, but there were 50 of them there... 19:13 < Flannel> nhaines: In the future, we may want something to pass out to orgs like this, I noticed they all were taking notes. 19:13 < nhaines> There were a lot of very insightful, direct questions. 19:13 < danage> notes!!! 19:13 < Flannel> Just a note sheet thing with some URLS and names and stuff. 19:14 < nhaines> Yes, I wasn't prepared for that, but definitely. 19:14 < Yasumoto> Flannel: that's a really good idea 19:14 < sn9> if they've all been around so long, how is it that they didn't already know the answers? ;) 19:14 < Yasumoto> Flannel: with more info than the business cards and such? 19:15 < danage> sn9: ... 19:15 < magitek> A lot of them were already linux users but really liked ubuntu and are switching 19:15 < Flannel> Yasumoto: Yeah, URLs, Descriptions, DEfinitions, just... general stuff, and then space for them to write (or the back, I guess) 19:15 < Yasumoto> maybe things like some key applications for things 19:15 < sn9> magitek: that's what i would have expected 19:15 < Yasumoto> like nhaines explanation about rhythmbox/firefox/etc 19:15 < Yasumoto> Flannel: i like that idea 19:16 < magitek> Perhaps a general windows to linux list? 19:16 < Yasumoto> magitek: like gopher-style? 19:16 < Flannel> There are plenty of those on the interblags, I'm thinking more Ubuntu/Linux general knowledge 19:16 < magitek> like a faq? 19:17 < Flannel> And really, just a few things at the top of the page, and then just writing area 19:17 < magitek> heck, even just the presentation slide printouts with note space on the side would work 19:17 < sn9> there already is a general windows-to-linux list on the wiki 19:17 < Flannel> So when we gave them a URL, they'd already have it. 19:18 < nhaines> In hindsight, it was probably mean to throw shipit.ubuntu.com at them at the very end like that. :) 19:18 < Flannel> Well, and so they wouldn't have to squint at our business cards. 19:18 < sn9> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows 19:19 < magitek> That one guy was so amazed at the lack of need for defrag for ext 19:19 < sn9> linked from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu 19:20 < nhaines> Okay, I *think* I can guarantee that http://www.nhaines.com/ubuntu/california/presentations/noccc-presentation.odp will not change. 19:20 < nhaines> Yeah, when I said defragmentation wasn't necessary his jaw dropped. 19:20 < magitek> did that gnucash guy ever find you? 19:20 < Yasumoto> nhaines: haha, for sure :) 19:20 < Yasumoto> brb 19:21 < nhaines> magitek: definitely. 19:21 < Flannel> Anyone else have any other comments about today? 19:21 < magitek> just that yasumoto and i will be going back for their linux sig and continue to help them out i think 19:21 < nhaines> Flannel: I want to thank you for taking the reigns at the computer for a bit. 19:22 < Flannel> nhaines: Sooner or later I'll get mine working with a Wiimote 19:22 < nhaines> Flannel: and I also want to thank you for taking the last half of questions on stage so that I could demo some apps behind you. 19:22 < Flannel> Ah right, after the presentation, I fielded questions as nhaines played with Ubuntu behind me. 19:22 * nhaines no longer knows why he was trying to use his phone over bluetooth instead of his Wiimote. 19:22 < Flannel> Got some oohs and aaahs 19:22 < nhaines> Michael's picture got the aaahs. :) 19:23 < nhaines> So, uh, thanks to ecubuntu for that picture I guess. 19:23 < sn9> shouldn't be too hard to put wiimote support into LIRC 19:23 < Flannel> I think its already been done, to be honest 19:23 < nhaines> Oh right, some members asked us back in a year or so to give updates. 19:24 < Flannel> Right, so in a year, someone remind someone ;) 19:24 < magitek> should we edit it onto the wiki? 19:24 < nhaines> So all in all, we could say that this was a triumph. 19:24 < Flannel> magitek: It'll go into the meeting summary 19:24 < nhaines> I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. 19:25 < nhaines> It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. 19:25 < Flannel> They really were a great audience. 19:25 < sn9> yet another linux mission accomplished: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.video.video4linux/38323 19:25 < Flannel> Alright, next topic is SGVLUG. San Gabriel Valley LUG. 19:26 < magitek> ooh, where's it at? I'm from that area originally 19:26 < Flannel> They want us to come give a presentation about Ubuntu (since they know what Linux is), and present some cool new features. 19:26 < Flannel> The first month they have open is August, and tentatively we're scheduled for then (I have yet to hear back on confirmation of the date) 19:27 < Flannel> They meet the Second Thursday of the month. At... I don't know. check the website. 19:27 < sn9> they know what linux is, but they don't know what ubuntu is? 19:27 < troyready> So, the 14th. 19:28 < Flannel> sn9: well, they're a LUG, so its safe to assume we don't have to explain Linux. But, we shouldn't assume they know Ubuntu. Especially if they think they do, but have misconceptions. 19:28 < Flannel> troyready: right. 19:28 < magitek> they're probably like the noccc guys, they've heard of it, but dont really know why its different from other distros 19:28 < Flannel> But, August is just tentative. We'll know more (and more about the audience) as time goes on. 19:28 < nhaines> Or else they want to take a day to focus on Ubuntu and its new features. 19:28 < nhaines> Naturally, we're the resource that is expert on Ubuntu, so it only makes sense to ask us for more info. 19:29 < sn9> might be good to compare and contrast side-by-side laptops, one with ubuntu, and one with some other distro 19:29 < Flannel> sn9: we're not really out to make enemies 19:29 < sn9> it can be a way to celebrate distro diversity 19:29 < Flannel> Well, its true, but if we do that, we need to tread very lightly. 19:29 < sn9> especially if the other laptop is showcased by someone really big on that distro 19:30 < troyready> As to not end up like the Apple people. 19:30 < nhaines> Better to showcase Ubuntu's strengths. 19:30 < sn9> troyready: apple people have nothing on OS/2 people 19:31 < Flannel> Since, at the end of the day, any Linux is better than no Linux. And Ubuntu doesn't fit everyone's needs. 19:31 < troyready> agreed. 19:31 < sn9> right -- one size fits most 19:32 < sn9> that's the phrase i've always used to describe ubuntu as a distro 19:32 < Flannel> So, that's coming up in a few months. And that, I believe, is the end of our agenda so far. 19:32 < Flannel> Anyone else have any other topics for today? 19:32 < nhaines> CD sleeves? 19:33 < Flannel> Oh, sure. 19:33 < Flannel> We're hoping to make CD sleeves so we don't have to write furiously during installfests. 19:34 < Flannel> These would be origami sleeves, you print on an 8.5x11 piece of paper, and then the CDs get slid inside. 19:35 < nhaines> They're pretty neat. 19:35 < Flannel> I've got the folding dimensions and stuff down, and I've got a template... well, not handy. It'll be made available. And we're looking for designs for putting all the stuff on it. 19:35 < Flannel> they are pretty neat. And if we do them right, we'll be able to give them to all the LoCos to use, and make everyone look a lot more professional than sharpie-on-CDs 19:36 < sn9> maybe get a huge sheet of tyvek? 19:36 < Flannel> That's expensive ;) 19:36 < Flannel> paper, not so much. 19:37 < Flannel> Anyway, we'll be asking anyone and everyone who wants to come up with their own design, both for artwork, and layout of general information and stuff. 19:37 < Flannel> Sort of like what we did with the LoCo Logo, only I imagine that this will end up being a lot more collaborative for the final product. 19:37 < Flannel> So, get crazy, get creative, and spread the word. 19:38 < Flannel> The templates, blank and otherwise, will be going up... somewhere (probably the wiki), for you to all grab and play with. Keep your eyes on the list. 19:38 < Flannel> for the URL(s) 19:38 < Flannel> We have no deadline, and this won't be restricted to Ubuntu California people either. We're just looking for the best design we can get. 19:38 < nhaines> I'll make the photos Yasumoto took of the NOCCC event available on Flickr, so watch the mailing list and Planet Ubuntu. 19:39 < sn9> maybe start with the shipit designs? 19:39 < nhaines> The shipit designs don't match the origami design. 19:40 < Flannel> sn9: If you'd like, sure. There has to be a bit more information on them, since the sleeves will be for [any flavor] and [any version] 19:40 < Flannel> And, yeah, not as much surface area. 19:40 < sn9> mail merge... 19:40 < magitek> the sleeve should have a url to the loco on it saying "for help, go to" etc... 19:40 < Flannel> It'll be more apparent when you see... actually. If you're interested, hang around after the meeting, I'll throw some crappy prototypesup 19:41 < Flannel> I think we're done though. Anyone else have any more business? 19:41 < nhaines> Em, can I mention that I'm an Ubuntu member now? 19:41 < Flannel> Oh, right, 19:41 < nhaines> Since I made the newletter. :) 19:41 < Flannel> Last... thursday? 19:41 < sn9> is that new? 19:41 < nhaines> Wednesday. 19:41 < Flannel> nhaines: became an official Ubuntu Member 19:41 < magitek> congratulations! 19:42 < troyready> woot woot 19:42 < Flannel> Joining the ranks of... me... and Ju. And, maybe a few others. 19:42 < sn9> i don't think anybody else here is 19:43 < Flannel> Alright. Thank you all for coming, next meeting, two weeks, 7pm. Which... is June 15.
CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/08June01 (last edited 2009-03-27 23:14:34 by adsl-71-132-221-139)