
Sunday, October 5th, 2008, 7:00pm (1900) PDT


  1. Lindependence 2008
    1. In Portland, OR on 10/25
    2. lcafiero is looking for someone to represent Ubuntu in Portland at this event. Has talked to Jono and someone in the Oregon LoCo, but hasn't found anyone yet.

    3. Suggestions: ask Pacific Northwest team, Washington LoCo, Grant Bowman (who was at the last Lindependence)

  2. Intrepid release plans
    1. Likely have a release party (and maybe an installfest) at Chapman University
    2. Jono is doing something on the 30th in SF
    3. troyready has been using Intrepid and likes it.

Original Agenda

  1. Intrepid release plans
  2. Lindependence 2008 Portland -- seeking an Ubuntu rep for 10/25 event.


19:10 < Flannel> so, lcafiero, anything you want to talk about?
19:10 < Flannel> troyready!
19:10 < troyready> Hello!
19:11 < lcafiero> Well, I did put on the agenda the Lindependence 2008 Portland event on 10/25 in Portland, Ore.
19:11 < troyready> (Sorry I'm late; managed to tear myself away from 8.10 beta testing and child-rearing)
19:11 < Flannel> No Problem troyready
19:11 < lcafiero> I'm looking for someone to represent Ubuntu in Portland at this event, and looking for help from the Calif. LoCo to see if a.) anyone knows someone in Oregon who can do this,
19:12 < lcafiero> or b.) someone from Calif to take a road trip up there.
19:12 < Flannel> lcafiero: From last meeting, if I remember correctly, you mentioned that youalready tried talking to the LoCo team up there?
19:12 < lcafiero> I've been in touch with Jono Bacon on this as well, but I thought I'd put it out there.
19:12 < lcafiero> I've also contacted someone on the IRC channel from the Oregon LoCo but nothing materialized
19:12 < lcafiero> So far.
19:13 < lcafiero> So that's all I wanted to bring up -- if anyone has any ideas, I'm open to them.
19:13 < jbermudes> hmm
19:13 < jbermudes> i dont know anybody from oregon, sorry
19:13 < Flannel> lcafiero: did you try the pwn team?
19:13 < Flannel> er, PNW
19:13 < Flannel> Pacific Northwest
19:13 < lcafiero> grant bowman did a great job representing Ubuntu at Lindependence Felton in July.
19:13 < lcafiero> As did Daniel Gimpelevich
19:14 < lcafiero> Was not aware that there was a PNW LoCo.
19:14 < Flannel> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PNWTeam
19:15 < lcafiero> Come to think of it, Portland is close enough to Washington to see if I could tap someone from the Washington LoCo
19:15 < lcafiero> Thanks Flannel
19:15 < Flannel> I'm not sure if they have a channel, but htey have a mailing list.
19:15 < lcafiero> I'll check that out.
19:15 < lcafiero> Thanks, Flannel
19:16 < lcafiero> That's all I had to bring to the meeting, and ask of folks.
19:16 < Flannel> lcafiero: Hope you find someone from there.  They've got some OR people, etc.
19:16 < Flannel> Its a bit far for me ;)
19:16 < lcafiero> I have talked to Jono Bacon about it, but he hasn't gotten back to me on it.
19:16 < lcafiero> It's a bit far for me, too.
19:17 < lcafiero> There was something else on the agenda . . . but I forgot what it was.
19:17 < Flannel> Aye.  Intrepid stuffs.
19:18 < Flannel> troyready, jbermudes: Either of you have comments on the Intrepid party/whatever?  What sort of event you'd like to have?
19:19 < lcafiero> Oh right.
19:19 < troyready> Mmmmm, none that I can think of
19:19 < troyready> I'm pretty easy to please
19:19 < lcafiero> We're having an event at Cabrillo College in Aptos around the time of the release.
19:19 < troyready> I presume party is distinct from installfest?
19:20 < Flannel> troyready: It needn't be.  We could do a party with an installfest, etc.
19:20 < Flannel> We can do whatever we want.
19:20 < jbermudes> well, if u want to throw something at chapman, we can arrange that
19:20 < jbermudes> yasumoto and I
19:21 < Flannel> lcafiero: did you see that jono is having a thing on the 30th in SF? http://www.jonobacon.org/
19:22 < lcafiero> We normally merge both -- have cake, pizza at all our installfests, which are biweekly
19:22 < Flannel> troyready: Would you like to include an installfest?
19:22 < lcafiero> We'll hold ours at the meeting date closest to the release of Intrepid.
19:23 < troyready> I guess I'd say yes, though I don't feel strongly about it
19:24 < Flannel> troyready: Alright.  Well, from the utter lack of response to Yasumoto's email, I think most people don't feel strongly about it.
19:25 < jbermudes> lol
19:28 < Flannel> jbermudes: We'll likely use Chapman, yes.
19:29 < Flannel> Alright, anyone else have anything to bring up?
19:29 < troyready> Orange, CA: City on the Move. woot
19:29 < jbermudes> heh
19:29 < Flannel> For those who don't know.  Intrepid beta was released a few days ago.
19:30 < jbermudes> have you used it?
19:30 < lcafiero> Go Red Sox (sorry)
19:30 < Flannel> not I, but troyready has I think.
19:30 < troyready> Yeah, put it on me eee last night
19:31 < troyready> Lots of little nice things. Surprising to see the dark theme gone.
19:32 < Flannel> troyready: Its using the warty wallpaper currently, right?
19:33 < troyready> I'm not old-achool enoigh dor that. A circle of non-descript circles?
19:33 < Flannel> Oh, maybe not.
19:33 < Flannel> Nope.  I must've heard wrong.
19:36 < troyready> Still some annoying config tweaks required for the eees, but hopefully the bug reports will get addressed
19:42 < Flannel> Alright, well, for those of you who haven't figured it out.  We'll wind up the meeting.  Next meeting will be in two weeks, October 19.

CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/08October05 (last edited 2009-04-03 02:04:27 by adsl-71-132-203-130)