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If you have anything else you'd like to add to the agenda, or want to make some changes, please feel free to edit it. Please include an explanation of your item if it's not immediately apparent. ## !!! WHEN COPYING THIS TEXT: double-check the timezone is right !!! ## 7PM PDT (Summer time) is 2AM UTC. 7PM PST (Winter time) is 3AM UTC. Our meetings are held for about 90 minutes every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PDT / 02:00 UTC in our IRC channel, [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|#ubuntu-california on freenode]]. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the [[CaliforniaTeam/ContactUs|Contact page]]. Hope to see you online! |
=== Log === {{{ 19:06:07 < Flannel> Alright, it's 7:05, we'll go ahead and get started. 19:06:24 < Flannel> Welcome everyone to Summer time :) And happy equinox! 19:06:53 < Flannel> Our agenda for tonight can befound here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/10March21 19:07:26 < Flannel> It currently consists of two things, Global Jam planning, and Release party preliminary planning 19:08:12 < Flannel> If you've have any items to add, feel free to do so throughout tonight and we'll tack them onto the end if we have time. 19:08:17 < Flannel> First though, announcements. 19:08:44 < Flannel> Lucid Beta 1 was released last week, 19:09:26 < Flannel> (and yes, we do have two betas this time around, for the LTS) 19:09:33 < Flannel> Anyone else have anything? 19:09:49 < dragon> Do we have some new people amongst us tonight? 19:10:24 < DonkeyHotei> i think Jamezq12323 is new; haven't seen him 19:10:34 < Jamezq12323> No, I was here last time 19:10:39 < Flannel> He was here last time 19:10:41 < Flannel> yeah, what he said. 19:10:43 < DonkeyHotei> ok 19:10:48 < dk_> I'm new -- 19:10:53 < nhaines> Jamezq12323: well, glad you're back. :) 19:11:05 < Jamezq12323> Welcome dk_ 19:11:21 < grantbow> aloha dk_ 19:11:31 < Jamezq12323> :/ getting used too the buttons on lucid. 19:11:52 < Flannel> Howdy dk_, welcome, and be sure to ask if you've got questions 19:12:11 < dk_> Flannel: thanks, no worries - i'll ask... but have no questions at the moment 19:12:16 < Flannel> Anyone else have announcements? 19:13:09 < Flannel> Alright, we'll move on to our first item of the night, global jams. 19:13:33 < Flannel> Global Jam is next weekend, and we're holding three events arranged around the state. 19:14:44 < Flannel> Anyone from either the Berkeley or SF Bay one have anything that still needs any final-pinnings? 19:15:13 < Flannel> From the wiki page ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/LucidGlobalJam ) It looks like the SF Bay one doesn't have a solidified time, is that still the case? 19:15:16 < pleia2> not really, but I will say that our agenda for berkeley is still fluid, so if you want to participate/present/show something you're welcome to propose something :) 19:16:17 < Flannel> nhaines: The orange one still is looking for ideas for a second topic, correct? 19:16:24 < rww> I found out today that I have work on Sunday. Was hoping to go to both :( 19:16:27 < grantbow> Flannel: it's all day on Friday 19:16:30 < pleia2> Flannel: afaik 10-6 is the solid time, people can stay later but they should shoot for that timeframe since that's when jono will be there 19:16:31 < grantbow> jono: ping 19:16:37 < nhaines> Flannel: second, third... we could use a couple more ideas. :) 19:16:50 < Flannel> pleia2: so it's "10 to at least 6" gothca 19:16:55 * pleia2 nods 19:17:57 < pleia2> also, all three of them are up on loco.ubuntu.com, so people can rsvp: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california 19:18:31 < grantbow> pleia2: nice 19:18:47 < Flannel> So, in summary, we've got one on Friday from 10am to 6am in East SF Bay, 19:18:56 < jono> grantbow, hey 19:19:06 < Flannel> One on Saturday from 2 to 8pm on Orange, 19:19:13 < jono> gonna be fun :) 19:19:14 < mrandrzejak> hi all 19:19:15 < Flannel> and one on Sunday from noon to at least 3pm 19:19:21 < Flannel> in Berkeley 19:19:22 < rww> Flannel: 10am to 6Pm, actually. We're not /that/ crazy about Ubuntu. 19:19:31 < Flannel> rww: Did I say am? oh, I did. 19:20:10 < Flannel> rww: We should add a topical summary on the wikipage as well 19:20:39 < Flannel> rww: I don't mind doing it later unless someone else would like to volunteer 19:21:56 < Flannel> Anyone have anything else about the global jams? 19:22:26 < Flannel> Next weekend should be a lot of fun, be sure to check it out if you're near one. 19:22:57 < Flannel> We'll go ahead and move on to our next topic, which is prelimiary discussion for Lucid Release events. 19:23:38 < Flannel> We're not worried about pinning things down in firm details yet, more just as a brainstorm for ideas and things 19:23:46 * grantbow cheers - about 6 weeks until release. 19:23:54 < Flannel> Oh yeah. 19:24:09 < nhaines> Actual scheduled release date is April 29th, 2010. 19:24:19 < Flannel> Lucid releases at the end of April (last Thursday, which is the 29th) and it'll be our third LTS. 19:24:57 < Flannel> In the past we've done both release parties and installfests associated with the release, 19:25:32 < Flannel> with the parties being near release, and installfests being at least a few weeks later to let the servers settle down and bugs get worked out before handing it to new users 19:26:09 < Flannel> but we don't have to stick to that, I believe Lucid should be a bit more stable because of the adjusted release schedule 19:26:44 < mrandrzejak> Are the release parties on the day, or sometime soon after the release date? 19:27:03 < nhaines> mrandrzejak: could be either. :) 19:27:04 < Flannel> mrandrzejak: Anytime we want, although I think the usual thing is to wait for the weekend 19:27:52 < Flannel> mrandrzejak: Lots of parties do happen on Thursdays though too 19:28:23 < Flannel> One thing we were throwing around at SCaLE was having a 'tour' of parties around CA, over the course of a weekend or two. 19:28:45 < pleia2> seeing as it's an LTS release, I'd really like to see CA shine this time around 19:28:54 < pleia2> florida had 7 release parties on release 19:28:58 < Flannel> So like (in SoCal) We'd have one in SD County, one in LA County, Orange County, Riverside, etc (those pretty much cover all of te lower SoCal) 19:29:45 < Flannel> And we'd do them all on one weekend or whatnot, with the same flyers advertising for parties across the whole state, which might generate some excitement 19:30:47 < Flannel> Looks like we might want to bring this topic to the ML. 19:31:00 < eps> ...or have one party on Amtrak, spanning several counties? 19:31:01 < Flannel> Those of you who are here, does a tour type thing sound interesting? 19:31:15 < Flannel> eps: Hah. That could be expensive 19:31:31 < grantbow> sounds interesting 19:31:37 < akk> The tour sounds great -- yay for having meets in lots of places. 19:31:46 < eps> Flannel: it's an LTS! Splurge a little. 19:32:31 < Flannel> akk: I really like the idea of a single flyer for advertising across the whole state, I think it might get people excited and go who otherwise wouldnt 19:32:57 < Flannel> eps: I'd like to gear it more towards new people rather than just celebrating 19:33:03 < dk_> Flannel: is there a document/wiki somewhere that describes the structure/events at one of the parties? 19:33:05 < pleia2> Flannel: I agree, it makes us look like an organized, professional group, rather than just some geeks getting together ;) 19:33:18 < Flannel> eps: I don't think many people would spend $15 or whatever to learn about that "ubantu thing" 19:33:25 < akk> Good point, pleia2. 19:33:36 < dk_> Flannel: having tried to organize LUG events in Riverside County, it can be a "dry" place - lacking in public forums to put things like this on, other than a university campus 19:33:55 < Flannel> pleia2: We've always tried to look organized and professional, it's something we pride ourselves on 19:34:15 < nhaines> dk_: that's good to know. But even a restaurant, coffee house, or so forth can be a good place. 19:34:33 < nhaines> Easier than an installfest, anyway. 19:34:35 < Flannel> dk_: Have you tried university campuses? I can make some calls to people at UCR and Redlands and see what I can scrounge up in terms of rooms 19:34:38 < grantbow> bulletin boards too 19:34:41 < dk_> i guess for a one time event, a restaurant or coffee house can be found 19:34:55 < dk_> Flannel: are you near Riverside or Redlands? 19:35:04 < Flannel> dk_: San Diego, but I know people at both 19:35:05 < pleia2> dk_: yeah, our global jam is just in a pizzeria, the bay one is in a coffee shop 19:35:31 < dk_> ok - so there wouldn't necessarily be an expectation of providing network access or power (or a projector) 19:35:32 < Flannel> pleia2: having a fat pipe for downloads does make things easier though 19:35:45 < pleia2> Flannel: yeah, depends on the type of event though :) 19:35:47 < dk_> for the global jam, but for the party too? 19:35:48 < eps> I'd think that for a release party, you'd want to show something running, even if it's just a late beta. 19:35:56 < akk> It's always tough to find public places with good public bandwidth. 19:35:57 < grantbow> many coffee shops have network access now 19:36:00 < Flannel> dk_: We'll get by without it, but having something like that certainly helps if we're going to try to do install stuff 19:36:29 < Flannel> dk_: Global Jam depends on the topics presented, some of them require network of some sort, others don't 19:36:40 < pleia2> I just don't want people to feel limited and can't have an event (even if it's just a party to liven the spirits of locals) because they can't find good wifi 19:36:41 < grantbow> akk: true, good access is harder to find 19:36:47 < dk_> Flannel: I'm in redlands - if you want to put me in touch with someone you know at either UCR or UofR - feel free to connect them to me 19:37:07 < pleia2> burning a pile of cds (and those lovely cd covers!) the night before could be plenty useful 19:37:36 < eps> pleia2: do we _have_ artwork? 19:37:50 < Flannel> eps: Artwork for what? 19:37:55 < pleia2> eps: actually, redesigning the team cd covers hasn't really been talked about 19:38:05 < eps> Flannel: CD sleeves 19:38:13 < pleia2> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/CDSleeves 19:38:14 < Flannel> eps: We've got ours, yes. 19:38:22 < eps> For Lucid? 19:38:28 < grantbow> eps: as you know with the new branding some of those materials are still coming out like the full new font, etc. 19:38:59 < eps> Uh-huh. Aren't those a dependency for us? 19:39:23 < eps> (I mean prerequisite.) 19:39:27 < Flannel> eps: Not if we just don't re-design, but yeah, it'd be nice if they were out anyway. Not sure when the community will get access to those things. 19:39:30 < rww> eps: They haven't been changed for the new branding strategy. My personal reasons for not working on it are 1) that we don 19:39:39 < pleia2> last I heard the artwork svgs "should be out by the end of the month" 19:39:44 < Flannel> eps: The current sleeves will still work though 19:39:46 < pleia2> the font is taking longer though 19:39:54 < pleia2> and yeah, the current sleeves are fine for now :) 19:39:57 < rww> 't have access to the materials yet, 2) I'm waiting to see to what extent the rest of the community changes their branding :) 19:40:12 < eps> rww: I like that. 19:40:18 < pleia2> I think they require a new checkbox for 10.04 though 19:40:30 < rww> pleia2: there's a version on the wiki with a 10.04 checkbox 19:40:38 < pleia2> rww: oh good :) thanks 19:40:38 < Flannel> pleia2: The SCaLE ones had 10.04, but yes :) 19:41:12 < Flannel> We got some good feedback from emmajane as well, so I hope to respin with some of that in mind as well 19:41:24 < grantbow> what's the CD sleeve license? 19:41:42 < Jamezq12323> Are we going to make it have a purple tint? 19:42:00 < pleia2> Flannel: is her feedback posted somewhere? we might end up trying to gather some opinions about it from our global jam too since we're also redesigning a pamphlet there 19:42:08 < Flannel> Jamezq12323: Printing backgrounds has some problems associated with it 19:42:18 < Jamezq12323> Like what? 19:42:35 < Flannel> pleia2: she wrote notes on my CD Sleeve, I can scan it I guess. a lot was verbal as well 19:42:36 < rww> grantbow: as I've mentioned, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ 19:42:40 < Flannel> pleia2: I can write something up from memory 19:42:51 < pleia2> Flannel: that would be very helpful :) 19:42:52 < Flannel> grantbow: CC0 with additional recommendations 19:43:41 < Flannel> and the posted ones will be updated with that once we sort out exact wording 19:43:48 < rww> grantbow: as I've also mentioned, the wiki page will be updated to reflect that when aforementioned recommendations are written :) 19:43:55 < grantbow> rww: you mentioned it but I don't see it posted 19:45:17 < Flannel> Anyone else have anything else for release discussion? 19:46:51 < Flannel> That's all we've got on our agenda, anything else before we call it a night? 19:47:10 < DonkeyHotei> other than drama, no 19:47:19 < rww> grantbow: should be dealt with in the next week or so. more important stuff keeps pushing it off my todo list 19:47:28 < nhaines> Just that branding and font source materials is supposed to be available by the end of the month. 19:47:29 < mrandrzejak> did i miss anything from 7:31 to 7:40? I had no chat text so i logged off and back on 19:47:44 < Flannel> mrandrzejak: Yeah, I'll pastebin it for you 19:47:49 < mrandrzejak> ty 19:48:33 < Jamezq12323> Well, is ubuntu going to make it easier to configure button position? Is the only question for me. 19:48:42 < nhaines> Jamezq12323: no. 19:48:47 < Jamezq12323> :( 19:48:56 < Flannel> Jamezq12323: Someone will make a tool, I'm sure. 19:48:58 < akk> Button position? 19:49:11 < Flannel> akk: The minimize/maximize/close buttons moving to the left 19:49:12 < nhaines> Jamezq12323: TweakUbuntu has a easy way, I believe. 19:49:27 < akk> Oh, well, use a window manager that lets you configure that! 19:49:37 < akk> There are only like 150 of them available in the repositories. :) 19:49:43 < grantbow> akk: for beta one they are one the left instead of right though this may change back. Either way it's configurable with gconf-editor 19:49:56 < grantbow> s/one/on/ 19:49:58 < Flannel> That looks like we're finished with the meeting, so thank you all for coming. Our next meeting is in two weeks, April 4th, at 7pm. }}} |
Sunday, March 21st, 2010, 7:00pm (1900) PDT
Original Agenda
Global Jam planning
Lucid Release event preliminary planning
19:06:07 < Flannel> Alright, it's 7:05, we'll go ahead and get started. 19:06:24 < Flannel> Welcome everyone to Summer time :) And happy equinox! 19:06:53 < Flannel> Our agenda for tonight can befound here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/10March21 19:07:26 < Flannel> It currently consists of two things, Global Jam planning, and Release party preliminary planning 19:08:12 < Flannel> If you've have any items to add, feel free to do so throughout tonight and we'll tack them onto the end if we have time. 19:08:17 < Flannel> First though, announcements. 19:08:44 < Flannel> Lucid Beta 1 was released last week, 19:09:26 < Flannel> (and yes, we do have two betas this time around, for the LTS) 19:09:33 < Flannel> Anyone else have anything? 19:09:49 < dragon> Do we have some new people amongst us tonight? 19:10:24 < DonkeyHotei> i think Jamezq12323 is new; haven't seen him 19:10:34 < Jamezq12323> No, I was here last time 19:10:39 < Flannel> He was here last time 19:10:41 < Flannel> yeah, what he said. 19:10:43 < DonkeyHotei> ok 19:10:48 < dk_> I'm new -- 19:10:53 < nhaines> Jamezq12323: well, glad you're back. :) 19:11:05 < Jamezq12323> Welcome dk_ 19:11:21 < grantbow> aloha dk_ 19:11:31 < Jamezq12323> :/ getting used too the buttons on lucid. 19:11:52 < Flannel> Howdy dk_, welcome, and be sure to ask if you've got questions 19:12:11 < dk_> Flannel: thanks, no worries - i'll ask... but have no questions at the moment 19:12:16 < Flannel> Anyone else have announcements? 19:13:09 < Flannel> Alright, we'll move on to our first item of the night, global jams. 19:13:33 < Flannel> Global Jam is next weekend, and we're holding three events arranged around the state. 19:14:44 < Flannel> Anyone from either the Berkeley or SF Bay one have anything that still needs any final-pinnings? 19:15:13 < Flannel> From the wiki page ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/LucidGlobalJam ) It looks like the SF Bay one doesn't have a solidified time, is that still the case? 19:15:16 < pleia2> not really, but I will say that our agenda for berkeley is still fluid, so if you want to participate/present/show something you're welcome to propose something :) 19:16:17 < Flannel> nhaines: The orange one still is looking for ideas for a second topic, correct? 19:16:24 < rww> I found out today that I have work on Sunday. Was hoping to go to both :( 19:16:27 < grantbow> Flannel: it's all day on Friday 19:16:30 < pleia2> Flannel: afaik 10-6 is the solid time, people can stay later but they should shoot for that timeframe since that's when jono will be there 19:16:31 < grantbow> jono: ping 19:16:37 < nhaines> Flannel: second, third... we could use a couple more ideas. :) 19:16:50 < Flannel> pleia2: so it's "10 to at least 6" gothca 19:16:55 * pleia2 nods 19:17:57 < pleia2> also, all three of them are up on loco.ubuntu.com, so people can rsvp: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california 19:18:31 < grantbow> pleia2: nice 19:18:47 < Flannel> So, in summary, we've got one on Friday from 10am to 6am in East SF Bay, 19:18:56 < jono> grantbow, hey 19:19:06 < Flannel> One on Saturday from 2 to 8pm on Orange, 19:19:13 < jono> gonna be fun :) 19:19:14 < mrandrzejak> hi all 19:19:15 < Flannel> and one on Sunday from noon to at least 3pm 19:19:21 < Flannel> in Berkeley 19:19:22 < rww> Flannel: 10am to 6Pm, actually. We're not /that/ crazy about Ubuntu. 19:19:31 < Flannel> rww: Did I say am? oh, I did. 19:20:10 < Flannel> rww: We should add a topical summary on the wikipage as well 19:20:39 < Flannel> rww: I don't mind doing it later unless someone else would like to volunteer 19:21:56 < Flannel> Anyone have anything else about the global jams? 19:22:26 < Flannel> Next weekend should be a lot of fun, be sure to check it out if you're near one. 19:22:57 < Flannel> We'll go ahead and move on to our next topic, which is prelimiary discussion for Lucid Release events. 19:23:38 < Flannel> We're not worried about pinning things down in firm details yet, more just as a brainstorm for ideas and things 19:23:46 * grantbow cheers - about 6 weeks until release. 19:23:54 < Flannel> Oh yeah. 19:24:09 < nhaines> Actual scheduled release date is April 29th, 2010. 19:24:19 < Flannel> Lucid releases at the end of April (last Thursday, which is the 29th) and it'll be our third LTS. 19:24:57 < Flannel> In the past we've done both release parties and installfests associated with the release, 19:25:32 < Flannel> with the parties being near release, and installfests being at least a few weeks later to let the servers settle down and bugs get worked out before handing it to new users 19:26:09 < Flannel> but we don't have to stick to that, I believe Lucid should be a bit more stable because of the adjusted release schedule 19:26:44 < mrandrzejak> Are the release parties on the day, or sometime soon after the release date? 19:27:03 < nhaines> mrandrzejak: could be either. :) 19:27:04 < Flannel> mrandrzejak: Anytime we want, although I think the usual thing is to wait for the weekend 19:27:52 < Flannel> mrandrzejak: Lots of parties do happen on Thursdays though too 19:28:23 < Flannel> One thing we were throwing around at SCaLE was having a 'tour' of parties around CA, over the course of a weekend or two. 19:28:45 < pleia2> seeing as it's an LTS release, I'd really like to see CA shine this time around 19:28:54 < pleia2> florida had 7 release parties on release 19:28:58 < Flannel> So like (in SoCal) We'd have one in SD County, one in LA County, Orange County, Riverside, etc (those pretty much cover all of te lower SoCal) 19:29:45 < Flannel> And we'd do them all on one weekend or whatnot, with the same flyers advertising for parties across the whole state, which might generate some excitement 19:30:47 < Flannel> Looks like we might want to bring this topic to the ML. 19:31:00 < eps> ...or have one party on Amtrak, spanning several counties? 19:31:01 < Flannel> Those of you who are here, does a tour type thing sound interesting? 19:31:15 < Flannel> eps: Hah. That could be expensive 19:31:31 < grantbow> sounds interesting 19:31:37 < akk> The tour sounds great -- yay for having meets in lots of places. 19:31:46 < eps> Flannel: it's an LTS! Splurge a little. 19:32:31 < Flannel> akk: I really like the idea of a single flyer for advertising across the whole state, I think it might get people excited and go who otherwise wouldnt 19:32:57 < Flannel> eps: I'd like to gear it more towards new people rather than just celebrating 19:33:03 < dk_> Flannel: is there a document/wiki somewhere that describes the structure/events at one of the parties? 19:33:05 < pleia2> Flannel: I agree, it makes us look like an organized, professional group, rather than just some geeks getting together ;) 19:33:18 < Flannel> eps: I don't think many people would spend $15 or whatever to learn about that "ubantu thing" 19:33:25 < akk> Good point, pleia2. 19:33:36 < dk_> Flannel: having tried to organize LUG events in Riverside County, it can be a "dry" place - lacking in public forums to put things like this on, other than a university campus 19:33:55 < Flannel> pleia2: We've always tried to look organized and professional, it's something we pride ourselves on 19:34:15 < nhaines> dk_: that's good to know. But even a restaurant, coffee house, or so forth can be a good place. 19:34:33 < nhaines> Easier than an installfest, anyway. 19:34:35 < Flannel> dk_: Have you tried university campuses? I can make some calls to people at UCR and Redlands and see what I can scrounge up in terms of rooms 19:34:38 < grantbow> bulletin boards too 19:34:41 < dk_> i guess for a one time event, a restaurant or coffee house can be found 19:34:55 < dk_> Flannel: are you near Riverside or Redlands? 19:35:04 < Flannel> dk_: San Diego, but I know people at both 19:35:05 < pleia2> dk_: yeah, our global jam is just in a pizzeria, the bay one is in a coffee shop 19:35:31 < dk_> ok - so there wouldn't necessarily be an expectation of providing network access or power (or a projector) 19:35:32 < Flannel> pleia2: having a fat pipe for downloads does make things easier though 19:35:45 < pleia2> Flannel: yeah, depends on the type of event though :) 19:35:47 < dk_> for the global jam, but for the party too? 19:35:48 < eps> I'd think that for a release party, you'd want to show something running, even if it's just a late beta. 19:35:56 < akk> It's always tough to find public places with good public bandwidth. 19:35:57 < grantbow> many coffee shops have network access now 19:36:00 < Flannel> dk_: We'll get by without it, but having something like that certainly helps if we're going to try to do install stuff 19:36:29 < Flannel> dk_: Global Jam depends on the topics presented, some of them require network of some sort, others don't 19:36:40 < pleia2> I just don't want people to feel limited and can't have an event (even if it's just a party to liven the spirits of locals) because they can't find good wifi 19:36:41 < grantbow> akk: true, good access is harder to find 19:36:47 < dk_> Flannel: I'm in redlands - if you want to put me in touch with someone you know at either UCR or UofR - feel free to connect them to me 19:37:07 < pleia2> burning a pile of cds (and those lovely cd covers!) the night before could be plenty useful 19:37:36 < eps> pleia2: do we _have_ artwork? 19:37:50 < Flannel> eps: Artwork for what? 19:37:55 < pleia2> eps: actually, redesigning the team cd covers hasn't really been talked about 19:38:05 < eps> Flannel: CD sleeves 19:38:13 < pleia2> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/CDSleeves 19:38:14 < Flannel> eps: We've got ours, yes. 19:38:22 < eps> For Lucid? 19:38:28 < grantbow> eps: as you know with the new branding some of those materials are still coming out like the full new font, etc. 19:38:59 < eps> Uh-huh. Aren't those a dependency for us? 19:39:23 < eps> (I mean prerequisite.) 19:39:27 < Flannel> eps: Not if we just don't re-design, but yeah, it'd be nice if they were out anyway. Not sure when the community will get access to those things. 19:39:30 < rww> eps: They haven't been changed for the new branding strategy. My personal reasons for not working on it are 1) that we don 19:39:39 < pleia2> last I heard the artwork svgs "should be out by the end of the month" 19:39:44 < Flannel> eps: The current sleeves will still work though 19:39:46 < pleia2> the font is taking longer though 19:39:54 < pleia2> and yeah, the current sleeves are fine for now :) 19:39:57 < rww> 't have access to the materials yet, 2) I'm waiting to see to what extent the rest of the community changes their branding :) 19:40:12 < eps> rww: I like that. 19:40:18 < pleia2> I think they require a new checkbox for 10.04 though 19:40:30 < rww> pleia2: there's a version on the wiki with a 10.04 checkbox 19:40:38 < pleia2> rww: oh good :) thanks 19:40:38 < Flannel> pleia2: The SCaLE ones had 10.04, but yes :) 19:41:12 < Flannel> We got some good feedback from emmajane as well, so I hope to respin with some of that in mind as well 19:41:24 < grantbow> what's the CD sleeve license? 19:41:42 < Jamezq12323> Are we going to make it have a purple tint? 19:42:00 < pleia2> Flannel: is her feedback posted somewhere? we might end up trying to gather some opinions about it from our global jam too since we're also redesigning a pamphlet there 19:42:08 < Flannel> Jamezq12323: Printing backgrounds has some problems associated with it 19:42:18 < Jamezq12323> Like what? 19:42:35 < Flannel> pleia2: she wrote notes on my CD Sleeve, I can scan it I guess. a lot was verbal as well 19:42:36 < rww> grantbow: as I've mentioned, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ 19:42:40 < Flannel> pleia2: I can write something up from memory 19:42:51 < pleia2> Flannel: that would be very helpful :) 19:42:52 < Flannel> grantbow: CC0 with additional recommendations 19:43:41 < Flannel> and the posted ones will be updated with that once we sort out exact wording 19:43:48 < rww> grantbow: as I've also mentioned, the wiki page will be updated to reflect that when aforementioned recommendations are written :) 19:43:55 < grantbow> rww: you mentioned it but I don't see it posted 19:45:17 < Flannel> Anyone else have anything else for release discussion? 19:46:51 < Flannel> That's all we've got on our agenda, anything else before we call it a night? 19:47:10 < DonkeyHotei> other than drama, no 19:47:19 < rww> grantbow: should be dealt with in the next week or so. more important stuff keeps pushing it off my todo list 19:47:28 < nhaines> Just that branding and font source materials is supposed to be available by the end of the month. 19:47:29 < mrandrzejak> did i miss anything from 7:31 to 7:40? I had no chat text so i logged off and back on 19:47:44 < Flannel> mrandrzejak: Yeah, I'll pastebin it for you 19:47:49 < mrandrzejak> ty 19:48:33 < Jamezq12323> Well, is ubuntu going to make it easier to configure button position? Is the only question for me. 19:48:42 < nhaines> Jamezq12323: no. 19:48:47 < Jamezq12323> :( 19:48:56 < Flannel> Jamezq12323: Someone will make a tool, I'm sure. 19:48:58 < akk> Button position? 19:49:11 < Flannel> akk: The minimize/maximize/close buttons moving to the left 19:49:12 < nhaines> Jamezq12323: TweakUbuntu has a easy way, I believe. 19:49:27 < akk> Oh, well, use a window manager that lets you configure that! 19:49:37 < akk> There are only like 150 of them available in the repositories. :) 19:49:43 < grantbow> akk: for beta one they are one the left instead of right though this may change back. Either way it's configurable with gconf-editor 19:49:56 < grantbow> s/one/on/ 19:49:58 < Flannel> That looks like we're finished with the meeting, so thank you all for coming. Our next meeting is in two weeks, April 4th, at 7pm.
CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/10March21 (last edited 2010-04-16 01:03:29 by 66-127-213-144)