
Revision 8 as of 2010-03-22 03:05:10

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Sunday, March 21st, 2010, 7:00pm (1900) PDT

Original Agenda

  1. Global Jam planning

  2. Lucid Release event preliminary planning


19:06:07 < Flannel> Alright, it's 7:05, we'll go ahead and get started.
19:06:24 < Flannel> Welcome everyone to Summer time :)  And happy equinox!
19:06:53 < Flannel> Our agenda for tonight can befound here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/10March21
19:07:26 < Flannel> It currently consists of two things, Global Jam planning, and Release party preliminary planning
19:08:12 < Flannel> If you've have any items to add, feel free to do so throughout tonight and we'll tack them onto the end if we have time.
19:08:17 < Flannel> First though, announcements.
19:08:44 < Flannel> Lucid Beta 1 was released last week,
19:09:26 < Flannel> (and yes, we do have two betas this time around, for the LTS)
19:09:33 < Flannel> Anyone else have anything?
19:09:49 < dragon> Do we have some new people amongst us tonight?
19:10:24 < DonkeyHotei> i think Jamezq12323 is new; haven't seen him
19:10:34 < Jamezq12323> No, I was here last time
19:10:39 < Flannel> He was here last time
19:10:41 < Flannel> yeah, what he said.
19:10:43 < DonkeyHotei> ok
19:10:48 < dk_> I'm new --
19:10:53 < nhaines> Jamezq12323: well, glad you're back.  :)
19:11:05 < Jamezq12323> Welcome dk_
19:11:21 < grantbow> aloha dk_
19:11:31 < Jamezq12323> :/ getting used too the buttons on lucid.
19:11:52 < Flannel> Howdy dk_, welcome, and be sure to ask if you've got questions
19:12:11 < dk_> Flannel: thanks, no worries - i'll ask... but have no questions at the moment
19:12:16 < Flannel> Anyone else have announcements?
19:13:09 < Flannel> Alright, we'll move on to our first item of the night, global jams.
19:13:33 < Flannel> Global Jam is next weekend, and we're holding three events arranged around the state.
19:14:44 < Flannel> Anyone from either the Berkeley or SF Bay one have anything that still needs any final-pinnings?
19:15:13 < Flannel> From the wiki page ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/LucidGlobalJam ) It looks like the SF Bay one doesn't have a solidified time, is that still the case?
19:15:16 < pleia2> not really, but I will say that our agenda for berkeley is still fluid, so if you want to participate/present/show something you're welcome to propose something :)
19:16:17 < Flannel> nhaines: The orange one still is looking for ideas for a second topic, correct?
19:16:24 < rww> I found out today that I have work on Sunday. Was hoping to go to both :(
19:16:27 < grantbow> Flannel: it's all day on Friday
19:16:30 < pleia2> Flannel: afaik 10-6 is the solid time, people can stay later but they should shoot for that timeframe since that's when jono will be there
19:16:31 < grantbow> jono: ping
19:16:37 < nhaines> Flannel: second, third... we could use a couple more ideas.  :)
19:16:50 < Flannel> pleia2: so it's "10 to at least 6" gothca
19:16:55  * pleia2 nods
19:17:57 < pleia2> also, all three of them are up on loco.ubuntu.com, so people can rsvp: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california
19:18:31 < grantbow> pleia2: nice
19:18:47 < Flannel> So, in summary, we've got one on Friday from 10am to 6am in East SF Bay,
19:18:56 < jono> grantbow, hey
19:19:06 < Flannel> One on Saturday from 2 to 8pm on Orange,
19:19:13 < jono> gonna be fun :)
19:19:14 < mrandrzejak> hi all
19:19:15 < Flannel> and one on Sunday from noon to at least 3pm
19:19:21 < Flannel> in Berkeley
19:19:22 < rww> Flannel: 10am to 6Pm, actually. We're not /that/ crazy about Ubuntu.
19:19:31 < Flannel> rww: Did I say am? oh, I did.
19:20:10 < Flannel> rww: We should add a topical summary on the wikipage as well
19:20:39 < Flannel> rww: I don't mind doing it later unless someone else would like to volunteer
19:21:56 < Flannel> Anyone have anything else about the global jams?
19:22:26 < Flannel> Next weekend should be a lot of fun, be sure to check it out if you're near one.
19:22:57 < Flannel> We'll go ahead and move on to our next topic, which is prelimiary discussion for Lucid Release events.
19:23:38 < Flannel> We're not worried about pinning things down in firm details yet, more just as a brainstorm for ideas and things
19:23:46  * grantbow cheers - about 6 weeks until release.
19:23:54 < Flannel> Oh yeah.
19:24:09 < nhaines> Actual scheduled release date is April 29th, 2010.
19:24:19 < Flannel> Lucid releases at the end of April (last Thursday, which is the 29th) and it'll be our third LTS.
19:24:57 < Flannel> In the past we've done both release parties and installfests associated with the release,
19:25:32 < Flannel> with the parties being near release, and installfests being at least a few weeks later to let the servers settle down and bugs get worked out before handing it to new users
19:26:09 < Flannel> but we don't have to stick to that, I believe Lucid should be a bit more stable because of the adjusted release schedule
19:26:44 < mrandrzejak> Are the release parties on the day, or sometime soon after the release date?
19:27:03 < nhaines> mrandrzejak: could be either.  :)
19:27:04 < Flannel> mrandrzejak: Anytime we want, although I think the usual thing is to wait for the weekend
19:27:52 < Flannel> mrandrzejak: Lots of parties do happen on Thursdays though too
19:28:23 < Flannel> One thing we were throwing around at SCaLE was having a 'tour' of parties around CA, over the course of a weekend or two.
19:28:45 < pleia2> seeing as it's an LTS release, I'd really like to see CA shine this time around
19:28:54 < pleia2> florida had 7 release parties on release
19:28:58 < Flannel> So like (in SoCal) We'd have one in SD County, one in LA County, Orange County, Riverside, etc (those pretty much cover all of te lower SoCal)
19:29:45 < Flannel> And we'd do them all on one weekend or whatnot, with the same flyers advertising for parties across the whole state, which might generate some excitement
19:30:47 < Flannel> Looks like we might want to bring this topic to the ML.
19:31:00 < eps> ...or have one party on Amtrak, spanning several counties?
19:31:01 < Flannel> Those of you who are here, does a tour type thing sound interesting?
19:31:15 < Flannel> eps: Hah.  That could be expensive
19:31:31 < grantbow> sounds interesting
19:31:37 < akk> The tour sounds great -- yay for having meets in lots of places.
19:31:46 < eps> Flannel: it's an LTS! Splurge a little.
19:32:31 < Flannel> akk: I really like the idea of a single flyer for advertising across the whole state, I think it might get people excited and go who otherwise wouldnt
19:32:57 < Flannel> eps: I'd like to gear it more towards new people rather than just celebrating
19:33:03 < dk_> Flannel: is there a document/wiki somewhere that describes the structure/events at one of the parties?
19:33:05 < pleia2> Flannel: I agree, it makes us look like an organized, professional group, rather than just some geeks getting together ;)
19:33:18 < Flannel> eps: I don't think many people would spend $15 or whatever to learn about that "ubantu thing"
19:33:25 < akk> Good point, pleia2.
19:33:36 < dk_> Flannel: having tried to organize LUG events in Riverside County, it can be a "dry" place - lacking in public forums to put things like this on, other than a university campus
19:33:55 < Flannel> pleia2: We've always tried to look organized and professional, it's something we pride ourselves on
19:34:15 < nhaines> dk_: that's good to know.  But even a restaurant, coffee house, or so forth can be a good place.
19:34:33 < nhaines> Easier than an installfest, anyway.
19:34:35 < Flannel> dk_: Have you tried university campuses?  I can make some calls to people at UCR and Redlands and see what I can scrounge up in terms of rooms
19:34:38 < grantbow> bulletin boards too
19:34:41 < dk_> i guess for a one time event, a restaurant or coffee house can be found
19:34:55 < dk_> Flannel: are you near Riverside or Redlands?
19:35:04 < Flannel> dk_: San Diego, but I know people at both
19:35:05 < pleia2> dk_: yeah, our global jam is just in a pizzeria, the bay one is in a coffee shop
19:35:31 < dk_> ok - so there wouldn't necessarily be an expectation of providing network access or power (or a projector)
19:35:32 < Flannel> pleia2: having a fat pipe for downloads does make things easier though
19:35:45 < pleia2> Flannel: yeah, depends on the type of event though :)
19:35:47 < dk_> for the global jam, but for the party too?
19:35:48 < eps> I'd think that for a release party, you'd want to show something running, even if it's just a late beta.
19:35:56 < akk> It's always tough to find public places with good public bandwidth.
19:35:57 < grantbow> many coffee shops have network access now
19:36:00 < Flannel> dk_: We'll get by without it, but having something like that certainly helps if we're going to try to do install stuff
19:36:29 < Flannel> dk_: Global Jam depends on the topics presented, some of them require network of some sort, others don't
19:36:40 < pleia2> I just don't want people to feel limited and can't have an event (even if it's just a party to liven the spirits of locals) because they can't find good wifi
19:36:41 < grantbow> akk: true, good access is harder to find
19:36:47 < dk_> Flannel: I'm in redlands - if you want to put me in touch with someone you know at either UCR or UofR - feel free to connect them to me
19:37:07 < pleia2> burning a pile of cds (and those lovely cd covers!) the night before could be plenty useful
19:37:36 < eps> pleia2: do we _have_ artwork?
19:37:50 < Flannel> eps: Artwork for what?
19:37:55 < pleia2> eps: actually, redesigning the team cd covers hasn't really been talked about
19:38:05 < eps> Flannel: CD sleeves
19:38:13 < pleia2> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/CDSleeves
19:38:14 < Flannel> eps: We've got ours, yes.
19:38:22 < eps> For Lucid?
19:38:28 < grantbow> eps: as you know with the new branding some of those materials are still coming out like the full new font, etc.
19:38:59 < eps> Uh-huh. Aren't those a dependency for us?
19:39:23 < eps> (I mean prerequisite.)
19:39:27 < Flannel> eps: Not if we just don't re-design, but yeah, it'd be nice if they were out anyway.  Not sure when the community will get access to those things.
19:39:30 < rww> eps: They haven't been changed for the new branding strategy. My personal reasons for not working on it are 1) that we don
19:39:39 < pleia2> last I heard the artwork svgs "should be out by the end of the month"
19:39:44 < Flannel> eps: The current sleeves will still work though
19:39:46 < pleia2> the font is taking longer though
19:39:54 < pleia2> and yeah, the current sleeves are fine for now :)
19:39:57 < rww> 't have access to the materials yet, 2) I'm waiting to see to what extent the rest of the community changes their branding :)
19:40:12 < eps> rww: I like that.
19:40:18 < pleia2> I think they require a new checkbox for 10.04 though
19:40:30 < rww> pleia2: there's a version on the wiki with a 10.04 checkbox
19:40:38 < pleia2> rww: oh good :) thanks
19:40:38 < Flannel> pleia2: The SCaLE ones had 10.04, but yes :)
19:41:12 < Flannel> We got some good feedback from emmajane as well, so I hope to respin with some of that in mind as well
19:41:24 < grantbow> what's the CD sleeve license?
19:41:42 < Jamezq12323> Are we going to make it have a purple tint?
19:42:00 < pleia2> Flannel: is her feedback posted somewhere? we might end up trying to gather some opinions about it from our global jam too since we're also redesigning a pamphlet there
19:42:08 < Flannel> Jamezq12323: Printing backgrounds has some problems associated with it
19:42:18 < Jamezq12323> Like what?
19:42:35 < Flannel> pleia2: she wrote notes on my CD Sleeve, I can scan it I guess.  a lot was verbal as well
19:42:36 < rww> grantbow: as I've mentioned, http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
19:42:40 < Flannel> pleia2: I can write something up from memory
19:42:51 < pleia2> Flannel: that would be very helpful :)
19:42:52 < Flannel> grantbow: CC0 with additional recommendations
19:43:41 < Flannel> and the posted ones will be updated with that once we sort out exact wording
19:43:48 < rww> grantbow: as I've also mentioned, the wiki page will be updated to reflect that when aforementioned recommendations are written :)
19:43:55 < grantbow> rww: you mentioned it but I don't see it posted
19:45:17 < Flannel> Anyone else have anything else for release discussion?
19:46:51 < Flannel> That's all we've got on our agenda, anything else before we call it a night?
19:47:10 < DonkeyHotei> other than drama, no
19:47:19 < rww> grantbow: should be dealt with in the next week or so. more important stuff keeps pushing it off my todo list
19:47:28 < nhaines> Just that branding and font source materials is supposed to be available by the end of the month.
19:47:29 < mrandrzejak> did i miss anything from 7:31 to 7:40? I had no chat text so i logged off and back on
19:47:44 < Flannel> mrandrzejak: Yeah, I'll pastebin it for you
19:47:49 < mrandrzejak> ty
19:48:33 < Jamezq12323> Well, is ubuntu going to make it easier to configure button position? Is the only question for me.
19:48:42 < nhaines> Jamezq12323: no.
19:48:47 < Jamezq12323> :(
19:48:56 < Flannel> Jamezq12323: Someone will make a tool, I'm sure.
19:48:58 < akk> Button position?
19:49:11 < Flannel> akk: The minimize/maximize/close buttons moving to the left
19:49:12 < nhaines> Jamezq12323: TweakUbuntu has a easy way, I believe.
19:49:27 < akk> Oh, well, use a window manager that lets you configure that!
19:49:37 < akk> There are only like 150 of them available in the repositories. :)
19:49:43 < grantbow> akk: for beta one they are one the left instead of right though this may change back.  Either way it's configurable with gconf-editor
19:49:56 < grantbow> s/one/on/
19:49:58 < Flannel> That looks like we're finished with the meeting, so thank you all for coming.  Our next meeting is in two weeks, April 4th, at 7pm.