Sunday, June 25th, 2017, 7:00pm (1900) PT
- Upcoming events
- Announcements
Discuss call for LoCo leadership nomination and elections.
Our meetings are held every other Sunday at 7:00pm (19:00) PT / 03:00 UTC in our IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-ca on freenode. All interested people are welcome to join us. For questions or help connecting, check out the InternetRelayChat page or use the Web client linked from the Contact page.
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1 19:01 < nhaines> #chair pleia2 lynorian
2 19:01 < pleia2> o/
3 19:01 < nhaines> Well that was a little anticlimactic. :)
4 19:02 < nhaines> Hi pleia2! o/
5 19:02 < pleia2> tsk, no bot!
6 19:02 < nhaines> Okay, so welcome to the Ubuntu California meeting for June 25th, 2017. Apparently we're going to be writing receipts and using manual impression credit card slips and candles and so on today. :)
7 19:02 < pleia2> hehe
8 19:03 < nhaines> This week's agenda can be found at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/17June25
9 19:03 < nhaines> Pretend our bot just told you that was a link to a web page.
10 19:03 < nhaines> #topic Upcoming events
11 19:03 < nhaines> What's new and happening in California? Anyone?
12 19:04 < pleia2> I'm planning on doing an Ubuntu Hour in SF on July 12th, it's been a while
13 19:04 < pleia2> I'll add it to all the event things soon
14 19:04 < nhaines> \o/
15 19:05 < nhaines> Looks like the next Ubuntu Hour in Pasadena is July 11th.
16 19:05 < nhaines> Ubuntu hours are good. :)
17 19:05 < nhaines> #topic Announcements
18 19:05 < nhaines> Anything interesting going on?
19 19:05 < pleia2> nothing from me
20 19:07 < nhaines> Oh, the Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase is still going on! We're not getting tons of submissions this time around (and I took just under half down this weekend for licensing issues), so if you would like to contribute to Ubuntu in this way, your odds are good. :) https://www.flickr.com/groups/ubuntu-fcs-1710/
21 19:08 < pleia2> thanks again for running it :)
22 19:08 < nhaines> Thanks. :)
23 19:08 < nhaines> Oh, and on a personal note, I signed a contract for the second edition of my book, Beginning Ubuntu for Windows and Mac Users, expected in October. They sent me an updated cover last week and it looks really nice!
24 19:09 < pleia2> that's great, congrats :D
25 19:10 < nhaines> I'm happy: it should be a really nice little guide to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I'm not looking forward to 18.04 LTS in any form at the moment, so it's nice that I was able to get a second edition now.
26 19:10 * pleia2 nods
27 19:10 < nhaines> Plus I finished it before I proposed it, so there's not a ton of work to do. ;)
28 19:10 < pleia2> so much changing with Gnome
29 19:11 < nhaines> Having to adapt my instructions for Ubuntu Software Center over to Ubuntu Software (née GNOME Software) really highlighted how terribad GNOME is.
30 19:11 < nhaines> At least the individual apps tend to be pretty awesome most of the time. :)
31 19:11 < nhaines> Okay, agenda item!
32 19:12 < nhaines> #topic Call for LoCo leadership nominations and elections.
33 19:13 < nhaines> We have a newly ratified leadership document that allows us to have a single elected leader if three leaders are top-heavy.
34 19:13 < nhaines> So now that that problem is solved and SCALE isn't breathing down our necks, it's probably a good time to do another call for nominations and hold elections.
35 19:14 < pleia2> sounds good
36 19:14 < pleia2> I won't be putting my name in so do you want me to take care of it?
37 19:14 < nhaines> That'd be super helpful!
38 19:15 < pleia2> ok :) I can put out the new call for nominations soon (maybe tonight, maybe in the next couple of days)
39 19:15 < nhaines> Perfect. Let's make sure the call is open long enough, but not so long that everyone forgets by the end. :)
40 19:15 < pleia2> I'm thinking two weeks
41 19:16 < pleia2> 4th of july lands in the middle, so it's a nice long/short ;)
42 19:16 < pleia2> I'll send a reminder out a few days prior
43 19:16 < pleia2> to the end
44 19:16 < nhaines> That sounds good to me.
45 19:17 < nhaines> #topic Other business
46 19:17 < pleia2> and I guess we'll need to rejigger the wiki for all this too, woo fun
47 19:17 < nhaines> We should just need another nominations page, nothing too crazy. :)
48 19:17 * pleia2 nods
49 19:18 < nhaines> If it is crazy, let me know and I'll help.
50 19:18 < nhaines> Okay, any other business before we wrap things up?
51 19:19 < pleia2> I think that's it for me
52 19:19 < nhaines> Me too, I think.
53 19:20 < nhaines> Okay, our next meeting is July 9th! :)
54 19:20 < nhaines> Everyone enjoy the rest of their weekend and happy fourth of July!
55 19:20 < pleia2> you too :)
56 19:20 < nhaines> #endmeeting
CaliforniaTeam/Meetings/17June25 (last edited 2017-06-26 02:39:27 by nhaines)