Ubuntu Hours are one hour recurring events to promote Ubuntu to the general public. They're really simple to set up and can be started by anyone! The only commitment you need to make is going to a coffee shop or other local public "hangout-style" place for an hour on a recurring schedule, and being approachable.
If you start an Ubuntu Hour in California you may want to do the following to reach out to the widest possible audience:
Add an entry to the LoCo Directory: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california/ - Add new Team Event for Ubuntu California, with that event added as part of global ubuntu hour for the correct year, and with correct location - so it will show and be findable as an event for Ubuntu California team, Ubuntu Hour, and listed under correct continent and country (e.g. see how http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-california/3290-ubuntu-hour-berkeley/ is listed on http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3286/ under correct continent and country, shows as an Ubuntu Hour event (among all Ubuntu events), and also shows as a Ubuntu California Team event - e.g. can be seen listed under: http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california/events/history/#y2016).
Send a message to our mailing list
- Have a personal blog or use twitter/identi.ca? Announce it there too!
See all upcoming events on the LoCo Directory here: loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california/events.
CaliforniaTeam/Projects/UbuntuHours (last edited 2019-01-15 00:03:21 by lyz)