
Revision 6 as of 2008-07-22 22:37:27

Clear message

Why contact LUGs?

  1. to inform them that we exist as a resource (so they can invite us to come talk, etc)
  2. to find out what they would like us to be able to provide for them
  3. to get our name out there so their members know they can join/help our LoCo

  4. to inform them that we may refer local Ubuntu users to their meetings & install fests

  5. to let them know we do not wish to compete with them, but assist them in their efforts
    1. Local California Linux user groups generally meet in person on a regular basis for end-user education & support

    2. Our LoCo performs very diverse activities specifically for Ubuntu Linux throughout the state (often meeting virutally) and is made up of volunteer Ubuntu representative/advocates. LoCos advocate, promote, translate, develop and otherwise improve Ubuntu, acting as a backbone of the Ubuntu community. For more information see [LoCoFAQ] and LoCoWorkingWithOtherGroups

What might we be able to offer LUGs?

  • Speakers at LUG meetings
  • Ubuntu expertise to assist in LUG activities
  • Advocate Ubuntu at LUG meetings
  • Ubuntu specific support & news

  • CD distribution
  • Release parties
  • Press releases based on the Fridge
  • Outreach programs with local schools
  • Marketing support
  • Establish a general Ubuntu community aspect within your local area
  • Participate or hold Installfests

How to contact a LUG?

Contactors should not spam, but make personalized contact with a user group representative. Ideally a contactor will already have attended one of the user group's meetings.

California User Groups

To see a brainstorm of all LUGs, see [:CaliforniaTeam/Groups]. The list on this page is only for those we have contacted.

LUG Name

Meeting Time & Location

Representative Information

Last Contact


[ Berkeley Unix User Group]

1st and 3rd Thursdays at 7-9 pm in Berkeley

Michael Paoli

July 12, 2008

[ Grantbow]

[ North Bay LUG]

2nd Tues 7:30 - 9 PM in Sebastopol

Kyle Rankin

July 8, 2008

[ Grantbow]


2nd and 4th Saturdays from 1 to 9 pm in Menlo Park

Rick Moen

July 12, 2008

[ Grantbow]


[:CaliforniaTeam/UserGroupDiscussion: User Group Discussion] is for comments and talking about how this page works.
