8:30pm |
Newfoundland |
8pm |
Atlantic |
7pm |
Eastern |
6pm |
Central |
5pm |
Mountain |
4pm |
Pacific |
In the IRC channel irc://irc.freenode.net/#ubuntu-ca. Freenode Webchat at http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-ca
Meeting Log
/Log and also http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/06/15/%23ubuntu-ca.html#t00:05
Meeting Minutes
- Introductions!
- meeting attendees from across Canada
- Events
FreeGeek in Vancouver and Toronto can be hub of Ubuntu activity
- Kitchener Waterloo Car-free Sunday; too late for a booth this month
- Global Jam dates 2-4 September
- #ubuntu-classroom sessions on IRC are coming up 11-15 July
- get slides with an app called Lernid
- Ubuntu Community Week is 18-22 July
- organized by Ubuntu-Vancouver's Randall Ross
see Jono Bacon's blog for more events
- ...like Ubuntu Hours
hakimsheriff has stickers
- Regulars say hi. New people introduce themselves.
U-Party! A Celebration of Unity and Ubuntu Vancouver: Friday June 17
- Kitchener-Waterloo Car Free Sunday: June 19
Ubuntu Global Jam: Sept 2-4
- An earlier Jam?
#ubuntu-classroom Sessions
UbuntuDeveloperWeek July 11-15
UbuntuCommunityWeek July 18-22
CanadianTeam/Meetings/2011/2011-06-14 (last edited 2013-05-31 00:09:09 by 206-248-137-186)