Ubuntu-ca Team Meeting in IRC
9:30pm |
Newfoundland |
9:00pm |
Atlantic |
8:00pm |
Eastern |
7:00pm |
Central |
6:00pm |
Mountain |
5:00pm |
Pacific |
In the IRC channel irc://irc.freenode.net/#ubuntu-ca. Freenode Webchat at http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-ca
Log at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/12/14/%23ubuntu-ca.html#t01:01
- Greetings were made
Discussion on the LoCo Council's idea of breaking large geographic LoCos into smaller ones.
- References:
- Consensus: Continue to develop a city teams and contacts; they're more discoverable
UCADay thanks were made again. UCAday is a good way to express appreciation to people not getting recognition on a regular basis.
- Events:
- Upcoming Ubuntu Hours in Waterloo and Kitchener
Ubuntu CDs were distributed during NaNoWriMo write-ins
There will be an event at Kwartzlab for Waterloo Region
Make contact with other communities (eg. FreeGeek) to set up events
- What to do during UGJ? Test the beta install; test hardware; bug triage; documentation; develop a project...
- Maybe get sponsorship from local high-tech companies?
Next meeting: 10 January 2012
Who can resist having a meeting on a date that can be written as 11/12/13 ?
- Regulars say hi. New people introduce themselves.
Past Events
UCADay, the Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day held 20 November 2011
Upcoming Events
- Ubuntu Hours
- Kitchener and Waterloo
Ubuntu Global Jam, Friday-Sunday, 2-4 March 2012
Other stuff
CanadianTeam/Meetings/2011/2011-12-13 (last edited 2013-05-31 00:07:56 by 206-248-137-186)