Ubuntu-ca Team Meeting in IRC
8:30pm |
Newfoundland |
8:00pm |
Atlantic |
7:00pm |
Eastern |
6:00pm |
Central |
5:00pm |
Mountain |
4:00pm |
Pacific |
In the IRC channel irc://irc.freenode.net/#ubuntu-ca. Freenode Webchat at http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-ca
Meeting Log
Log is available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/06/20/%23ubuntu-ca.html#t23:00
- About a dozen people introduced themselves
- Events
- UDS - Some people attended through Google Video
Montreal Ubuntu Hours are back! Cyphermox is getting them started up again
BobJonkman distributed Ubuntu 12.04 CD at a Toronto Ubuntu Hour/Release Party
QuebecTeam Loco is official again
IdleOne is now on the Membership/Boards
- Discussion of membership requirements
LinuxMonkey has started MonctonLUG, the newest Ubuntu Canada chapter
- Discussion on the rumoured Ubuntu Canada split into Ubuntu Provinces
Discussion on running UbuntuHours, how easy it is.
dscassel will send official Ubuntu CDs to anyone who sends him pics of an Ubuntu Hour
TeamReports still need to be done
dscassel may have some TeamReport generation code
Ubuntu-ca.org discussion deferred to next meeting
Summer is coming...
- Regulars say hi. New people introduce themselves.
Upcoming Events
- Ubuntu Hours
What's happening with the Ubuntu Hours listed in the Google calendar?
Past Events
UDS, 7-11 May 2012
Ubuntu Hour(s) Toronto, 27 May 2012
Other stuff
Moncton LUG startup; LinuxMonkey plans on intertwining a Moncton Ubuntu chapter.
Progress on Team Reports
Need reports from November 2011 to present for LoCo team renewal
CanadianTeam LoCo renewal
In addition to TeamReports, what do we need to do?
- What is the deadline for getting it done?
These pages may help: CanadianTeam/ApprovalApplication and CanadianTeam/ReApprovalApplication2010
Need a refresh on the website http://ubuntu-ca.org
txwikinger needs to provide access to a volunteer Web updater.
- We need a volunteer Web updater...
CanadianTeam/Meetings/2012/2012-06-20 (last edited 2013-05-31 00:22:31 by 206-248-137-186)