
Revision 7 as of 2006-09-14 01:10:47

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Colorado LoCo Team Event Photos

2006 June 01 Dapper Release Party

The release party location and time was released at 1am on the day of the party. Nevertheless, we did have some folks show up. We didn't have a working email list at that point either! -- [wiki:JoeyStanford Joey]

L-R: Joey, Jeff, Joe, Anders, Neal


2006 June 09 Boulder Linux Users Group Talk

Joey did a talk at BLUG. Neal took some pictures.

  • I'm not very photogenic. Smile :-) The first picture shows the start of the Ubuntu pitch I made (see team page for details). The second picture shows me demoing [ avahi and zeroconf service discovery] using an unsuspecting Mac user in the room. -- [wiki:JoeyStanford Joey]

attachment:joey-blug-u.jpg attachment:joey-blug.jpg

2006 June 28 Longmont Linux Users Group Talk at Colorado Free University

Joey did a talk at LOLUG. Paul took several good pictures.


2006 Sept 12 CLUE at Oracle

Joey did a talk at CLUE. CLUE meets in Oracle Building 2 in Denver, a fantastic facility with free drinks! The group was very, very nice. Brett took the following picture.
