2007-2008 T-Shirt Design Page


This page is kept as a historical reference to the team shirts that were created/sold in 2007 and 2008. This new page is used to document the most recent shirt.

This page coordinates information and designs for team T-shirt orders.

Parameters for the shirt:

Style and Colors: see the default style, and choice of colors, on the Queensboro web page at http://www.queensboro.com/1433.html

Future orders: anyone can organize an order. You just need to order at least 4 shirts. The company we used for the first order was http://www.queensboro.com

Future design possibilities, e.g. for a more casual t-shirt:


  1. Linux for Human Beings
  2. Open Source: the difference between Trust and Anti-Trust
  3. Coloco
    • front: (Coloco logo) Linux for human beings
    • back: Colorado LOCO: Community Supported Computer Fun
  4. Ubuntu:
    • People are people through other people Free software, free society. Share freely.
  5. Free software, Free society
  6. Share and share alike
  7. My recipes are open source. Why shouldn't my code be open source too?

  8. My mom taught me to share

  9. If it sounds too good to be true, it must be Open Source

See also:

Graphics Design Area


Here is a copy of the logo without the website address.


Here is my edit with the ubuntu loco text. Not sure how to get rid of the extra background. The fit canvas to layer or whatever didn't work as expected. Oh well.


Ok, here is my orange version complete with transparency. -Andrew


And here is the one everyone has been craving. Smile :) (the one with the word Linux) This is the one we are going with.


And here is the sleeve text. It's not the size I envision - just big enough to work see


(...and for anyone who wants the Ubuntu font: sudo apt-get install ttf-ubuntu-title)

First Order, 2007-09-12

Cost for first order:

I have a total of 18 shirts being order according to the wiki page. If you want one and are not on the wiki you'd better get there before Monday. If you don't specify size or color you get XL black. I hope the 1433 shirt is fine for everyone (one person chose 1430). I know nothing about the quality of the shirt and can't be responsible if it's not what you expect. Feel free to choose a different style if you want and adjust your cost accordingly. I will submit the order on Monday (assuming most people pay) so make sure the wiki is right for what you want.

Commitments to Order

Fill in the form below to commit to a shirt of some sort. Without about 20 or so committing to buy them it will not make much sense to put in an order. We might also consider ordering 20 or so and then reselling them at meetings for the people that don't follow the mail list so much. I (Jim) will volunteer to collect the money and order the shirts (if everyone trusts me :)). I will not ask for any money until we are ready to put in the order. However, please indicate how you will pay so I know what to expect. You can send a check or Pay Pal. Cash works too if you close enough to me to deliver it. However, Pay Pal would be best.