
  • 2012-07-05 Meeting (log):

    • Developer Membership Board catch-up
      • Discussed process and frequency of meetings
      • There was some concern that interest in the MOTU community had waned, but "there were several sessions at UDS and I think we're hoping that the reinvigoration will lead to more applicants"
      • It was brought up that some feel "PPAs and extras.ubuntu.com have reduced the incentive to get involved in the distro"
      • Discussed some of how Ubuntu Membership and Ubuntu Developers teams are related, sometimes a PPU may want to be granted but this gives them Ubuntu Membership automatically and they may not have satisfied typical requirements for Ubuntu Membership otherwise; the proposal to decouple upload rights from membership was brought up
        • ACTION: beuno to start a thread with the DMB and CC to discuss the topics that have come from todays meeting
    • Charm review board: https://juju.ubuntu.com/CharmReviewBoard

      • jcastro introduced the juju Charm Review Board
        • juju core devs who may or may not be ubuntu members
        • the ~charmers, which are reviewers
        • the review board would be made up of ~charmers
      • Follow up with the rest of the CC online about whether there is anything the CC needs to do
  • 2012-07-19 Meeting (log):

    • Bot summary

    • IRC Council meet-up
      • They have a new batch of operators from when they processed all the queues
      • arranged some training sessions for them this afternoon for next thursday and the week after
      • went through an election process and filled the 5th seat on the council and are really happy to have tm_t as the new council member
      • the new #ubuntu-discuss channel has been set up, "could be a little noisier, there have been a number of interesting and productive discussions there" so they are nurturing it to see if it will work
      • put together https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/SupportersGuide as a guide for helpers

      • They'd like to encourage more of their ops to come to UDS
      • Nothing specific coming up that they need assistance with

CommunityCouncil/TeamReports/12/July (last edited 2012-07-27 05:07:39 by lyz)