Please use this page to nominate items for discussion by the Ubuntu Community Council. See the [ Ubuntu Governance] page for more information about the Council.
The next meeting of the Council will be on Aug 2nd 2005 at 20:00 UTC. If you put yourself on the agenda, please try to show up to the meeting or let a member of the CommunityCouncil know ahead of time.
People being considered as a LoCoTeamLeader / LoCoTeamContact:
- Add yourself here
Member candidates for consideration:
To apply for membership in Ubuntu, please follow this link, log in (or create a Launchpad /Ubuntu web site account if you don't yet have one, it's the same account you use for wiki and web site editing and everything else in ubuntu) and then join the "ubuntumembers" team. You will need to come to the next community council meeting!:
- Add yourself here
General Agenda Items and Proposals:
- Ubuntu marketing efforts. Cooperation with other projects (e.g. GNOME) and issues involved. (kinjoo's call)
[ Ubuntu Europe]
- [ubuntu-future Ubuntu Future Project]
Other LoCo Items?
- Any other business
Date of next meeting
Candidates That Have Been Covered in Previous CC Meetings - need to show up