Launchpad Entry: desktop-lucid-featured-applications
Created: 2010-02-24
Contributors: RickSpencer, RobertAncell
Packages affected: software-center
- Is available in main or universe
- Is a GUI app
- Does not replace a default application
- Does not replace another featured application
- Is well designed for the task and robust
Approach for selecting apps:
- decide on the number of applications desired
- decide on criteria for selecting applications
- get a list of suggested apps
- canonical-desktop-team (and regular contributors) will discuss each proposed app if it meets criteria
- If there is overflow (more apps that meet criteria than slots designated) the canonical-desktop-team will select apps to drop off
- Selected apps will then available for review, comments, feedback
- It appears that 11 apps fit in one screen of the software-center category list.
- 2 screens max, bring us to max. 22 featured apps
- A graphic designer (might be amateur)
- A child
- ...
Proposed featured applications:
- arista (media transcoding)
- cheese (photobooth)
- gnucash (accounting)
- homebank (accounting)
- gramps (genealogy)
<insert scientific tools?>
- wxmaxima (computer algebra system [c.f. Mathematica, Maple])
- stellarium (planetarium)
- celestia-gnome (universe simulation)
- dia (diagramming)
- gtg (Getting Things GNOME, work tracker)
- gnome-do (fast keyboard based access)
- deja-dup (backup)
- liferea (rss feed reader)
- parcellite (clipboard manager)
- gftp (FTP client)
- filezilla (FTP client)
- rednotebook (Desktop Journal)
- amule (P2P client based on eDonkey network)
- miro (media player which includes RSS and podcast download)
- wine (Windows compatibility layer)
- compizconfig-settings-manager (advanced configuration tool for compiz)
- gtk-recordmydesktop (desktop recorder [screencasts..])
- wammu (sync and backup for cellphones)
- memaker (avatar creator)
- monodevelop (software development)
- geany (IDE)
- eclipse (IDE)
- anjuta (IDE)
- nemiver (graphical debugger)
- glade (Interface designer)
- bzr-explorer (gui frontend to bzr)
- Graphics:
- gimp (bitmap graphics)
- mypaint (easy painting with lots of brushes)
- inkscape (vector graphics)
- blender (3d graphics)
- Audio:
- jokosher (multi-track studio [simple])
- ardour (multi-track studio [advanced])
- audacity (audio editor)
- easytag (audio files tag editor)
- imagination (DVD generator as pitivi does not support it)
- hugin (panorama sticher)
- scribus (DTP)
Media Centers:
- moovida (media center)
- mythtv (Media center/PVR)
- virtualbox-ose (virtual machine)
- gaiksaurus (thesaurus)
- gufw (firewall tool)
- keepassx (Cross Platform Password Manager/Database)
- frozen-bubble (arcade game)
- glchess (Chess)
- pychess (Chess)
- flightgear (Flight Gear, flight simulator)
- FPS:
- sauerbraten (FPS)
- nexuiz (FPS)
- warsow (fast-moving FPS)
- openarena (quake3-clone FPS)
- Strategy:
- spring-mods-kernelpanic (RTS)
- freeciv-client-gtk (turn based strategy)
- glob2 (isometric strategy game)
- wesnoth (Battle for Wesnoth, fantasy turn based strategy)
- simutrans (transport simulator)
- pioneers (settlers of catan clone)
- Racing:
- torcs (car racing)
- supertuxkart
- armagetronad (Tron lightcycle game, fully playable without 3D support)
- extremetuxracer (Tux racer)
- Adventure:
- uqm (The Ur-Quan masters aka Starcon 2 - ex commercial game)
- beneath-a-steel-sky (Beneath a Steel Sky, Adventure, ex commercial)
- flight-of-the-amazon-queen (Flight of the Amazon Queen, Adventure, ex commercial)
- yofrankie
- scorched3d (turn based tank game)
- pingus (lemmings clone)
- fretsonfire (Guitar hero clone)
- chromium-bsu (simple shot-'em-up)
- teeworlds (multiplayer 2d platform shooter)
- neverball (3D floor-tilting game)
- tumiki-fighters (simple shoot-'em-up, no need for 3D support)
<insert games suitable for children>
- gnucash
- I would suggest "homebank" instead, it is much, much easier to grasp IMHO. It doesn't require a budget-style balance workflow like accountants are used to. --Jeff
Agreed -- qense
- I would suggest "homebank" instead, it is much, much easier to grasp IMHO. It doesn't require a budget-style balance workflow like accountants are used to. --Jeff
- gftp
- Boxee Beta is a media center, and it is packaged, unlike XMBC. -Wiggums
Boxee is not in the Ubuntu archives, thus is not installable from the Software Centre -- RobertAncell
Parcellite is might break copy/paste in applications like OpenOffice. Installing it is very dangerous for non-experimented users as they are very unlikely to understand why things are broken. The idea of a "clipboard manager" is, IMHO, too complex. It should be invisible. I strongly recommand to *not* feature it. -- LionelDricot
- 3D requirements... -- Arand
- chromium-bsu seems to run extremely sluggish when 3D acceleration is not available (simple noveau vs nvidia test), if we want a simple 2D game this might not be the best choice
- fretsonfire is virtually unplayable without 3D support
- stellarium is virtually unusable without 3D support
- moovida is virtually unusable without 3D support
Rejected choices:
- epiphany-webkit (light weight web browser?) DUPE of Firefox
- gnumeric (light weight spreadsheet) DUPE of OO.o
- abiword (lightweight and collaborative document editing) DUPE of OO.o
- xchat-gnome (IRC) DUPE of empathy
- pyroom (editor) NOT GUI
- gwibber (twitter) Already shipping by default in Lucid.
- PDF Mod (PDF modification) NOT PACKAGED
- XBox Media Center NOT PACKAGED
- gpodder (podcast download tool) DUPE of Rhythmbox
Current choices:
- cheese
- homebank
- stellarium
- gnome-do
- deja-dup
- eclipse
- gimp
- inkscape
- blender
- audacity
- gufw
- frozen-bubble
- fretsonfire
- pingus
- moovida
- liferea
- arista
- gtg
- freeciv
- supertuxcart
- chromium-bsu
DesktopTeam/Lucid/FeaturedApps (last edited 2010-03-29 22:37:43 by 8afbf0f1)