Actions from previous meeting
Actions from this meeting
Weekly Summary
Do remaining package rebuilds to optimize SVGs and PNGs; now they are as small as they can get (MartinPitt)
Finally landed aptdaemon and language-selector GTK3/pygi ports (MartinPitt)
Got OO.o to build again for Natty, to fix installability and reduce CD size by 10 MB (MartinPitt)
- Fix remaining breakage of the Python 2.7 transition; CDs are now installable again
- gobject-introspection caused brief breakage through a library rename, but all should be settled now (mterry)
nm-applet leaks now under control (MathieuTrudel)
dbusmenu, libindicate, appindicator updates landed fixing python and GIR issues, required rebuilding of all indicator related packages. (KenVanDine)
- the GNOME3 updates continued in the ubuntu-desktop ppa
- the new GTK3 breaks theming, it seems that it's not really possible to port murrine to GTK3 with the new way theming work, see the meeting log for details but it raises the question of what to do with GTK3 this cycle
- debian is renaming the gir binaries gir1.2- to reflect the abi version, a similar transition will be done as well in natty
New unity release (bamf/nux/unity), add intellihide (not yet activated by default, you can find it in ccsm under autohide). Floating will be deprecated. We have an unity binary now to launch unity from a python script.
- New compiz snapshot with abi breakage (transition done). Some fixes like session integration or gnome-panel pager applet support (new path)
- Lot of changes in compiz default settings, like disabling ezoom scrool, add workarounds and snap by default
As gconf path changed and new Compiz settings, you should reset your unity configuration. unity --reset is taking care of that for you. Working on making the reset automatic for people right now.
- gnome-session is now ready to handle the new fallback system and should be on your system. Testing plan of the unity detection module from next nux release (current one has some known segfault issues) for /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test set.
Software Center
Cool new feature: "Search Help" - alternate spelling suggestions are now displayed when no results are found for a search
- Ratings and Reviews
Specification is now complete: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter/RatingsAndReviews
- Ratings and Reviews alpha server deployment in progress, targeted to land next week
- Client implementation being updated per new server and specification details at lp:~mvo/software-center/reviews
Further list view performance improvements
"Find it in the menu" disabled for Unity LP: #639701, new solution for finding newly installed apps under Unity currently being designed
Software Center 3.1.5 and 3.1.6 released includes search help feature mentioned above, bug fixes and other improvements
- -fglrx and -nvidia are now auto-detected by X server and will boot up with no xorg.conf present.
Rebuilt wayland packages for Natty; retested installation on two systems (ATI and Intel). (BryceHarrington)
Investigated issue where USB drives fail to allow nvidia to install. Turns out when you set 'persistent storage' to max, it doesn't leave space to do kernel installs (initrd update fails). (BryceHarrington)
Tested USB and CD installs of alpha-1 on several graphics cards. (BryceHarrington)
Tested unity boots against several ATI cards and both -ati and -fglrx. Mostly worked. On ATI Evergreen cards, we need to update to git version of -ati to make it work. (BryceHarrington)
Tools and Processes
Discover breakage of new launchpadlib, file 686690, discuss with LP guys; revert to previous version for now (MartinPitt)
Further cleaned up bug graphing code to allow team-specific bug graphs. http://www.bryceharrington.org/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/
IRC log Western edition
17:33:26 pitti [TOPIC] action review 17:33:34 pitti first seems obsolete, second done 17:33:43 <-- shiyee (~Shiyee@h195.natout.aau.dk) hat den IRC verlassen (Quit: Ex-Chat) 17:33:45 pitti [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-12-14 17:33:53 pitti for this week's reports 17:34:12 pitti any non-regular meeting topics from anyone? 17:34:17 seb128 what is obsolete and one? 17:34:19 seb128 done 17:34:29 pitti seb128: the actions from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-12-07 17:34:32 --> mterry (42571695@ubuntu/member/mterry) ist in den Channel #ubuntu-desktop gekommen 17:34:42 --> chrisccoulson (~chr1s@ubuntu/member/chrisccoulson) ist in den Channel #ubuntu-desktop gekommen 17:34:46 pitti jasoncwarner: here by chance? feeling better now? 17:34:47 seb128 pitti, oh ok, I was reading the next meeting agenda 17:34:52 seb128 oh, mterry and chrisccoulson ;-) 17:35:01 mterry hihi 17:35:12 pitti chrisccoulson, mterry: hello 17:35:13 chrisccoulson breaking unity before desktop meeting = not good :) 17:35:31 pitti so, nobody else had some news for last week? the weekly status is quite short this time 17:35:34 seb128 chrisccoulson, -before desktop meeting 17:35:43 ricotz seb128, is it possible to get access to the gnome3 ppa? 17:35:45 chrisccoulson ;) 17:36:05 pitti [TOPIC] partner update 17:36:06 pitti kenvandine: 17:36:11 kenvandine yup 17:36:13 seb128 pitti, nothing fancy, standard updates and bug cleaning... 17:36:25 seb128 ricotz, let's discuss that after the meeting 17:36:33 pitti seb128: (I just feel bad about owning this section) 17:36:33 kenvandine DX: 17:36:48 seb128 ricotz, but basically not easily right now the team gives access to ubuntu upload as well, but you can do merge requests we review them often 17:36:58 seb128 pitti, I will add some ;-) 17:37:08 kenvandine dbusmenu, appindicator and libindicate fixes for GI and python are in which required a rebuild of the whole indicator stack 17:37:14 kenvandine hopefully the fallout is over from that 17:37:20 --> ia_ (~ia@ ist in den Channel #ubuntu-desktop gekommen 17:37:22 kenvandine the port to gdbus is stuck 17:37:27 pitti kenvandine: is that the reason for all the crashes? 17:37:36 kenvandine pitti, apparently :) 17:37:42 kenvandine are they still happening? 17:37:49 pitti (it still crashes for me, dist-upgrade from an hour ago) 17:37:55 kenvandine humm 17:37:59 pitti but anyway, off-meeting topic 17:38:05 kenvandine ping me after please 17:38:09 pitti kenvandine: stuck> anythign blocking from our side? 17:38:14 kenvandine no... 17:38:18 kenvandine tedg on vacation 17:38:26 kenvandine dbusmenu and appindicator are ported 17:38:27 pitti ah, holiday-stuck 17:38:28 kenvandine and in a ppa 17:38:29 kenvandine but 17:38:38 kenvandine can't be used until appmenu-gtk is ported to gdbus 17:38:49 seb128 pitti, define crash 17:39:05 seb128 pitti, do you still run a gnome-panel and get applets crashing on login? 17:39:11 pitti seb128: tons of "indicator-blah crashed [Reload] [Remove]" dialogs at session start 17:39:14 seb128 pitti, if that's the case that's a known compiz bug 17:39:26 seb128 compiz bug then 17:39:26 pitti seb128: yes, I run g-p 17:39:40 seb128 smspillaz and didrocks know about it 17:39:47 <-- ejfneo (~sandre@LLagny-156-36-52-123.w217-128.abo.wanadoo.fr) hat den IRC verlassen (Quit: leaving) 17:39:49 pitti kenvandine: sorry for keepign interrupting you 17:39:49 seb128 it's being worked but non trivial to fix it seems 17:39:55 seb128 yeah sorry kenvandine 17:39:59 pitti seb128: thanks for heads-up 17:39:59 didrocks compiz is agressive at reparenting 17:40:04 kenvandine don't have much for U1, the have the control panel in NEW 17:40:11 kenvandine that is all i have 17:40:24 seb128 didn't I new that last week? 17:40:25 pitti kenvandine: thanks; can you please add some notes to teh report page, too? that was quite interesting 17:40:27 seb128 or is it binNEW now? 17:40:33 <-- coffeedude (~CoffeDude@71-12-192-77.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com) hat den IRC verlassen (Quit: Ex-Chat) 17:40:33 kenvandine sure 17:40:43 kenvandine i think sourceNEW 17:41:05 pitti UNity and Software-Center reports are on the wiki page 17:41:10 kenvandine i'll check and ping you 17:41:15 pitti do you guys think we should paste them here again, or do you prefer reading it there? 17:41:38 didrocks I'll just add once the lock is away " Working on making the reset automatic for people right now." 17:41:46 didrocks otherwise, it's on the wiki :) 17:42:10 didrocks kenvandine: you expired, can I paste? 17:42:16 kenvandine didrocks, done 17:42:30 pitti didrocks: that's just an issue for intra-natty upgrades, I suppose? (but nice to hear anyway) 17:42:55 didrocks pitti: yeah, it's just intra natty 17:43:10 didrocks in fact, doing that properly isn't easy with the gconf compiz backend 17:43:23 didrocks still experimenting to get the easiest solution… 17:43:33 pitti didrocks: temporary autostart .desktop? 17:43:43 didrocks pitti: will be started after compiz 17:44:22 seb128 not if you put it in the init section? 17:44:23 didrocks a script can have race issue and putting that in compiz.desktop to wrap compiz isn't nice for crasher and such 17:44:31 didrocks I try setting a new gconf default key 17:44:51 seb128 didrocks, change the exec line to "unity --reset; compiz"? 17:44:53 didrocks seb128: hum? in the init phase, yeah, hackish but will work 17:45:09 didrocks (won't be unity --reset as it starts it, but yeah) 17:45:25 didrocks seb128: yeah, that can work 17:45:31 --> and471_ (~and471@host86-166-67-8.range86-166.btcentralplus.com) ist in den Channel #ubuntu-desktop gekommen 17:45:45 didrocks wrapping is definitively not the solution and setting a default neither 17:45:49 <-- and471 (~and471@host86-166-67-8.range86-166.btcentralplus.com) hat den IRC verlassen (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 17:45:50 didrocks will change the .desktop file then 17:46:03 pitti aaanyway, OT for meeting again 17:46:07 pitti (sorry) 17:46:25 pitti tremolux: do you want to bring up anything extra for software-center? 17:46:46 tremolux pitti: nope, not unless somebody has questions 17:47:21 tremolux the new search help feature from mvo is cool :) 17:47:22 pitti @all: any questions or other meeting topics? otherwise we can call this done, and let didrocks and seb128 continue to discuss unity stuff :) 17:47:41 seb128 pitti, sort of meeting related but what did you make use gtk3 yet? 17:47:55 pitti seb128: language-selector, aptdaemon, and apport 17:48:00 Riddell pitti: Kubuntu update? 17:48:08 pitti they currently look ugly, apparently we recently dropped the GTK3 theme handling or so 17:48:16 pitti Riddell: argh, sorry; I'll fix the meeting template 17:48:18 pitti Riddell: please go ahead 17:48:29 Riddell * KDE SC 4.6 Beta 2 all in, working well 17:48:29 Riddell * Kontact 4.6 Beta 2 in PPA only, more testing to be done before decision is made (testing plan has been made with Kolabsys) 17:48:32 Riddell * New Digikam and Kipi plugins in 17:48:35 Riddell * Bugfixes to dbusmenu-qt 17:48:37 Riddell * New phonon-backend-vlc in, still more buggy than gstreamer, which is more buggy than xine 17:48:40 Riddell * ARM compiles going well, mostly caught up for KDE packages. Fixing ongoing for KOffice, KTorrent, kdenetwork 17:48:59 pitti Riddell: oh, the video backends seem to change every week now? 17:49:10 Riddell pitti: not it's still gstreamer 17:49:14 Riddell by default 17:49:21 Riddell we just have other options available too 17:49:27 pitti indeed, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/natty_probs.html looks much better now, congrats for workign that out 17:49:27 Riddell s/not/no/ 17:49:31 --> dbarth (~dbarth@81-65-157-127.rev.numericable.fr) ist in den Channel #ubuntu-desktop gekommen 17:49:50 pitti Riddell: btw, I remembered that beta2 was supposed to fix interactions with upower for suspend/hibernate; does that work now, or does this still require debugging? 17:50:21 Riddell hmm, good question, I still have hal installed, I need to check how it works with hal not installed 17:50:30 Riddell I'll test and get back to you 17:50:55 pitti Riddell: cool, thanks 17:51:10 pitti I think we stopped debugging that on the ubuntu side as it was said to be fixed upstream 17:51:18 pitti any other business? 17:51:27 seb128 gtk3? ;-) 17:51:31 --> gnomefreak (~gnomefrea@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak) ist in den Channel #ubuntu-desktop gekommen 17:51:39 seb128 sorry to bring that back, but upstream basically changed how gtk theming works 17:51:45 seb128 dropping the old gtk2 way 17:51:55 seb128 they use some css theming now 17:52:06 seb128 Cimi says it's not really possible to port murrine to that 17:52:17 kenvandine ugh 17:52:22 seb128 there is no way to get a pointer on the widgets from the theme anymore 17:52:32 seb128 so basically we will need a new theme 17:52:46 pitti seb128: doesn't upstream gnome have a reasonable GTK3ish theme? 17:52:54 seb128 since we have almost no gtk3 rdepends yet I'm wondering if we should stay put for now 17:53:03 seb128 pitti, they do 17:53:12 seb128 but we don't want gtk2 applications to look ubuntu 17:53:19 --> ubot2 (~ubot2@unaffiliated/jpds/bot/ubot2) ist in den Channel #ubuntu-desktop gekommen 17:53:22 --> Tm_Tr (tm_travolt@xob.kapsi.fi) ist in den Channel #ubuntu-desktop gekommen 17:53:23 <-- Tm_Tr (tm_travolt@xob.kapsi.fi) hat den IRC verlassen (Changing host) 17:53:23 --> Tm_Tr (tm_travolt@ubuntu/member/kde.developer/jkekkonen) ist in den Channel #ubuntu-desktop gekommen 17:53:28 seb128 with gtk3 ones being totally different 17:54:04 --> dbarth_ (~dbarth@81-65-157-127.rev.numericable.fr) ist in den Channel #ubuntu-desktop gekommen 17:54:06 didrocks how many gtk3 app do we have for now? 17:54:10 seb128 well since it seems we will not go for GNOME3 by default 17:54:11 <-- dbarth (~dbarth@81-65-157-127.rev.numericable.fr) hat den IRC verlassen (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) 17:54:12 didrocks apport/jockey? 17:54:20 pitti seb128: so does that mean you want me to revert to the pygtk2 versions? or want me to package a theme? 17:54:21 seb128 didrocks, I asked just before the kubuntu update 17:54:26 seb128 language-selector and apport basically 17:54:27 pitti seb128: I just wonder why it still worked like a week ago 17:54:34 --> c_korn (~korn@p57A6ADF9.dip.t-dialin.net) ist in den Channel #ubuntu-desktop gekommen 17:54:39 pitti didrocks: jockey is still in a branch, blocked on appindicator 17:54:40 mterry deja dup will be gtk3 :) 17:54:47 pitti seb128: aptdaemon, too 17:54:50 seb128 pitti, it worked a week ago because the css theming landed in gtk .6 17:54:52 seb128 last week 17:54:54 pitti ah 17:55:00 --> gabaug1 (~gabaug@adsl-99-162-201-124.dsl.hstntx.sbcglobal.net) ist in den Channel #ubuntu-desktop gekommen 17:55:19 seb128 pitti, well as said before there is no theme to package 17:55:24 seb128 Cimi tried to port murrine 17:55:30 seb128 he says that's not possible 17:55:35 seb128 it will be easier to write a new theme 17:55:39 ricotz the official adwaita theme for gtk3 is available in gnome-themes-standard 17:55:46 -- zyga-food ist nun als zyga-waiting-for bekannt 17:55:59 seb128 ricotz, thanks but we don't want to change our theme ;-) 17:56:06 seb128 we want something which is similar to what we have still 17:56:27 <-- gabaug (~gabaug@opensuse/member/gabrielburt) hat den IRC verlassen (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) 17:56:31 --> jpds (~jpds@ubuntu/member/jpds) ist in den Channel #ubuntu-desktop gekommen 17:56:33 seb128 pitti, I would suggest we sort that at the sprint 17:56:37 ricotz yeah, but this could be a base for creating the ubuntu theme 17:56:43 seb128 but until now maybe stop adding extra gtk3 use in natty 17:57:07 seb128 ricotz, thanks, I think Cimi knows how to do a theme, it's just that he can't get one similar to our gtk2 one 17:57:32 seb128 the new theming way is limited compared to what murrine is doing for some things 17:57:40 pitti seb128: ok 17:57:55 pitti seb128: although I guess any theme will look better than the current state 17:57:57 <-- didrocks (~didrocks@lns-bzn-44-82-249-204-236.adsl.proxad.net) hat den IRC verlassen (Quit: WeeChat 0.3.2) 17:57:58 seb128 in any case we will need an ubuntu theme on gtk3 17:58:02 seb128 would it be only for the GNOME3 ppa 17:58:07 pitti seb128: we could even tweak it a bit to look more similar 17:58:24 --> didrocks (~didrocks@lns-bzn-44-82-249-204-236.adsl.proxad.net) ist in den Channel #ubuntu-desktop gekommen 17:58:38 seb128 pitti, I can see people who will not take "similar" as an option 17:58:49 pitti heh, yes 17:58:56 seb128 like people who care about each pixel and will want every application in our default desktop to look right 17:58:59 seb128 not "similar" ;-) 17:59:10 seb128 anyway we will not sort that today 17:59:17 seb128 I just wanted to raise it as an issue 17:59:26 pitti thanks for bringing it up 17:59:28 pitti at least I know the reason now 17:59:47 pitti [TOPIC] AOB} 17:59:48 pitti ? 17:59:55 seb128 thanks everybody ;-) 17:59:58 pitti thanks everyone
IRC log Eastern edition
(08:33:39 AM) jasoncwarner: morning TheMuso: bryceh: (08:34:10 AM) TheMuso: Hey jasoncwarner. (08:34:15 AM) jasoncwarner: robert_ancell might not be here for meeting (08:34:18 AM) TheMuso: jasoncwarner: Sorry to hear that you aren't 100%. (08:34:19 AM) jasoncwarner: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-12-14 (08:34:37 AM) cyphermox: jasoncwarner, feeling better now? (08:34:41 AM) ara left the room (quit: Quit: Ex-Chat). (08:35:15 AM) jasoncwarner: TheMuso: thanks...feeling a bit better now. hope to rest some more the rest of the day .... (08:35:29 AM) jasoncwarner: cyphermox: getting there! slept more than usual, and that always helps :) (08:35:37 AM) cyphermox: jasoncwarner, +1 on that (08:35:55 AM) TheMuso: Hrm we do not have a RAOF. (08:35:55 AM) cyphermox: gf wanted us to get up at 5 am to take the train to work :/ (08:36:07 AM) jasoncwarner: bryceh: TheMuso want to get started and see if RAOF joins us? (08:36:16 AM) TheMuso: Sure. (08:36:16 AM) jasoncwarner: cyphermox: ugh! (08:36:29 AM) jasoncwarner: [TOPIC] X Update (08:39:20 AM) jasoncwarner: bryceh: can you update on X (RAOF is on holiday) (08:39:33 AM) bryceh: oh hey (08:39:43 AM) bryceh: sorry was troubleshooting login problems with IS (08:39:46 AM) TheMuso: ah make sense (08:39:52 AM) bryceh: a few X items of note (08:40:12 AM) bryceh: we've made xserver finally able to automatically configure -fglrx and -nvidia (08:40:19 AM) TheMuso: Nice. (08:40:22 AM) bryceh: so now if you have either driver installed you can boot with no xorg.conf (08:41:00 AM) jasoncwarner: awesome. (08:41:00 AM) bryceh: we've been troubleshooting a bug with usb drives where if you set your persistent storage to maximum or near-max, it doesn't leave enough space on the drive to update initrd (08:41:24 AM) bryceh: so that means if you try installing -nvidia or other kernel drivers, it'll make the drive unbootable or fail in other weird ways (08:41:52 AM) bryceh: seems to be a usb-creator usability issue, or perhaps something jockey needs to detect better. (08:42:49 AM) bryceh: beyond that I've been mostly doing testing of wayland and unity on various graphics cards, and doing bug work on X bugs reported against natty (08:43:07 AM) bryceh: ( http://www.bryceharrington.org/X/Reports/ubuntu-x-swat/totals-natty-workqueue.svg ) (08:43:14 AM) jasoncwarner: ok...I'll grab you after this about something on wayland :) (08:43:38 AM) bryceh: we're still finding it pretty effective to use this workqueue approach to stay on top of things (08:43:49 AM) jasoncwarner: ok.. TheMuso, anything you wanted to comment on? (08:43:58 AM) mpt left the room (quit: Quit: Ex-Chat). (08:44:47 AM) TheMuso: Not really, have hit a snag with unity and panel accessibiliity enablement, have asked DX for help, but haven't heard anything yet. I forgot to CC gary with my initial message, so will bounce him a copy of the email shortly. (08:45:11 AM) jasoncwarner: ok (08:45:16 AM) jasoncwarner: yeah, check with gary as well. (08:45:18 AM) bryceh: RAOF is off on vacation for the next few days btw and out of town so I don't anticipate him showing up online (08:45:35 AM) jasoncwarner: bryceh: thanks (08:45:50 AM) jasoncwarner: speaking of that, bryceh TheMuso are you guys here next week or are you on holiday? (08:46:02 AM) ***TheMuso is on holiday from tomorrow through to the end of the year. (08:46:37 AM) bryceh: jasoncwarner, I'm here, although I have +1 unrequested holiday day I need to schedule (08:47:04 AM) bryceh: also, I think I'm coming down with a cold (both wife and son have been sick the last few days, I think I'm succumbing) so might be out a day or two this week (08:47:20 AM) ***bryceh takes some echinecea (08:47:48 AM) jasoncwarner: bryceh: run! (08:47:56 AM) jasoncwarner: I think I got mine b/c son is in new daycare in new country (08:48:00 AM) jasoncwarner: stupid new germs (08:48:13 AM) bryceh: yep, daycare seems to be a germ breeding ground (08:48:45 AM) jasoncwarner: I'm not sure it makes sense to have a meeting next week, but I'll let everyone know. This might be last meeting of year. (08:48:56 AM) bryceh: I've got a few alpha-2/3 tasks I want to try to do while things are quiet next week, and also have a couple leftover tasks from my launchpad rotation I've been procrastinating that I'd like to finalize (08:49:18 AM) bryceh: and beyond that just continue holding down the bugs fort and keep the graph flat :-) (08:49:45 AM) bryceh: btw, speaking of bugs and unity... (08:49:49 AM) jasoncwarner: :) (08:50:13 AM) bryceh: is it worthwhile to report bugs I find, or should we wait until after the next code drop and/or next year? (08:50:44 AM) bryceh: I think most of the issues I've seen must already be known (08:51:02 AM) jasoncwarner: I would say check with didrocks, but he is without internet for a couple of days (08:51:07 AM) jasoncwarner: check with seb, perhaps. (08:51:16 AM) bryceh: alright (08:51:28 AM) jasoncwarner: I would error on telling someone so we know about the bu rather than not reporting it only b/c we don't want to be surprised later (08:51:40 AM) ukev [~ukev@2001:638:204:10:21f:d0ff:fe8f:1319] entered the room. (08:52:02 AM) ricotz left the room (quit: Quit: Ex-Chat). (08:52:26 AM) jasoncwarner: Ok, sounds like we are done (08:52:37 AM) jasoncwarner: anything else before I call it? (08:52:52 AM) bryceh: not from I (08:52:59 AM) jasoncwarner: [END MEETING]
DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-12-14 (last edited 2010-12-15 07:14:40 by thewar5)