
Revision 13 as of 2011-06-15 20:57:12

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di3gopa @ freenode


diego @ diegotejera.org


di3gopa @ jabber.org

About me

My name is Diego Tejera, actual leader of Ubuntu Loco Team Panama, Systems engineer, software developer, Co-Founder of Rootstack and geek by nature :).

Contact Information

My involvement in Ubuntu

I have been using Ubuntu since Dapper Drake (6.06). I met Eivar Montenegro at the beginning of 2008 (just after we worked on the FLISOL of that year), He introduced me to the Ubuntu Loco Team of Panama (not official yet) and I have been an active member on the community since that. I have been helping with some tech support and with the organization of activities of the community.

Team Participation

  • Ubuntu Centroamerica
  • Ubuntu Panama

My Plans for the Future

  • Get my Official Membership
  • Help my Team to be approved
  • Make our community bigger
  • Get my community more involved with the rest of the communities of Central America
  • Start to make activities
  • Drive activities in whit the communities in Panama such as bug fixing, translations.

My work outside the Ubuntu Community

  • Organizer of Programmer's Day UTP (with David Narvaez and the collaboration of Aristides Villareal)

  • Collaborator @ FLISOL 2008 & 2009 Panama

  • Organizer/Speaker Software Freedom Day 2009 Panama
  • Co-Founder of the community Floss-pa

  • Member of Drupal Panama
  • Organizer of Panama's Pizza Bash
  • Collaborator @ FLISOL 2010 Panama
  • Organizer/Speaker Software Freedom Day 2010 Ciudad de Panama


  • I have know Diego for quite a few months. I think he is a great person with new and great ideas for our free software community here in Panamá... ahhh and he sucks playing Paintball woods, just kidding! Big Grin :) - mayeco ubuntu-pa
