This page offers guidance for documentation committers working with the desktop guide project. It is a supplement to the main Members page.
This page is not intended for desktop guide contributors, who should be using the desktop guide contributors focus page instead.
Preparations for new cycle
Soon after FinalRelease of an Ubuntu version, it's time to make some preparations for the next cycle.
- Set up translations for the new development version project, and enable synchronization with the translations for the corresponding package version.
- New version number in these files:
- configure.in
- html/Makefile
- html/ubuntu.xsl
Releasing the ubuntu-docs package
Before DocumentationStringFreeze
There are some key steps that should be taken before DocumentationStringFreeze.
Update certain files
- ubuntu-help/C/whats-new.page
ubuntu-help/C/figures/ubuntu-mascot-creature.jpg (However, often the file is not available until after DocumentationStringFreeze).
- debian/changelog
- ubuntu-help/ubuntu-help.pot
- Run autogen.sh.
- (Re)move the old ubuntu-help.pot.
- Run the command 'make ubuntu-help.pot' from the ubuntu-help folder.
Upload to the archive
Build a source package from lp:ubuntu-docs and upload to the main archive.
~$ mkdir upload-dir ~$ cd upload-dir ~/upload-dir$ bzr branch lp:ubuntu-docs ~/upload-dir$ cd ubuntu-docs ~/upload-dir/ubuntu-docs$ bzr bd -S ~/upload-dir/ubuntu-docs$ cd .. ~/upload-dir$ dput *.changes
If you don't have upload rights for ubuntu-docs, this step has to be carried out by a sponsor, i.e. a core developer or a member of the desktop team. Due to the coordination with the translators, ubuntu-docs uploads are time critical, so adding a bug to the sponsorship queue does not apply. Instead pinging someone on IRC is the way to go.
The new ubuntu-help.pot will be reflected in PO files that are exported from Rosetta.
lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-docs is updated automatically.
After NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline
NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline happens one week before FinalFreeze, so at this point we are in a hurry.
Export the PO files from Rosetta and commit them to lp:ubuntu-docs.
Notes:Download the project's tarball, e.g. from https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docs/trusty/+export for trusty.
- Use the update-translations.sh script to extract the files.
- Update the changelog.
- Upload to the archive.
Generate the HTML pages and upload to help.ubuntu.com (see BuildingDocumentation).