
Revision 50 as of 2009-11-25 04:50:15

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The Documentation Team is a group of community volunteers responsible for writing, editing and updating the system documentation that ships with the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Edubuntu desktop operating systems. New versions of these guides are available with each new release of Ubuntu, and these are translated with the Rosetta translation tool in the same manner as all of the other applications in Ubuntu.


The two types of documentation that the team is responsible for are:

  • System Documentation - the documentation which comes with every Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Edubuntu system. It includes the Ubuntu Server Guide.

  • Wiki Documentation - the help wiki is a community edited resource that anyone can edit.

For information on how to contribute, visit either of the two pages linked above. If you need help understanding the team's processes, you might want to contact the team, or even join the mentoring scheme!

Style Guide

All the team's work is subject to our style guide, which can be found at the /StyleGuide page.


Ubuntu Documentation Team meetings are announced on the ubuntu-doc mailing list and normally take place in the #ubuntu-meeting IRC channel on You can find the agenda and time for the next meeting at the DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda page.

Summaries from previous Documentation Team meetings can be found on the Docteam Meeting Logs page.


  • Most communication happens on the Documentation Team mailing list.

  • Join the #ubuntu-doc IRC channel on

  • A list of current Documentation Team members is available on our Launchpad page.


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