
Differences between revisions 44 and 45
Revision 44 as of 2011-06-29 17:34:00
Size: 2891
Editor: gw-sherb
Revision 45 as of 2011-06-29 17:34:50
Size: 2971
Editor: gw-sherb
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 58: Line 58:
[ ] Test tools like sabayon, nanny, pessulus, etc with new generation desktops

Natty Release Cycle (Edubuntu 11.10)

Release Schedule


Ubuntu-wide summaries of UDS Natty sessions are available at

Tasks and todo items


[ ] Todo
[i] In Progress
[x] Completed/Wontfix/Closed
[d] Deferred

For Alpha 1

[x] Edubuntu installer options should be translated
[x] Get edubuntu-live into main to have its template import on LP
[x] Translations for ltsp (bugfix in LDM)
[x] Alpha 1 Release announcement, release notes

For Alpha 2

[ ] Right wallpaper in install-only mode (speak to Evan)
[ ] Add wubi to DVD
[ ] Test tools like sabayon, nanny, pessulus, etc with new generation desktops
[ ] Alpha 1 Release announcement, release notes

For Alpha 3

[ ] Installer options for additional languages
[ ] LTSP chroot upgrade
[ ] Make LTSP Live translatable
[ ] LDM language setting in Edubuntu installer
[ ] Alpha 3 Release announcement, release notes

For Beta

[ ] Beta Release announcement, release notes

For Release Candidate

[ ] Release Canidate announcement, release notes
[ ] Website Stories, create templates/examples/etc      
    - Stories are user stories from schools/communities/etc
    - Case studies must go on as per discussions with Canonical

For Release

[ ] Edubuntu 11.10 Release Notes / Release Announcement
[ ] Edubuntu 11.10 Installation Guide

Oreinic (Natty+1)

[d] [needs-packaging]
[d] Reduce installer time by fixing package removal issues, get debug trace for bug report (LP: #335596, #
[d] Work on a wizard to be started on the Live and on WebLive (python/glade/webkit)
[d] [needs-packaging] acire (LP: #614045)
[d] [needs-packaging] python snippets (LP: #614060)

Oneiric+1 (Edubuntu 12.04)

Future Plans and Long-term Goals

Make Edubuntu as user friendly and useful as possible!

Edubuntu/11.10/RoadMap (last edited 2011-11-06 20:29:54 by modemcable137)