
Revision 13 as of 2011-12-12 11:04:00

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Edubuntu 12.04 LTS

The Edubuntu team is proposing that the Edubuntu 12.04 release be supported for 5 years as an LTS release.


  • Kubuntu LTS Support Cycle. Many of the packages shipped in Edubuntu that are not shipped in Ubuntu are covered by Kubuntu. Kubuntu is applying for LTS status as well with 5 years of support for critical security updates.

  • Dropped Packages. Certain packages may prove a challenge to support for 5 years and we will be dropping them. Since Mono won't be shipped in Ubuntu anymore, we will be dropping Mono as well. This means that we'll be dropping GBrainy since we aren't willing to support its mono dependencies for 5 years. It will still be available in universe and possibly in an extras meta-package.

Point Releases

List of proposed long-term support applications

Edubuntu seeds are available at:

Task-Per-Derivative: 1 Task-Section: user Task-Description: Edubuntu live CD Task-Extended-Description: This task provides the extra packages installed on the Edubuntu

  • live CD. It is neither useful nor recommended to install this task in other environments.

Task-Relevance: 2 Task-Key: ubiquity-frontend-gtk Task-Test-new-install: skip show


  • edubuntu-artwork
  • edubuntu-live
  • ltsp-livecd

Language packs; in theory we're putting them all on the DVD

  • /language-pack-[-]+$/

  • /language-pack-gnome-[-]+$/

  • /language-pack-kde-[-]+$/

  • language-pack-zh-hans
  • language-pack-gnome-zh-hans
  • language-pack-kde-zh-hans
  • language-pack-zh-hant
  • language-pack-gnome-zh-hant
  • language-pack-kde-zh-hant
  • /gcompris-sound-[-]+$/

  • /gimp-help-[-]+$/

  • Languages: en
  • language-pack-${Languages}
  • language-pack-gnome-${Languages}

# subset of English language support which we want by default:

  • firefox-locale-en
  • libreoffice-help-en-us
  • hunspell-en-us
  • wamerican
  • gparted

Task-Metapackage: ubuntu-edu-preschool

  • (blinken)
  • (gamine)
  • (gcompris)
  • (kanagram)
  • (khangman)
  • (ktuberling)
  • (tuxpaint)

Task-Metapackage: ubuntu-edu-primary

  • (celestia-gnome)
  • (freemind)
  • (gcompris)
  • (geogebra)
  • (kalzium)
  • (kanagram)
  • (kbruch)
  • (khangman)
  • (kig)
  • (kmplot)
  • (ktouch)
  • (ktuberling)
  • (kturtle)
  • (kwordquiz)
  • (laby)
  • (lybniz)
  • (marble)
  • (parley)
  • (ri-li)
  • (stellarium)
  • (step)
  • (tuxmath)
  • (tuxpaint)
  • (tuxtype)

Task-Metapackage: ubuntu-edu-secondary

  • (calibre)
  • (celestia-gnome)
  • (dia-gnome)
  • (freemind)
  • (geogebra)
  • (inkscape)
  • (kalzium)
  • (kbruch)
  • (kig)
  • (kmplot)
  • (ktouch)
  • (ktuberling)
  • (kturtle)
  • (kwordquiz)
  • (laby)
  • (lightspeed)
  • (lybniz)
  • (marble)
  • (melting)
  • (parley)
  • (pencil)
  • (ri-li)
  • (stellarium)
  • (step)

Task-Metapackage: ubuntu-edu-tertiary

  • (calibre)
  • (celestia-gnome)
  • (dia-gnome)
  • (freemind)
  • (geogebra)
  • (inkscape)
  • (kalzium)
  • (kmplot)
  • (ktouch)
  • (kturtle)
  • (laby)
  • (lightspeed)
  • (lybniz)
  • (marble)
  • (melting)
  • (pencil)
  • (stellarium)
  • (step)
  • (yorick)

Edubuntu KDE uses kubuntu-desktop

  • kubuntu-desktop

Edubuntu specific Software

  • (edubuntu-fonts)
  • (italc-master)
  • (ubuntu-edu-preschool)
  • (ubuntu-edu-primary)
  • (ubuntu-edu-secondary)
  • (ubuntu-edu-tertiary)


  • (gobby-infinote)
  • (kdegames)
  • (kolourpaint4)
  • (pdfmod)
  • (scribus-ng)
  • (fonts-sil-andika)
  • (umbrello)

Ubiquity components

These packages make up the Ubiquity live installer.

  • ubiquity-frontend-gtk
  • ubiquity-ubuntu-artwork
  • ubiquity-slideshow-edubuntu
  • python-webkit # Needed by ubiquity-frontend-gtk for the slideshow.
  • ubuntu-desktop
  • (unity-2d)
  • gnome-session-fallback

Edubuntu specific Software

  • (edubuntu-artwork)
  • (edubuntu-docs)
  • (edubuntu-fonts)
  • (edubuntu-menueditor)
  • (italc-master)
  • (ubuntu-edu-preschool)
  • (ubuntu-edu-primary)
  • (ubuntu-edu-secondary)
  • (ubuntu-edu-tertiary)


  • (arkose-nautilus)
  • (atomix)
  • (gimp)
  • (gobby-infinote)
  • (kolourpaint4)
  • (librecad)
  • (liferea)
  • (opendict)
  • (pdfmod)
  • (python-x2go)
  • (scribus-ng)
  • (fonts-sil-andika)
  • (xaos)

Logs from Technical Board Meetings

28 November 2011

The Edubuntu team discussed the LTS Proposal with the [ Technical Board on 28 November 2011]. Logs from the TB meeting are available here:

Action Items:

  • Put together list of long-term supported apps (in progress - see above)
  • Follow up with Kubuntu on their LTS application (done)

12 December 2011

Meeting scheduled to follow up from previous meeting.