
I, Erich Eickmeyer, apply for upload rights for the following packages:

  • carla

  • grub2-themes-ubuntustudio

  • ubuntustudio-controls

  • ubuntustudio-default-settings

  • ubuntustudio-icon-theme

  • ubuntustudio-installer

  • ubuntustudio-look

  • ubuntustudio-menu


Erich Eickmeyer

Launchpad Page


Wiki Page


I am applying because:

  • I'd like to eliminate delays in getting my work sponsored.
  • I'd like to reduce the burden on my sponsors.
  • Currently, nobody on the Ubuntu Studio team has upload rights, this would keep the project alive.

Who I am

I'm a multimedia professional who works as an Audio/Video/Lighting engineer with some photography on the side. As you can imagine, Ubuntu Studio is my flavor of choice.

My Ubuntu story

My contributions to Ubuntu Studio started in March of 2018 when Set Hallstrom and Ross Gammon put out a call to form a council in order to sustain Ubuntu Studio, which had received very little, if any, attention since 2016. I came onboard and ran the meetings and presented ideas to enhance the flavor, which led to a renaissance and revitalization for the flavor that is apparent in the work that went into 18.10 as well as the work going into 19.04. I have also provided direction and ideas for the flavor to move forward.

I would like to get better and better at packaging, and I'm finally falling into the workflow.

My involvement

My Sponsors

Examples of my work / Things I'm proud of

  • carla - Packaged Carla, originally from the KXStudio project, with help from the upstream developer.

  • grub2-themes-ubuntustudio - Forked Ubuntu MATE's grub theme into a bootloader theme for Ubuntu Studio.

  • ubuntustudio-controls - Helped with bugfixes and the vision for this utility.

  • ubuntustudio-default-settings - Added metapackages for adding certain settings to other Ubuntu flavors to benefit from Ubuntu Studio.

  • ubuntustudio-icon-theme - Changed the icon theme to base from Papirus in an effort to modernize the Ubuntu Studio theme.

  • ubuntustudio-installer - Together with Len Ovens, added additional functionality to make it a tool to use on flavors other than Ubuntu Studio for the purpose of adding Ubuntu Studio as a toolkit to other official flavors.

  • ubuntustudio-look - Modernized Ubuntu Studio's default theme to be Materia, eliminating the need to maintain the Numix Blue theme, reducing workload on the Ubuntu Studio team.

  • ubuntustudio-menu - Fixed some installed applications that weren't showing, promoted Ubuntu Studio Controls to an area of prominence.

Areas of work

Let us know what you worked on, with which development teams / developers with whom you cooperated and how it worked out.

  • Ubuntu Studio - worked with Len Ovens (OvenWerks), Ross Gammon (Rosco2), Eylul Dogruel (eylul), and Krytarik Raido (krytarik/kryten/krycek). Good team overall, has common vision for success.

  • Carla - worked with the upstream devleloper, Filipe Caleho (FalkTX) on getting Carla packaged and uploaded to Ubuntu. Work in progress.

  • Calf - worked with the upstream developers of Calf Studio Plugins, Mathieu Trudel (cyphermox), and Rosco2, to get Calf packaged and updated in upstream Debian which came downstream to Ubuntu. Version 0.90.1 is set to land in Ubuntu 19.04.

Things I could do better

  • Working with Lintian and lintian overrides.
  • Still learning the ins/outs of Debian packaging, which I realize might be a constant process.
  • Being a better leader and communicator.

Plans for the future


  • Continue in involvement in Ubuntu Studio
  • Eventually apply for MOTU status, possibly even Core status.

What I like least in Ubuntu

  • I love Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio! My biggest frustration was in not knowing that Ubuntu Studio hasn't had an uploader in several cycles, and not knowing (perhaps my own ignorance?) that Ubuntu flavors are required to have uploaders. I wish I had known earlier, but being a relative newcomer, I guess I didn't know the history enough. Seems as though the leadership handoff happened improperly.


If you'd like to comment, but are not the applicant or a sponsor, do it here. Don't forget to sign with @SIG@.

Ross Gammon

Erich only started doing packaging for Ubuntu a year ago when he joined the Ubuntu Studio Team and became the Council Chair. I have reviewed most of his packaging work, and I can see a huge improvement from the first efforts up to the latest. Some of the changes attempted were quite significant, involving moving files between packages etc. Erich is clearly a fast learner!

Erich has also very quickly built up a network of people to go to in Ubuntu to ask questions, and works very well with upstream projects. He also follows up after the uploads to check evrything is OK, and is always busy bug triaging.

I believe Erich can be trusted with upload rights for the Ubuntu Studio packages, because I know that he reads up on the correct processes, asks questions when not sure of anything, tests his work, and always follows up afterwards. rosco2


As a sponsor, just copy the template below, fill it out and add it to this section.

Dmitry Shachnev

General feedback

I have only sponsored three packages for Erich so I don’t have much experience of working with him.

One of the packages was uploaded without changes, in the two others I have noticed and fixed some issues related to debian/copyright, missing Breaks+Replaces for files move, and debhelper build-dependency not matching compat level. Apart from that, the packages were in good shape and I think he can have upload rights for them.

Specific Experiences of working together

Areas of Improvement

Maybe paying more attention to Lintian warnings…


=== General feedback ===
## Please fill us in on your shared experience. (How many packages did you sponsor? How would you judge the quality? How would you describe the improvements? Do you trust the applicant?)

=== Specific Experiences of working together ===
''Please add good examples of your work together, but also cases that could have handled better.''
## Full list of sponsored packages can be generated here:
##  https://udd.debian.org/cgi-bin/ubuntu-sponsorships.cgi
=== Areas of Improvement ===


Eickmeyer/PPUApplication (last edited 2019-03-11 17:34:02 by eeickmeyer)