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Minutes of Meeting EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingSummary20110924
This is the log of our fifth IRC meeting, held on #ubuntu-ae channel on Saturday, 24th September 2011:
[18:51] == iOmar [d9a4e322@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #ubuntu-ae [18:51] -ChanServ- [#ubuntu-ae] Welcome to #ubuntu-ae. This channel is publicly logged at Use of this channel implies acceptance of the terms at [18:51] <iOmar> I am away  ... joining in 10 mins [18:58] == rverrips [~rverrips@] has joined #ubuntu-ae [18:59] == ragesh [] has joined #ubuntu-ae [18:59] <ragesh> hii guys [19:02] == Uxthui [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu-ae [19:04] <iOmar> Hi everybody I am in [19:04] <Uxthui> Ditto. [19:04] <ragesh> hii [19:04] <iOmar> Sorry for being a bit late ... [19:04] <iOmar> Lets get cooking [19:05] <iOmar> So for today's meeting I did post up that I would like to discuss with the community the future format of the monthly sessions [19:06] <iOmar> as I have been running out of ideas and I think it would be good for variety comming from different members [19:06] <iOmar> I did discuss a couple days back with Toki on that briefly [19:07] <iOmar> I would suggest the following format [19:07] <iOmar> Divide the the monthly session into 3 parts [19:08] <iOmar> First is a 10 mins overview of Ubuntu for newbies [19:08] <iOmar> Second is a How to Session on an Ubuntu related topic [19:08] <iOmar> Three is Tea, Coffee and Snacks for a social end to the night. [19:09] <iOmar> Well thats my two cents ... for the session [19:09] <iOmar> I would like to hear everyone's thoughts so please go ahead [19:10] <Uxthui> I think that's a satisfactory arrangement. But what exactly do we do in the first part? [19:10] <ragesh> that would be a good idea [19:11] <iOmar> The first part would be a brief intro to Ubuntu similar to the "What in the world is Ubuntu" [19:11] <iOmar> presentation [19:12] <ragesh> that's really good [19:13] <ragesh> else newbies wont understand whats goin on [19:13] <iOmar> We can then rotate the sessions between core members who can present How to sessions [19:13] <Uxthui> Excellent. In support of that idea, a good how-to will demonstrate the flexibility and prowess of Ubuntu to draw more newbies. [19:14] <rverrips> Forgive my ignorance (maybe I was late) what are we talking about? [19:14] <iOmar> Hey Roy good to hear from you [19:15] <ragesh> i remember from newbies, joseph was talkin abt free training [19:15] <ragesh> for newbies [19:15] <rverrips> Are Monthly sessions same as what we used to call Loco Meetings? [19:15] <iOmar> Well we were discussing the format of the sessions to have a more rigid format [19:15] <iOmar> yes .. [19:15] <Uxthui> rverrips, yes. [19:15] <rverrips> Ok, got it … sorry for the diversion - Please continue [19:16] <iOmar> The idea is to have a 10 mins intro to Ubuntu [19:16] <Uxthui> I'd prefer the term consistent instead of rigid. :) [19:16] <iOmar> then a How to Session and finally a close with a social gathering over coffee and tea [19:16] <iOmar> consistent it is Toki .. [19:17] <iOmar> so I would like to have people designated as speakers for the community such as a  the likes of you Roy .. [19:17] <iOmar> and they can have a small How to session every couple of months which cycles between great speakers [19:17] <rverrips> Happy to help where I can, iOmar - Any opportunity to talk about linux and I'm there :-) [19:18] <iOmar> GREAT! [19:18]  * rverrips I think ragesh was at the KVM presentation I did? [19:18] <iOmar> The intro can be the same one i presented to the students at AUS or an updated one like [19:19] <iOmar> Ragesh? [19:20] <iOmar> Can you suggest people from the group who you think can present at the monthly events [19:21] <rverrips> I think Joseph has some helpful input/presentations he mentioned to me a while ago? [19:21] <iOmar> Yes Jospeh is a great resource [19:21] <rverrips> If we can track down Daniel again he had some fun stuff with kernel hardening he mentioned … [19:21] <iOmar> Daniel moved back to Canada just recently [19:22] <ragesh> i'm sorry guys i was a lil busy [19:22]  * rverrips sighs … miss Daniel … [19:22] <ragesh> rverrips: I was not there [19:23]  * rverrips apologies ragesh, must've been another ragesh :-) [19:23] <ragesh> rverrips: I didnt know abt the presentation else i would have come [19:23] <ragesh> :) [19:24] <iOmar> Well since now we have a great venue we can plan things in a more concrete fashion. [19:24] <rverrips> iOmar, as you know I haven't been to the last few meetings - Am I correct in assuming the venue we meet at now allows for presentations and is less of a "Ubuntu guys having Coffee" scene? [19:24] <Uxthui> So are we gonna choose someone to do a presentation next week or do you already have something, iOmar? [19:25] <iOmar> Yup thats right Roy, Toki may be you'd like to volunteer .... I would like to confess that I need help in get the group's act together in terms of group governance [19:25] <iOmar> and planning. [19:26] <Uxthui> I'd love to volunteer and do a presentation, but I don't have any good how-to on mind right now. Maybe I'll ask Ubuntu Forums for help. [19:26] <iOmar> In this venue we have a whole auditorium with beanbag sofas all for us. [19:27] <rverrips> Venue sounds great - Send a thank you to whoever arranged that - I'm trusting it doesn't cost us anything! [19:27] <ragesh> woow that would be great [19:27] == nlsthzn [~nlsthzn@] has joined #ubuntu-ae [19:27] == nlsthzn [~nlsthzn@] has quit [Changing host] [19:27] == nlsthzn [~nlsthzn@unaffiliated/nlsthzn] has joined #ubuntu-ae [19:27] == mode/#ubuntu-ae [+v nlsthzn] by ChanServ [19:27] <iOmar> It doesn't [19:27]  * nlsthzn waves hello [19:27] <iOmar> The man the Legend has arrived [19:27]  * rverrips waves to nlsthzn - Good to see ye' [19:27] <+nlsthzn> Sorry for being late :) [19:27] <ragesh> hey neil [19:28] <iOmar> Good to have you .. [19:28] <Uxthui> Welcome, nlsthzn. [19:28] <+nlsthzn> Thx all [19:28] <Uxthui> Quick rundown some, nlsthzn? [19:28] <iOmar> The venue doesnt cost us anything since we're a non-profit [19:29] <+nlsthzn> Uxthui,  no worries... carry on :) [19:29] <ragesh> and the organizer was iOmar right? [19:29] <ragesh> he does all the great stuffs [19:30] <iOmar> Maybe we can have Neil come in every couple of months to give a presentation. [19:30] <rverrips> +1 for seeing more of Neil [19:30] <+nlsthzn> ;) [19:31] <iOmar> So shall we collectively take up a month each and rotate in terms of presentations. Joseph, Neil, Roy, Omar, Toki ? [19:32] <Uxthui> No objections here. [19:32] <rverrips> I'm good for a schedule - Leave to whoever is "on" that month to work out a standin if he/she can't make it … gives us a long term plan as well! [19:33] <iOmar> Cool would anyone volunteer to devise a schedule for the community [19:33]  * nlsthzn has not idea but it sounds good +1 [19:33] <rverrips> I'd suggest Toki setup the schedule … and put it on the wiki [19:34] <Uxthui> What sort of schedule? [19:34] <iOmar> Well basically put the speakers name, and date and timing. [19:34] <Uxthui> I mean to tell who's going to do the presentation next? [19:35] <Uxthui> Ah, well, if I can find the UCW page again, I can copy it's format. :) [19:36] <Uxthui> Now that we're clear on that, can I ask for a change of topic? [19:36] <+nlsthzn> Sounds good that we start using the Wiki more :) [19:36] <Uxthui> Launchpad, and recent issues with Meetup has been on my mind. [19:36] <Uxthui> Ditto. [19:37] <rverrips> What issues with Meetup?  the site, of the actually meetings? [19:37] <Uxthui> Site. [19:38] <rverrips> Ok, what are the issues with [19:38] <Uxthui> During the confusion with the absence of the Organizer, the one paying for the Meetup page, mailing list did not work at all. [19:38] <+nlsthzn> I never knew (or failed to notice) Meetup costs money... and we have at our disposal all we need for free :) [19:39] <iOmar> well my CC was absent ... :( [19:39] <rverrips> +1 for not knowing before that that iOmar was our gracious benefactor in subsidizing subs [19:39] <Uxthui> Only added to the confusion, since we could not contact each other and did not know the reason why, and what's going on. [19:39] <iOmar> Well I'm humbled Roy its nothing ... :) [19:40] <Uxthui> And I recently became aware that the email I sent to the 'core' members using Meetup never got to it's recipients. (the message asking for email) [19:42] <iOmar> Do you mind sending it once more .. [19:42]  * nlsthzn gives a +1 for carrying meetup and other initiatives thus far! [19:42] <Uxthui> I was already biased against using Meetup as the primary team page, and these issues makes it worse. [19:42] <Uxthui> To check? [19:42] <rverrips> I think is we "a core" we can more them to LP and keep for bringing folks in and arranging the meetings … [19:43] <iOmar> +1 [19:43] <ragesh> +1 [19:43] <+nlsthzn> +1 (we can't just loose meetup, great place for people to find us0 [19:44] <rverrips> +1 for not loosing but I think we can do both LP for core and meetup for publicity [19:44] <iOmar> +1 [19:44] <ragesh> +1 [19:44] <Uxthui> Speaking of LP, any progress with Mr Zulfiqar? [19:45] <Uxthui> On LP we can create subteams, so if we decide to have our regular mailing list hosted by LP we can create a subteam for the core. [19:45] <iOmar> Well to be frank I haven't reached out to him ... I wanted to your thoughts on this [19:45] <+nlsthzn> We need all things related to ubuntu-ae IMO [19:46] <Uxthui> Honestly, I don't care if he will participate or not as long as he is willing to give us control of the EmiratesTeam domains that we require. [19:46] <iOmar> This brings up a question [19:46] <Uxthui> He can be be the owner and moderator, but he has to make at least one of the core members an admin. [19:47] <iOmar> I have been told that the format for Ubuntu Local Teams is based on Cities and not Countries [19:47] <iOmar> i.e Dubai Loco , Abu Dhabi Loco etc [19:47] <iOmar> correct me if I'm wrong [19:47] <Uxthui> I was under the impression that applies to big countries, a la USA, UK, Australia, etc. [19:48] <Uxthui> For them it's like ubuntu-us-ny and the like. [19:50] <iOmar> Roy , Neil? [19:50] <rverrips> iOmar - seems to suggest it best to keep a country wide Loco if you can … [19:50] <+nlsthzn> UAE is small enough... we can't afford to splinter more :) [19:51] <Uxthui> Ditto. [19:51] <iOmar> Agreeable Neil [19:51] <rverrips> In the bit of discussion I've have had (via email) with Zulfiqar it doesn't sound like he's open to sharing [19:51] <rverrips> +1 for not spintering [19:51] <iOmar> +1 [19:51] <Uxthui> Can we somehow ask the FNC to make nationwide metro a reality sooner? [19:51] <Uxthui> :P [19:51] <rverrips> if metro was open source it would be nationwide :-) [19:52] <iOmar> Is there any reason which you can foresee in seeing Zulfiqar not helping if we ask him? [19:52] <Uxthui> Free as a beer question applies. Even if the designs and blueprints are open-source, the materials aren't gonna magically appear. [19:53] <+nlsthzn> on a side note the Dubai LUG seems to be gaining some momentum... which is nice... is Zulfiqar active there too? [19:53] <rverrips> iOmar - I can't seem him not wanting to help … [19:53] <rverrips> … but my experience with him is that he tends to delay, postponed, not reply … [19:54] <rverrips> I'd suggest for now we remain an unofficial Loco … [19:54] <rverrips> in a few months, when we've had some more event, meet ups, etc. and have built up some more cred' we can approach the Loco council [19:54] <iOmar> can we talk and discuss things on LP based on our current requirements with the tools open to us as members? [19:55] <iOmar> and not administrators? [19:55] <+nlsthzn> rverrips, true... we are not there yet... but would be nice to start getting the house in order as we go :) [19:55] <rverrips> agreed, Neil, and think if we do as much as we can with what we have, adding the last few pieces will be easier … [19:56] <+nlsthzn> iOmar, launchpad really only gives us mailing lists AFAIK, Uxthui? [19:57] <+nlsthzn> (which we can already use :)) [19:57] <iOmar> Uxthui? rverrips? [19:58] <Uxthui> Well yes, if we join ~EmiratesTeam now, there'll be no issues using the mailinglist. [19:58] <rverrips> Yes, but LP it is also the preferred/recommend method to organize a loco … [19:58] <Uxthui> But no administrative authority. (And subsequently no subteam). [19:58] <iOmar> Time is running out .. people [19:58] <+nlsthzn> rverrips, but I mean... what does it REALLY give us except a place for people to join and a mailing list :) [19:59] <ragesh> exactly [19:59] <rverrips> nlsthzn - nothing more than you said … [19:59] <rverrips> but it buys some relational credit with Toki :-) [19:59] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, fulfill one of the official LoCo requirement. [19:59] <ragesh> :) [19:59] <Uxthui> rverrips, good point. [20:00] <iOmar> Till we get critical mass thats when we'd really feel the benefit. [20:00] <Uxthui> And also saves us from Metup mailing list trouble. [20:00] <+nlsthzn> Oh for sure... I think we must make work of getting it but not let it stop us :) [20:00] <iOmar> I would like to close on one last topic from last IRC meeting [20:00] <Uxthui> And also saves us from Metup mailing list trouble. (which is the foremost reason I want to us LP mailing list) [20:01] <iOmar> Members business cards / Ubuntu marketing material [20:02] <iOmar> I did manage to get an Ubuntu designed card here [20:02] <iOmar> and here [20:02] <iOmar> front and back [20:03] <iOmar> You can use it as a personal calling card & promote Ubuntu at the same time [20:03] <rverrips> I like the business cards - What are the costs? [20:03] <+nlsthzn> wife has just yelled (again) that the food is ready and getting cold... +1 from me for any good ideas... if not back before the end ... cheers all... [20:03] <iOmar> Some thing around .75 fils a card [20:03] <rverrips> cheers neil ... [20:04] <Uxthui> Affordable. [20:04] <rverrips> What is the minimum order quantity? [20:04] <Uxthui> But it's missing reference ubuntu-ae team and website. [20:04] <iOmar> I might manage to get a low count 500 but I need to check [20:05] <iOmar> This where we need to set things clear for the General Public, to what site shall they be pointed to? [20:05] <rverrips> 500 unique ones (i.e. 500xiOmar) or 500 total (i.e. 100xiOmar, 100xrverrips, 100xUxthui, etc.) [20:05] <iOmar> I need to check possibly doable [20:05] <iOmar> the latter [20:06] <rverrips> I'd suggest to point them to - At the moment that's the Wiki - If we later decide something else we can change the site without changing the calling cards? [20:06] <iOmar> +1 for the idea [20:06] <Uxthui> Ditto for [20:07] <iOmar> but what about Which has evrything about Ubuntu? [20:07] <iOmar> Our wiki doesnt really show much [20:07] <Uxthui> Well, in fromnt and at back? [20:07] <rverrips> We should perhaps look at the wiki page ( and see how can change that to either be "people looking for info on ubuntu"-friendly or "people looking for ubuntu emirates"-friendly [20:08] <Uxthui> Something like find us at [20:08] <ragesh> rverrips good idea [20:08] <Uxthui> Something like find us at and download at [20:08] <iOmar> Guys I need to close this last topic and move it to Meetup discussion board. [20:09] <iOmar> Time is up [20:09] <rverrips> +1 for time up [20:09] <Uxthui> Wait, wait, who's doing presentation next month? [20:09] <ragesh> toki [20:09] <rverrips> You mean in two weeks?  +1 for Toki [20:09] <iOmar> +1 for Toki [20:09] <ragesh> +1 [20:10] <Uxthui> Guess it's decided. [20:10] <rverrips> I should be able to do November - pencil me in [20:10] <iOmar> Thanks folks for joining another great session. Bye for now.
EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingLogs20110924 (last edited 2011-10-20 14:36:16 by 2)