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## page was copied from EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingLogs20110720 ## page was copied from EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingLogs20110827
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Minutes of Meeting [[EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingSummary20110720]] Minutes of Meeting [[EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingSummary20110827]]
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This is the log of our third IRC meeting, held on #ubuntu-ae channel on Sunday, 24th April 2011: This is the log of our fourth IRC meeting, held on #ubuntu-ae channel on Saterday, 27th August 2011:
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[15:39] <iOmar> Hi guys
[15:40] <iOmar> Lets get going for our meeting
[15:40] <nlsthzn> Hey iOmar :)
[15:40] <bassem_lap> iOmar, hi Omar
[15:41] <iOmar> Hey Neil, thanks for your support online! In the UCW.
[15:41] <Uxthui> Right about that, sorry I couldn't attend, I was out. :(
[15:42] <iOmar> Since I am not very familiar with the commands, please correct me if I do something wrong.
[15:42] <Haden> Hey Omar
[15:42] <nlsthzn> iOmar, ? Not sure what I did but it was a pleasure :)
[15:42] <iOmar> I would like to update the group on yesterday's session
[15:42] <Haden> I'm still stuck at work :( .. Try my best to participate
[15:42] <iOmar> For those not aware yesterday was the second day of the Ubuntu Community Week
[15:43] <iOmar>
[15:43] <iOmar> If you open the link there is a time table of IRC session from all over the world
[15:44] <iOmar> I was invited to present a session on behalf of the local community
[15:44] <nlsthzn> also if you install lernid is makes it so easy to participate... #pro-tip
[15:45] <iOmar> It went well and I will try to get the Google Analytics for our meetup website for the visitors
[15:45] <Haden> Congrats :)
[15:46] <iOmar> The session log can be found online for those who would like to have a read about it.
[15:46] <nlsthzn> Glad it was a success :)
[15:46] <iOmar> "How I Started an Ubuntu Group in My City and How You Could Too!" A young and budding group has started in the famous Middle Easter cosmopolitan city of Dubai. This session will show you how the Emirates' first Ubuntu community was started. It will describe the tools and methods the team used to ensure a smooth start, so you can too!
[15:46] <iOmar> I really liked the "Middle Easter" part
[15:47] <nlsthzn> :)
[15:47] <rverrips> :-)
[15:47] <iOmar> I will post the link to the slides which I presented just a sec
[15:47] <nlsthzn> Cool... at least one person can sign my card :D
[15:48] <iOmar> ^.^
[15:48] <iOmar>
[15:49] <iOmar> The slides where basically a quick overview of tools which I use to organize the community in addition to some general guidelines for community leaders
[15:50] <iOmar> If any one does have any questions please go ahead
[15:50] <Uxthui> se
[15:51] <nlsthzn> Well... we have all been here so I guess we have first hand knowledge :p
[15:52] <iOmar> No problems ...
[15:53] <nlsthzn> Problem with slide are they tell so little...
[15:53] <nlsthzn> *slides
[15:53] <iOmar> The time was limited so I barely managed to get through them
[15:53] <iOmar> It was an hour session.
[15:55] <nlsthzn> I saw that IRC is a very different platform for presentations... but a far reaching one :)
[15:55] <iOmar> Yes the sheer number of attendees was a bit intimidating but the fact they cant see you or hear you is reassuring. Interesting position to be in one.
[15:56] <Haden> :)
[15:57] <iOmar> Shall move on to the topic of the meeting "Discussing the feedback collected from the UAE's first InstallFest"
[15:57] <nlsthzn> Sure
[15:59] <iOmar> The InstallFest was a great success, thanks to everyone who participated, especially those who left their day jobs, walked out of a plane, travelled the arabian desert all to reach the venue.
[15:59] <iOmar> Thank YOU!
[16:00] <iOmar> As for some of the indicators that measured success we did put down some KPI's to measure
[16:00] <nlsthzn> Did we pass or fail? :p
[16:02] <iOmar> Since this was the first time
[16:02] <iOmar> We did put a tentative figure of 50 pcs but that was a loose figure. I say we PASSED with FLYING COLORS!
[16:03] <Haden> :D
[16:03] <nlsthzn> It was a good day... long but good... :)
[16:03] <bassem_lap> nlsthzn, are you talking about something new, and I missed it?!!
[16:04] <nlsthzn> bassem_lap, there has only been one installfest I am aware off...
[16:04] <iOmar> The KPIs we set during the planning meeting we held at Costa in Dubai Mall
[16:04] <iOmar> 1) Number of Email Shots sent 2) Number of Backups made of users data 3) Number of Overall Ubuntu Installation 4) Number of Dual Boot Installations 5) Number of Pure Ubuntu intallations 6) Number of Successful Installation 7) Number of Installations with issues
[16:06] <iOmar> As for the KPI - 1 Number of Email shots sent , there were several around 3 I recall from the IEEE guys to around 2000 email addresses
=== rverrips_ is now known as rverrips
[16:06] <iOmar> All to the Engineering College students and faculty
[16:07] <iOmar> KPI - 2 was not measured since we opted not to backup any data from any PC
[16:07] <iOmar> KPI - 3
[16:07] <iOmar> Number of Ubuntu Installations Overall = 32 (Successful + Attempted)
[16:08] <nlsthzn> Felt like so many more...
[16:08] <iOmar> KPI - 4 = Number of Dual Boot Installations = 30 Successful
[16:09] <iOmar> KPI - 5 = Pure Ubuntu = Zero ( I might be wrong as one student brought a humoungus desktop [see photos] and Joseph was working on it, no too sure)
[16:09] <iOmar> KPI - 6 = Number of successful Installation = 30
[16:10] <iOmar> KPI -7 = Number of Installation with Issues = 2 laptops did not manage to get Ubuntu on them and thus just evil OS remained ^.^
[16:11] <iOmar> So that wraps up the numbers
[16:11] <nlsthzn> the desktop was a full install by accident...
[16:12] <nlsthzn> the person gave the wrong drive number to us and windows was wiped :p
[16:12] <iOmar> oh I think that was a good thing to have happened so that makes KPI 7 = 1
[16:12] <rverrips> One of the 2 that didn't get it was a Mac which was already dual-booting OSx and Windows 7 ... There wasn't enough free space to created the partition needed for Ubuntu
[16:12] <iOmar> Cool
[16:12] <Uxthui> Windows can run on Macbooks?
[16:13] <iOmar> Oh yeah I remeber that one, thanks Roy you did your best on that one!
[16:13] <nlsthzn> Uxthui, sure
[16:13] <rverrips> Yup - It's alled Bootcamp - a set of drivers that'll let Intel Mac's work pretty ok with Windows ...
[16:13] <Uxthui> I see, it's thanks to Apple moving away from PowerPC...
[16:13] <iOmar> Is that similar to Parallels?
[16:14] <rverrips> No, Bootcamp runs it natives - Parellels is a Virtual PC inside OSx ... but let's not stray off-topic :-)
[16:14] <Haden> Parallel is a more like a virtual pc
[16:15] <iOmar> Bringing back the subject to the InstallFest
[16:15] <nlsthzn> Do we have any feedback from those we installed on that day...?
[16:15] <iOmar> I do recall some had suggestions and comments, so why dont we start noting them down
[16:16] <iOmar> Feel free to add a suggestion or comment
[16:16] <Uxthui> iOmar, use the bot note down the points.
[16:17] <Uxthui> *bot to
[16:17] <iOmar> Those who know how to do this please help!
[16:17] <nlsthzn> Next time we can optimize the layout and work flow... and also the paperwork and also we can give much more info about the loco etc...
[16:18] <iOmar> Yes thats right
[16:18] <Uxthui> iOmar, I PMed the links to instructions.
[16:18] <Uxthui>
[16:20] <iOmar> Just a question has anyone issued the startmeeting command
[16:20] <rverrips> Yup, Neil pretty much summed it all up ... I tried to "log" the time / steps on the forms I got to help "debug" and draw up KPI / estimates for the next one.
[16:21] <Uxthui> iOmar, no.
[16:21] <Haden> Lol.. Maybe next time
[16:21] <iOmar> #startmeeting
[16:21] <Haden> Silviu was good at this stuff
[16:22] <Haden> Dude disappeared ..
[16:22] <nlsthzn> :/ not really needed... someone will go through the log and update the wiki manually...
[16:22] <iOmar> Oh okay
[16:22] <iOmar> Coming back to the topic
[16:23] <iOmar> Thanks Neil and Roy , yes there were issues with the paper work. Neil can you be more specifc on the paperwork?
[16:24] <nlsthzn> We can have a better form, to log much more important info...
[16:24] <nlsthzn> I think the best would be to have a session and hammer out one with info from several peeps
[16:25] <nlsthzn> something that assists in following up afterwards and helps with the workflow...
[16:25] <nlsthzn> so we don't have times when nobody was sure who was supposed to do what when etc :)
[16:26] <nlsthzn> the form now is just a disclaimer
[16:26] <Haden> :)
[16:27] * nlsthzn types slow with one hand while eating pizza with the other :p
[16:27] * Haden types with one finger while staring at a windows desktop :/
[16:27] <iOmar> :) I did base the InstallFest template on this
[16:28] <nlsthzn> pffft red hat... they just worried they would get sued :D
[16:28] <nlsthzn> it is a good form... just needs more :)
[16:29] <nlsthzn> be like a dossier... cradle to grave :)
[16:30] <iOmar> Also in terms of distributing a paper that had our contact details or how to get help, that didnt exist. Funny no one came up with the idea
[16:30] <nlsthzn> :) so we learn... we should also add some handy links on the desktops :)
[16:31] <iOmar> Joseph tried to jot down our meetup page URL on a note it but half way through the day I noticed the URL was wrong , but I have to give him he came up with the idea on the fly, Hats off to Jospeh!
[16:31] <nlsthzn> :)
[16:32] <iOmar> I think we need to create some sort of calling card. With all our details websites etc.
[16:32] <nlsthzn> Sounds good
[16:32] <Haden> Ubuntu Business cards ? :)
[16:33] <nlsthzn> members only
[16:33] <iOmar> I will work on some samples and share them with you possibly next IRC meeting
[16:33] <nlsthzn> afaik
[16:33] <iOmar> I was thinking of making them more generic and not personal ones so that anyone can pick them and share them
[16:34] <nlsthzn> Something easy to have and share at anytime :)
[16:34] <iOmar> Just to set the expectations of this meeting what time does it end (9:00 PM?)
[16:34] <Haden> I think we can all contribute to get them printed
[16:35] <iOmar> Great idea Haden
[16:35] <Haden> Any idea how much it costs ?
[16:35] <Haden> For a 100 pack ?
[16:36] <iOmar> I have done some prints before depends on the (Thickness of Paper, Laminated or not, Glossy or Matte) etc...
[16:36] <iOmar> A pack of 500 cards
[16:36] <iOmar> Business cards sized
[16:36] <Haden> Cost of non laminated matte ?
[16:37] <iOmar> Thick enough so that they stand in between other cards as high quality and laminated and matte with a smooth texture to give a high finish effect = 750 DHS I think
[16:38] <iOmar> Or 1000 they were I will double check but will let you guys know
[16:38] <Uxthui> We don't need quality stuff, just minimum readable card will do, methinks.
[16:38] <Haden> Btw.. Should we discuss about next meetups agenda ?
[16:39] <iOmar> Thanks Haden will do but before we do we just need to finish the InstallFest feedback
[16:40] <Uxthui> Now that we're back on topic, how should we contact the IEEE again?
[16:41] <nlsthzn> I would like to get feedback from the people that we helped last time... I think we left them a bit high and dry...
[16:41] <nlsthzn> Not the best we should/could have done...
[16:42] <iOmar> The IEEE people are one holiday and I have their emails but never got in touch ever since
[16:43] <iOmar> We can reach out to them as Toki suggested to let them send out an email to the students, who we have their emails in the forms.
[16:43] <Uxthui> Not staying in touch was a mistake.
[16:43] <iOmar> Correct Toki
[16:44] <Haden> Brb guys
[16:45] <iOmar> What would be the best approach in terms of reaching out to those students? Do we send them a personalized email asking them for feedback and if they need help>
[16:46] <iOmar> A side note guys in terms of timing this meeting should try to wrap at 9:00 pm I suggest
[16:46] <Uxthui> Hopefully, if our feedback campaign works out, we can maintain a permanent relationship and organize InstallFest and support events on a yearly basis Ahmad suggested.
[16:46] <nlsthzn> The ones we have done I don't know... but some sort of direct communication one week, then a month, etc. for new peeps would be cool
[16:47] <nlsthzn> iOmar, agreed... we need to stream line the IRC meetings... they tend to be to long
[16:47] <Uxthui> I think we should first ask what the IEEE's impression was, and based on that move on to survey the general participants.
[16:48] <iOmar> Ok so we reach out to the IEEE guys first and then send an email personalized to the person who we installed Ubuntu for
[16:48] <iOmar> ?
[16:48] <Uxthui> Exactly.
[16:48] <iOmar> Any other suggestions
[16:49] <nlsthzn> OR the IEEE could do it...
[16:49] <Uxthui> We need to show that we're still interested in how Ubuntu worked out for them, and how we could improve the experience.
[16:50] <iOmar> Good idea Neil
[16:50] <Uxthui> Yes, the IEEE will send the personalized emails on behalf of #ubuntu-ae.
[16:50] <iOmar> Personalized is the way
[16:50] <iOmar> NOTE 10 mins remaining to wrap this meeting.
[16:50] <nlsthzn> I just think we might have waited to long since the last one... and we could maybe make sure not to repeat this in the future... but some feedback would just help us to get some feeling about how the students felt about it and we can learn some more from it
[16:51] <Uxthui> Need to start designing survey forms as well.
[16:51] <iOmar> We can still invite them to our meetup site by sending an invite, there is a tool to recruit new members in meetup
[16:51] <Uxthui> Oh that's right, do we do an online survey or paper?
[16:52] <Uxthui> The invitation should be sent along side the survey request.
[16:52] <iOmar> An email might be enough, going through a survey might be a bit taxing on some
[16:52] <iOmar> me personally
[16:52] <nlsthzn> nobody likes surveys :p
[16:53] <Uxthui> You mean ask them to send a simple feedback email?
[16:53] <iOmar> They can just reply to the email and that might make it more attractive since no specifc format has been imposed on them
[16:53] <Uxthui> I don't think it will be informative enough.
[16:54] <Uxthui> I see.
[16:54] <iOmar> If they do reply to the email we can invite them to fill out a survey?
[16:54] <iOmar> that will filter out the intrested
[16:54] <iOmar> from those who weren't
[16:54] <nlsthzn> sounds good
[16:54] <iOmar> Cool
[16:55] <iOmar> So would any one like to write up an email?
[16:55] <iOmar> NOTE 5 mins remaining to wrap this meeting.
[16:56] * nlsthzn doesn't mind to draft one and put it on the message board for approval/tweaking
[16:57] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, your blog posts are very lively, why don't you give the email a try? ;)
[16:57] <Uxthui> Oops, too late.
[16:57] <iOmar> Great so Neil is going to draft one
[16:57] <iOmar> done
[16:57] <nlsthzn> just give me a day or two with work etc
[16:58] <iOmar> Take your time no students are in school its summer.
[16:58] <iOmar> Ok action items
[16:58] <Uxthui> What's our time table to getting this done?
[16:58] <Haden> Keep it informal
[16:58] <iOmar> Let target the begging of the school year
[16:58] <iOmar> *begining
[16:59] <nlsthzn> Oh, ok... np... lots of time then :)
[16:59] <iOmar> 1) Sample callign card = Omar
[16:59] <iOmar> 2) Costs of printng = Omar
[16:59] <iOmar> 3) Email draft = Neil
[16:59] <Uxthui> iOmar, seconded. Also the possibility of yet another InstallFest targeting the freshmen as Ahmad suggested.
[16:59] <iOmar> Lets continue in our next IRC meeting
[17:00] <Haden> Guys what do you think of a google apps account ?
[17:00] <nlsthzn> Sounds good...
[17:00] <Haden> We can store documents .. Email .. Etc
[17:00] <Uxthui> iOmar, shall we have another next week or keep the once monthly schedule?
[17:00] <rverrips> Haden, I've can make accounts available via google apps
[17:01] <iOmar> I am okay with next week depends on the communiyt
[17:01] <Haden> rvverrips was thinking the same thinking ..
[17:01] <iOmar> Cool idea but isnt it 50USD per account
[17:01] <Haden> *thing
[17:01] <iOmar> per year>
[17:01] <iOmar> ?
[17:01] <Uxthui> iOmar, it's free but only 10 accounts.
[17:01] <Haden> For non profit organizations it's free
[17:01] <iOmar> Cool
[17:02] <iOmar> So to wrap on this final note
[17:02] * nlsthzn has no idea what you guys are talking about but he needs to go sleepy now :p
[17:02] <rverrips> I have 25 free accounts for ready to go ... let me know if want me pull the trigger on that ...
[17:02] <iOmar> action item 4 : Google Accounts for the team
[17:02] <Haden> rverrips go ahead..
[17:02] <nlsthzn> Guys... I will catch you online later... night
[17:02] <Haden> Night nlsthzn
[17:02] <Uxthui> Okay guys, shall we have another IRC meeting next week?
[17:03] <iOmar> So this wraps our session for today
[17:03] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, be seeing you.
[17:03] <iOmar> Toki propose it on meetup and see
[17:03] <Uxthui> Acknowledged.
[17:03] <Haden> Yup.. Go ahead
[17:04] <iOmar> Toki please copy paste the logs and post them on our wiki
[17:04] <iOmar> Thanks every one
[17:04] <iOmar> and bye for now
[17:04] <Haden> Thanks Omar
[17:04] <Haden> See ya ..
[17:04] <Uxthui> Well then everyone, let me thank you for responding to my meeting call.
[17:04] <Uxthui> Salam, iOmar.
[17:05] <Uxthui> rverrips, it's a shame you couldn't make it to the last meet up.
[17:05] <rverrips> Do you want personal accounts, or "alias/forwarders" to existing accounts ...
[17:05] <Uxthui> How're you doing?
[17:05] <Uxthui> I think alias would be good enough.
[17:05] <Uxthui> I don't want yet another Google account.
[17:06] <rverrips> My feeling exactly - will setup aliases by default unless someone want's anything else
[17:06] <Haden> Aliases should do ..
[17:06] <Uxthui> Yes, and rverrips, do you know our existing accounts?
[17:06] <Haden> I wouldn't mind a though :D
[17:07] <rverrips> I'll me is so, Haden ... which email to forward to?
[17:07] <Uxthui> Haden, it would be, but simply forwarded to your regular inbox.
[17:09] <Haden>
[17:16] <Haden> rverrips
[17:16] <rverrips> It's done Haden, give it a shot ...
[17:17] <Haden> Hold on...
[17:18] <Haden> rverrips got it ..
[17:18] <rverrips> sweet :-)
[17:18] <Haden> How do I send from ?
[17:19] <rverrips> You have to setup Gmail with another address ...
[17:19] <rverrips>
[17:20] <Haden> rverrips thanks .. Will take a look once I get home ..
[17:21] <Uxthui> We're all Google fans!
[17:23] <rverrips> Toki, can you send me a list of names and addresses and I'll set 'em up ... are we doing ""?
[17:23] <Uxthui> rverrips, I think that should be up to the person in question to decide.
[17:24] <rverrips> ok ... who'll co-ordinate?
[17:24] <Uxthui> First, let's decided who actually deserves mails.
[17:25] <Uxthui> I think the this meeting attendees is a good place to start.
[17:25] <rverrips> Yeah, that works better, thanks .. who'll decide?
[17:25] <rverrips> Tell you want, I'll create only what you send me - Being in charge of community and all that sounds like a good call for you to make. Send me a let whenever and I'll do it ...
[17:25] <rverrips> Anyway, I'm going to watch some "A-Team" now :-)
[17:26] <Uxthui> rverrips, will do.
[06:02] <Uxthui> #startmeeting
[06:02] <Uxthui> Guess not.
[06:02] <Uxthui> Anyway, first things first, what are the events we're going to organize?
[06:03] <Uxthui> Just Ubuntu and Linux is not going to suffice.
[06:04] <nlsthzn> GNU/Linux
[06:04] <rashidragon> hello
[06:04] * nlsthzn waves @ rashidragon
[06:05] <rashidragon> < this guy waves back xP
[06:06] <rashidragon> SoOoOo every 1 is here ?
[06:07] <Uxthui> Yes, welcome, rashidragon.
[06:08] <Uxthui> Well, come on, how are we going to represent free software?
[06:10] <Uxthui> A presentation is of course in order to explain free software (I couldn't tell freeware from free software before Ubuntu).
[06:10] <Uxthui> Then what?
[06:10] <rashidragon> then burn them on CD's and throw them at people for free xD
[06:10] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: Where will this presentation be held?
[06:10] <rashidragon> seriously i dont know =/
[06:11] * rverrips apologies for the log spam - Just switching clients from mobile to fixed
[06:12] <rashidragon> can some 1 explain whats going on i am kinda new here >.<
[06:12] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, I'm open to suggestions. :P
[06:13] <Uxthui> Depends on what we are going to do besides the presentation.
[06:13] <jjksaji> we are discussing , what activities we need to do on software freedom day
[06:13] <rashidragon> and that is going to be, where ?
[06:14] <jjksaji> may be could conduct a walk on mamzar beach
[06:14] <jjksaji> with T short worn
[06:14] <ragesh> wow that would b great
[06:15] <jjksaji> we will take snaps of it and post to the news paper for coverage
[06:16] <rashidragon> @.@ wow i didnt know stuff like that happenes here in dubai awesome count me in free sofware for ever (wisper + pirate software)
[06:16] <ragesh> this would be my first interaction with u guys, I'm excited
[06:16] <Uxthui> ragesh, there's a meet up the first Wednesday next month.
[06:17] <ragesh> yeah, so that would be before SFD
[06:18] <nlsthzn> rashidragon: why would you ever need to pirate software when there are open source alternatives to just about anything ;)
[06:18] <Uxthui> jjksaji, well that would very well tell people that there are people who care about the thing called /free software/, but they won't know what is free software.
[06:18] <rashidragon> nlsthzn ur right =/
[06:18] <jjksaji> we will walk , along with us we will carry advertisment materials and contact details
[06:19] <ragesh> is it possible to show any demo or such
[06:19] <rverrips> And to be culturally sensitive we can't explain it as "Free as in Beer" - Need a localization for that ...
[06:19] <ragesh> lol
[06:19] <jjksaji> just give ubuntu-ae contact (meetup ) details to all who ask , I think this is going to get attention
[06:19] <xnixan> Hi
[06:20] <Uxthui> Right, advertisement materials and contact details. We can conduct the walk in the morning and, using the fliers, invite them to a presentation event in the evening.
[06:20] <Uxthui> Morning, xnixan.
[06:20] * nlsthzn waves @ xnixan
[06:21] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: I think that sounds like the outlines of a pretty solid idea
[06:21] <Uxthui> I'm all for the walk as long as it is not the only thing we do the whole day.
[06:21] <xnixan> Morning Uxthui and many waves @ nlsthzn :)
[06:22] * nlsthzn wonders how feasable it would be to ask Jono Bacon to do a keynote speech to kick of the evening via the interwebs...
[06:22] <Uxthui> And one more thing, only pointing to Ubuntu for contacts would be too narrow from the general free software view.
[06:23] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, I would think he's already booked.
[06:23] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: well, he is 11 hours behind us ;)
[06:24] <Uxthui> But of course, we can have a mini-installfest in the sidelines of the SFD.
[06:24] <nlsthzn> Installfest is hard work...
[06:24] <jjksaji> for installfest we need a location + audience
[06:24] <rashidragon> most people i know uses pirated software i guess thats why most people dont care about free sofware + smart computer geeks 90% uses free sofwares, most games works on windows and not linux,unix,ubuntu thats the other resoin why people still uses windows over ubuntu altho ubuntu is so damn awsome but the problem with the gaming companys the just make the game works with windows as u know
[06:24] <rashidragon> about 70% of the people who uses computers dont know nothing about it they just use chating services and gaming + browsing <what i said wont help skip>
[06:24] <Uxthui> That's why it's /mini/.
[06:25] <ragesh> where is toki??
[06:25] <Uxthui> ragesh, that's me. :)
[06:26] <ragesh> okk, I was searching for u :)
[06:26] <nlsthzn> Just for your guys info -
[06:27] <Uxthui> rashidragon, yes, for teenagers and young adults, games are one of the major reasons why they won't jump ships.
[06:27] * rverrips thinks nlsthzn has a good idea regards Jono … perhaps there's already something like that being planned for the inter webs?
=== rashidragon is now known as rashid
[06:27] <Uxthui> But as you said, there's 70% of the people who don't know anything - we are (at least, I am) aiming to educate that 70%.
[06:28] <rashid> i tryed to do that weth my friends didnt work =/ thay made me give up (bad friends xP)
[06:29] <ragesh> do we have high end games like Need For Speed and Counter strike which work on linux platform??
[06:29] <Uxthui> rashid, go for the uncles and grandparents. :P
[06:29] <Uxthui> ragesh, unfortunately, we don't.
[06:30] <ragesh> how abt using free Software "wine"?
[06:30] <Uxthui> Now then, I believe we have established the two main events of our SFD.
[06:30] <rashid> wont work for big exe files
[06:31] <rashid> those 70% are educated but still dont want to change cuz of the stuff they can do in windows and cant in ubuntu
[06:31] <Uxthui> ragesh, that will work, but it is not perfect. And not many people would like to switch to Ubuntu and learn to use it to play games.
[06:31] <rverrips> Ragesh (regards High-end Games) there are some good alternatives … try
[06:32] <rashid> but still u can ask people to install ubuntu beside windows at least so thay can test it out
[06:32] <rashid> dual boot
[06:32] <rashid> or maybe installing it on a vmware
[06:33] <nlsthzn> rashid: there is very little you can do in Windows that you can't do in Linux... also, not everyone playes games on there PC's... and even then there is a lot of games for Linux :)
[06:34] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: so, you want to have a mini installfest and a presentation and a walk...
[06:34] <nlsthzn> or not the installfest
[06:34] <Uxthui> Not?
[06:34] <jjksaji> I prefer not to conduct installfest
[06:34] <ragesh> no toki, people still use windows only for games and entertainment. If linux supports games then we can see a lot of people migrating to linux
[06:35] <jjksaji> after mamzar beach walk , we can go to other places
[06:35] <jjksaji> may be malls
[06:35] <jjksaji> we need to have T shirts and caps ordered for us
[06:35] <rashid> any 1 here owens a website ?
[06:36] <rverrips> (Just my two cents worth) - Although pushing Ubuntu as a "free" alternative to Windows, we could perhaps focus on things folks could already use on Windows, and may already - Like Firefox, LibreOffice, etc.
[06:36] <Uxthui> jjksaji, nlsthzn, that's fine, I only suggested that to highlight Ubuntu as a free software.
[06:36] <rverrips> We own - Can put a sub-site on that, like or something?
[06:36] <Uxthui> Or <>?
[06:37] <rashid> takes u to
[06:37] <Uxthui> rashid, that's because rverrips set it up to do so.
[06:38] <nlsthzn> rverrips: yup... there is a LOT of free software out there people are using everday... wikipedia, wordpress... so many things we can highlight :)
[06:38] <Uxthui> Anyway, a walk all over Dubai to invite everyone to a formal SFD event in the evening. I think we all agree on that point.
[06:38] <rashid> hmm i guess
[06:39] <rashid> company spends alot of money to use windows for there workers
[06:39] <Uxthui> The next thing I'd like to discuss is, are any of you affiliated with other tech groups?
[06:39] <rashid> i guess atleast if company switched to ubuntu
[06:39] <rashid> it would be free from them and they can do there work on ubuntu instead of windows witch cost $$
[06:40] <rashid> cuz company workers wont play game in there work xP and that the only thing in my opn ubuntu i missing (games)
[06:40] <ragesh> So When will we get T-shirts?
[06:40] <Uxthui> rashid, it's not as simple.
[06:41] <rashid> nothing is simple
[06:41] <rverrips> Rashid - The "free" argument is a bit more complex. Most companies purchase OEM licenses which in many cases would make it more expensive to run a free OS like Ubuntu
 - When we speak "free" we're address more the freedom that's involved with using an open source OS
[06:41] <Uxthui> jjksaji, if we register our event at the SFD we'll get free t-shirts and stuff, will you please go ahead and register?
[06:42] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: I doubt any thing coming from them will ever reach us here in time... now less than 3 weeks to go...
[06:42] <rashid> rverrips so u mean ubuntu wont be free for companies and will cost more?
[06:42] <ragesh> Can I go ahead and register?
[06:43] <jjksaji> ragesh it will be great if u can register
[06:43] <ragesh> ok
[06:43] <rverrips> No, Rashid, but many companies might have to pay more for a PC without Windows pre-installed, so the argument of cost dies ...
[06:43] <jjksaji> argesh if u can take the ownership, please go ahead
[06:44] <nlsthzn> Remember that free software has the emphasis on free like in freedom of speech ;)
[06:44] <rashid> aha...
[06:45] <jjksaji> We can give T shirt and Cap order here in UAE
[06:47] <Uxthui> rverrips, you are registered on the Dubai LUG forum, are you not? Can you drop them a post about SFD, and ask for their co-operation?
[06:47] <ragesh> I doubt whether we get the goodies coz on the SFD site they have asked to register before 2nd Aug fo rthe goodies
[06:47] <nlsthzn> Well, we should still register
[06:49] <rverrips> Uxthui - Count on me to spread the word once we know what it is ...
[06:49] <ragesh> nlsthzn: Ok
[06:50] <Uxthui> rverrips, there are two reasons why I want co-operation of other groups.
[06:51] <Uxthui> 1. Need more people.
[06:51] <Uxthui> 2. They can do their own stuff to add to the event.
[06:52] <Uxthui> So in a way, they should tell us what it is we're going to do.
[06:54] <ragesh> Guy, what would be the expected size of our team?
[06:54] <nlsthzn> Well, already there is a number of activities that need to be done... T-Shirts need designing and printed... venue for presentation, someone to do presentation... oh, and I guess we will need funds for all this too...
[06:54] <Uxthui> People, these are the two reasons we need more groups involved in this. I again ask you to invite any IT-related teams to SFD. If you can get your organizations to join us, even better.
[06:54] <ragesh> Guys, what would be the expected size of our team?
[06:54] <rverrips> Uxthui the most (read that only) active LUG or Open Source movement in Dubai at the moment, from what I know, is EmiratesLOCO - I doubt anyone else is planning anying. We'd need to take the lead on this ...
[06:55] <Uxthui> rverrips, sure, if the want to participate, we schedule their prime time. ;)
[06:55] <Uxthui> ragesh, I would say, judging from our installfest, around twelve.
[06:56] <Uxthui> rverrips, I'll try and get Omar to negotiate with Dubai Tech Nights as well.
[06:56] <ragesh> I'm registering for SFD, What should be our team name?
[06:57] <Uxthui> There should be some Android dev or user groups around as well.
[06:57] <Uxthui> ragesh, Ubuntu Emirates Team should suffice.
[06:57] <ragesh> Guys, should I give a higher no. than twelve or 12 is enough?
[06:58] <Uxthui> 20.
[06:58] <rverrips> +1 for saying 20
[06:59] <rverrips> Suggestion for team name is ""
[06:59] <Uxthui> Team website, you mean?
[06:59] <ragesh> no the team name for sfd
[07:00] <Uxthui> I was asking rverrips, since it looks like a URL.
[07:00] <rverrips> I am suggesting to have team-name same as url and email … some might call it branding?
[07:00] <jjksaji> +1 for 20
[07:03] <jjksaji> ragesh I guess we have to give 20 users
[07:03] <ragesh> ok
[07:04] <ragesh> nlsthzn: what name would u suggest for the team??
[07:04] <nlsthzn> Team Rocket
[07:04] <nlsthzn> but that's just me :p
[07:04] <rverrips> Now if you said "Team Rocket Jump" I'd say +1 :-)
[07:04] <ragesh> is also good, isnt it?
[07:04] <jjksaji> Team UAE
[07:04] <ragesh> lol
[07:05] <Uxthui> I say Ubuntu Emirates!
[07:05] * nlsthzn will only be there in spirit anyhow so I couldn't care less what the name is :)
[07:05] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, eh, you came for the installfest, why not for the SFD?
[07:06] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: because someone has to work to keep the UAE economy going ;)
[07:06] <Uxthui> Register for a break! Register for a break on SFD right now!
[07:06] <ragesh> guys team name: is that ok??
[07:07] <rverrips> *blush* just realized my type - I mean SFD not sTd - That's terrible - Apologies …
[07:07] <Uxthui> Not std, sfd!
[07:07] <nlsthzn> Epic FAIL\
[07:07] <rverrips> +10 on Epic Fail ...
[07:08] <rashid> how about UAEbuntu
[07:08] <nlsthzn> been a while since I have actually really laughed at something happening online
[07:08] <Uxthui> rashid, NO!
[07:08] <rashid> >.<
[07:08] <ragesh> :D
[07:08] * rverrips takes a bow for epic typo fail
[07:08] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, good thing you still retain your humanity.
[07:09] <rashid> whats wronge with this Error: DocType text/plain
[07:09] <rashid> off topic xP
[07:09] <Uxthui> By the way, rverrips, imagining you bow tickles me...
[07:10] <ragesh> What is the "Team wiki page URL:"?
[07:10] <Uxthui> ragesh, let me do it, please?
[07:10] <Uxthui> :)
[07:12] <rverrips> Guys I have to go - nlsthzn / uxthui drop me a mail with the minutes and anything you want me to do (website redirection, email creation, etc.) - Catch ye' later ...
[07:12] <nlsthzn> rverrips: cheers
[07:12] <Uxthui> rverrips, see ya around.
[07:12] <rashid> c ya
[07:12] <rashid> to late -.-
[07:13] <jjksaji> let ragesh do it since he had taken initiative
[07:13] <ragesh> Toki, I almost finished
[07:14] <Uxthui> ragesh, well, we'll leave decorating the wiki page on the SFD to you. :P
[07:15] <Uxthui> I'll be honest, I'm jealous cause I wasn't the one registering. :(
[07:16] <Uxthui> Anyway, jjksaji, depending on the number of people joining us on the walk, it might be better to have more than one routes through the busy areas.
[07:16] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: well your the orginizer ;)
[07:16] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, all the more reason why I wanted to register!
[07:16] <ragesh> Toki, I could have given it to u if i've not gone so long with it
[07:17] <rashid> can i ware a mask @.@ people will pay more attention
[07:17] <rashid> xP
[07:17] <Uxthui> ragesh, sorry for the trouble and thanks. Be sure to show up at our next meet up.
[07:17] <Uxthui> rashid, we don't want people to see us as freaks. :)
[07:17] <rashid> lol sorry i am still a teen so crazy ideas may pop up any time
[07:17] <rashid> i guess i need to use pop up blocker
[07:18] <ragesh> Toki, there's no trouble we are doing for our team
[07:18] <rashid> freaks are smart people in there own way V.V
[07:18] <ragesh> Sure i'll be there at the next meetup
[07:18] <Uxthui> rashid, that's the fun of being a teenager. Keep 'em coming!
[07:18] <Uxthui> Look at me, I'm just 19 and speaking like I'm about to retire. :P
[07:18] <rashid> lolz
[07:19] <rashid> i am 18 nehahaha i am younger
[07:19] <rashid> that means i am going to live more than you nananana
[07:19] <rashid> xP
[07:19] <rashid> jk
[07:19] <Uxthui> Now, I'm the third youngest in the group... :(
[07:19] <rashid> i ran a ubuntu server in my house
[07:19] <rashid> hosting a website
[07:20] <rashid> that way i was looking for some ubuntu group hehe and found u guys
[07:20] <Uxthui> Welcome?
[07:20] <Uxthui> :P
[07:20] <rashid> to bad etisa(lag) blocks port 80
[07:20] <Uxthui> LOL!
[07:20] <rashid> so i had to change stuff and now the site is on port 8800
[07:21] <Uxthui> What do you use on yer desktop? Ubuntu or Windows?
[07:21] <rashid> both
[07:21] <rashid> right now ubuntu
[07:21] <rashid> i used backtrack and mint and ubuntu
[07:22] <nlsthzn> OK.. so I take it the meeting is done?
[07:22] <Uxthui> Ah, that's right...
[07:22] <rashid> and lots of other linux dist
[07:22] <Uxthui> Sorry, nlsthzn, but yes, I guess.
[07:22] <Uxthui> Since ragesh has went ahead and registered not much to discuss for now.
[07:22] <nlsthzn> Just to clarify because I may have missed it... who is doing what?
[07:23] <Uxthui> rashid, if ye know any other tech-group invite them.
[07:23] <rashid> (if) i knew xP
[07:24] <rashid> hmm i press some butting now my mirc is on full screen how can i go back
[07:24] <rashid> dumb Q
[07:24] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, online on Gmail?
[07:24] <Uxthui> No one else is responding around here.
[07:25] <jjksaji> we are here
[07:25] <Uxthui> jjksaji, right, so what are we going to do about t-shirts and fliers?
[07:25] <jjksaji> just waiting for the reposne from you
[07:25] <Uxthui> Me?
[07:26] <nlsthzn> rashid: press alt+f4
[07:26] <jjksaji> ya about T-shirts and caps , are we going to go ahead, if so we need to order it
[07:26] <rashid> that will clode my irc
[07:27] <Uxthui> I just want to say, where are we going to order them and how are we going to pay.
[07:27] <nlsthzn> rashid: I know, but at least it won't be full screen anymore
[07:27] <rashid> okie brb
[07:28] * nlsthzn should add sarcasm tags on his replies next time :/
[07:28] <jjksaji> first let us see who all will be contributing ,
[07:29] <jjksaji> we need to contribute for ourself
[07:30] <Uxthui> jjksaji, that will be the best method.
[07:31] <Uxthui> How soon can we get the t-shirts after making the order?
[07:31] <rashid> -.-
[07:31] <rashid> it was the f11 key an yeah it still was on full screen anoying...
[07:32] <jjksaji> who all are there to share the expense
[07:33] <Uxthui> Everyone will pay for their own t-shirt. In that way, we'll not waste money for extra t-shirts no one will wear.
[07:35] <jjksaji> but we need to know the no of people , before we order
[07:35] <nlsthzn> That is one expense, what about the fliers/banners?
[07:35] <nlsthzn> Then, you want to still have a venue for a presentation too ;)
[07:36] <Uxthui> Yes, we've started for the SFD too late.
[07:36] <Uxthui> I was hoping to wait for other groups to co-operate with us before we decide on our stage.
[07:37] <Uxthui> But is waiting another week too much of a stretch?
[07:37] <nlsthzn> Well as you can see the only other group is us ;)
[07:37] <nlsthzn> I don't think it is too late for what we have planned...
[07:37] <nlsthzn> Thus far...
[07:38] <Uxthui> Well, I say we wait at least until Eid, cause Omar's got contacts with big groups like DTN.
[07:39] <Uxthui> And he's more likely to be able to decide on the most suitable venue.
[07:39] <nlsthzn> OK... it is your show :)
[07:40] <Uxthui> Around time to wrap up.
[07:40] <Uxthui> So at least the walk is confirmed.
[07:40] <Uxthui> ragesh, did you complete the registration?
[07:44] <Uxthui> jjksaji, I'm sorry, but we only went thus far today. Thanks for the great walk suggestion.
[07:45] <jjksaji> Uxthui : journey starts will small steps
[07:45] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: thanks for chairing the meeting... to all the rest, thanks for attending :)
[07:45] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, jjksaji, ragesh, rashid, that will be all for today's meeting. Till next time.

Minutes of Meeting EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingSummary20110827

This is the log of our fourth IRC meeting, held on #ubuntu-ae channel on Saterday, 27th August 2011:

[06:02] <Uxthui> #startmeeting
[06:02] <Uxthui> Guess not.
[06:02] <Uxthui> Anyway, first things first, what are the events we're going to organize?
[06:03] <Uxthui> Just Ubuntu and Linux is not going to suffice.
[06:04] <nlsthzn> GNU/Linux
[06:04] <rashidragon> hello
[06:04]  * nlsthzn waves @ rashidragon 
[06:05] <rashidragon>  < this guy waves back xP
[06:06] <rashidragon> SoOoOo every 1 is here ?
[06:07] <Uxthui> Yes, welcome, rashidragon.
[06:08] <Uxthui> Well, come on, how are we going to represent free software?
[06:10] <Uxthui> A presentation is of course in order to explain free software (I couldn't tell freeware from free software before Ubuntu).
[06:10] <Uxthui> Then what?
[06:10] <rashidragon> then burn them on CD's and throw them at people for free xD
[06:10] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: Where will this presentation be held?
[06:10] <rashidragon> seriously i dont know =/
[06:11]  * rverrips apologies for the log spam - Just switching clients from mobile to fixed
[06:12] <rashidragon> can some 1 explain whats going on i am kinda new here >.<
[06:12] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, I'm open to suggestions. :P
[06:13] <Uxthui> Depends on what we are going to do besides the presentation.
[06:13] <jjksaji> we are discussing , what activities we need to do on software freedom day
[06:13] <rashidragon> and that is going to be, where ?
[06:14] <jjksaji> may be could conduct a walk on mamzar beach
[06:14] <jjksaji> with T short worn
[06:14] <ragesh>   wow that would b great
[06:15] <jjksaji> we will take snaps of it and post to the news paper for coverage
[06:16] <rashidragon> @.@ wow i didnt know stuff like that happenes here in dubai awesome count me in free sofware for ever (wisper + pirate software)
[06:16] <ragesh> this would be my first interaction with u guys, I'm excited
[06:16] <Uxthui> ragesh, there's a meet up the first Wednesday next month.
[06:17] <ragesh> yeah, so that would be before SFD
[06:18] <nlsthzn> rashidragon: why would you ever need to pirate software when there are open source alternatives to just about anything ;)
[06:18] <Uxthui> jjksaji, well that would very well tell people that there are people who care about the thing called /free software/, but they won't know what is free software.
[06:18] <rashidragon> nlsthzn ur right =/
[06:18] <jjksaji> we will walk , along with us we will carry advertisment materials and contact details
[06:19] <ragesh> is it possible to show any demo or such
[06:19] <rverrips> And to be culturally sensitive we can't explain it as "Free as in Beer" - Need a localization for that ...
[06:19] <ragesh> lol
[06:19] <jjksaji> just give ubuntu-ae contact (meetup ) details to all who ask , I think this is going to get attention
[06:19] <xnixan> Hi
[06:20] <Uxthui> Right, advertisement materials and contact details. We can conduct the walk in the morning and, using the fliers, invite them to a presentation event in the evening.
[06:20] <Uxthui> Morning, xnixan.
[06:20]  * nlsthzn waves @ xnixan 
[06:21] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: I think that sounds like the outlines of a pretty solid idea
[06:21] <Uxthui> I'm all for the walk as long as it is not the only thing we do the whole day.
[06:21] <xnixan> Morning Uxthui and many waves @ nlsthzn :)
[06:22]  * nlsthzn wonders how feasable it would be to ask Jono Bacon to do a keynote speech to kick of the evening via the interwebs...
[06:22] <Uxthui> And one more thing, only pointing to Ubuntu for contacts would be too narrow from the general free software view.
[06:23] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, I would think he's already booked.
[06:23] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: well, he is 11 hours behind us ;)
[06:24] <Uxthui> But of course, we can have a mini-installfest in the sidelines of the SFD.
[06:24] <nlsthzn> Installfest is hard work...
[06:24] <jjksaji> for installfest we need a location + audience
[06:24] <rashidragon> most people i know uses pirated software i guess thats why most people dont care about free sofware + smart computer geeks 90% uses free sofwares, most games works on windows and not linux,unix,ubuntu thats the other resoin why people still uses windows over ubuntu altho ubuntu is so damn awsome but the problem with the gaming companys the just make the game works with windows as u know
[06:24] <rashidragon> about 70% of the people who uses computers dont know nothing about it they just use chating services and gaming + browsing <what i said wont help skip>
[06:24] <Uxthui> That's why it's /mini/.
[06:25] <ragesh> where is toki??
[06:25] <Uxthui> ragesh, that's me. :)
[06:26] <ragesh> okk, I was searching for u :)
[06:26] <nlsthzn> Just for your guys info -
[06:27] <Uxthui> rashidragon, yes, for teenagers and young adults, games are one of the major reasons why they won't jump ships.
[06:27]  * rverrips thinks nlsthzn has a good idea regards Jono … perhaps there's already something like that being planned for the inter webs?
=== rashidragon is now known as rashid
[06:27] <Uxthui> But as you said, there's 70% of the people who don't know anything - we are (at least, I am) aiming to educate that 70%.
[06:28] <rashid> i tryed to do that weth my friends didnt work =/ thay made me give up (bad friends xP)
[06:29] <ragesh> do we have high end games like Need For Speed and Counter strike which work on linux platform??
[06:29] <Uxthui> rashid, go for the uncles and grandparents. :P
[06:29] <Uxthui> ragesh, unfortunately, we don't.
[06:30] <ragesh> how abt using free Software "wine"?
[06:30] <Uxthui> Now then, I believe we have established the two main events of our SFD.
[06:30] <rashid> wont work for big exe files
[06:31] <rashid> those 70% are educated but still dont want to change cuz of the stuff they can do in windows and cant in ubuntu
[06:31] <Uxthui> ragesh, that will work, but it is not perfect. And not many people would like to switch to Ubuntu and learn to use it to play games.
[06:31] <rverrips> Ragesh (regards High-end Games) there are some good alternatives … try
[06:32] <rashid> but still u can ask people to install ubuntu beside windows at least so thay can test it out
[06:32] <rashid> dual boot
[06:32] <rashid> or maybe installing it on a vmware
[06:33] <nlsthzn> rashid: there is very little you can do in Windows that you can't do in Linux... also, not everyone playes games on there PC's... and even then there is a lot of games for Linux :)
[06:34] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: so, you want to have a mini installfest and a presentation and a walk...
[06:34] <nlsthzn> or not the installfest
[06:34] <Uxthui> Not?
[06:34] <jjksaji> I prefer not to conduct installfest
[06:34] <ragesh> no toki, people still use windows only for games and entertainment. If linux supports games then we can see a lot of people migrating to linux
[06:35] <jjksaji> after mamzar beach walk , we can go to other places
[06:35] <jjksaji> may be malls
[06:35] <jjksaji> we need to have T shirts and caps ordered for us
[06:35] <rashid> any 1 here owens a website ?
[06:36] <rverrips> (Just my two cents worth) - Although pushing Ubuntu as a "free" alternative to Windows, we could perhaps focus on things folks could already use on Windows, and may already - Like Firefox, LibreOffice, etc.
[06:36] <Uxthui> jjksaji, nlsthzn, that's fine, I only suggested that to highlight Ubuntu as a free software.
[06:36] <rverrips> We own - Can put a sub-site on that, like or something?
[06:36] <Uxthui> Or <>?
[06:37] <rashid> takes u to
[06:37] <Uxthui> rashid, that's because rverrips set it up to do so.
[06:38] <nlsthzn> rverrips: yup... there is a LOT of free software out there people are using everday... wikipedia, wordpress... so many things we can highlight :)
[06:38] <Uxthui> Anyway, a walk all over Dubai to invite everyone to a formal SFD event in the evening. I think we all agree on that point.
[06:38] <rashid> hmm i guess
[06:39] <rashid> company spends alot of money to use windows for there workers
[06:39] <Uxthui> The next thing I'd like to discuss is, are any of you affiliated with other tech groups?
[06:39] <rashid> i guess atleast if company switched to ubuntu
[06:39] <rashid> it would be free from them and they can do there work on ubuntu instead of windows witch cost $$
[06:40] <rashid> cuz company workers wont play game in there work xP and that the only thing in my opn ubuntu i missing (games)
[06:40] <ragesh> So When will we get T-shirts?
[06:40] <Uxthui> rashid, it's not as simple.
[06:41] <rashid> nothing is simple
[06:41] <rverrips> Rashid - The "free" argument is a bit more complex.  Most companies purchase OEM licenses which in many cases would make it more expensive to run a free OS like Ubuntu
 - When we speak "free" we're address more the freedom that's involved with using an open source OS
[06:41] <Uxthui> jjksaji, if we register our event at the SFD we'll get free t-shirts and stuff, will you please go ahead and register?
[06:42] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: I doubt any thing coming from them will ever reach us here in time... now less than 3 weeks to go...
[06:42] <rashid> rverrips so u mean ubuntu wont be free for companies and will cost more?
[06:42] <ragesh> Can I go ahead and register?
[06:43] <jjksaji> ragesh it will be great if u can register
[06:43] <ragesh> ok
[06:43] <rverrips> No, Rashid, but many companies might have to pay more for a PC without Windows pre-installed, so the argument of cost dies ...
[06:43] <jjksaji> argesh if u can take the ownership, please go ahead
[06:44] <nlsthzn> Remember that free software has the emphasis on free like in freedom of speech ;)
[06:44] <rashid> aha...
[06:45] <jjksaji> We can give T shirt and Cap order here in UAE
[06:47] <Uxthui> rverrips, you are registered on the Dubai LUG forum, are you not? Can you drop them a post about SFD, and ask for their co-operation?
[06:47] <ragesh> I doubt whether we get the goodies coz on the SFD site they have asked to register before 2nd Aug fo rthe goodies
[06:47] <nlsthzn> Well, we should still register
[06:49] <rverrips> Uxthui - Count on me to spread the word once we know what it is ...
[06:49] <ragesh> nlsthzn: Ok
[06:50] <Uxthui> rverrips, there are two reasons why I want co-operation of other groups.
[06:51] <Uxthui> 1. Need more people.
[06:51] <Uxthui> 2. They can do their own stuff to add to the event.
[06:52] <Uxthui> So in a way, they should tell us what it is we're going to do.
[06:54] <ragesh> Guy, what would be the expected size of our team?
[06:54] <nlsthzn> Well, already there is a number of activities that need to be done... T-Shirts need designing and printed... venue for presentation, someone to do presentation... oh, and I guess we will need funds for all this too...
[06:54] <Uxthui> People, these are the two reasons we need more groups involved in this. I again ask you to invite any IT-related teams to SFD. If you can get your organizations to join us, even better.
[06:54] <ragesh> Guys, what would be the expected size of our team?
[06:54] <rverrips> Uxthui the most (read that only) active LUG or Open Source movement in Dubai at the moment, from what I know, is EmiratesLOCO - I doubt anyone else is planning anying.  We'd need to take the lead on this ...
[06:55] <Uxthui> rverrips, sure, if the want to participate, we schedule their prime time. ;)
[06:55] <Uxthui> ragesh, I would say, judging from our installfest, around twelve.
[06:56] <Uxthui> rverrips, I'll try and get Omar to negotiate with Dubai Tech Nights as well.
[06:56] <ragesh> I'm registering for SFD, What should be our team name?
[06:57] <Uxthui> There should be some Android dev or user groups around as well.
[06:57] <Uxthui> ragesh, Ubuntu Emirates Team should suffice.
[06:57] <ragesh> Guys, should I give a higher no. than twelve or 12 is enough?
[06:58] <Uxthui> 20.
[06:58] <rverrips> +1 for saying 20
[06:59] <rverrips> Suggestion for team name is ""
[06:59] <Uxthui> Team website, you mean?
[06:59] <ragesh> no the team name for sfd
[07:00] <Uxthui> I was asking rverrips, since it looks like a URL.
[07:00] <rverrips> I am suggesting to have team-name same as url and email … some might call it branding?
[07:00] <jjksaji> +1 for 20
[07:03] <jjksaji> ragesh I guess we  have to give 20 users
[07:03] <ragesh> ok
[07:04] <ragesh> nlsthzn: what name would u suggest for the team??
[07:04] <nlsthzn> Team Rocket
[07:04] <nlsthzn> but that's just me :p
[07:04] <rverrips> Now if you said "Team Rocket Jump" I'd say +1 :-)
[07:04] <ragesh> is also good, isnt it?
[07:04] <jjksaji> Team UAE
[07:04] <ragesh> lol
[07:05] <Uxthui> I say Ubuntu Emirates!
[07:05]  * nlsthzn will only be there in spirit anyhow so I couldn't care less what the name is :)
[07:05] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, eh, you came for the installfest, why not for the SFD?
[07:06] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: because someone has to work to keep the UAE economy going ;)
[07:06] <Uxthui> Register for a break! Register for a break on SFD right now!
[07:06] <ragesh> guys team name: is that ok??
[07:07] <rverrips> *blush* just realized my type - I mean SFD not sTd - That's terrible - Apologies …
[07:07] <Uxthui> Not std, sfd!
[07:07] <nlsthzn> Epic FAIL\
[07:07] <rverrips> +10 on Epic Fail ...
[07:08] <rashid> how about UAEbuntu
[07:08] <nlsthzn> been a while since I have actually really laughed at something happening online
[07:08] <Uxthui> rashid, NO!
[07:08] <rashid> >.<
[07:08] <ragesh> :D
[07:08]  * rverrips takes a bow for epic typo fail 
[07:08] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, good thing you still retain your humanity.
[07:09] <rashid> whats wronge with this Error: DocType text/plain
[07:09] <rashid> off topic xP
[07:09] <Uxthui> By the way, rverrips, imagining you bow tickles me...
[07:10] <ragesh> What is the "Team wiki page URL:"?
[07:10] <Uxthui> ragesh, let me do it, please?
[07:10] <Uxthui> :)
[07:12] <rverrips> Guys I have to go - nlsthzn / uxthui drop me a mail with the minutes and anything you want me to do (website redirection, email creation, etc.) - Catch ye' later ...
[07:12] <nlsthzn> rverrips: cheers
[07:12] <Uxthui> rverrips, see ya around.
[07:12] <rashid> c ya
[07:12] <rashid> to late -.-
[07:13] <jjksaji> let ragesh do it since he had taken initiative
[07:13] <ragesh> Toki, I almost finished
[07:14] <Uxthui> ragesh, well, we'll leave decorating the wiki page on the SFD to you. :P
[07:15] <Uxthui> I'll be honest, I'm jealous cause I wasn't the one registering. :(
[07:16] <Uxthui> Anyway, jjksaji, depending on the number of people joining us on the walk, it might be better to have more than one routes through the busy areas.
[07:16] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: well your the orginizer ;)
[07:16] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, all the more reason why I wanted to register!
[07:16] <ragesh> Toki, I could have given it to u if i've not gone so long with it
[07:17] <rashid> can i ware a mask @.@ people will pay more attention
[07:17] <rashid> xP
[07:17] <Uxthui> ragesh, sorry for the trouble and thanks. Be sure to show up at our next meet up.
[07:17] <Uxthui> rashid, we don't want people to see us as freaks. :)
[07:17] <rashid> lol sorry i am still a teen so crazy ideas may pop up any time
[07:17] <rashid> i guess i need to use pop up blocker
[07:18] <ragesh> Toki, there's no trouble we are doing for our team
[07:18] <rashid> freaks are smart people in there own way V.V
[07:18] <ragesh> Sure i'll be there at the next meetup
[07:18] <Uxthui> rashid, that's the fun of being a teenager. Keep 'em coming!
[07:18] <Uxthui> Look at me, I'm just 19 and speaking like I'm about to retire. :P
[07:18] <rashid> lolz
[07:19] <rashid> i am 18 nehahaha i am younger
[07:19] <rashid> that means i am going to live more than you nananana
[07:19] <rashid> xP
[07:19] <rashid> jk
[07:19] <Uxthui> Now, I'm the third youngest in the group... :(
[07:19] <rashid> i ran a ubuntu server in my house
[07:19] <rashid> hosting a website
[07:20] <rashid> that way i was looking for some ubuntu group hehe and found u guys
[07:20] <Uxthui> Welcome?
[07:20] <Uxthui> :P
[07:20] <rashid> to bad etisa(lag) blocks port 80
[07:20] <Uxthui> LOL!
[07:20] <rashid> so i had to change stuff and now the site is on port 8800
[07:21] <Uxthui> What do you use on yer desktop? Ubuntu or Windows?
[07:21] <rashid> both
[07:21] <rashid> right now ubuntu
[07:21] <rashid> i used backtrack and mint and ubuntu
[07:22] <nlsthzn> OK.. so I take it the meeting is done?
[07:22] <Uxthui> Ah, that's right...
[07:22] <rashid> and lots of other linux dist
[07:22] <Uxthui> Sorry, nlsthzn, but yes, I guess.
[07:22] <Uxthui> Since ragesh has went ahead and registered not much to discuss for now.
[07:22] <nlsthzn> Just to clarify because I may have missed it... who is doing what?
[07:23] <Uxthui> rashid, if ye know any other tech-group invite them.
[07:23] <rashid> (if) i knew xP
[07:24] <rashid> hmm i press some butting now my mirc is on full screen how can i go back
[07:24] <rashid> dumb Q
[07:24] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, online on Gmail?
[07:24] <Uxthui> No one else is responding around here.
[07:25] <jjksaji> we are here
[07:25] <Uxthui> jjksaji, right, so what are we going to do about t-shirts and fliers?
[07:25] <jjksaji> just waiting for the reposne from you
[07:25] <Uxthui> Me?
[07:26] <nlsthzn> rashid: press alt+f4
[07:26] <jjksaji> ya about T-shirts and caps , are we going to go ahead, if so we need to order it
[07:26] <rashid> that will clode my irc
[07:27] <Uxthui> I just want to say, where are we going to order them and how are we going to pay.
[07:27] <nlsthzn> rashid: I know, but at least it won't be full screen anymore
[07:27] <rashid> okie brb
[07:28]  * nlsthzn should add sarcasm tags on his replies next time :/
[07:28] <jjksaji> first let us see who all will be  contributing ,
[07:29] <jjksaji> we need to contribute for  ourself
[07:30] <Uxthui> jjksaji, that will be the best method.
[07:31] <Uxthui> How soon can we get the t-shirts after making the order?
[07:31] <rashid> -.-
[07:31] <rashid> it was the f11 key an yeah it still was on full screen anoying...
[07:32] <jjksaji> who all are there to share the expense
[07:33] <Uxthui> Everyone will pay for their own t-shirt. In that way, we'll not waste money for extra t-shirts no one will wear.
[07:35] <jjksaji> but we need to know the no of people , before we order
[07:35] <nlsthzn> That is one expense, what about the fliers/banners?
[07:35] <nlsthzn> Then, you want to still have a venue for a presentation too ;)
[07:36] <Uxthui> Yes, we've started for the SFD too late.
[07:36] <Uxthui> I was hoping to wait for other groups to co-operate with us before we decide on our stage.
[07:37] <Uxthui> But is waiting another week too much of a stretch?
[07:37] <nlsthzn> Well as you can see the only other group is us ;)
[07:37] <nlsthzn> I don't think it is too late for what we have planned...
[07:37] <nlsthzn> Thus far...
[07:38] <Uxthui> Well, I say we wait at least until Eid, cause Omar's got contacts with big groups like DTN.
[07:39] <Uxthui> And he's more likely to be able to decide on the most suitable venue.
[07:39] <nlsthzn> OK... it is your show :)
[07:40] <Uxthui> Around time to wrap up.
[07:40] <Uxthui> So at least the walk is confirmed.
[07:40] <Uxthui> ragesh, did you complete the registration?
[07:44] <Uxthui> jjksaji, I'm sorry, but we only went thus far today. Thanks for the great walk suggestion.
[07:45] <jjksaji> Uxthui : journey starts will small steps
[07:45] <nlsthzn> Uxthui: thanks for chairing the meeting... to all the rest, thanks for attending :)
[07:45] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, jjksaji, ragesh, rashid, that will be all for today's meeting. Till next time.

EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingLogs20110924 (last edited 2011-10-20 14:36:16 by 2)