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## page was copied from EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingLogs20110720 ## page was copied from EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingLogs20110827
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Minutes of Meeting [[EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingSummary20110720]] Minutes of Meeting [[EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingSummary20110924]]
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This is the log of our third IRC meeting, held on #ubuntu-ae channel on Sunday, 24th April 2011: This is the log of our fifth IRC meeting, held on #ubuntu-ae channel on Saturday, 24th September 2011:
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[15:39] <iOmar> Hi guys
[15:40] <iOmar> Lets get going for our meeting
[15:40] <nlsthzn> Hey iOmar :)
[15:40] <bassem_lap> iOmar, hi Omar
[15:41] <iOmar> Hey Neil, thanks for your support online! In the UCW.
[15:41] <Uxthui> Right about that, sorry I couldn't attend, I was out. :(
[15:42] <iOmar> Since I am not very familiar with the commands, please correct me if I do something wrong.
[15:42] <Haden> Hey Omar
[15:42] <nlsthzn> iOmar, ? Not sure what I did but it was a pleasure :)
[15:42] <iOmar> I would like to update the group on yesterday's session
[15:42] <Haden> I'm still stuck at work :( .. Try my best to participate
[15:42] <iOmar> For those not aware yesterday was the second day of the Ubuntu Community Week
[15:43] <iOmar>
[15:43] <iOmar> If you open the link there is a time table of IRC session from all over the world
[15:44] <iOmar> I was invited to present a session on behalf of the local community
[15:44] <nlsthzn> also if you install lernid is makes it so easy to participate... #pro-tip
[15:45] <iOmar> It went well and I will try to get the Google Analytics for our meetup website for the visitors
[15:45] <Haden> Congrats :)
[15:46] <iOmar> The session log can be found online for those who would like to have a read about it.
[15:46] <nlsthzn> Glad it was a success :)
[15:46] <iOmar> "How I Started an Ubuntu Group in My City and How You Could Too!" A young and budding group has started in the famous Middle Easter cosmopolitan city of Dubai. This session will show you how the Emirates' first Ubuntu community was started. It will describe the tools and methods the team used to ensure a smooth start, so you can too!
[15:46] <iOmar> I really liked the "Middle Easter" part
[15:47] <nlsthzn> :)
[15:47] <rverrips> :-)
[15:47] <iOmar> I will post the link to the slides which I presented just a sec
[15:47] <nlsthzn> Cool... at least one person can sign my card :D
[15:48] <iOmar> ^.^
[15:48] <iOmar>
[15:49] <iOmar> The slides where basically a quick overview of tools which I use to organize the community in addition to some general guidelines for community leaders
[15:50] <iOmar> If any one does have any questions please go ahead
[15:50] <Uxthui> se
[15:51] <nlsthzn> Well... we have all been here so I guess we have first hand knowledge :p
[15:52] <iOmar> No problems ...
[15:53] <nlsthzn> Problem with slide are they tell so little...
[15:53] <nlsthzn> *slides
[15:53] <iOmar> The time was limited so I barely managed to get through them
[15:53] <iOmar> It was an hour session.
[15:55] <nlsthzn> I saw that IRC is a very different platform for presentations... but a far reaching one :)
[15:55] <iOmar> Yes the sheer number of attendees was a bit intimidating but the fact they cant see you or hear you is reassuring. Interesting position to be in one.
[15:56] <Haden> :)
[15:57] <iOmar> Shall move on to the topic of the meeting "Discussing the feedback collected from the UAE's first InstallFest"
[15:57] <nlsthzn> Sure
[15:59] <iOmar> The InstallFest was a great success, thanks to everyone who participated, especially those who left their day jobs, walked out of a plane, travelled the arabian desert all to reach the venue.
[15:59] <iOmar> Thank YOU!
[16:00] <iOmar> As for some of the indicators that measured success we did put down some KPI's to measure
[16:00] <nlsthzn> Did we pass or fail? :p
[16:02] <iOmar> Since this was the first time
[16:02] <iOmar> We did put a tentative figure of 50 pcs but that was a loose figure. I say we PASSED with FLYING COLORS!
[16:03] <Haden> :D
[16:03] <nlsthzn> It was a good day... long but good... :)
[16:03] <bassem_lap> nlsthzn, are you talking about something new, and I missed it?!!
[16:04] <nlsthzn> bassem_lap, there has only been one installfest I am aware off...
[16:04] <iOmar> The KPIs we set during the planning meeting we held at Costa in Dubai Mall
[16:04] <iOmar> 1) Number of Email Shots sent 2) Number of Backups made of users data 3) Number of Overall Ubuntu Installation 4) Number of Dual Boot Installations 5) Number of Pure Ubuntu intallations 6) Number of Successful Installation 7) Number of Installations with issues
[16:06] <iOmar> As for the KPI - 1 Number of Email shots sent , there were several around 3 I recall from the IEEE guys to around 2000 email addresses
=== rverrips_ is now known as rverrips
[16:06] <iOmar> All to the Engineering College students and faculty
[16:07] <iOmar> KPI - 2 was not measured since we opted not to backup any data from any PC
[16:07] <iOmar> KPI - 3
[16:07] <iOmar> Number of Ubuntu Installations Overall = 32 (Successful + Attempted)
[16:08] <nlsthzn> Felt like so many more...
[16:08] <iOmar> KPI - 4 = Number of Dual Boot Installations = 30 Successful
[16:09] <iOmar> KPI - 5 = Pure Ubuntu = Zero ( I might be wrong as one student brought a humoungus desktop [see photos] and Joseph was working on it, no too sure)
[16:09] <iOmar> KPI - 6 = Number of successful Installation = 30
[16:10] <iOmar> KPI -7 = Number of Installation with Issues = 2 laptops did not manage to get Ubuntu on them and thus just evil OS remained ^.^
[16:11] <iOmar> So that wraps up the numbers
[16:11] <nlsthzn> the desktop was a full install by accident...
[16:12] <nlsthzn> the person gave the wrong drive number to us and windows was wiped :p
[16:12] <iOmar> oh I think that was a good thing to have happened so that makes KPI 7 = 1
[16:12] <rverrips> One of the 2 that didn't get it was a Mac which was already dual-booting OSx and Windows 7 ... There wasn't enough free space to created the partition needed for Ubuntu
[16:12] <iOmar> Cool
[16:12] <Uxthui> Windows can run on Macbooks?
[16:13] <iOmar> Oh yeah I remeber that one, thanks Roy you did your best on that one!
[16:13] <nlsthzn> Uxthui, sure
[16:13] <rverrips> Yup - It's alled Bootcamp - a set of drivers that'll let Intel Mac's work pretty ok with Windows ...
[16:13] <Uxthui> I see, it's thanks to Apple moving away from PowerPC...
[16:13] <iOmar> Is that similar to Parallels?
[16:14] <rverrips> No, Bootcamp runs it natives - Parellels is a Virtual PC inside OSx ... but let's not stray off-topic :-)
[16:14] <Haden> Parallel is a more like a virtual pc
[16:15] <iOmar> Bringing back the subject to the InstallFest
[16:15] <nlsthzn> Do we have any feedback from those we installed on that day...?
[16:15] <iOmar> I do recall some had suggestions and comments, so why dont we start noting them down
[16:16] <iOmar> Feel free to add a suggestion or comment
[16:16] <Uxthui> iOmar, use the bot note down the points.
[16:17] <Uxthui> *bot to
[16:17] <iOmar> Those who know how to do this please help!
[16:17] <nlsthzn> Next time we can optimize the layout and work flow... and also the paperwork and also we can give much more info about the loco etc...
[16:18] <iOmar> Yes thats right
[16:18] <Uxthui> iOmar, I PMed the links to instructions.
[16:18] <Uxthui>
[16:20] <iOmar> Just a question has anyone issued the startmeeting command
[16:20] <rverrips> Yup, Neil pretty much summed it all up ... I tried to "log" the time / steps on the forms I got to help "debug" and draw up KPI / estimates for the next one.
[16:21] <Uxthui> iOmar, no.
[16:21] <Haden> Lol.. Maybe next time
[16:21] <iOmar> #startmeeting
[16:21] <Haden> Silviu was good at this stuff
[16:22] <Haden> Dude disappeared ..
[16:22] <nlsthzn> :/ not really needed... someone will go through the log and update the wiki manually...
[16:22] <iOmar> Oh okay
[16:22] <iOmar> Coming back to the topic
[16:23] <iOmar> Thanks Neil and Roy , yes there were issues with the paper work. Neil can you be more specifc on the paperwork?
[16:24] <nlsthzn> We can have a better form, to log much more important info...
[16:24] <nlsthzn> I think the best would be to have a session and hammer out one with info from several peeps
[16:25] <nlsthzn> something that assists in following up afterwards and helps with the workflow...
[16:25] <nlsthzn> so we don't have times when nobody was sure who was supposed to do what when etc :)
[16:26] <nlsthzn> the form now is just a disclaimer
[16:26] <Haden> :)
[16:27] * nlsthzn types slow with one hand while eating pizza with the other :p
[16:27] * Haden types with one finger while staring at a windows desktop :/
[16:27] <iOmar> :) I did base the InstallFest template on this
[16:28] <nlsthzn> pffft red hat... they just worried they would get sued :D
[16:28] <nlsthzn> it is a good form... just needs more :)
[16:29] <nlsthzn> be like a dossier... cradle to grave :)
[16:30] <iOmar> Also in terms of distributing a paper that had our contact details or how to get help, that didnt exist. Funny no one came up with the idea
[16:30] <nlsthzn> :) so we learn... we should also add some handy links on the desktops :)
[16:31] <iOmar> Joseph tried to jot down our meetup page URL on a note it but half way through the day I noticed the URL was wrong , but I have to give him he came up with the idea on the fly, Hats off to Jospeh!
[16:31] <nlsthzn> :)
[16:32] <iOmar> I think we need to create some sort of calling card. With all our details websites etc.
[16:32] <nlsthzn> Sounds good
[16:32] <Haden> Ubuntu Business cards ? :)
[16:33] <nlsthzn> members only
[16:33] <iOmar> I will work on some samples and share them with you possibly next IRC meeting
[16:33] <nlsthzn> afaik
[16:33] <iOmar> I was thinking of making them more generic and not personal ones so that anyone can pick them and share them
[16:34] <nlsthzn> Something easy to have and share at anytime :)
[16:34] <iOmar> Just to set the expectations of this meeting what time does it end (9:00 PM?)
[16:34] <Haden> I think we can all contribute to get them printed
[16:35] <iOmar> Great idea Haden
[16:35] <Haden> Any idea how much it costs ?
[16:35] <Haden> For a 100 pack ?
[16:36] <iOmar> I have done some prints before depends on the (Thickness of Paper, Laminated or not, Glossy or Matte) etc...
[16:36] <iOmar> A pack of 500 cards
[16:36] <iOmar> Business cards sized
[16:36] <Haden> Cost of non laminated matte ?
[16:37] <iOmar> Thick enough so that they stand in between other cards as high quality and laminated and matte with a smooth texture to give a high finish effect = 750 DHS I think
[16:38] <iOmar> Or 1000 they were I will double check but will let you guys know
[16:38] <Uxthui> We don't need quality stuff, just minimum readable card will do, methinks.
[16:38] <Haden> Btw.. Should we discuss about next meetups agenda ?
[16:39] <iOmar> Thanks Haden will do but before we do we just need to finish the InstallFest feedback
[16:40] <Uxthui> Now that we're back on topic, how should we contact the IEEE again?
[16:41] <nlsthzn> I would like to get feedback from the people that we helped last time... I think we left them a bit high and dry...
[16:41] <nlsthzn> Not the best we should/could have done...
[16:42] <iOmar> The IEEE people are one holiday and I have their emails but never got in touch ever since
[16:43] <iOmar> We can reach out to them as Toki suggested to let them send out an email to the students, who we have their emails in the forms.
[16:43] <Uxthui> Not staying in touch was a mistake.
[16:43] <iOmar> Correct Toki
[16:44] <Haden> Brb guys
[16:45] <iOmar> What would be the best approach in terms of reaching out to those students? Do we send them a personalized email asking them for feedback and if they need help>
[16:46] <iOmar> A side note guys in terms of timing this meeting should try to wrap at 9:00 pm I suggest
[16:46] <Uxthui> Hopefully, if our feedback campaign works out, we can maintain a permanent relationship and organize InstallFest and support events on a yearly basis Ahmad suggested.
[16:46] <nlsthzn> The ones we have done I don't know... but some sort of direct communication one week, then a month, etc. for new peeps would be cool
[16:47] <nlsthzn> iOmar, agreed... we need to stream line the IRC meetings... they tend to be to long
[16:47] <Uxthui> I think we should first ask what the IEEE's impression was, and based on that move on to survey the general participants.
[16:48] <iOmar> Ok so we reach out to the IEEE guys first and then send an email personalized to the person who we installed Ubuntu for
[16:48] <iOmar> ?
[16:48] <Uxthui> Exactly.
[16:48] <iOmar> Any other suggestions
[16:49] <nlsthzn> OR the IEEE could do it...
[16:49] <Uxthui> We need to show that we're still interested in how Ubuntu worked out for them, and how we could improve the experience.
[16:50] <iOmar> Good idea Neil
[16:50] <Uxthui> Yes, the IEEE will send the personalized emails on behalf of #ubuntu-ae.
[16:50] <iOmar> Personalized is the way
[16:50] <iOmar> NOTE 10 mins remaining to wrap this meeting.
[16:50] <nlsthzn> I just think we might have waited to long since the last one... and we could maybe make sure not to repeat this in the future... but some feedback would just help us to get some feeling about how the students felt about it and we can learn some more from it
[16:51] <Uxthui> Need to start designing survey forms as well.
[16:51] <iOmar> We can still invite them to our meetup site by sending an invite, there is a tool to recruit new members in meetup
[16:51] <Uxthui> Oh that's right, do we do an online survey or paper?
[16:52] <Uxthui> The invitation should be sent along side the survey request.
[16:52] <iOmar> An email might be enough, going through a survey might be a bit taxing on some
[16:52] <iOmar> me personally
[16:52] <nlsthzn> nobody likes surveys :p
[16:53] <Uxthui> You mean ask them to send a simple feedback email?
[16:53] <iOmar> They can just reply to the email and that might make it more attractive since no specifc format has been imposed on them
[16:53] <Uxthui> I don't think it will be informative enough.
[16:54] <Uxthui> I see.
[16:54] <iOmar> If they do reply to the email we can invite them to fill out a survey?
[16:54] <iOmar> that will filter out the intrested
[16:54] <iOmar> from those who weren't
[16:54] <nlsthzn> sounds good
[16:54] <iOmar> Cool
[16:55] <iOmar> So would any one like to write up an email?
[16:55] <iOmar> NOTE 5 mins remaining to wrap this meeting.
[16:56] * nlsthzn doesn't mind to draft one and put it on the message board for approval/tweaking
[16:57] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, your blog posts are very lively, why don't you give the email a try? ;)
[16:57] <Uxthui> Oops, too late.
[16:57] <iOmar> Great so Neil is going to draft one
[16:57] <iOmar> done
[16:57] <nlsthzn> just give me a day or two with work etc
[16:58] <iOmar> Take your time no students are in school its summer.
[16:58] <iOmar> Ok action items
[16:58] <Uxthui> What's our time table to getting this done?
[16:58] <Haden> Keep it informal
[16:58] <iOmar> Let target the begging of the school year
[16:58] <iOmar> *begining
[16:59] <nlsthzn> Oh, ok... np... lots of time then :)
[16:59] <iOmar> 1) Sample callign card = Omar
[16:59] <iOmar> 2) Costs of printng = Omar
[16:59] <iOmar> 3) Email draft = Neil
[16:59] <Uxthui> iOmar, seconded. Also the possibility of yet another InstallFest targeting the freshmen as Ahmad suggested.
[16:59] <iOmar> Lets continue in our next IRC meeting
[17:00] <Haden> Guys what do you think of a google apps account ?
[17:00] <nlsthzn> Sounds good...
[17:00] <Haden> We can store documents .. Email .. Etc
[17:00] <Uxthui> iOmar, shall we have another next week or keep the once monthly schedule?
[17:00] <rverrips> Haden, I've can make accounts available via google apps
[17:01] <iOmar> I am okay with next week depends on the communiyt
[17:01] <Haden> rvverrips was thinking the same thinking ..
[17:01] <iOmar> Cool idea but isnt it 50USD per account
[17:01] <Haden> *thing
[17:01] <iOmar> per year>
[17:01] <iOmar> ?
[17:01] <Uxthui> iOmar, it's free but only 10 accounts.
[17:01] <Haden> For non profit organizations it's free
[17:01] <iOmar> Cool
[17:02] <iOmar> So to wrap on this final note
[17:02] * nlsthzn has no idea what you guys are talking about but he needs to go sleepy now :p
[17:02] <rverrips> I have 25 free accounts for ready to go ... let me know if want me pull the trigger on that ...
[17:02] <iOmar> action item 4 : Google Accounts for the team
[17:02] <Haden> rverrips go ahead..
[17:02] <nlsthzn> Guys... I will catch you online later... night
[17:02] <Haden> Night nlsthzn
[17:02] <Uxthui> Okay guys, shall we have another IRC meeting next week?
[17:03] <iOmar> So this wraps our session for today
[17:03] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, be seeing you.
[17:03] <iOmar> Toki propose it on meetup and see
[17:03] <Uxthui> Acknowledged.
[17:03] <Haden> Yup.. Go ahead
[17:04] <iOmar> Toki please copy paste the logs and post them on our wiki
[17:04] <iOmar> Thanks every one
[17:04] <iOmar> and bye for now
[17:04] <Haden> Thanks Omar
[17:04] <Haden> See ya ..
[17:04] <Uxthui> Well then everyone, let me thank you for responding to my meeting call.
[17:04] <Uxthui> Salam, iOmar.
[17:05] <Uxthui> rverrips, it's a shame you couldn't make it to the last meet up.
[17:05] <rverrips> Do you want personal accounts, or "alias/forwarders" to existing accounts ...
[17:05] <Uxthui> How're you doing?
[17:05] <Uxthui> I think alias would be good enough.
[17:05] <Uxthui> I don't want yet another Google account.
[17:06] <rverrips> My feeling exactly - will setup aliases by default unless someone want's anything else
[17:06] <Haden> Aliases should do ..
[17:06] <Uxthui> Yes, and rverrips, do you know our existing accounts?
[17:06] <Haden> I wouldn't mind a though :D
[17:07] <rverrips> I'll me is so, Haden ... which email to forward to?
[17:07] <Uxthui> Haden, it would be, but simply forwarded to your regular inbox.
[17:09] <Haden>
[17:16] <Haden> rverrips
[17:16] <rverrips> It's done Haden, give it a shot ...
[17:17] <Haden> Hold on...
[17:18] <Haden> rverrips got it ..
[17:18] <rverrips> sweet :-)
[17:18] <Haden> How do I send from ?
[17:19] <rverrips> You have to setup Gmail with another address ...
[17:19] <rverrips>
[17:20] <Haden> rverrips thanks .. Will take a look once I get home ..
[17:21] <Uxthui> We're all Google fans!
[17:23] <rverrips> Toki, can you send me a list of names and addresses and I'll set 'em up ... are we doing ""?
[17:23] <Uxthui> rverrips, I think that should be up to the person in question to decide.
[17:24] <rverrips> ok ... who'll co-ordinate?
[17:24] <Uxthui> First, let's decided who actually deserves mails.
[17:25] <Uxthui> I think the this meeting attendees is a good place to start.
[17:25] <rverrips> Yeah, that works better, thanks .. who'll decide?
[17:25] <rverrips> Tell you want, I'll create only what you send me - Being in charge of community and all that sounds like a good call for you to make. Send me a let whenever and I'll do it ...
[17:25] <rverrips> Anyway, I'm going to watch some "A-Team" now :-)
[17:26] <Uxthui> rverrips, will do.
[18:51] == iOmar [d9a4e322@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined
[18:51] -ChanServ- [#ubuntu-ae] Welcome to #ubuntu-ae. This channel is publicly
logged at Use of this channel implies acceptance of the
terms at
[18:51] <iOmar> I am away  ... joining in 10 mins
[18:58] == rverrips [~rverrips@] has joined #ubuntu-ae
[18:59] == ragesh [] has joined #ubuntu-ae
[18:59] <ragesh> hii guys
[19:02] == Uxthui [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu-ae
[19:04] <iOmar> Hi everybody I am in
[19:04] <Uxthui> Ditto.
[19:04] <ragesh> hii
[19:04] <iOmar> Sorry for being a bit late ...
[19:04] <iOmar> Lets get cooking
[19:05] <iOmar> So for today's meeting I did post up that I would like to
discuss with the community the future format of the monthly sessions
[19:06] <iOmar> as I have been running out of ideas and I think it would be
good for variety comming from different members
[19:06] <iOmar> I did discuss a couple days back with Toki on that briefly
[19:07] <iOmar> I would suggest the following format
[19:07] <iOmar> Divide the the monthly session into 3 parts
[19:08] <iOmar> First is a 10 mins overview of Ubuntu for newbies
[19:08] <iOmar> Second is a How to Session on an Ubuntu related topic
[19:08] <iOmar> Three is Tea, Coffee and Snacks for a social end to the night.
[19:09] <iOmar> Well thats my two cents ... for the session
[19:09] <iOmar> I would like to hear everyone's thoughts so please go ahead
[19:10] <Uxthui> I think that's a satisfactory arrangement. But what exactly do
we do in the first part?
[19:10] <ragesh> that would be a good idea
[19:11] <iOmar> The first part would be a brief intro to Ubuntu similar to the
"What in the world is Ubuntu"
[19:11] <iOmar> presentation
[19:12] <ragesh> that's really good
[19:13] <ragesh> else newbies wont understand whats goin on
[19:13] <iOmar> We can then rotate the sessions between core members who can
present How to sessions
[19:13] <Uxthui> Excellent. In support of that idea, a good how-to will
demonstrate the flexibility and prowess of Ubuntu to draw more newbies.
[19:14] <rverrips> Forgive my ignorance (maybe I was late) what are we talking
[19:14] <iOmar> Hey Roy good to hear from you
[19:15] <ragesh> i remember from newbies, joseph was talkin abt free training
[19:15] <ragesh> for newbies
[19:15] <rverrips> Are Monthly sessions same as what we used to call Loco
[19:15] <iOmar> Well we were discussing the format of the sessions to have a
more rigid format
[19:15] <iOmar> yes ..
[19:15] <Uxthui> rverrips, yes.
[19:15] <rverrips> Ok, got it Â… sorry for the diversion - Please continue
[19:16] <iOmar> The idea is to have a 10 mins intro to Ubuntu
[19:16] <Uxthui> I'd prefer the term consistent instead of rigid. :)
[19:16] <iOmar> then a How to Session and finally a close with a social
gathering over coffee and tea
[19:16] <iOmar> consistent it is Toki ..
[19:17] <iOmar> so I would like to have people designated as speakers for the
community such as a  the likes of you Roy ..
[19:17] <iOmar> and they can have a small How to session every couple of months
which cycles between great speakers
[19:17] <rverrips> Happy to help where I can, iOmar - Any opportunity to talk
about linux and I'm there :-)
[19:18] <iOmar> GREAT!
[19:18]Â Â * rverrips I think ragesh was at the KVM presentation I did?
[19:18] <iOmar> The intro can be the same one i presented to the students at
AUS or an updated one like
[19:19] <iOmar> Ragesh?
[19:20] <iOmar> Can you suggest people from the group who you think can present
at the monthly events
[19:21] <rverrips> I think Joseph has some helpful input/presentations he
mentioned to me a while ago?
[19:21] <iOmar> Yes Jospeh is a great resource
[19:21] <rverrips> If we can track down Daniel again he had some fun stuff with
kernel hardening he mentioned Â…
[19:21] <iOmar> Daniel moved back to Canada just recently
[19:22] <ragesh> i'm sorry guys i was a lil busy
[19:22]Â Â * rverrips sighs Â… miss Daniel Â…
[19:22] <ragesh> rverrips: I was not there
[19:23]Â Â * rverrips apologies ragesh, must've been another ragesh :-)
[19:23] <ragesh> rverrips: I didnt know abt the presentation else i would have
[19:23] <ragesh> :)
[19:24] <iOmar> Well since now we have a great venue we can plan things in a
more concrete fashion.
[19:24] <rverrips> iOmar, as you know I haven't been to the last few meetings -
Am I correct in assuming the venue we meet at now allows for presentations and
is less of a "Ubuntu guys having Coffee" scene?
[19:24] <Uxthui> So are we gonna choose someone to do a presentation next week
or do you already have something, iOmar?
[19:25] <iOmar> Yup thats right Roy, Toki may be you'd like to volunteer .... I
would like to confess that I need help in get the group's act together in terms
of group governance
[19:25] <iOmar> and planning.
[19:26] <Uxthui> I'd love to volunteer and do a presentation, but I don't have
any good how-to on mind right now. Maybe I'll ask Ubuntu Forums for help.
[19:26] <iOmar> In this venue we have a whole auditorium with beanbag sofas all
for us.
[19:27] <rverrips> Venue sounds great - Send a thank you to whoever arranged
that - I'm trusting it doesn't cost us anything!
[19:27] <ragesh> woow that would be great
[19:27] == nlsthzn [~nlsthzn@] has joined #ubuntu-ae
[19:27] == nlsthzn [~nlsthzn@] has quit [Changing host]
[19:27] == nlsthzn [~nlsthzn@unaffiliated/nlsthzn] has joined #ubuntu-ae
[19:27] == mode/#ubuntu-ae [+v nlsthzn] by ChanServ
[19:27] <iOmar> It doesn't
[19:27]Â Â * nlsthzn waves hello
[19:27] <iOmar> The man the Legend has arrived
[19:27]Â Â * rverrips waves to nlsthzn - Good to see ye'
[19:27] <+nlsthzn> Sorry for being late :)
[19:27] <ragesh> hey neil
[19:28] <iOmar> Good to have you ..
[19:28] <Uxthui> Welcome, nlsthzn.
[19:28] <+nlsthzn> Thx all
[19:28] <Uxthui> Quick rundown some, nlsthzn?
[19:28] <iOmar> The venue doesnt cost us anything since we're a non-profit
[19:29] <+nlsthzn> Uxthui,  no worries... carry on :)
[19:29] <ragesh> and the organizer was iOmar right?
[19:29] <ragesh> he does all the great stuffs
[19:30] <iOmar> Maybe we can have Neil come in every couple of months to give a
[19:30] <rverrips> +1 for seeing more of Neil
[19:30] <+nlsthzn> ;)
[19:31] <iOmar> So shall we collectively take up a month each and rotate in
terms of presentations. Joseph, Neil, Roy, Omar, Toki ?
[19:32] <Uxthui> No objections here.
[19:32] <rverrips> I'm good for a schedule - Leave to whoever is "on" that
month to work out a standin if he/she can't make it Â… gives us a long term
plan as well!
[19:33] <iOmar> Cool would anyone volunteer to devise a schedule for the
[19:33]Â Â * nlsthzn has not idea but it sounds good +1
[19:33] <rverrips> I'd suggest Toki setup the schedule Â… and put it on the
[19:34] <Uxthui> What sort of schedule?
[19:34] <iOmar> Well basically put the speakers name, and date and timing.
[19:34] <Uxthui> I mean to tell who's going to do the presentation next?
[19:35] <Uxthui> Ah, well, if I can find the UCW page again, I can copy it's
format. :)
[19:36] <Uxthui> Now that we're clear on that, can I ask for a change of topic?
[19:36] <+nlsthzn> Sounds good that we start using the Wiki more :)
[19:36] <Uxthui> Launchpad, and recent issues with Meetup has been on my mind.
[19:36] <Uxthui> Ditto.
[19:37] <rverrips> What issues with Meetup?  the site, of the
actually meetings?
[19:37] <Uxthui> Site.
[19:38] <rverrips> Ok, what are the issues with
[19:38] <Uxthui> During the confusion with the absence of the Organizer, the
one paying for the Meetup page, mailing list did not work at all.
[19:38] <+nlsthzn> I never knew (or failed to notice) Meetup costs money... and
we have at our disposal all we need for free :)
[19:39] <iOmar> well my CC was absent ... :(
[19:39] <rverrips> +1 for not knowing before that that iOmar was our gracious
benefactor in subsidizing subs
[19:39] <Uxthui> Only added to the confusion, since we could not contact each
other and did not know the reason why, and what's going on.
[19:39] <iOmar> Well I'm humbled Roy its nothing ... :)
[19:40] <Uxthui> And I recently became aware that the email I sent to the
'core' members using Meetup never got to it's recipients. (the message asking
for email)
[19:42] <iOmar> Do you mind sending it once more ..
[19:42]Â Â * nlsthzn gives a +1 for carrying meetup and other initiatives
thus far!
[19:42] <Uxthui> I was already biased against using Meetup as the primary team
page, and these issues makes it worse.
[19:42] <Uxthui> To check?
[19:42] <rverrips> I think is we "a core" we can more them to LP and keep for bringing folks in and arranging the meetings Â…
[19:43] <iOmar> +1
[19:43] <ragesh> +1
[19:43] <+nlsthzn> +1 (we can't just loose meetup, great place for people to
find us0
[19:44] <rverrips> +1 for not loosing but I think we can do both LP
for core and meetup for publicity
[19:44] <iOmar> +1
[19:44] <ragesh> +1
[19:44] <Uxthui> Speaking of LP, any progress with Mr Zulfiqar?
[19:45] <Uxthui> On LP we can create subteams, so if we decide to have our
regular mailing list hosted by LP we can create a subteam for the core.
[19:45] <iOmar> Well to be frank I haven't reached out to him ... I wanted to
your thoughts on this
[19:45] <+nlsthzn> We need all things related to ubuntu-ae IMO
[19:46] <Uxthui> Honestly, I don't care if he will participate or not as long
as he is willing to give us control of the EmiratesTeam domains that we require.
[19:46] <iOmar> This brings up a question
[19:46] <Uxthui> He can be be the owner and moderator, but he has to make at
least one of the core members an admin.
[19:47] <iOmar> I have been told that the format for Ubuntu Local Teams is
based on Cities and not Countries
[19:47] <iOmar> i.e Dubai Loco , Abu Dhabi Loco etc
[19:47] <iOmar> correct me if I'm wrong
[19:47] <Uxthui> I was under the impression that applies to big countries, a la
USA, UK, Australia, etc.
[19:48] <Uxthui> For them it's like ubuntu-us-ny and the like.
[19:50] <iOmar> Roy , Neil?
[19:50] <rverrips> iOmar - seems to suggest it
best to keep a country wide Loco if you can Â…
[19:50] <+nlsthzn> UAE is small enough... we can't afford to splinter more :)
[19:51] <Uxthui> Ditto.
[19:51] <iOmar> Agreeable Neil
[19:51] <rverrips> In the bit of discussion I've have had (via email) with
Zulfiqar it doesn't sound like he's open to sharing
[19:51] <rverrips> +1 for not spintering
[19:51] <iOmar> +1
[19:51] <Uxthui> Can we somehow ask the FNC to make nationwide metro a reality
[19:51] <Uxthui> :P
[19:51] <rverrips> if metro was open source it would be nationwide :-)
[19:52] <iOmar> Is there any reason which you can foresee in seeing Zulfiqar
not helping if we ask him?
[19:52] <Uxthui> Free as a beer question applies. Even if the designs and
blueprints are open-source, the materials aren't gonna magically appear.
[19:53] <+nlsthzn> on a side note the Dubai LUG seems to be gaining some
momentum... which is nice... is Zulfiqar active there too?
[19:53] <rverrips> iOmar - I can't seem him not wanting to help Â…
[19:53] <rverrips> Â… but my experience with him is that he tends to delay,
postponed, not reply Â…
[19:54] <rverrips> I'd suggest for now we remain an unofficial Loco Â…
[19:54] <rverrips> in a few months, when we've had some more event, meet ups,
etc. and have built up some more cred' we can approach the Loco council
[19:54] <iOmar> can we talk and discuss things on LP based on our current
requirements with the tools open to us as members?
[19:55] <iOmar> and not administrators?
[19:55] <+nlsthzn> rverrips, true... we are not there yet... but would be nice
to start getting the house in order as we go :)
[19:55] <rverrips> agreed, Neil, and think if we do as much as we can with what
we have, adding the last few pieces will be easier Â…
[19:56] <+nlsthzn> iOmar, launchpad really only gives us mailing lists AFAIK,
[19:57] <+nlsthzn> (which we can already use :))
[19:57] <iOmar> Uxthui? rverrips?
[19:58] <Uxthui> Well yes, if we join ~EmiratesTeam now, there'll be no issues
using the mailinglist.
[19:58] <rverrips> Yes, but LP it is also the preferred/recommend method to
organize a loco Â…
[19:58] <Uxthui> But no administrative authority. (And subsequently no subteam).
[19:58] <iOmar> Time is running out .. people
[19:58] <+nlsthzn> rverrips, but I mean... what does it REALLY give us except a
place for people to join and a mailing list :)
[19:59] <ragesh> exactly
[19:59] <rverrips> nlsthzn - nothing more than you said Â…
[19:59] <rverrips> but it buys some relational credit with Toki :-)
[19:59] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, fulfill one of the official LoCo requirement.
[19:59] <ragesh> :)
[19:59] <Uxthui> rverrips, good point.
[20:00] <iOmar> Till we get critical mass thats when we'd really feel the
[20:00] <Uxthui> And also saves us from Metup mailing list trouble.
[20:00] <+nlsthzn> Oh for sure... I think we must make work of getting it but
not let it stop us :)
[20:00] <iOmar> I would like to close on one last topic from last IRC meeting
[20:00] <Uxthui> And also saves us from Metup mailing list trouble. (which is
the foremost reason I want to us LP mailing list)
[20:01] <iOmar> Members business cards / Ubuntu marketing material
[20:02] <iOmar> I did manage to get an Ubuntu designed card here
[20:02] <iOmar> and here
[20:02] <iOmar> front and back
[20:03] <iOmar> You can use it as a personal calling card & promote Ubuntu at
the same time

[20:03] <rverrips> I like the business cards - What are the costs?
[20:03] <+nlsthzn> wife has just yelled (again) that the food is ready and
getting cold... +1 from me for any good ideas... if not back before the end ...
cheers all...
[20:03] <iOmar> Some thing around .75 fils a card
[20:03] <rverrips> cheers neil ...
[20:04] <Uxthui> Affordable.
[20:04] <rverrips> What is the minimum order quantity?
[20:04] <Uxthui> But it's missing reference ubuntu-ae team and website.
[20:04] <iOmar> I might manage to get a low count 500 but I need to check
[20:05] <iOmar> This where we need to set things clear for the General Public,
to what site shall they be pointed to?
[20:05] <rverrips> 500 unique ones (i.e. 500xiOmar) or 500 total (i.e.
100xiOmar, 100xrverrips, 100xUxthui, etc.)
[20:05] <iOmar> I need to check possibly doable
[20:05] <iOmar> the latter
[20:06] <rverrips> I'd suggest to point them to - At the moment
that's the Wiki - If we later decide something else we can change the site
without changing the calling cards?
[20:06] <iOmar> +1 for the idea
[20:06] <Uxthui> Ditto for
[20:07] <iOmar> but what about Which has evrything about Ubuntu?
[20:07] <iOmar> Our wiki doesnt really show much
[20:07] <Uxthui> Well, in fromnt and at back?
[20:07] <rverrips> We should perhaps look at the wiki page ( and see
how can change that to either be "people looking for info on ubuntu"-friendly
or "people looking for ubuntu emirates"-friendly
[20:08] <Uxthui> Something like find us at
[20:08] <ragesh> rverrips good idea
[20:08] <Uxthui> Something like find us at and download at
[20:08] <iOmar> Guys I need to close this last topic and move it to Meetup
discussion board.
[20:09] <iOmar> Time is up
[20:09] <rverrips> +1 for time up
[20:09] <Uxthui> Wait, wait, who's doing presentation next month?
[20:09] <ragesh> toki
[20:09] <rverrips> You mean in two weeks?  +1 for Toki
[20:09] <iOmar> +1 for Toki
[20:09] <ragesh> +1
[20:10] <Uxthui> Guess it's decided.
[20:10] <rverrips> I should be able to do November - pencil me in
[20:10] <iOmar> Thanks folks for joining another great session. Bye for now.

Minutes of Meeting EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingSummary20110924

This is the log of our fifth IRC meeting, held on #ubuntu-ae channel on Saturday, 24th September 2011:

[18:51] == iOmar [d9a4e322@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined 
[18:51] -ChanServ- [#ubuntu-ae] Welcome to #ubuntu-ae. This channel is publicly 
logged at Use of this channel implies acceptance of the 
terms at
[18:51] <iOmar> I am away  ... joining in 10 mins
[18:58] == rverrips [~rverrips@] has joined #ubuntu-ae
[18:59] == ragesh [] has joined #ubuntu-ae
[18:59] <ragesh> hii guys
[19:02] == Uxthui [~ubuntu@] has joined #ubuntu-ae
[19:04] <iOmar> Hi everybody I am in
[19:04] <Uxthui> Ditto.
[19:04] <ragesh> hii
[19:04] <iOmar> Sorry for being a bit late ...
[19:04] <iOmar> Lets get cooking
[19:05] <iOmar> So for today's meeting I did post up that I would like to 
discuss with the community the future format of the monthly sessions
[19:06] <iOmar> as I have been running out of ideas and I think it would be 
good for variety comming from different members
[19:06] <iOmar> I did discuss a couple days back with Toki on that briefly
[19:07] <iOmar> I would suggest the following format
[19:07] <iOmar> Divide the the monthly session into 3 parts
[19:08] <iOmar> First is a 10 mins overview of Ubuntu for newbies
[19:08] <iOmar> Second is a How to Session on an Ubuntu related topic
[19:08] <iOmar> Three is Tea, Coffee and Snacks for a social end to the night.
[19:09] <iOmar> Well thats my two cents ... for the session
[19:09] <iOmar> I would like to hear everyone's thoughts so please go ahead
[19:10] <Uxthui> I think that's a satisfactory arrangement. But what exactly do 
we do in the first part?
[19:10] <ragesh> that would be a good idea
[19:11] <iOmar> The first part would be a brief intro to Ubuntu similar to the 
"What in the world is Ubuntu"
[19:11] <iOmar> presentation
[19:12] <ragesh> that's really good
[19:13] <ragesh> else newbies wont understand whats goin on
[19:13] <iOmar> We can then rotate the sessions between core members who can 
present How to sessions 
[19:13] <Uxthui> Excellent. In support of that idea, a good how-to will 
demonstrate the flexibility and prowess of Ubuntu to draw more newbies.
[19:14] <rverrips> Forgive my ignorance (maybe I was late) what are we talking 
[19:14] <iOmar> Hey Roy good to hear from you
[19:15] <ragesh> i remember from newbies, joseph was talkin abt free training
[19:15] <ragesh> for newbies
[19:15] <rverrips> Are Monthly sessions same as what we used to call Loco 
[19:15] <iOmar> Well we were discussing the format of the sessions to have a 
more rigid format
[19:15] <iOmar> yes .. 
[19:15] <Uxthui> rverrips, yes.
[19:15] <rverrips> Ok, got it Â… sorry for the diversion - Please continue
[19:16] <iOmar> The idea is to have a 10 mins intro to Ubuntu 
[19:16] <Uxthui> I'd prefer the term consistent instead of rigid. :)
[19:16] <iOmar> then a How to Session and finally a close with a social 
gathering over coffee and tea
[19:16] <iOmar> consistent it is Toki ..
[19:17] <iOmar> so I would like to have people designated as speakers for the 
community such as a  the likes of you Roy ..
[19:17] <iOmar> and they can have a small How to session every couple of months 
which cycles between great speakers
[19:17] <rverrips> Happy to help where I can, iOmar - Any opportunity to talk 
about linux and I'm there :-)
[19:18] <iOmar> GREAT!
[19:18]Â Â * rverrips I think ragesh was at the KVM presentation I did?
[19:18] <iOmar> The intro can be the same one i presented to the students at 
AUS or an updated one like
[19:19] <iOmar> Ragesh?
[19:20] <iOmar> Can you suggest people from the group who you think can present 
at the monthly events
[19:21] <rverrips> I think Joseph has some helpful input/presentations he 
mentioned to me a while ago?
[19:21] <iOmar> Yes Jospeh is a great resource
[19:21] <rverrips> If we can track down Daniel again he had some fun stuff with 
kernel hardening he mentioned Â…
[19:21] <iOmar> Daniel moved back to Canada just recently
[19:22] <ragesh> i'm sorry guys i was a lil busy
[19:22]Â Â * rverrips sighs Â… miss Daniel Â… 
[19:22] <ragesh> rverrips: I was not there
[19:23]Â Â * rverrips apologies ragesh, must've been another ragesh :-)
[19:23] <ragesh> rverrips: I didnt know abt the presentation else i would have 
[19:23] <ragesh> :)
[19:24] <iOmar> Well since now we have a great venue we can plan things in a 
more concrete fashion.
[19:24] <rverrips> iOmar, as you know I haven't been to the last few meetings - 
Am I correct in assuming the venue we meet at now allows for presentations and 
is less of a "Ubuntu guys having Coffee" scene?
[19:24] <Uxthui> So are we gonna choose someone to do a presentation next week 
or do you already have something, iOmar?
[19:25] <iOmar> Yup thats right Roy, Toki may be you'd like to volunteer .... I 
would like to confess that I need help in get the group's act together in terms 
of group governance
[19:25] <iOmar> and planning.
[19:26] <Uxthui> I'd love to volunteer and do a presentation, but I don't have 
any good how-to on mind right now. Maybe I'll ask Ubuntu Forums for help.
[19:26] <iOmar> In this venue we have a whole auditorium with beanbag sofas all 
for us.
[19:27] <rverrips> Venue sounds great - Send a thank you to whoever arranged 
that - I'm trusting it doesn't cost us anything!
[19:27] <ragesh> woow that would be great
[19:27] == nlsthzn [~nlsthzn@] has joined #ubuntu-ae
[19:27] == nlsthzn [~nlsthzn@] has quit [Changing host]
[19:27] == nlsthzn [~nlsthzn@unaffiliated/nlsthzn] has joined #ubuntu-ae
[19:27] == mode/#ubuntu-ae [+v nlsthzn] by ChanServ
[19:27] <iOmar> It doesn't
[19:27]Â Â * nlsthzn waves hello
[19:27] <iOmar> The man the Legend has arrived
[19:27]Â Â * rverrips waves to nlsthzn - Good to see ye'
[19:27] <+nlsthzn> Sorry for being late :)
[19:27] <ragesh> hey neil
[19:28] <iOmar> Good to have you ..
[19:28] <Uxthui> Welcome, nlsthzn.
[19:28] <+nlsthzn> Thx all
[19:28] <Uxthui> Quick rundown some, nlsthzn?
[19:28] <iOmar> The venue doesnt cost us anything since we're a non-profit
[19:29] <+nlsthzn> Uxthui,  no worries... carry on :)
[19:29] <ragesh> and the organizer was iOmar right?
[19:29] <ragesh> he does all the great stuffs
[19:30] <iOmar> Maybe we can have Neil come in every couple of months to give a 
[19:30] <rverrips> +1 for seeing more of Neil
[19:30] <+nlsthzn> ;)
[19:31] <iOmar> So shall we collectively take up a month each and rotate in 
terms of presentations. Joseph, Neil, Roy, Omar, Toki ?
[19:32] <Uxthui> No objections here.
[19:32] <rverrips> I'm good for a schedule - Leave to whoever is "on" that 
month to work out a standin if he/she can't make it Â… gives us a long term 
plan as well!
[19:33] <iOmar> Cool would anyone volunteer to devise a schedule for the 
[19:33]Â Â * nlsthzn has not idea but it sounds good +1
[19:33] <rverrips> I'd suggest Toki setup the schedule Â… and put it on the 
[19:34] <Uxthui> What sort of schedule?
[19:34] <iOmar> Well basically put the speakers name, and date and timing.
[19:34] <Uxthui> I mean to tell who's going to do the presentation next?
[19:35] <Uxthui> Ah, well, if I can find the UCW page again, I can copy it's 
format. :)
[19:36] <Uxthui> Now that we're clear on that, can I ask for a change of topic?
[19:36] <+nlsthzn> Sounds good that we start using the Wiki more :)
[19:36] <Uxthui> Launchpad, and recent issues with Meetup has been on my mind.
[19:36] <Uxthui> Ditto.
[19:37] <rverrips> What issues with Meetup?  the site, of the 
actually meetings?
[19:37] <Uxthui> Site.
[19:38] <rverrips> Ok, what are the issues with
[19:38] <Uxthui> During the confusion with the absence of the Organizer, the 
one paying for the Meetup page, mailing list did not work at all.
[19:38] <+nlsthzn> I never knew (or failed to notice) Meetup costs money... and 
we have at our disposal all we need for free :)
[19:39] <iOmar> well my CC was absent ... :(
[19:39] <rverrips> +1 for not knowing before that that iOmar was our gracious 
benefactor in subsidizing subs
[19:39] <Uxthui> Only added to the confusion, since we could not contact each 
other and did not know the reason why, and what's going on.
[19:39] <iOmar> Well I'm humbled Roy its nothing ... :)
[19:40] <Uxthui> And I recently became aware that the email I sent to the 
'core' members using Meetup never got to it's recipients. (the message asking 
for email)
[19:42] <iOmar> Do you mind sending it once more ..
[19:42]Â Â * nlsthzn gives a +1 for carrying meetup and other initiatives 
thus far!
[19:42] <Uxthui> I was already biased against using Meetup as the primary team 
page, and these issues makes it worse.
[19:42] <Uxthui> To check?
[19:42] <rverrips> I think is we "a core" we can more them to LP and keep for bringing folks in and arranging the meetings Â…
[19:43] <iOmar> +1
[19:43] <ragesh> +1
[19:43] <+nlsthzn> +1 (we can't just loose meetup, great place for people to 
find us0
[19:44] <rverrips> +1 for not loosing but I think we can do both LP 
for core and meetup for publicity
[19:44] <iOmar> +1
[19:44] <ragesh> +1
[19:44] <Uxthui> Speaking of LP, any progress with Mr Zulfiqar?
[19:45] <Uxthui> On LP we can create subteams, so if we decide to have our 
regular mailing list hosted by LP we can create a subteam for the core.
[19:45] <iOmar> Well to be frank I haven't reached out to him ... I wanted to 
your thoughts on this 
[19:45] <+nlsthzn> We need all things related to ubuntu-ae IMO
[19:46] <Uxthui> Honestly, I don't care if he will participate or not as long 
as he is willing to give us control of the EmiratesTeam domains that we require.
[19:46] <iOmar> This brings up a question
[19:46] <Uxthui> He can be be the owner and moderator, but he has to make at 
least one of the core members an admin.
[19:47] <iOmar> I have been told that the format for Ubuntu Local Teams is 
based on Cities and not Countries
[19:47] <iOmar> i.e Dubai Loco , Abu Dhabi Loco etc
[19:47] <iOmar> correct me if I'm wrong
[19:47] <Uxthui> I was under the impression that applies to big countries, a la 
USA, UK, Australia, etc.
[19:48] <Uxthui> For them it's like ubuntu-us-ny and the like.
[19:50] <iOmar> Roy , Neil?
[19:50] <rverrips> iOmar - seems to suggest it 
best to keep a country wide Loco if you can Â…
[19:50] <+nlsthzn> UAE is small enough... we can't afford to splinter more :)
[19:51] <Uxthui> Ditto.
[19:51] <iOmar> Agreeable Neil
[19:51] <rverrips> In the bit of discussion I've have had (via email) with 
Zulfiqar it doesn't sound like he's open to sharing
[19:51] <rverrips> +1 for not spintering
[19:51] <iOmar> +1
[19:51] <Uxthui> Can we somehow ask the FNC to make nationwide metro a reality 
[19:51] <Uxthui> :P
[19:51] <rverrips> if metro was open source it would be nationwide :-)
[19:52] <iOmar> Is there any reason which you can foresee in seeing Zulfiqar 
not helping if we ask him?
[19:52] <Uxthui> Free as a beer question applies. Even if the designs and 
blueprints are open-source, the materials aren't gonna magically appear.
[19:53] <+nlsthzn> on a side note the Dubai LUG seems to be gaining some 
momentum... which is nice... is Zulfiqar active there too?
[19:53] <rverrips> iOmar - I can't seem him not wanting to help Â…
[19:53] <rverrips> Â… but my experience with him is that he tends to delay, 
postponed, not reply Â…
[19:54] <rverrips> I'd suggest for now we remain an unofficial Loco Â…
[19:54] <rverrips> in a few months, when we've had some more event, meet ups, 
etc. and have built up some more cred' we can approach the Loco council
[19:54] <iOmar> can we talk and discuss things on LP based on our current 
requirements with the tools open to us as members?
[19:55] <iOmar> and not administrators?
[19:55] <+nlsthzn> rverrips, true... we are not there yet... but would be nice 
to start getting the house in order as we go :)
[19:55] <rverrips> agreed, Neil, and think if we do as much as we can with what 
we have, adding the last few pieces will be easier Â…
[19:56] <+nlsthzn> iOmar, launchpad really only gives us mailing lists AFAIK, 
[19:57] <+nlsthzn> (which we can already use :))
[19:57] <iOmar> Uxthui? rverrips?
[19:58] <Uxthui> Well yes, if we join ~EmiratesTeam now, there'll be no issues 
using the mailinglist.
[19:58] <rverrips> Yes, but LP it is also the preferred/recommend method to 
organize a loco Â…
[19:58] <Uxthui> But no administrative authority. (And subsequently no subteam).
[19:58] <iOmar> Time is running out .. people
[19:58] <+nlsthzn> rverrips, but I mean... what does it REALLY give us except a 
place for people to join and a mailing list :)
[19:59] <ragesh> exactly
[19:59] <rverrips> nlsthzn - nothing more than you said Â…
[19:59] <rverrips> but it buys some relational credit with Toki :-)
[19:59] <Uxthui> nlsthzn, fulfill one of the official LoCo requirement.
[19:59] <ragesh> :)
[19:59] <Uxthui> rverrips, good point.
[20:00] <iOmar> Till we get critical mass thats when we'd really feel the 
[20:00] <Uxthui> And also saves us from Metup mailing list trouble.
[20:00] <+nlsthzn> Oh for sure... I think we must make work of getting it but 
not let it stop us :)
[20:00] <iOmar> I would like to close on one last topic from last IRC meeting
[20:00] <Uxthui> And also saves us from Metup mailing list trouble. (which is 
the foremost reason I want to us LP mailing list)
[20:01] <iOmar> Members business cards / Ubuntu marketing material
[20:02] <iOmar> I did manage to get an Ubuntu designed card here
[20:02] <iOmar> and here
[20:02] <iOmar> front and back 
[20:03] <iOmar> You can use it as a personal calling card & promote Ubuntu at 
the same time

[20:03] <rverrips> I like the business cards - What are the costs?
[20:03] <+nlsthzn> wife has just yelled (again) that the food is ready and 
getting cold... +1 from me for any good ideas... if not back before the end ... 
cheers all...
[20:03] <iOmar> Some thing around .75 fils a card
[20:03] <rverrips> cheers neil ...
[20:04] <Uxthui> Affordable.
[20:04] <rverrips> What is the minimum order quantity?
[20:04] <Uxthui> But it's missing reference ubuntu-ae team and website.
[20:04] <iOmar> I might manage to get a low count 500 but I need to check
[20:05] <iOmar> This where we need to set things clear for the General Public, 
to what site shall they be pointed to?
[20:05] <rverrips> 500 unique ones (i.e. 500xiOmar) or 500 total (i.e. 
100xiOmar, 100xrverrips, 100xUxthui, etc.)
[20:05] <iOmar> I need to check possibly doable
[20:05] <iOmar> the latter
[20:06] <rverrips> I'd suggest to point them to - At the moment 
that's the Wiki - If we later decide something else we can change the site 
without changing the calling cards?
[20:06] <iOmar> +1 for the idea
[20:06] <Uxthui> Ditto for
[20:07] <iOmar> but what about Which has evrything about Ubuntu?
[20:07] <iOmar> Our wiki doesnt really show much
[20:07] <Uxthui> Well, in fromnt and at back?
[20:07] <rverrips> We should perhaps look at the wiki page ( and see 
how can change that to either be "people looking for info on ubuntu"-friendly 
or "people looking for ubuntu emirates"-friendly
[20:08] <Uxthui> Something like find us at
[20:08] <ragesh> rverrips good idea
[20:08] <Uxthui> Something like find us at and download at
[20:08] <iOmar> Guys I need to close this last topic and move it to Meetup 
discussion board. 
[20:09] <iOmar> Time is up
[20:09] <rverrips> +1 for time up
[20:09] <Uxthui> Wait, wait, who's doing presentation next month?
[20:09] <ragesh> toki
[20:09] <rverrips> You mean in two weeks?  +1 for Toki
[20:09] <iOmar> +1 for Toki
[20:09] <ragesh> +1
[20:10] <Uxthui> Guess it's decided.
[20:10] <rverrips> I should be able to do November - pencil me in
[20:10] <iOmar> Thanks folks for joining another great session. Bye for now.

EmiratesTeam/Meetings/IRCMeetingLogs20110924 (last edited 2011-10-20 14:36:16 by 2)