About Me |
What I'm known for
I'm known for my contributions to the Ubuntu Studio development team. I've been the team's designated moderator in the Multimedia Production section of for a year and a half now, have packaged applications for inclusion in Ubuntu Studio for two releases, and am working toward better team organization through monthly meetings.
I'm a musician (with a BFA from SFU) that's been using Ubuntu as my main OS since at least Dapper (if not Breezy). Before that I was on a Debian install.
- calf-plugins
- xwax
- a2jmidid
- xjadeo
Upgraded or Fixed:
- ardour
- denemo
- tap-plugins
- jack-rack
- ubuntustudio-controls
Recent Ubuntu Studio Contributions
- ubuntustudio-font-meta - meta package containing a very large selection of fonts from the Main and Universe repositories
- fixed the raw1394 access issue on Jaunty (in ubuntustudio-controls) after the change in udev rules
- helping with the push to include jackd in Main
- organizing team meetings
- regular user help on IRC in #ubuntustudio
- maintaining the Multimedia Production section of (and greatly assisting many users there)
- pushing for updates to the community documentation (I was actually very active in writing much of the Ubuntu Studio documentation before Ubuntu Studio became a distribution. It was just a wiki project on how to modify Ubuntu to make it useable as a audio operating system. Those pages have since been donated to the community documentation.)
LoCo Contributions:
I've recently become active in the Vancouver LoCo team. I am scheduled to give a talk on "Editing your Home Movies on Ubuntu" at the next meeting.
I recently designed a logo for the group for our informal logo contenst
I have created the Vancouver LoCo Launchpad team page.
- I am currently maintaining the temporary ##ubuntu-yvr-support channel on freenode while an official Vancouver Loco IRC room is being approved.
- I've also agreed to do a talk on how to report bugs, before we have our Karmic Bug Jam.
I am slated to provide an upcoming CopyLeft music festival with copies of Ubuntu Studio and info pamphlets on Ubuntu at the Merchandise table.
Other Work
I tell my friends about ubuntu.
- I regularly phone corporations I've bought hardware from, requesting support for Ubuntu.
Constantly answering questions, clarifying facts, giving advice, and assisting new users in the Multimedia Production section of (not to mention deleting spam, and sorting out posts for the Multimedia & Video section)
Maintain (man I really should post more often) a blog on open source audio at
- Recently joined the Ubuntu Audio Team to help fight audio bugs in Ubuntu.
What The Future Holds...
The list of packages I plan to add to the repositories (now that I've learned to package) is too big. The major next step is to get the LV2 plugin libraries into Ubuntu as many of the current applications in the repositories have support for this standard but we don't have the libraries yet. I imagine I'll start to get bogged down with maintenance of packages before I can work my way through this list:
I'd like to create an ubuntustudio-art-programming metapackage that depends on software like PD, ChucK, Processing, GEM, Faust, SuperCollider, and CSound, (maybe HaXe) that focus on custom multimedia tool creation.
- Simply stated, I want audio on Ubuntu to be easier. I am going to fix this.
I'd like to do some mentoring through the Vancouver LoCo Launchpad team.