
Key Details


  • Local Advocacy:

    • Develop Florida-specific backgrounds for a possible florida Ubuntu LiveCD

    • Attend more expos and shows to hand out even more CDs, flyers, posters, and other swag while demonstrating Ubuntu and Variants to the crowd
    • Working with AlabamaTeam and GeorgiaTeam on possible collaboration for multi-state Linux Fest (long term goal)

  • Charitable Advocacy and Exposure:

    • Start a local freegeek chapter (discussion here and here)

    • If freegeek is not feasible, possible work with Computers 4 Kids or other such distribution program

      • Need channel to direct and support team's existing efforts of distributing computers with Xubuntu
  • LoCo Support:

    • Become more active within Ubuntu US community as mentors to new and struggling teams

  • Development

    • Provide assistance with programming and packaging on and for Ubuntu


  • Communication:

  • Advocacy

    • Manned a booth at the East Orlando Chamber of Commerce Business Expo

      • Handed out CDs, pamphlets, posters, stickers, and t-shirts
      • Met and spoke to numerous small businesses about the benefits of switching to Ubuntu
    • Some members attended Software Freedom Day at the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL
    • Around 10 members attended Florida's first BarCamp, BarCamp Orlando September 23rd

      • Gave talks relating to Ubuntu, LoCo Teams

      • Held installfest for interested users
  • Sub-Team Delegation:

  • Distribution and Charity:

    • Distributed refurbished computers with Ubuntu on them, in the absence of a Florida Chapter of (discussed here)

  • Development

    • Offering programming advice to other team members on #ubuntu-florida
    • Made a package for (named python-coverage, worked with MOTU team, package sponsored for Gutsy on June 15, 2007 by dholbach)
    • Teaching people how to use Bazaar
    • Minor patches for bazaar (lstat fixes and tests in bzrlib, option aliases for --missing command)
    • Working on adding support for Bazaar to review board.

    • participating in #mysql-dev discussions
    • participating on #launchpad, helping people learn how to use Launchpad

FloridaTeam/ApprovalApplication (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:17 by localhost)