Note: This page is for prioritizing Foundations track UDS-M sessions. For general Maverick planning, please see FoundationsTeam/Maverick/Planning.
Session Topics
The following sessions are broken out by topic; for a flat listing of the sessions, see below.
[ACCEPTED] 10.04 Review - hold this early to aid breakout topics, maybe in the first roundtable
[ACCEPTED] Spring Clean - right after an LTS release is a good time for an aggressive cleanup of things we don't need or that should be extensively refactored
[ACCEPTED] btrfs Support (seconded by OEM)
[ACCEPTED] Toolchain decisions for Maverick. May be followed up with architecture specific sessions. (MatthiasKlose)
Compile for i686 as the default on i386 - instead of i486
[ACCEPTED] Improved Platform-Internationalization Collaboration (seconded by OEM)
[ACCEPTED] Multiarch Support (may not need further discussion?)
[ACCEPTED] Drop the IA64 and SPARC community ports
[ACCEPTED] CD build speed - CD build speed has been creeping back up of late; attack it again
[ACCEPTED] Better archive crawler (carried over from Lucid)
[ACCEPTED] Package Culling - find and aggressively deal with packages whose merges have been lagging for several releases
[ACCEPTED] Implement the installer redesign spec (EvanDandrea)
[ACCEPTED] Download updates while installing (EvanDandrea)
[ACCEPTED] Use Swap Files Instead of Swap Partitions (carried over from Karmic)
[ACCEPTED] Discuss testing (seconded by OEM)
[ACCEPTED] D-Bus Refactor of release-upgrader - discuss refactoring the release-upgrader backend as a dbus service to improve reliability/responsiveness (MichaelVogt)
[ACCEPTED] Refactor update-notifier - make update-notifier a more modular design (probably with vala), it has out-grown to be a update-notifier since some time (MichaelVogt)
[ACCEPTED] update-manager Improvements
[ACCEPTED] Remove Demoted Packages on Upgrade - We need to explore the removal of demoted packages on upgrade (all, only auto-installed ones, only default installed ones, only unused... how to detect).
[ACCEPTED] move CD booting to grub2/gfxterm (ColinWatson)
[ACCEPTED] smoother boot splash via grub2 and a boot framebuffer (ColinWatson, ScottJamesRemnant)
[ACCEPTED] Boot Performance/Experience (seconded by OEM)
[ACCEPTED] UEFI Firmware Support
[ACCEPTED] Upstart Q&A UDS session
[ACCEPTED] Finish Upstart (seconded by OEM indirectly for their interest in continued boot performance improvements)
Developer Support
[ACCEPTED] OpenJDK6 updates for older Ubuntu releases (MatthiasKlose)
[ACCEPTED] Automated transition testing framework (build, run upstream unit test, 2to3, report on ftbfs and test failures, against any/every python version) (BarryWarsaw)
[ACCEPTED] Python Robustification - this blueprint includes the two below for ease of UDS session scheduling, and it carries over (though likely with different work items) the a similar Lucid era spec.
[ACCEPTED] Python Versions - this blueprint includes the two below for ease of UDS session scheduling
Python 2.7 (BarryWarsaw) That should be tested before UDS as a basis for a decision.
Software Center
[ACCEPTED] Software Center Roadmap
Accepted Sessions
[ACCEPTED] 10.04 Review - hold this early to aid breakout topics, maybe in the first roundtable
[ACCEPTED] Software Center Roadmap
[ACCEPTED] Upstart Q&A UDS session
[ACCEPTED] Finish Upstart (seconded by OEM indirectly for their interest in continued boot performance improvements)
[ACCEPTED] Multiarch Support (may not need further discussion?)
[ACCEPTED] btrfs Support (seconded by OEM)
[ACCEPTED] move CD booting to grub2/gfxterm (ColinWatson)
[ACCEPTED] smoother boot splash via grub2 and a boot framebuffer (ColinWatson, ScottJamesRemnant)
[ACCEPTED] Package Culling - find and aggressively deal with packages whose merges have been lagging for several releases
[ACCEPTED] Discuss testing (seconded by OEM)
[ACCEPTED] Implement the installer redesign spec (EvanDandrea)
[ACCEPTED] Refactor update-notifier - make update-notifier a more modular design (probably with vala), it has out-grown to be a update-notifier since some time (MichaelVogt)
[ACCEPTED] Remove Demoted Packages on Upgrade - We need to explore the removal of demoted packages on upgrade (all, only auto-installed ones, only default installed ones, only unused... how to detect).
[ACCEPTED] D-Bus Refactor of release-upgrader - discuss refactoring the release-upgrader backend as a dbus service to improve reliability/responsiveness (MichaelVogt)
[ACCEPTED] Boot Performance/Experience (seconded by OEM)
[ACCEPTED] UEFI Firmware Support
[ACCEPTED] OpenJDK6 updates for older Ubuntu releases (MatthiasKlose)
[ACCEPTED] Spring Clean - right after an LTS release is a good time for an aggressive cleanup of things we don't need or that should be extensively refactored
[ACCEPTED] Automated transition testing framework (build, run upstream unit test, 2to3, report on ftbfs and test failures, against any/every python version) (BarryWarsaw)
[ACCEPTED] Python Robustification - this blueprint includes the two below for ease of UDS session scheduling, and it carries over (though likely with different work items) the a similar Lucid era spec.
[ACCEPTED] Python Versions - this blueprint includes the two below for ease of UDS session scheduling
Python 2.7 (BarryWarsaw) That should be tested before UDS as a basis for a decision.
[ACCEPTED] Use Swap Files Instead of Swap Partitions (carried over from Karmic)
[ACCEPTED] Download updates while installing (EvanDandrea)
[ACCEPTED] Drop the IA64 and SPARC community ports
[ACCEPTED] Toolchain decisions for Maverick. May be followed up with architecture specific sessions. (MatthiasKlose)
Compile for i686 as the default on i386 - instead of i486
[ACCEPTED] Better archive crawler (carried over from Lucid)
[ACCEPTED] Improved Platform-Internationalization Collaboration (seconded by OEM)
[ACCEPTED] update-manager Improvements
[ACCEPTED] CD build speed - CD build speed has been creeping back up of late; attack it again
[ACCEPTED] Improving the installation process of Edubuntu - this probably belongs in a community session; will ping Jono; Foundations can make sure someone is present for the discussion, however
Lower priority, include only if they will fit
Enable Hybrid suspend/hibernate by Default (proposed by OEM, but doesn't seem viable given current kernel support)
Declined Sessions
Improved server boot (superseded by Server boot and upstart)
Use xz compression by default for binary packages (proposed by community member) (we aren't going to use it by default, and we'll naturally get elective support by way of a dpkg merge)
Use Energy Star compliance power settings by default (proposed by OEM) - After a conversation with Colin, Pete Graner, and Pat McGowan, this was identified as something that the Desktop team would be involved in, not foundations