
Differences between revisions 1 and 49 (spanning 48 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2010-04-06 15:58:40
Size: 2562
Editor: 82-69-40-219
Comment: move from internal wiki
Revision 49 as of 2010-04-29 15:36:23
Size: 8070
Editor: eth0
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * move CD booting to grub2/gfxterm (ColinWatson)
 * smoother boot splash via grub2/efifb (ColinWatson, ScottJamesRemnant)
 * multiarch redux
 * find and aggressively deal with packages whose merges have been lagging for several releases
 * finish Upstart (ScottJamesRemnant)
 * Implement the [[|installer redesign spec]] (EvanDandrea)
 * make update-notifier a more modular design (probably with vala), it has out-grown to be a update-notifier since some time (MichaelVogt)
 * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-cd-boot|move CD booting to grub2/gfxterm]] (ColinWatson)
 * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-maverick-grub2-boot-framebuffer|smoother boot splash via grub2 and a boot framebuffer]] (ColinWatson, ScottJamesRemnant)
 * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-multiarch-redux|Multiarch Redux]]
 * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-package-culling|Package Culling]] - find and aggressively deal with packages whose merges have been lagging for several releases
 * Finish Upstart (ScottJamesRemnant)
   * Have a UDS session for each track that is impacted by Upstart (e.g., Desktop, Server, Kernel, NewCore)
   * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-upstart-q-and-a|Upstart Q&A UDS session]]
 * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-installer-redesign|
Implement the installer redesign spec]] (EvanDandrea)
 * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-update-notifier-refactor|Refactor update-notifier]] - make update-notifier a more modular design (probably with vala), it has out-grown to be a update-notifier since some time (MichaelVogt)
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 * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-package-removal-in-upgrade|Remove Demoted Packages on Upgrade]] - We need to explore the removal of demoted packages on upgrade (all, only auto-installed ones, only default installed ones, only unused... how to detect).
 * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-karmic-install-updates-when-installing|Download updates while installing]] (EvanDandrea)
 * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-release-upgrader-dbus-refactor|D-Bus Refactor of release-upgrader]] - discuss refactoring the release-upgrader backend as a dbus service to improve reliability/responsiveness (MichaelVogt)
 * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-btrfs-support|btrfs Support]]
 * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-uefi-support|UEFI Firmware Support]]
 * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-openjdk-updates|OpenJDK6 updates for older Ubuntu releases]] (MatthiasKlose)
 * CD build speed has been creeping back up of late; attack it again
 * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-upgrade-and-install-testing|Discuss testing]]

== Foundations Support ==

As usual, Foundations will be providing Ubuntu support for the other teams. A high-level listing of projects where we likely will be involved is given in this section.

=== Desktop ===

 * As part of their UNE work, Desktop may end up promoting Chromium to main
 * HUGE push for Software Center
   1. goal: sell stuff in software center,
   1. goal: figure out how to deliver opportunistic apps via the software center
   1. finish ratings
 * Big push for touch, not sure what the impact is going to be for Foundations yet, but we need to be aware of it

=== Design ===

 * Wayland (no idea what state this is in upstream, and the X side of things should be desktop, but at the very least we'll need to look at how this overlaps/interacts with Plymouth);
 * We probably ought to have a look-in on the multi-screen work, if it's dealing with remembering configurations for individual devices;
 * Installer, first boot, upgrades, Update Manager, and Software Centre;
 * System settings (maybe, depending on what this comes down to);
 * Possibly keyboard indicator but it depends what they're doing (if it's just visual then probably not).

=== Server ===

The server team has listed their planning by priority; their bullet items below reflect this.

 * Priority 1: Cloud cluster file system (not sure if we'll be needed for this or not)
 * Priority 2: Java/JDK improvements (doko does a lot of that; Server team is getting a Java person, so this may impact us less)
 * Priority 2: Support of alternate install modes
 * Priority 3: Upstart conversion

=== Kernel ===

 * Improved battery power support work; Foundations may need to (or be able to) assist
 * synaptec multi-touch (multi-finger... not multi-touch)
 * new multi-touch driver enhancements that may need work from Foundations

=== OEM ===

 * TBD

== Support FOR Foundations ==

Collect here items which we would like to see be done by other teams

=== Desktop ===

 * Java Applet maintainance / development
 * Stable xulrunner-1.9 interfaces when having more than one xulrunner version on the desktop (both eclipse and the icedtea6-plugin don't seem to get it right).

=== Launchpad ===

 * Soyuz/IS: Rebuild tests take too long, or slow down PPA buildds.
 * Soyuz: Native syncing via web service, to free up man-hours of archive admin time per week.
 * Buildd configuration, and how to reproduce results from test runs on the buildds. Differences in the configuration of distro and PPA buildds. LP: 556597 as an example. Seen with some eglibc test cases as well.

=== QA ===

 * TCK testing

== Placeholders for Big Topics ==

 * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-cycle-review|10.04 Review]] - hold this early to aid breakout topics, maybe in the first roundtable
 * Distributed Development
 * Boot Performance/Experience
 * Spring Clean (right after an LTS release is a good time for an aggressive cleanup of things we don't need or that should be extensively refactored)
 * Python
   * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-python-continuous-integration|Automated transition testing framework (build, run upstream unit test, 2to3, report on ftbfs and test failures, against any/every python version)]] (BarryWarsaw)
   * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-python-3|Migration to Python 3]] (BarryWarsaw)
   * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-python-no-symlinks|Eliminate symlinks for python-[central|support] using PEP 3147? Needs support for extensions. (And mostly done for python-central).]] (BarryWarsaw). This is a duplicate of UbuntuSpec:foundations-lucid-robust-python-packaging.
   * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-python-2.7|Python 2.7]] (BarryWarsaw) That should be tested before UDS as a basis for a decision.
   * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-python-cx-freeze|Freezing (e.g. cx_freeze) critical dist upgrade tools?]] (BarryWarsaw)
 * [[UbuntuSpec:foundations-m-drop-ia64sparc|Drop the IA64 and SPARC community ports]]
 * Compile for i686 as the default on i386 (instead of i486).
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(Numbers in parentheses indicate to-do/postponed/done.)


Foundations Support

As usual, Foundations will be providing Ubuntu support for the other teams. A high-level listing of projects where we likely will be involved is given in this section.


  • As part of their UNE work, Desktop may end up promoting Chromium to main
  • HUGE push for Software Center
    1. goal: sell stuff in software center,
    2. goal: figure out how to deliver opportunistic apps via the software center
    3. finish ratings
  • Big push for touch, not sure what the impact is going to be for Foundations yet, but we need to be aware of it


  • Wayland (no idea what state this is in upstream, and the X side of things should be desktop, but at the very least we'll need to look at how this overlaps/interacts with Plymouth);
  • We probably ought to have a look-in on the multi-screen work, if it's dealing with remembering configurations for individual devices;
  • Installer, first boot, upgrades, Update Manager, and Software Centre;
  • System settings (maybe, depending on what this comes down to);
  • Possibly keyboard indicator but it depends what they're doing (if it's just visual then probably not).


The server team has listed their planning by priority; their bullet items below reflect this.

  • Priority 1: Cloud cluster file system (not sure if we'll be needed for this or not)
  • Priority 2: Java/JDK improvements (doko does a lot of that; Server team is getting a Java person, so this may impact us less)
  • Priority 2: Support of alternate install modes
  • Priority 3: Upstart conversion


  • Improved battery power support work; Foundations may need to (or be able to) assist
  • synaptec multi-touch (multi-finger... not multi-touch)
  • new multi-touch driver enhancements that may need work from Foundations


  • TBD

Support FOR Foundations

Collect here items which we would like to see be done by other teams


  • Java Applet maintainance / development
  • Stable xulrunner-1.9 interfaces when having more than one xulrunner version on the desktop (both eclipse and the icedtea6-plugin don't seem to get it right).


  • Soyuz/IS: Rebuild tests take too long, or slow down PPA buildds.
  • Soyuz: Native syncing via web service, to free up man-hours of archive admin time per week.
  • Buildd configuration, and how to reproduce results from test runs on the buildds. Differences in the configuration of distro and PPA buildds. LP: 556597 as an example. Seen with some eglibc test cases as well.


  • TCK testing

Placeholders for Big Topics

Lucid specs not done

(Numbers in parentheses indicate to-do/postponed/done.)

Lucid specs partly done

Lucid specs mostly done

FoundationsTeam/Maverick/Planning (last edited 2010-05-04 14:04:46 by p5B09F55E)