About Me
My name is Ben abdelhafidh Wahid, aka Goldenscorp. Linux user since 2005, Fedora to debian and Ubuntu user since 2007. I joined Ubuntu-tn after a year as regular member then I joined the Freedom Fighters Group then the Management Committee
List of GNU/LINUX versions that I have used:
Fedora Core 4 => 2005
debian 3.1 => 2006
ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn => 2007
ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon => 2007
ubuntu 8.04 LTS Hardy Heron => 2008
ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex =>2008
ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope =>2009
ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala =>2009
ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx =>2010
ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat =>2010
ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwhal =>2011
ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot =>2011
ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin =>2012
ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal =>2012
ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail =>2013
ubuntu 13.10 Saucy Salamander =>2013
ubuntu 14.04 Trusty Tahr =>2014
Contact details Goldenscorp
Email: scorpion4091 [AT] gmail [DOT] com
Launchpad profile:
Since I have joined Ubuntu-TN I had the chance to learn a lot from the community and especially about the community. I first started helping the community in ENIS EVENT 9.01 by organization,tring to give any kind of help as possible as I can to our community.
Events : Conferences, workshops, install parties and others
Most Ubuntu-TN events are listed on our Events page. You can find events details, reports, photos and blog links on that page. Our monthly report may sometimes contain further details or information.
During these events I have worked with members of Ubuntu-TN community and sometimes with members of other FLOSS communities, organizations, universities and clubs. I am very thankful to everyone who contributed to these events in any way possible.
JCERTIF TUNISIE 2014 :Ubuntu Touch 14.04
- helping the organisers of the event
- Taking Photos
Ubuntu Touch 14.04 ENISO
- helping the organisers of the event
Ubuntu Global Jam ISET Mahdia 14.03
- helping the organisers of the event
- Traduction contributeur
- Assisting non Ubuntu users migrate to Ubuntu
- Taking Photos
Free Software Day ISSAT So 14.02
- - Simple participation - Taking Photos
Ubuntu Touch training session at Faculty of Science Monastir 13.11
- helping the organisers of the event
- Taking Photos
Software Freedom Day at Science Palace of Monastir 13.10
- Discussion with the public about Ubuntu and FLOSS, answering questions and encouraging the public to convert to Ubuntu and FLOSS and staying at Ubuntu-TN Stand
- Helping the main organisers of the event
GNU 30th Anniversary 13.09
- Assisting non Ubuntu users migrate to Ubuntu
- Taking Photos
PSM 13.05
- helping the organisers of the event
- Simple participation - Taking Photos
Ubuntu Global Jam 13.03
- helping the organisers of the event
- Traduction contributeur - Taking Photos
- Assisting non Ubuntu users migrate to Ubuntu (install party)
- Taking Photos
Ubuntu Global Jam 12.03
- helping the organisers of the event
- Testing Workshop
Réunion physique Ubuntu-TN 12.01 à Tunis
ENIG Event 11.11
- Assisting non Ubuntu users migrate to Ubuntu (install party)
- Taking Photos
Ubuntu Global Jam 11.09
- Assisting non Ubuntu users migrate to Ubuntu (install party)
- Taking Photos
Réunion physique Ubuntu-TN 11.07 à Sousse
- - Install Ubuntu-party with the contribution of other members, representing Ubuntu, talk about Ubuntu with some visitors.
- - Install Ubuntu-party with the contribution of other members, representing Ubuntu, talk about Ubuntu with some visitors.
EventFOSS610.12: 6ème édition de la Conférence Nationale sur les Logiciels Libres en Tunisie
ISIM Monastir - ISIMMEvent10.10
- - Install Ubuntu-party with the contribution of other members, representing Ubuntu, talk about Ubuntu with some visitors.
Institut Supérieur d'Informatique de Mahdia - ISIMa Event 10.04
- - install Ubuntu-party with the contribution of other members, representing Ubuntu, talk about Ubuntu with some visitors.
Software Freedom Day Tunisia 2009
- - Install Ubuntu-party with the contribution of other members, representing Ubuntu, talk about Ubuntu with some visitors and I have represented gimp and inkscape quickly for visitors.
ENIS EVENT 9.01:(when I discovered Ubuntu-TN loco-team where I participated as a user of ubuntu. I was mainly to meet other ubuntu users in my country)
- - Install Ubuntu-party with the contribution of other members and migration of the IT infrastructure.
I was also present during other events organized by Tunisian communities and associations
meshSayada: 7-8/11/2013 & 14-15/11/2013
Future involvement
Being more and more involved in the Ubuntu-tn LoCo
- Prepare events with Ubuntu-tn
- Contribute to Ubuntu and other FOSS projects
Wahid aka Goldenscorp is one of the early members in the Ubuntu-tn community. He is often present in the activities organized by our community. He does not hesitate to encourage and mentor younger members of the community. He deserves to be an Ubuntu member.
- Nizar Kerkeni, former LoCo contact, 26-02-2015.
Goldenscorp is one of the most active members in Ubuntu-tn LoCo team and the Management Committee. He's very smart and helps our community to be more organized and have a better communication between members.
- El Achèche ANIS, Ubuntu-tn LoCo Contact, Ubuntu Member & Ubuntu Membership Board Member, 04-03-2015.
Wahid aka Goldenscorp is a senior member in our LoCo team. he participated in many events. he has little interest on the net but he is very active in the field. He deserves to be an Ubuntu member.
- Zied_ALAYA, former LoCo contact, 04-03-2015.
Wahid (aka Goldenscorp, 'SmilyMan' for me :p ), is an active member in our Tunisian LoCo team and a member of the LoCo management committee. He tries to be present in the most of the events organized by our LoCo to speak about ubuntu or to help organizing the event, and promoting FOSS tools. Personally, i think he's the most helpfull member I ever met. I think that Wahid will make a good ubuntu member and that he really deserve it.
Goldenscorp (last edited 2015-05-14 11:20:31 by 41)