
Google SoC 2007: Project results

SoC 2007 is finished; here you find an overview of all sucessfully completed projects.

Bughelper bug-triaging


Markus Korn


bughelper - making bug-triaging more easy!
bughelper is a tool written and maintained by Ubuntu's BugSquad to help triage bugs. This "Summer of code" - Project will mainly focus on restructuring the code and built a "Data Center" to centralize the process of fetching information from, the bug triaging platform used by Ubuntu.



Ubuntu Status

python-launchpad-bugs and bughelper contain the changes in gutsy already. 'bughelper server' runs at



Gerd Kohlberger


Mousetweaks - versatile mouse configuration
Mousetweaks is a set of special accessibility enhancements to controlling the mouse cursor. Single button operation allows context menus and other functionality typically accessed with the secondary mouse button to be activated using only one button. Dwell clicking allows a mouse to be used without any buttons but rather a hover delay. Configuration and operations panels are also included.


development blog, now hosted on Launchpad

Ubuntu Status

Ubuntu packages available, but not yet in the archive.



Kristian Lyngstøl


eZoom - Composited magnification for low-vision users
eZoom integrates magnification functionality for visually impaired users in the Compiz window manager which is now used by default in Ubuntu 7.10. Using the new Compiz technology yields a smoother and better performing magnifier than the previous gnome-mag. The change of technology as also opened for better usability. With magnification integrated in the default window manager it is more likely to be actively maintained and developed further in the future.


development blog

Ubuntu Status

Ships with Gutsy, installed by default.

Colour filters


Guillaume Seguin


Colour filters - Composited filtering for colour blind users
A Compiz Fusion plugin allows users to apply a selection of filters to the desktop to compensate for different kinds of colour blindness. A filter generator lets you compose your own colour substitution filters.


development blog

Ubuntu Status

Ships with Gutsy, installed by default.

In the light of cdrskin


Mario Danic


In the light of cdrskin - Making cdrecording possible
is an all-around project for cd-recording not only in Ubuntu, but also in upstream waters. Numerous bugs were fixed in existing cd-recording packages in Ubuntu, packages were updated to newest releases, a lot of development effort has been put into libburnia which is now much better, especially with regards to libisofs, and Gnomebaker development which more then a year ago has been resumed.



Ubuntu Status

Libburnia results - still not stable, newest stable ships with gutsy
Gnomebaker results - still not stable, newest stable ships with Gutsy

PyStart Teaching tool for Python


Jason Brower


PyStart is a simple and easy to use Python Teaching tool for teachers. Teachers can create lessons on Python Programming for students and the students can submit the assignment. The teacher can then easily load the code and check if it meets all the requirements set by the teacher. Pystart basic code command checking, band word checking, and vary basic string checking. Future development includes improvements of all the previous mentioned, and the added feature of submitting code directly to the teacher with ssh, ftp, and other protocals. An additional feature will be proper test taking with powerful restrictions to prevent cheating. Currently, PyStart works with basic support, but code cleanup is in place.


Ubuntu Status

After proper code cleanup, we plan to package it, and have it ready for edubuntu.

Ubuntu Bootloader Manager


Tomé Vardasca


Ubuntu Bootloader Manager - configure the boot menu
An application to change the settings and appearance of the default bootloader (GRUB), like to choose the order of the operating systems, customize the colors, detect new operating systems installed, etc.


Ubuntu Status

Ubuntu packages available, but not yet in the archive. Can be downloaded here

Automatic boot and application prefetching


Krzysztof Lichota


Automatic boot and application prefetching - speeding up application startup and system boot through file prefetching
Prefetching files during application startup and system boot can speed the process up (see summary of results). This prefetching implementation is completely automatic and adapts to changes in the system, without need for any user intervention.


Prefetch project page

Ubuntu Status

Beta packages for Gutsy are available at downloads page. Installation instructions are here. Prefetching will hopefully be included by default in Gutsy+1

Handy Network Load Monitor and Traffic Inspector


Lucas Mazzardo Veloso


This project is a new tool aiming to extend the Ubuntu Network Administration Suite now available. The project consists of: a new network load monitor exposing more network informations; an integrated tool combining a handy sniffer, a lightweight traffic analyzer.
The project is functional but we have some desirable blueprints to develop:
* Actions on the fly
* Data Reassembly
* Protocol Dissector Plugins


Ubuntu Status

No packages available yet. (mentoring is welcome)

GDebi Package Installer & Restricted Drivers Manager for KDE




The goal was to port some (I have managed two) applications from Python/GTK to Python/KDE3 - from Ubuntu to Kubuntu. Precisely said, I have built a common, UI-independent core to the applications and the UI dependent classes. Translations and most of the logic would be shared between the GTK/KDE applications. The common core also allows for bugs to be fixed in both components.

Home and

Ubuntu Status

restricted-manager-core and restricted-manager-kde created in main. gdebi-kde created in main.



Kevin Dunglas


Conceal - selective folder encryption
Conceal is a set of python tools that allow easy encryption of folders using EncFS. There's a simple command line tool, a GTK and a KDE frontend, and a Nautilus plugin. Works reasonably well, UI needs love.


Ubuntu Status

Ubuntu packages pending upload after debian/copyright file clarifications.



Leandro Lameiro


GNota is a GTK+ teachers gradebook application.
GNota can deal with various scoresystems (such as American Letters and American Extended Letters scoresystems, Pass/Fail, percentage, 0-10 scoresystems and users can create their own scoresystems). GNota serves as a basic repository for student personal data (phone number for emergencies, behavioral and acadamic problems etc) and can calculate end-of-period overall grades using various averaging alogorithms (simple average, simple average of best N scores, weighted averages). GNota can also import and export gradebooks from/to spreadsheets and is compatible with MS Excel and OpenOffice.


Ubuntu Status

Ubuntu packages done, but help may be needed to make it high-quality enough to enter Ubuntu repositories.

LDAP out-of-the-box


Patrick Clancy


LDAP out-of-the-box
This project is the result of two other projects that were canceled during the summer of 2007. The eventual project involved working on the authtool frontend for LDAP and Kerberos. I thought the UI for this type of program was unacceptable, because the only information given was the title of each text entry box. I added a regular expression syntax checks and information buttons that explained the purpose of each text inquiry. Once integrated into authtool, these features should make deploying a LDAP+Kerberos server significantly easier, and captures the idea of the original project.


The Blueprint is here and the code can be found here.

Ubuntu Status

Needs more work to integrate with existing Ubuntu packages - authtool

GoogleSoC2007/Results (last edited 2008-08-06 17:00:08 by localhost)