Purpose: create an Ubuntu Handout to describe to parents and youth the use of Ubuntu at Mission Beacon.
Scope: one page black and white handout to post and give out free copies at the parent computer (left of the front desk); also post near the computers with an electronic (linked) version eventually posted at http://www.missionbeacon.org/computers. This may become longer or provide more information (via the web page only) to cover everything in language that is helpful and not overwhelming to both parents and youth.
Share and Share Alike: Consider uploading finished product to Spread Ubuntu
Everett Middle School schoolloop site or sfusd page
DCYF funds mncsf.org to provide Mission Beacon
- when and how Partimus got involved at Mission Beacon
- new hardware description
What is Ubuntu?
Description from ubuntu.com Sponsored and lead by Canonical Ltd.. Community developed Linux distribution project. Description from wikipedia
Name comes from a Southern African philosophy (includes a video of Nelson Mandela).
Why use it? Tours of desktop, netbook and server versions.
- secure (no viruses)
translations including Spanish.
- linux operating system - what is an OS?
- open source software, copyright, licensing, EULA
- ties to social justice, data safety
What software are youth using?
- Firefox web browser
- open office suite
hundreds more features
Home Use, Learning More
giving & distributing, comparison to commercial alternatives
- Request CD, make USB stick or downloading
- bootable to try out, installable
Linux communities & user groups
noisebridge.net meets weekly in the Mission
Ubuntu Hours SF meets monthly
sf-lug.org meets twice a month
olpcsf.org meets monthly
balug.org meets monthly
- what you might have heard
- how are these computers set up?
- We use Long Term Support (LTS) releases