
Differences between revisions 6 and 15 (spanning 9 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2007-08-08 23:25:25
Size: 5982
Editor: 87-194-29-91
Revision 15 as of 2007-08-09 21:58:44
Size: 13848
Editor: k-uptown
Comment: so riddel?
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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||<style="border: 1px dashed; background-color: #f0eee9; text-align: center">'''''~+KUBUNTU GUTSY GIBBON TRIBE 4 HAS NOT BEEN RELEASED - UNDER CONSTRUCTION+~'''''[[BR]][[BR]]This page is being worked on by [:RichardJohnson:Richard Johnson] {{{aka nixternal}}} - Please send all communications (i.e., suggestions, comments, and/or feedback) to [[MailTo(nixternal AT ubuntu DOT com,nixternal (at) ubuntu (dot) com)]] ||
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You can also upgrade from an existing 7.04 (feisty) install with ''adept_manager --version-upgrade'' or from gutsy with adept-manager version2.1.3ubuntu7 or newer run ''adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel''
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 * [GutsyGibbon/Tribe1/Kubuntu Tribe 1]
 * [GutsyGibbon/Tribe2/Kubuntu Tribe 2]
 * [GutsyGibbon/Tribe3/Kubuntu Tribe 3]
 * [:GutsyGibbon/Tribe1/Kubuntu:Tribe 1]
 * [:GutsyGibbon/Tribe2/Kubuntu:Tribe 2]
 * [:GutsyGibbon/Tribe3/Kubuntu:Tribe 3]
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== New Items ==
'''INFO:''' http://www.kubuntu.org [[BR]]
''KMenu -> Submenu -> Application''
##||<:> [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe3/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=desktop.png https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe3/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=smdesktop.png] [[BR]]~-Click image for larger view-~ ||
== Restricted Manager ==
'''INFO:''' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuRestrictedManager [[BR]]
''KMenu -> System Settings'' (select the ''Advanced'' tab, and click the ''Restricted Drivers'' icon)
Line 38: Line 36:
== Restricted Manager == The new Restricted Driver's Manager is now available in the Tribe 4 release of Kubuntu 7.10. The R-D-M is an application that will allow the user to easily install hardware drivers for ATI and NVidia video cards, as well as wireless drivers that are available. Ubuntu has had the R-D-M since Feisty, and since it was a hot request for Kubuntu, the developers are proud to bring you this great new application.
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in System Settings -> Advanced, go mhb ||<:> [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=rdm.png https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=smrdm.png] [[BR]]~-Click image for larger view-~ ||

'''Note:''' ''Proprietary drivers do not have public source code that Ubuntu developers are free to modify. They represent a risk to you because they are only available on the types of computer chosen by the manufacturer, and security updates to them depend solely on the responsiveness of the manufacturer. Ubuntu cannot fix or improve these drivers.''
Line 43: Line 43:
'''INFO:''' http://trolltech.com/developer/notes/changes/changes-4.3.1/ [[BR]]
Line 44: Line 45:
Hot off the ftp server, also new pyqt 4.3 Qt is the standard framework for high-performance, cross-platform, application development and it is the framework behind KDE. This latest release of Qt contains bug fixes, improved performance, added translations, extra functionality, and a major [http://trolltech.com/products/qt/gplexception licensing exception]. Some of the fixes, improved performance, and extra functionality include:
 * Improved Intel C++ compiler for Linux
 * Various general improvements to the core library
 * and much more...
Line 47: Line 51:
'''INFO:''' https://wiki.kubuntu.org/EdubuntuKDE [[BR]]
Line 48: Line 53:
Install edubuntu-desktop-kde for educational goodness Edubuntu and Kubuntu join forces to bring an educational desktop featuring the K Desktop Environment (KDE). Included with this latest desktop addition is the KDE Edutainment package which includes:
 * Kanagram - a letter order game
 * K``Voc``Train - a vocabulary trainer
 * K``Bruch - a fractions exerciser
 * K``Touch - a touch typing tutor
 * Kalzium - the periodic table of elements
 * Teaching Tools - KEduca, a software application that allows teachers to to create and edit tests, as well as allow the student to take the test via a Kubuntu or Edubuntu system

||<:> [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=edukde.png https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=smedukde.png] [[BR]]~-Click image for larger view-~ ||

To get all of these applications from the Kubuntu or Edubuntu desktop, please install the ''edubuntu-desktop-kde'' with your preferred installation method.
Line 51: Line 66:
For those of you who are using a prior stable release of Kubuntu and are wanting to upgrade or wait for Kubuntu 7.10 to become stable, well the Kubuntu developers have got a surprise for you. Now you will be able to easily upgrade with out going to the dreaded command line. If you are ready to upgrade now, and please remember that Kubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy) is an alpha release (''see above warnings''), simply press ''Alt'' + ''F2'' and type {{{kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade"}}} if you are running Feisty (7.04) and {{{kdesu "adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel"}}} if you already run a pre-release of Gutsy. Press the OK button or the Enter key to continue. When prompted for a password please enter your user password and press the OK button or the Enter key to continue. Once Adept has loaded and updated, in the top right hand corner you will see the ''Version Upgrade'' icon (two blue arrows stacked on top of each other) and the text. Press this button to launch the tool. Follow the instructions and reboot when completed. Enjoy your new Kubuntu 7.10 system!
Line 52: Line 68:
kdesu "adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel" to upgrade to Gutsy, click the Version Upgrade button to launch the tool. ||<:> [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=distup.png https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=smdistup.png] [[BR]]~-Click image for larger view-~ ||
Line 55: Line 71:
KMail is now automatically installed with all programs needed for GPG (and S/MIME) encryption/decryption and signing/verification. Additionally, for new installations, all GPG components will be correctly configured. Existing installations will need configuration changes. See [https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KMailGPGAgent#head-c6757d6675d3932eaeffb136479725842a81d9b6 community documentation] for instructions. KMail is now automatically installed with all programs needed for GPG (and S/MIME) encryption/decryption and signing/verification. Additionally, for new installations, all GPG components will be correctly configured. Existing installations will need configuration changes. See the [https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KMailGPGAgent#head-c6757d6675d3932eaeffb136479725842a81d9b6 community documentation] for instructions.
Line 58: Line 74:
'''INFO:''' http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0-beta1.php [[BR]]
'''Install and setup:''' http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php [[BR]]
Line 59: Line 77:
Ready be installed (for the brave) That's right, Kubuntu is bringing you yet another release of the KDE 4 desktop. Many additions and fixes have occurred since the last release of KDE such as:
 * Marble - an application showing a spherical earth which you can zoom and rotate
 * KWin - the KDE window manager has improved the composite features and added new ones while they were at it
 * Dolphin - the new KDE file manager integrates with KDE even further
 * KOffice 2 - the KDE office suite updates as well
Line 61: Line 83:
http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php ||<:> [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=kde4kdm.png https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=smkde4kdm.png] [[BR]]~-Click image for larger view-~ ||<:> [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=kde4desktop.png https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=smkde4desktop.png] [[BR]]~-Click image for larger view-~ ||<:> [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=kde4.png https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=smkde4.png] [[BR]]~-Click image for larger view-~ ||

The big question is "Will Dolphin replace Konqueror?" The answer is simply __no__. Dolphin is a slimmed down file manager that is great for new users to get accustomed to while enjoying their KDE 4 desktop. Konqueror will still be the amazing web browser and file manager that it is for everyone to use as they need.
Line 64: Line 88:
'''INFO:''' http://development.openoffice.org/releases/2.3.m223_snapshot.html [[BR]]
''KMenu -> Office'' (select the OpenOffice.org application that you want to run)
Line 65: Line 91:
Well, it doesn't start up. At least the splash screen is blue. OpenOffice.org is the amazing, FREE, office suite for your personal computer. Version 2.3 is a beta release and still has a few bugs to work, but none the less, the OpenOffice.org developers have impressed us all once again. There are so many new features to list, a bunch of bug fixes, improved functionality, and the list goes on. Besides the new release, Kubuntu also receives a new splash screen for OpenOffice.org that is, well blue! And to kick it up a notch, the splash screen is the only thing that works with OpenOffice.org at the moment. Yes, you heard right. OpenOffice.org is currently broken in Kubuntu for the time being and it isn't an OpenOffice.org bug either. This same bug is also causing problems with other parts of the operating system and should be fixed shortly. So without further ado, and seeing as we try to include screenshots of the applications running, enjoy the new splash screen in the following image. The current workaround is to install openoffice.org-gnome.

||<:> [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=ooo.png https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=smooo.png] [[BR]]~-Click image for larger view-~ ||

= Special Thanks =
For the past couple of years Kubuntu developers have been working day in and day out to bring you the latest and greatest that not only Linux has to offer, but KDE as well. This time around a lot of work has gone in to getting some wanted items into Kubuntu with the help of many developers from around the world. To all of the developers in the past who have helped make Kubuntu what it is, we thank you greatly. For the Tribe 4 release we would like to make some honorable mentions to those who have worked hard to make Kubuntu amazing. So without further ado, a very special thanks goes to:
 * [:MartinBöhm:Martin Böhm] - Martin has worked hard on a few items for the Kubuntu team over the past year. For Tribe 4 he has brought us the Kubuntu Restricted Manager and in Tribe 3 he developed the GDebi frontend for KDE. Great job Martin and keep up the great work!
 * [:JonathanRiddell:Jonathan Riddell] - Jonathan is the only Canonical employee who works full-time with the Kubuntu project and is the lead maintainer and KDE developer for everything KDE (from kdebase, kdelibs, to even the [http://dot.kde.org DOT]. Jonathan worked hard to bring KDE 4 Beta 1 to Tribe 4, as well as a generous backport to those who are still using Feisty. Great job Jonathan and thanks for keeping us all busy!
 * The [http://www.edubuntu.org Edubuntu] team - This team has worked hard along side the Kubuntu developers to offer the KDE desktop, Edubuntu style. So for all of you out there with kids, make sure you install the ''edubuntu-desktop-kde''!

To the rest of the Kubuntu developers, thank you for your hard work and dedication, and here is to hoping we see you on this list for the next release!


On April 12th, 2007, Mark Shuttleworth stated that "the Fawn has found her legs," and [https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html announced] the next development cycle codename for the 7.10 release, the Gutsy Gibbon. As with previous releases, the users had made it clear that usability and stability are the things they look for the most. Well, we are happy to say that the goals for the Kubuntu developers for 7.10 will be to increase the usability following the guides created by recent audits from the KDE community, increase stability while using the latest applications for the Linux desktop, and increasing the ease of installation.

Some of the things you can look forward to is better power management, desktop installation improvements, better data migration, and plenty of fixes to the K Desktop Environment. One thing you might be able to look forward to is the possibility of packages created in time for release, the new KDE 4 desktop. However, KDE 4 will not be the default desktop environment for Kubuntu 7.10, but you can guarantee the development team will work hard to bring you installable packages as soon as they possibly can.

Gutsy will not be the next LTS (Long Term Support) release, but it will nonetheless see a lot of server work and be useful for fast-moving server deployments.

Tribe 4, the fourth in a series of milestone CD images that will be released throughout the Gutsy development cycle, represent the very latest snapshots of Gutsy. The pre-release images are known to be reasonably free of CD-build or installer bugs, however they are not recommended for use in stable environments. These releases will be for those who are developing, documenting, and testing. Tribe 3 releases can be downloaded from the following URL:

You can also upgrade from an existing 7.04 (feisty) install with adept_manager --version-upgrade or from gutsy with adept-manager version2.1.3ubuntu7 or newer run adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel

NOTE: This is an alpha (pre-) release. Pre-release version of Gutsy are NOT encouraged for anyone needing a stable system or for anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even frequent, breakage. Pre-release versions of Gutsy ARE recommended for Kubuntu developers and those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs.

Screenshots will be available at: http://www.thecodingstudio.com/opensource/linux/?q=node/55

Previous Kubuntu 7.10 Releases

  • [:GutsyGibbon/Tribe1/Kubuntu:Tribe 1]

  • [:GutsyGibbon/Tribe2/Kubuntu:Tribe 2]

  • [:GutsyGibbon/Tribe3/Kubuntu:Tribe 3]

New In Tribe 4

Gutsy Gibbon Tribe 4 CD release brings with it many updated, new, and exciting applications. For this latest release of Kubuntu 7.10, the usability standards have improved and there have already been some aesthetic changes. Besides these changes, there have been updates to many common applications as well as bug fixes to some of those annoyances you may or may not have run into. With every new pre-release, updates will be documented allowing you to thoroughly test your Kubuntu 7.10 installation. Remember that all of these features are part of a pre-release version of Kubuntu, and may still have issues. We ask that any problems you come across that you file a bug, if one has yet to be filed for your problem.BR https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+filebug

Restricted Manager

INFO: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuRestrictedManager BR KMenu -> System Settings (select the Advanced tab, and click the Restricted Drivers icon)

The new Restricted Driver's Manager is now available in the Tribe 4 release of Kubuntu 7.10. The R-D-M is an application that will allow the user to easily install hardware drivers for ATI and NVidia video cards, as well as wireless drivers that are available. Ubuntu has had the R-D-M since Feisty, and since it was a hot request for Kubuntu, the developers are proud to bring you this great new application.

Note: Proprietary drivers do not have public source code that Ubuntu developers are free to modify. They represent a risk to you because they are only available on the types of computer chosen by the manufacturer, and security updates to them depend solely on the responsiveness of the manufacturer. Ubuntu cannot fix or improve these drivers.

Qt 4.3.1

INFO: http://trolltech.com/developer/notes/changes/changes-4.3.1/ BR

Qt is the standard framework for high-performance, cross-platform, application development and it is the framework behind KDE. This latest release of Qt contains bug fixes, improved performance, added translations, extra functionality, and a major [http://trolltech.com/products/qt/gplexception licensing exception]. Some of the fixes, improved performance, and extra functionality include:

  • Improved Intel C++ compiler for Linux
  • Various general improvements to the core library
  • and much more...

Edubuntu KDE

INFO: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/EdubuntuKDE BR

Edubuntu and Kubuntu join forces to bring an educational desktop featuring the K Desktop Environment (KDE). Included with this latest desktop addition is the KDE Edutainment package which includes:

  • Kanagram - a letter order game
  • KVocTrain - a vocabulary trainer

  • KBruch - a fractions exerciser

  • KTouch - a touch typing tutor

  • Kalzium - the periodic table of elements
  • Teaching Tools - KEduca, a software application that allows teachers to to create and edit tests, as well as allow the student to take the test via a Kubuntu or Edubuntu system

To get all of these applications from the Kubuntu or Edubuntu desktop, please install the edubuntu-desktop-kde with your preferred installation method.

Dist upgrade with Adept

For those of you who are using a prior stable release of Kubuntu and are wanting to upgrade or wait for Kubuntu 7.10 to become stable, well the Kubuntu developers have got a surprise for you. Now you will be able to easily upgrade with out going to the dreaded command line. If you are ready to upgrade now, and please remember that Kubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy) is an alpha release (see above warnings), simply press Alt + F2 and type kdesu "adept_manager --version-upgrade" if you are running Feisty (7.04) and kdesu "adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel" if you already run a pre-release of Gutsy. Press the OK button or the Enter key to continue. When prompted for a password please enter your user password and press the OK button or the Enter key to continue. Once Adept has loaded and updated, in the top right hand corner you will see the Version Upgrade icon (two blue arrows stacked on top of each other) and the text. Press this button to launch the tool. Follow the instructions and reboot when completed. Enjoy your new Kubuntu 7.10 system!

KMail and GPG

KMail is now automatically installed with all programs needed for GPG (and S/MIME) encryption/decryption and signing/verification. Additionally, for new installations, all GPG components will be correctly configured. Existing installations will need configuration changes. See the [https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KMailGPGAgent#head-c6757d6675d3932eaeffb136479725842a81d9b6 community documentation] for instructions.

KDE 4 Beta 1

INFO: http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-4.0-beta1.php BR Install and setup: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-beta1.php BR

That's right, Kubuntu is bringing you yet another release of the KDE 4 desktop. Many additions and fixes have occurred since the last release of KDE such as:

  • Marble - an application showing a spherical earth which you can zoom and rotate
  • KWin - the KDE window manager has improved the composite features and added new ones while they were at it
  • Dolphin - the new KDE file manager integrates with KDE even further
  • KOffice 2 - the KDE office suite updates as well

The big question is "Will Dolphin replace Konqueror?" The answer is simply no. Dolphin is a slimmed down file manager that is great for new users to get accustomed to while enjoying their KDE 4 desktop. Konqueror will still be the amazing web browser and file manager that it is for everyone to use as they need.

OpenOffice.org 2.3

INFO: http://development.openoffice.org/releases/2.3.m223_snapshot.html BR KMenu -> Office (select the OpenOffice.org application that you want to run)

OpenOffice.org is the amazing, FREE, office suite for your personal computer. Version 2.3 is a beta release and still has a few bugs to work, but none the less, the OpenOffice.org developers have impressed us all once again. There are so many new features to list, a bunch of bug fixes, improved functionality, and the list goes on. Besides the new release, Kubuntu also receives a new splash screen for OpenOffice.org that is, well blue! And to kick it up a notch, the splash screen is the only thing that works with OpenOffice.org at the moment. Yes, you heard right. OpenOffice.org is currently broken in Kubuntu for the time being and it isn't an OpenOffice.org bug either. This same bug is also causing problems with other parts of the operating system and should be fixed shortly. So without further ado, and seeing as we try to include screenshots of the applications running, enjoy the new splash screen in the following image. The current workaround is to install openoffice.org-gnome.

Special Thanks

For the past couple of years Kubuntu developers have been working day in and day out to bring you the latest and greatest that not only Linux has to offer, but KDE as well. This time around a lot of work has gone in to getting some wanted items into Kubuntu with the help of many developers from around the world. To all of the developers in the past who have helped make Kubuntu what it is, we thank you greatly. For the Tribe 4 release we would like to make some honorable mentions to those who have worked hard to make Kubuntu amazing. So without further ado, a very special thanks goes to:

  • [:MartinBöhm:Martin Böhm] - Martin has worked hard on a few items for the Kubuntu team over the past year. For Tribe 4 he has brought us the Kubuntu Restricted Manager and in Tribe 3 he developed the GDebi frontend for KDE. Great job Martin and keep up the great work!

  • [:JonathanRiddell:Jonathan Riddell] - Jonathan is the only Canonical employee who works full-time with the Kubuntu project and is the lead maintainer and KDE developer for everything KDE (from kdebase, kdelibs, to even the [http://dot.kde.org DOT]. Jonathan worked hard to bring KDE 4 Beta 1 to Tribe 4, as well as a generous backport to those who are still using Feisty. Great job Jonathan and thanks for keeping us all busy!

  • The [http://www.edubuntu.org Edubuntu] team - This team has worked hard along side the Kubuntu developers to offer the KDE desktop, Edubuntu style. So for all of you out there with kids, make sure you install the edubuntu-desktop-kde!

To the rest of the Kubuntu developers, thank you for your hard work and dedication, and here is to hoping we see you on this list for the next release!


We want to hear what you think about the current release of Kubuntu 7.10, The Gutsy Gibbon, Tribe 4 CD Release. We want to know if it Rocks, if it is just OK, or it is flat out wrong. No matter the feedback, as long as it is in line with the [http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct Ubuntu Code of Conduct] we would like to hear it.

So what are you waiting for, head on over to the [:GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu/Feedback:Feedback Page] and let us know!

GutsyGibbon/Tribe4/Kubuntu (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:08 by localhost)