HaraldSitter/KdeFour/Apps4For3 (high priority)
HaraldSitter/KdeFour/Apps3For4 (probably unsolvable issue, which gets improved by the /Apps4For3 propsal)
HaraldSitter/KdeFour/DotKde (explaining the difficulties of 2 configuration sets)
HaraldSitter/KdeFour/MigrationWizard (highest priority ever, plz read /DotKde first)
HaraldSitter/KdeFour/KdeSudo (opinion)
The Usual Bits
Application porting status: http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/Application_Porting_Status
- When to drop the -kde4 suffixes?
- What to do with the KDE 3 versions? Drop them? Add an -kde3 suffix?
- Maybe we should mark upstream KDE 4 bugs, so we can differ them from our bugs (add [KDE 4] to the name, and tag as kde4)?
HaraldSitter/KdeFour/KonversationOsd - the check his been deactivated in upstream source, will do the very same in our package
HaraldSitter/KdeFour (last edited 2008-08-06 16:40:38 by localhost)