IRC Team Home

User Guidelines

Operator Guidelines

Next team meeting (details):

Currently no scheduled meeting. You can join #ubuntu-irc if you wish to discuss something.

You can use this page to nominate items for discussion by the Ubuntu IRC Council and operator team.

Meetings take place on the 3rd Wednesday of every month.

The next meeting will be on

Currently no scheduled meeting. You can join #ubuntu-irc if you wish to discuss something.

Regular Agenda Items

General Agenda Items and Proposals

Please put any background or extra information for consideration on the IRCteamproposal page, so the IRCC can read beforehand and we save time in the meeting.

Ubuntu Membership Applications

Before applying for membership, please read the membership page. If it is clear that you did not read it, your name might be deleted because otherwise the meetings will take too much time.

Please make sure that you have listed:


IRC Nick

Wiki Page

Launchpad Page

Date Added

Fixed Action Items


IRC/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda (last edited 2015-09-02 00:13:51 by hggdh2)