Meeting started by nigelb at 15:39:29 UTC. The full logs are available at http://mootbot.libertus.co.uk/ubuntu-in/2011/ubuntu-in.2011-01-07-15.39.log.html .
Meeting summary
- Previous action items
LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam/Meetings/20101217 (nigelb, 15:43:09)
- Ubuntu User Days
LINK: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays (nigelb, 15:47:42) LINK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/CourseSuggestions (nigelb, 15:48:18)
- Team Reports
ACTION: geekosopher to update team reports for January for Ubuntu India, guided by nigelb (nigelb, 15:52:24)
- packaging sessions
ACTION: coolbhavi to start packaging training at 9 pm IST every fortnight (nigelb, 16:01:39)
- Support for getting Telugu at boot level on 11.04
- Ubuntu Developer Day in Bangalore
ACTION: arjunaraoc and nigelb to attend Ubuntu Developer Day and submit report to the list (nigelb, 16:15:17)
- Chair for next meeting
ACTION: coolbhavi to chair next meeting (nigelb, 16:20:32)
Meeting ended at 16:21:12 UTC.
Action items
- geekosopher to update team reports for January for Ubuntu India, guided by nigelb
- coolbhavi to start packaging training at 9 pm IST every fortnight
- arjunaraoc and nigelb to attend Ubuntu Developer Day and submit report to the list
- coolbhavi to chair next meeting
Action items, by person
- arjunaraoc
- * arjunaraoc and nigelb to attend Ubuntu Developer Day and submit report to the list
- coolbhavi
- * coolbhavi to start packaging training at 9 pm IST every fortnight
- * coolbhavi to chair next meeting
- geekosopher
- * geekosopher to update team reports for January for Ubuntu India, guided by nigelb
- nigelb
- * geekosopher to update team reports for January for Ubuntu India, guided by nigelb
- * arjunaraoc and nigelb to attend Ubuntu Developer Day and submit report to the list
People present (lines said)
- nigelb (113)
- coolbhavi (38)
- geekosopher (21)
- m4n1sh (15)
- arjunaraoc (14)
- meetingology (14)
- lut4rp (12)
- aanjhan (9)
- rohitnikcool (1)
- tazz (1)
Full Log
15:39:29 <nigelb> #startmeeting
15:39:29 <meetingology> Meeting started Fri Jan 7 15:39:29 2011 UTC. The chair is nigelb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell.
15:39:29 <meetingology> Useful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting.
15:39:30 <coolbhavi> me too
15:39:45 <nigelb> Hello folks and welcome to the monthly meeting of Ubuntu India loco community
15:39:56 <coolbhavi> hey nigelb
15:40:03 <nigelb> who's here for the meeting today? o/
15:40:06 <nigelb> o/
15:40:08 <arjunaraoc> o/
15:40:08 <m4n1sh> o/ 15:40:21 * coolbhavi lifts his hands up
15:40:48 <coolbhavi> o/
15:41:01 <rohitnikcool> m4n1sh: r u there
15:41:05 <m4n1sh> rohitnikcool: yes
15:41:16 <m4n1sh> rohitnikcool: let the meeting finish
15:41:27 <nigelb> #topic Previous action items
15:41:27 <meetingology> TOPIC: Previous action items
15:41:55 <nigelb> I had a bunch of action items from last time which I haven't been able to get to.
15:42:03 <nigelb> I'll get them done in the next few days or so.
15:42:29 <nigelb> neither Mohi or mingo is here
15:42:42 <tazz> /
15:42:45 <geekosopher> yes
15:42:52 <nigelb> But mingo updated the list that he's having exams and he won't be able to deal with the website for some time.
15:42:58 <geekosopher> mingo already took the leave i guess
15:43:03 <nigelb> I'm looking at action items at this link btw https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam/Meetings/20101217
15:43:09 <nigelb> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam/Meetings/20101217
15:43:21 <nigelb> lut4rp: ping
15:43:31 <nigelb> lut4rp: Hey, were you able to find time to shut down the forums?
15:43:44 <nigelb> I spoke to lut4rp last month and he said there wasn't much to glean from the forums.
15:44:06 <geekosopher> hmm
15:44:15 <nigelb> Anyone else left over from last topic?
15:44:33 <coolbhavi> nigelb, on packaging sessions?
15:45:05 <nigelb> coolbhavi: hrrm, we didn't action it last time. I'll bring it up this time
15:45:23 <coolbhavi> nigelb, oh okay
15:45:37 <coolbhavi> shadeslayer, ping
15:45:53 <nigelb> Anyone has something to talk about, place it here http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/ruJjatsRTi
15:46:25 <nigelb> so, we'll go in that order today.
15:46:36 <geekosopher> ok
15:46:50 <nigelb> I think next time I'll get it more organized.
15:46:56 <nigelb> Sorry about the mess this time around
15:47:00 <geekosopher> np
15:47:11 <nigelb> ok, moving on
15:47:20 <nigelb> #topic Ubuntu User Days
15:47:20 <meetingology> TOPIC: Ubuntu User Days
15:47:32 <nigelb> As you folks might probably know, we're having the Ubuntu User Days again.
15:47:39 <coolbhavi> yes
15:47:41 <geekosopher> \0/
15:47:42 <nigelb> #link http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays
15:47:55 <nigelb> We have about 18 sessions already signed up.
15:48:18 <nigelb> #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam/CourseSuggestions
15:48:47 <nigelb> If you want to suggest a course or want to take a course, please get in touch with pleia2, nhandler, or me in #ubuntu-classroom-backstage
15:49:06 <nigelb> We'd like your help in getting word out about the sessions since they are all user oriented
15:49:15 <geekosopher> but how do we involve our loco in it, or is it not intended to be?
15:49:16 <nigelb> A lot of sessions will be beginner friendly too.
15:49:32 <nigelb> geekosopher: We'd like the locos to spread the word out and get people to attend
15:49:41 <geekosopher> ok
15:49:58 <nigelb> Any questions/suggestions about UUD?
15:50:47 <geekosopher> nothing comes to mind right now
15:51:06 <nigelb> lets move on then
15:51:18 <nigelb> #topic Team Reports
15:51:18 <meetingology> TOPIC: Team Reports
15:51:27 <nigelb> I'd like to have a volunteer for team reports.
15:51:36 <nigelb> I already have to deal with team reports for like 3 teams.
15:51:53 <nigelb> so if somone would like to help out, now would be a nice time to say so.
15:51:53 <geekosopher> I propose my candidature
15:52:00 <nigelb> geekosopher: accepted.
15:52:01 <geekosopher> but under some guidance
15:52:24 <nigelb> #action geekosopher to update team reports for January for Ubuntu India, guided by nigelb 15:52:24 * meetingology geekosopher to update team reports for January for Ubuntu India, guided by nigelb
15:52:57 <geekosopher> as I understand, it would involve interacting with various team members and updating the status of action items, right?
15:53:13 <nigelb> geekosopher: No, I'll explain after the meeting.
15:53:17 <geekosopher> ok
15:53:19 <aanjhan> Is there a possibility to link all these team reports from our wikki?
15:53:32 <nigelb> aanjhan: the reports have to be done on the wiki
15:53:44 <aanjhan> ok cool. Use ubuntu-in.info for that
15:53:48 <nigelb> aanjhan: But the ubuntu wiki, since its linked to newsletter
15:54:08 <aanjhan> nigelb: then please do link them atleast on our site
15:54:19 <nigelb> aanjhan: Yeah, I'll do that
15:54:27 <nigelb> or I'll get whoever who's doing it to do that
15:54:30 <aanjhan> All meeting logs also go here http://ubuntu-in.info/wiki/Releasedlogs
15:54:30 <nigelb>
15:54:40 <nigelb> Ah, ok
15:54:46 <aanjhan> Its been quite sometime since that happened
15:54:47 <aanjhan>
15:54:48 <geekosopher> cool
15:54:58 <nigelb> aanjhan: heh, true
15:55:00 <nigelb> will do
15:55:07 <nigelb> anything more on team reports topic?
15:55:11 <aanjhan> If you have any problem regarding protected page you know whom to ping
15:55:13 <aanjhan> Am done
15:55:27 <nigelb> aanjhan: heh, yes
15:55:29 <nigelb> you
15:55:32 <aanjhan>
15:55:44 <nigelb> #topic packaging sessions
15:55:45 <meetingology> TOPIC: packaging sessions
15:55:54 <coolbhavi> o/
15:55:54 <nigelb> coolbhavi: floor's yours
15:56:05 <coolbhavi> thanks nigelb
15:56:24 <coolbhavi> any suggestions on the framework anyone?
15:56:35 <nigelb> o/
15:56:42 <coolbhavi> i m ready with shadeslayer
15:56:46 <nigelb> Can we join up with the packaging training?
15:57:01 <nigelb> The one that dholbach and I are all involved in.
15:57:15 <coolbhavi> yes I can contact dholbach
15:57:24 <coolbhavi> and slytherin too
15:57:30 <coolbhavi> if he is free
15:57:39 <nigelb> So, what is the proposal as of now?
15:58:21 <coolbhavi> I intend to take up sessions every fortnight if possible here
15:58:39 <nigelb> hrm, is it possible to do in #ubuntu-classroom?
15:58:53 <nigelb> The resource is available and we could serve a bigger crowd too.
15:59:10 <coolbhavi> yes but you need to pullin bigger audience
15:59:28 <nigelb> we can start small and go big
15:59:42 <coolbhavi> thats fine from me
15:59:46 <nigelb> spread the word that the indian loco is taking packaging training every fortnight at $foo time.
16:00:33 <nigelb> we'll map out the details after the meeting and mail the list
16:00:39 <geekosopher> i suggest we take it at a time suitable to this region
16:00:44 <coolbhavi> nigelb, will put up on ML btw is the timings perfect every fortnight 9PM IST
16:00:59 <nigelb> coolbhavi: that would be perfect for us
16:01:04 <nigelb> us = India
16:01:12 <coolbhavi> nigelb, thanks!
16:01:39 <nigelb> #action coolbhavi to start packaging training at 9 pm IST every fortnight 16:01:39 * meetingology coolbhavi to start packaging training at 9 pm IST every fortnight
16:01:57 <coolbhavi>
16:02:27 <nigelb> #topic Support for getting Telugu at boot level on 11.04
16:02:27 <meetingology> TOPIC: Support for getting Telugu at boot level on 11.04
16:02:36 <nigelb> arjunaraoc: hey, all yours
16:02:50 <arjunaraoc> nigelb thx
16:03:10 <arjunaraoc> I want to have Telugu support at boot level for 11.04
16:03:42 <arjunaraoc> Finished debian installer translation and it it available on debian squeeze beta weekly build. any past best practices?
16:04:09 <coolbhavi> arjunaraoc, anyone collaborating with d-i along with you?
16:04:10 <nigelb> Have you talked to the Ubuntu translation people?
16:04:21 <nigelb> specifically, dpm
16:04:26 <coolbhavi> yes
16:04:28 <arjunaraoc> yes
16:04:39 <arjunaraoc> yet talk to dpm in detail
16:04:48 <arjunaraoc> working with christian (debian)
16:05:00 <coolbhavi> great!
16:05:03 <nigelb> dpm should be able to help you on the debian side or at least get you to somone who can help
16:05:43 <arjunaraoc> just wanted to know whether we have anyone from India?
16:06:24 <coolbhavi> arjunaraoc, isnt there a telugu translation team in ubuntu?
16:06:35 <arjunaraoc> yes.
16:06:58 <arjunaraoc> we have 76 people interested but hardly 3 people active
16:07:49 <nigelb> yeah, that's normal
16:07:53 <coolbhavi> arjunaraoc,
you can start a specific mailing list i think for collaboration
16:07:53 <nigelb> badge collectors
16:08:04 <coolbhavi> +1
16:08:29 <arjunaraoc> I did couple of months back. There is slight response recently
16:08:51 <nigelb> so, do we have an action for this?
16:09:08 <coolbhavi> nigelb, your call
16:09:08 <arjunaraoc> I guess no. I will ping back if I need support
16:09:50 <nigelb> okay, lets move on to next topic
16:09:59 <nigelb> #topic Ubuntu Developer Day in Bangalore
16:09:59 <meetingology> TOPIC: Ubuntu Developer Day in Bangalore
16:10:14 <arjunaraoc> any updates?
16:10:21 <coolbhavi> m4n1sh, nigelb attending?
16:10:35 <m4n1sh> coolbhavi: not sure
16:10:44 <m4n1sh> its on 27th ? right?
16:10:45 <coolbhavi> me too
16:10:52 <nigelb> Well, it seemed to be overly focused on people developing *on* Ubuntu particularly hardware manufactureres
16:10:53 <coolbhavi> yes on a weekday
16:10:58 <m4n1sh> yeah
16:10:59 <geekosopher> mumbaikars should be green with envy with all the events happening in Banglore
16:11:09 <m4n1sh> more of OEM and ISV conference
16:11:13 <nigelb> I for one wasn't all that excited seeing the talks.
16:11:18 <nigelb> m4n1sh: exactly
16:11:18 <coolbhavi> yes
16:11:32 <nigelb> I'm having second thoughts about attending, but I might go for it. maybe.
16:11:40 <m4n1sh> I think one person shoulld go
16:11:48 <m4n1sh> and send a detailed writeup to the list
16:11:54 <m4n1sh> with his/her experiences
16:11:56 <nigelb> I'll do that then.
16:12:00 <arjunaraoc> i am planning to. I will be happy to share a report
16:12:06 <lut4rp> back
16:12:07 <nigelb> If somone would like to go, get in touch with me.
16:12:09 <lut4rp> hi hi hi
16:12:14 <nigelb> I don't want to be the bored guy there
16:12:20 <nigelb> hey, its a lut4rp :p
16:12:26 <lut4rp> yep
16:12:29 <lut4rp> it's the third one
16:12:31 <nigelb> lut4rp: Were you able to shut down forums etc?
16:12:40 <nigelb> (darn, the etc habbit has caught on)
16:12:52 <coolbhavi> m4n1sh, right idea
16:12:56 <lut4rp> nigelb, no, I haven't done that yet
16:13:05 <lut4rp> But everyone is with me?
16:13:11 <lut4rp> that we *do* have to shut them down?
16:13:17 <m4n1sh> nigelb: have a vote
16:13:19 <nigelb> yeah, we voted last time
16:13:42 <m4n1sh> only one -1
16:13:46 <m4n1sh> and rest all was +1
16:13:52 <lut4rp> yeah ok
16:14:08 <lut4rp> so do I just take them down?
16:14:16 <lut4rp> or is there anything "archive worthy"
16:14:16 <nigelb> yeah, go ahead
16:14:29 <nigelb> lut4rp: I thought you told me there wasn't much archive worthy
16:14:36 <lut4rp> yes, I dont think there is
16:14:58 <nigelb> Then, kill it.
16:15:01 <lut4rp> kk
16:15:17 <nigelb> #action arjunaraoc and nigelb to attend Ubuntu Developer Day and submit report to the list 16:15:17 * meetingology arjunaraoc and nigelb to attend Ubuntu Developer Day and submit report to the list
16:15:29 <nigelb> #topic AOB
16:15:29 <meetingology> TOPIC: AOB
16:15:37 <nigelb> Any Other Buisness?
16:16:59 <geekosopher> i guess the silence says it all
16:16:59 <nigelb> Anyone
16:17:04 <nigelb> hehe
16:17:39 <m4n1sh> yes
16:18:09 <nigelb> m4n1sh: You want to say something?
16:18:37 <m4n1sh> nigelb: none
16:18:53 <nigelb> in that case, I'll move on to the last topic
16:19:22 <geekosopher> sure
16:19:22 <nigelb> #topic Chair for next meeting
16:19:22 <meetingology> TOPIC: Chair for next meeting
16:19:33 <coolbhavi> o/
16:19:37 <nigelb> I've been charing the last 2 meetings and taking care of stuff. Anyone interested in helping?
16:19:44 <geekosopher> I have never seen a better moderator than nigelb
16:19:53 <nigelb> geekosopher: why thank you
16:19:58 <nigelb> coolbhavi: Want to take a shot?
16:20:12 <coolbhavi> if you want I can
16:20:16 <geekosopher> may be this is the only meeting i attend
16:20:22 <geekosopher>
16:20:25 <nigelb> heh
16:20:32 <nigelb> #action coolbhavi to chair next meeting 16:20:32 * meetingology coolbhavi to chair next meeting
16:20:43 <coolbhavi>
16:20:47 <nigelb> ok, closing call.
16:20:49 <nigelb> 10
16:20:51 <nigelb> 9
16:20:53 <nigelb> 8
16:20:55 <nigelb> 7
16:20:56 <coolbhavi> thank you
16:20:57 <nigelb> 6
16:20:59 <nigelb> 5
16:21:02 <nigelb> 4
16:21:04 <nigelb> 3
16:21:06 <coolbhavi> night nigelb
16:21:07 <nigelb> 2
16:21:09 <nigelb> 1
16:21:12 <nigelb> #endmeeting
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