Our original LoCo Team Approval Application detailing how we became a LoCo is linked. Our first LoCo Team Reapproval Application from 2011 is also linked. This application page aims to detail the ebb and flow of our LoCo and what we have done since 2011.

The Ubuntu Irish Team is a small group of diverse individuals who promote Ubuntu here in Ireland. We like to meet up and share our knowledge and promote Ubuntu wherever possible by attending events and organising our own.

Key Details

1st Approval 2009

Reapproval 2011

Now 07/13

Launchpad Members

77 Members



Mailing list subscribers





This group is for anyone in the Republic of Ireland who uses or is interested in all flavours of Ubuntu, whether it's Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Edubuntu or any other derivative running on any platform. This group caters for people of all technical abilities from the person who has never heard of linux or Ubuntu to a kernel developer.

We plan to rekindle interest in our small LoCo by continuing with our ongoing efforts as outlined in the Experience section of this application and also working on the following:

Advocacy and Education

Nurture the relationships we have developed with College Computer Societies and City Hackerspaces with a view to participating in joint events which would promote Ubuntu. Events such as barcamps, workshops and similar will all be actively encouraged. Collaboration with these groups has continued to work out well. These groups have kindly provided venues and speakers for past events. They are also of pivotal importance for the distribution system we have developed to dispatch our teams Ubuntu CD allocations.

Community Best Practise

We try and encourage all user groups to come to our events, and educate them on Ubuntu and how to get involved in a constructive and open arm invitation, there is no user group not welcome and we encourage a diverse range of members to interact. This interaction can be social, like the fun we have at our Ubuntu hours and geeknics, or more technical on irc and mailing lists. We will be vigilant of Best Practises within the LoCo network and implement strategies and initiatives which we believe will have a positive impact having given due consideration to our own circumstances.


Since our last loco approval we have continued to do the following:

Team IRC Meetings

Team Reports

Release Parties

Social Events

LoCo CD/DVD pack distribution

Ubuntu Global Jams

A link page to details of our past events is located here

Since our last loco approval, we have done these new things:

New avenues for LoCo CD/DVD pack distribution

Increased Geographic activity

New Social and Advocacy Events

Communication Channels

As well as continuing to use our facebook, twitter and identica social streams recently we began to use Google+ also.

Since our last approval it has come to our attention that a member of our LoCo has been running a weekly Ubuntu related videocast on his youtube channel for several years now.

Global Ubuntu Participation

Promotion of Ubuntu and the distribution of Install Media at Skycon'12 and CAMPUSCON 2012. We are fortunate to count Laura Czajkowski amongst our members. Laura is very active on the global ubuntu stage. She is a current member of the Ubuntu Community Council and the Ubuntu LoCo Council as well as a former member of the EMEA membership board.

Focusing on the Future

We hope to build on current interest in our LoCo paying particular heed to organising and participating in interesting, relevent events as outlined above. It's an exciting time for Ubuntu, just before the roll-out of the Ubuntu Touch for phones, tablets and more. This, we hope, will give Ubuntu a well deserved global bump which will certainly send new users looking for local Ubuntu communities. The Irish LoCo should be ready to embrace those when they come along.

Ubuntu Members

The following Ubuntu Members are active in the Irish LoCo team:

IrishTeam/IrishTeamReApprovalApplication2013 (last edited 2013-07-15 22:32:32 by 213-94-252-164-dynamic)