Registration for the Software Freedom Day 2008 in Dublin is now open!
The event will start at 11am on Saturday, September 20th. The location is The Digital Exchange, Crane St., Digital Hub, Dublin 8.
Please use the comments at ubuntu-ie.org to register your attendance and also if you have any suggestions or thoughts.
If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me (byMeanMachine [at] googlemail [dot] com), Laura (laura [at] lczajkowski [dot] com) or ubuntu-ie mailing list
What can you expect?
Talks [approx. 30min. each]
11:00am Doors open - time to explore the venue
11:30am Paul O'Malley - What You Should Know About Software Freedom - from GNU to Ubuntu!
12:00pm Camara - "Who are we and what do we do?
12:30pm Glenn Strong (IFSO) - "DRM and Software Freedom"
1:00pm LUNCH
2:00pm John Looney - "Open Source Engineering in Google"
2:30pm Ciaran O'Riordan (IFSO) - "The Free Software Movement in 2008"
3:00pm Break
3:30pm Free & Open Source Software: Why you want it!"
4:00pm Dermot McNally "The OpenStreetMap Project"
4:30pm Maciej Danielski - "Ubuntu Ireland"
6:30pm Refreshments at the Longstone Pub
Activities [Running all Day Long]
Info Stalls – PHP/Open Ireland/Open Street Map/IFSO/Digital Hub/Camara
Ubuntu Demo machines running
Games for Kids
Ubuntu Installs
Tours of Camara
Elevate Learning - taking part as a supporter and sponsor of SFD 2008 in Dublin
You can also promote the SFD 2008 event. Use provided buttons below for your blog/homepage
<a href="http://softwarefreedomday.org/teams/europe/ireland/ubuntu-ie" title="SoftwareFreedomDay in Dublin"><img src="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/SFD2008?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=SFD2008_button_b.png" alt="SoftwareFreedomDay 2008" /></a>
<a href="http://softwarefreedomday.org/teams/europe/ireland/ubuntu-ie" title="SoftwareFreedomDay in Dublin"><img src="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/SFD2008?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=SFD2008_button.png" alt="SoftwareFreedomDay 2008" /></a>
<a href="http://softwarefreedomday.org/teams/europe/ireland/ubuntu-ie" title="SoftwareFreedomDay in Dublin"><img src="https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/SFD2008?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=SFD2008_button_s.png" alt="SoftwareFreedomDay 2008" /></a>
SFD2008 IRC Meeting
27th July 2008 SFD2008 IRC Meeting
Contact us to help organise the event:
- Maciej (byMeanMachine [at] googlemail [dot] com)
- Laura (laura [at] lczajkowski [dot] com)
Event Plan Ideas
Feel free to add your ideas, and don't forget to put your name next to it.
Ubuntu, Edubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu demo machines (MeanMachine)
- LAN games/competitions using free games like Nexuiz etc. Ubuntu/Ubuntu-ie gear as prizes (ankhi)
- If you want to attract the serious (business, commercial, educational, etc) users, you may have to treat games, etc, as merely ancillary events/attractions (Mjk4)
- Regular, frequent, brief, and (hopefully) free! references to SFD2008 in the media, starting immediately (Mjk4).
- Tutorial sessions for beginners, both in general Ubuntu usage but also in FOSS like GIMP etc. (BOZG)
- Sign up page so people know who are attending ( czajkowski )
- List of timetable of scheduled Talks/Demos to go up ASAP once speakers confirmed ( czajkowski)
- Update SFD Page with Article from Silicone Republic and link to any article referencing SFD ( czajkowski )
IrishTeam/SFD2008 (last edited 2008-09-09 17:31:03 by 79)