On Sunday 10th of October, we had a release party to celebrate Maverick Meerkat. We started off in Jimmy Chung's for a Chinese Buffet. Followed by a trip to the The Market Bar,. To add a bit if fun to the day we had a ubuntu quiz. Questions from the quiz are here. A nice write up is here. Photos here. And we had cake :).
Regular Monthly IRC Meeting was held at 8pm Irish time on Wednesday 20th October 2010.
On Wednesday 27th of October the Dublin Ubuntu the Dublin took place at the new time of 19:00 in the Trinity Capital Hotel.
On Thursday 28th of October the LimerickUbuntu Hour took place in the Absolute Hotel at 18:00.
- A member of our loco, czajkowski headed off to UDS-N
IrishTeam/TeamReports/10/October (last edited 2010-11-04 11:21:35 by 212)