
https://launchpad.net/@@/person Name

Ye Myat Kaung

https://launchpadlibrarian.net/16121192/gem-sm.png Location


https://launchpadlibrarian.net/9608570/ubuntu_emblem.png Ubuntu Forums Profile


https://launchpad.net/favicon.ico Launchpad Profile


https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AndrewMC?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=irc.png IRC

JoeMaverickSett or MavJS

http://identi.ca/favicon.ico Identi.ca


Timezone Available(GMT +8)

20:00 - 00:00

About Me

My name is Ye Myat Kaung. I'm from Myanmar. Currently studying in APIIT/UCTI, Malaysia. My nick "Joe Maverick Sett" originated from the fact that my real name is hard to pronounce! I was introduced to Ubuntu from a guy I knew. I started out with Ubuntu Lucid Lynx, so, Windows is no longer running on my machines! Smile :-) Even though I've had several re-formats and things not working, I just couldn't give up on Ubuntu, so, currently very much in liking it.

Interests in Ubuntu

Last time I tried to compile my own kernel and failed badly (due to messing up the steps!). So, I'm willing to learn more about the kernel. And, of course, the Operating System's file structures. More on "[Security hole] Bugs"!

So, currently my main interests;

  1. Linux Kernel
  2. File Structure
  3. Bugs (has a decent knowledge of bug triaging/reporting)
  4. Security Related to Linux Distro(s) / SELinux
  5. Coding

Involvement with the Ubuntu Community

Currently Mentored to gain Membership

Team/Focus Group


Ubuntu BeginnersTeam

zkriesse & Mohan_chml

Other Involvements

Although I've no programming knowledge and strong Linux knowldege, I like testing various Ubuntu variants or some Linux distros that interests me. Here are some of the variants I test out according to what my knowledge can offer.


As Lubuntu is a new baby Ubuntu variant with it's lighweight desktop designed for "older" computers. I regulary use it or test things that I see people discussing in #lubuntu irc channel.

Internet Relay Chat(IRC)

My registered IRC nickname is "JoeMaverickSett" (now goes by the nick MavJS. I am looking forward to getting to know the Ubuntu community members and learn from them, better through this medium. But I am usually present in the following channels to either learn from or help out;

IRC Channels (busy with real life to hang out in all)

Ubuntu #ubuntu-beginners

Ubuntu #ubuntu-beginners-team

Ubuntu #ubuntu-youth

Ubuntu #ubuntu

Ubuntu #ubuntu-bugs

Ubuntu #ubuntu-my

Ubuntu #lubuntu

Goals For The Future

My goals set for the time being are:

  1. To use Ubuntu as my main OS. (I've fully converted to Ubuntu on 24th July 2010)
  2. To join the BugSquad and contribute in triaging.

  3. To learn how to do Packaging, and contribute in packaging.

  4. To learn the basics of programming, web development.
  5. To share my knowledge in Ubuntu to new comers.
  6. To contribute back to Debian and Ubuntu. [Long Term Goal!]

My Activities/Contributions

Beginners Team Activities

This section states the assignments given to me by Mohan_chml

Wiki Contributions

Bugs Reporting

This section documents the various bugs that I've reported/commented/tried making a patch for.

Ubuntu/Launchpad-based Applications Reported Bugs

Ubuntu This section tells about the bugs I reported/commented for ubuntu/ubuntu applications on launchpad.

Other Bugs

Ubuntu This Section tells about the bugs I reported/commented for other applications on bug trackers.


Ubuntu Beginners Team Membership

I have known JoeMaverickSett for a few months and I consider him to be a good friend. He is always in a cheerful mood and always has managed to put a smile on my face. He is very committed to the Ubuntu community and always willing to help out whenever possible. He is also eager to learn new things about Ubuntu and Linux. I personally feel that he should be accepted to any team to applies for as he is just an all around nice guy and always willing to help out. -- AndrewMC (2011-01-14)

Having interacted with JoeMaverickSett across various teams, I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending for UBT. He is a shining example of the ubuntu ethos and a joy to work with on various channels - His sense of humour is wonderful, his willingness to help unending. -- phillw (2011-02-09)

I fully support Joe's UBT Membership as he has shown courage to help others even with tough cases that takes time, he has guided UBT newcomers with his skills and he's almost always there to lend his hand with projects. He has helped me with some FAQ's and given some points of views when needed. All I can say is that I'm pleased to have meet him and talk with him almost daily. Such a great character for UBT. -- bioterror (2011-02-09)

Ubuntu Membership


JoeMaverickSett (last edited 2011-11-19 07:26:45 by 175)