
Revision 58 as of 2009-05-03 01:32:59

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Joel Goguen Location

Canada Ubuntu Forums Profile

jgoguen Launchpad Profile

jgoguen IRC

jgoguen on Registered Linux User

#391952 Registered Ubuntu User


1. About Me

I am a Computer Science student at the University of New Brunswick (Fredericton) in Canada. I’m doing my degree as a part-time student, trying to complete my degree without loans. I worked for Q1 Labs from January 2006 to December 2006 as a Quality Assurance Specialist, then again from April 2007 to November 2008 as a Software Developer, first with their integration team and later with their Security Team. Currently, I work for my university's help desk as a technical support specialist.

I first started using Linux in March 2004 with Mandrake 9.1. Before Ubuntu, I'd also tried Red Hat 9. I started using Ubuntu shortly after Ubuntu 4.10 (Warty) was released and have been using Ubuntu ever since. I've tried Fedora and Gentoo alongside Ubuntu, and currently use Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid).

I started programming in late 2000, when I started learning Visual Basic 6. Currently, I can use the following languages and scripting languages:

  • Java
  • C
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Perl
  • BASH

2. My Involvement

2.1. Ubuntu Forums

I spend my time on the forums trying to help users with problems, primarily in Absolute Beginner Talk, General Help, and Security Discussions. I focus mostly on unanswered posts, although I do go looking for answered threads not yet marked as Solved to see if I can help there. I'm also a member of the Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team.

2.1.1. Beginners Team

With the Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team I'm working primarily with the Development and Launchpad focus groups.

With the Launchpad focus group I primarily focus on triaging bug reports and answering questions through Launchpad Answers. I have also worked on or created the following classes and tutorials:

With the Development focus group I have developed a set of admission criteria. As projects come up, I will be working on various development projects through this focus group as well.

2.2. Launchpad

I'm currently a member of the Ubuntu Translation Team for Canadian English, where I help with localizing packages to Canadian English. I'm also a member of the Launchpad Beta Tester group, and I've very recently become an approved member of the Ubuntu Bug Control team.

2.2.1. Wiki

I try to go looking for pages on the community wiki that could use some attention. You can view wiki pages I've edited with a brief list of changes here.

The list below are pages which I have made a major contribution to, either by doing a major re-write of the page or by contributing significantly to the content.

2.3. Other

Aside from everything mentioned above, I'm a member of the Ubuntu Canadian Team. There's no Ubuntu group in Fredericton, New Brunswick (where I live), but I'm working to revive the Linux Users Group here through the promotion of Ubuntu.

3. Future Plans

In the short term, while I finish my Computer Science degree, I plan to get more actively involved in the Ubuntu community. I am currently improving my bug triaging through the Ubuntu Bug Squad, and I'm learning how to create Debian packages to hopefully start working with the MOTU. Once I believe I have made a more significant contribution to the Ubuntu community, I plan to apply to become an Ubuntu Member.

In the long term, I would like to get involved with FOSS development. Ideally, this would mean developing for Ubuntu and working for Canonical, but anything that allows me to contribute to open source development is good. I would also like to grow my local Linux Users Group to be a province-wide Ubuntu group, so as many cities as possible in New Brunswick can have local Ubuntu promotion and support.

4. Testimonials

  • Your testimonial here
  • Your testimonial here
  • Your testimonial here
