This team is now deprecated. Official announcement about the team's closure can be found here. |
Focus Group: Launchpad
Launchpad: ubuntu-beginners-launchpad
Email: Ubuntu-beginners
IRC: #ubuntu-beginners-launchpad
About Us
The '''Launchpad Focus Group''' exists to help BT members become familiar with using Launchpad. Our focus groups goals are to educate members on Launchpad and to use Launchpad's tools to contribute to Ubuntu and the community.
- Educate members on the many tools available on Launchpad.
- Help members get involved in either LP Answers, Bug Triage, and/or Translations.
Current Tasks
Look over the Launchpad help pages.
To learn more about Bug Triage read the How to Triage page. Here is a nice Flow Chart outlining the process. Bug Squad's Knowledge Base contains a collection of very informative links on Bug Triage.
If you are bilingual help out with Translations. For information on Translations read the Translations page.
Look through Launchpad Answers for some questions you can help with.
Joining the Focus Group
If you are interested in joining the Launchpad Focus Group you need to be a Member or a Prospective Member of the Ubuntu Beginners Team. If you are already a member please join the Focus Group on Launchpad and add your Launchpad ID and skills to the Members Skills page. If you are not a member of the Ubuntu Beginners Team, and just a prospective member of the team you can join and participate with the team you just ca not join the Launchpad Team for the Focus Group.
Focus Group Members
Find out more information about current and pending members and their skills on the Members Skills page.
For more information on the Launchpad Focus Group's projects, please look at the projects page on Launchpad.
Launchpad Focus Group Project:
Team Meetings
BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Launchpad (last edited 2010-08-25 11:54:56 by ip72-213-131-215)