
Joshua R. L. Ubuntu Forums Profile Launchpad Profile

About Me

JoshuaRL from wherever I roam. I have been a full-time Linux user since November of 2007, and a member of the Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team since March of 2008. I had a Breezy Badger install on an old laptop, and loved it. But without an ethernet port, internet wasn't a part of the experience. And to be completely honest, having to dual-boot annoyed me to no end. After a licensing issue with another operating system, I decided to install Gutsy Gibbon and go for it.

I've learned more about computers than I ever thought I would by using Linux, and try to show to friends the benefits of open source operating systems and applications. Currently I run a home network with a 26 port network switch and a wifi cable modem. It connects three desktops (CAT5), two laptops (wifi), three PDAs (wifi), PS3 (CAT5), and my samba/ssh/whatever server.

When I first started using Ubuntu full-time I was amazed that an operating system that is so stable and useful could be given away for free. I know I'm not the first nor the last to feel that way, but It's a feeling that has stayed with me. I tried to find how it could happen, and while I found donation links, they were relatively modest and the focus wasn't on them. And that's when I was directed to the enormous amount of volunteer work that makes Linux possible. Already a person who enjoys and engages in volunteer work, I decided to find some way that I could give back and be in some small way worthy of the OS I was given.

That's how I became a member of the Ubuntu Forums Beginners Team.

Future Plans

Whatever comes, I really enjoy learning and would like to continue to grow in my understanding and ability to help others. Right now I'm working on a little project with Paultag, digitalvectorz, duanedesign, and other Beginners Team members. The project is a Jobs Posting Board for the Beginners Team that uses a bug tracker to post and assign work to other Beginners Team members, while keeping everything transparent and accessible. We also have plans to make it easy for other community members to suggest jobs and areas in need of work. We feel that this level of community involvement is right up the alley of the Beginners Team.

In a slightly more esoteric realm, I have this crazy scheme in my head to make a LTSP thin client Mythbuntu front-end to hook up to the TV, with wiimotes, wireless keyboards, and Elisa. Not sure if I'll ever get around to getting all that done, but it keeps nagging at me. Someday in the future if I get time, I'd also like to get more involved with development, especially Python, Java, and C.


None! Haha!

JoshuaRL (last edited 2009-05-04 05:42:17 by ip68-103-252-148)