Julius Bloch aka juliux
I am 26 years old and I am working for OTRS AG in the support deparment. My first contact with ubuntu was 2 weeks before the warty release and since this time I only use ubuntu.
I am one of the organizers from the german fair team. Our website is http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/LocoTeam/Messen/ (at the moment only in German)
Ubuntu related activites in 2009
member of the Ubuntu LoCoCouncil
- IRC Op and supporter in #ubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de, #ubuntu-de-offtopic and many more channels.
Treasurer of the german ubuntu association http://verein.ubuntu-de.org
- Organizing the third german speaking Ubucon in Ocotober 2009
improving the german LoCoTeam structure
presenting Ubuntu at CeBIT and LinuxTag Berlin.
Ubuntu related activities in 2008
Since April 2008 I am a member of the LoCo Council
- I am IRC Op and supporter in #ubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de, #ubuntu-de-offtopic and many more channels.
Treasurer of the german ubuntu association http://verein.ubuntu-de.org
start to build a better LocoTeam structure for the german LocoTeam, see https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-de-locoteam
- Organizing the second german speaking Ubucon in Ocotober 2008
- presenting Ubuntu at Chemitzer Linux Tage
- presenting Ubuntu at CeBIT
presenting Ubuntu at LinuxTag in Berlin
Ubuntu related activities in 2007
- I am IRC Op and supporter in #ubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de, #ubuntu-de-offtopic and many more channels.
Treasure of the german ubuntu association http://verein.ubuntu-de.org
start to build a better LocoTeam structure for the german LocoTeam, see https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-de-locoteam
- presenting Ubuntu at Chemitzer Linux Tage 3.3 and 4.3. 2007
- presenting Ubuntu and Ubuntu talk at CeBIT 15.3 - 21.3. 2007 in Hanover
- presenting Ubuntu at linuxwochen, Salzburg/Austria 8th May 2007
presenting Ubuntu at LinuxTag in Berlin 30.5 - 2.6.2007
- presenting Ubuntu at University of Hannover 10.10.2007
- Organizing the first german speaking Ubucon in Krefeld 20-21. Ocotober 2007
- presenting Ubuntu at come2linux in Essen 10.11 -11.11.2007
Ubuntu related activities in 2006
- I am IRC Op and supporter in #ubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de, #ubuntu-de-offtopic and many more channels.
Treasure of the german ubuntu association http://verein.ubuntu-de.org
- presenting Ubuntu at Linuxtage Chemnitz 4th and 5th of March 2006
- presenting Ubuntu at Cebit Hanover from the 9th until 15th of March 2006
- presenting Ubuntu Linuxtag in Wiesbaden from the 3rd until 6th May 2006
- presenting Ubuntu Linux-Info-Tag Dresden 8th October 2006
presenting Ubuntu LinuxWorldExpo Colonge 14-16 November 2006
Supporter of the edubuntu subforum on http://forum.ubuntuuser.de
Ubuntu related activities in 2005
presenting Ubuntu and GNOME at LinuxTage in Karlsruhe.
presenting Ubuntu and GNOME at LinuxInfoTage in Dresden.
presenting Ubuntu and GNOME at LinuxWorldExpo in Frankfurt.
- presenting Ubuntu and GNOME at Linux Tage in Essen (only ubuntu).
I maintenanced in the wiki at http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de, especially the GNOME part.
I am a founder member of the ubuntu german association.
Treasure of the german ubuntu association http://verein.ubuntu-de.org
Special ubuntu projects I have started
A special edubuntu installation for fairs/conferences called "Ubuntu Deutschland Messeserver" (http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/UDMS) (only German ATM)
My vision ist to build up an independent Ubuntu community structure. So the growing of the Ubuntu community and Ubuntu is only limited by the ideas of the people and not by money or a lack of organisation structure.
Jabber: jabber@juliux.de
- irc: juliux at irc.freenode.net
Email: <juliux AT SPAMFREE ubuntu-de DOT org>
- GPG-Fingerprint: 5BA5 8D1B 232A CEB8 E09D 020D 4910 78C5 51CC 6974
JuliusBloch (last edited 2010-04-20 20:07:45 by g229151053)