Hello! I am Kate Stewart and am a member of the Ubuntu Release team. In the past, I worked for Canonical as the Ubuntu Release Manager.

Contact Details

Also see my Launchpad Profile.

Where to find me

Ubuntu Mailing Lists:

Upstream Mailing Lists:



Currently I am participating as a member of the Ubuntu release team to manage the development and long term support releases.

As the Ubuntu Release Manager, I worked with the release team to manage the Ubuntu development and long term support releases. Some of the areas I was responsible for are:

Recent impacts:

On the community project side:

Trade Shows/Ubuntu/Linux Events


Kate is a fanastic contributor - she has already brought so much to Ubuntu, and she has a real eye for detail and a firm commitment to delivering a solid release. Her work has been high quality and timely. I would heartily advocate for her approval as a member. -- JonoBacon

Kate is awesome! In the relatively short time as Release Manager, she's already instituted significant process changes for the betterment of all Ubuntu. Her dedication to improving the quality of the release process and Ubuntu itself is unsurpassed. I wholeheartedly give my 1000% endorsement as an Ubuntu member, as she embodies the Ubuntu philosophy in every single way. --RobbieWilliamson

Kate has been the Ubuntu release manager since the beginning of the Natty cycle. She has been key to keeping the release on track, keeping focus on the key bugs and lagging features; a cat herder if ever there was one. On a personal level she has proven to be an intelligent and thoughtful person, happy to admit when she does not know something, and willing to listen to feedback and learn from it. Definatly a worthy addition to our community. -- AndyWhitcroft

I've been working with Kate to help her get started as the release manager. As we go along she's been making every effort to think about how processes could be improved beyond the status quo, and has been keeping our focus on quality by organising high-priority bugs even from an early stage in the release cycle and making sure the development teams stay on track. I'm happy to recommend her for Ubuntu membership on the basis of her contributions so far; I'm confident they will continue. --ColinWatson

Kate has been a great release manager, and has been great to work with as we've made some major changes to the release process for the Ubuntu kernels. She's always been available for discussion as we refine the processes, and has communicated well with everyone involved. She has a good grasp of the inter-team collaboration needed to make a release happen. - SteveConklin

Kate has done a terrific job as release manager for Natty Narwhal. Her continuous efforts to keep all those involved informed is great. The work she has done with the SRU and LTS issues has helped to highlight and resolve issues. She is continuously looking for ways to improve communications with the teams involved in each release, as well as the SRU process. I can easily recommend Kate's membership, as she would be an asset to the community. -- charlie-tca 2011-03-24 23:34:41

Kate is a strong contributor to Ubuntu. She has is strong on detail and ensuring we deliver a solid Ubuntu release. Her work has been high quality and timely. I would heartily advocate for her approval as a member. +1 -- JoeyStanford

KateStewart (last edited 2012-11-04 01:17:49 by 83)