- We are approved, the Install Fest and Release Party are done, now what?
- What kinds of projects do we want to tackle next?
- We can request a domain name now. What do we want to see on it?
- Where do we stand on the Charity Project?
- When do we want to do another Install Fest?
20:01 < etank> alright, you all ready to get the meeting started? 20:01 < Zuph> Yessir 20:01 < X626> Yep. 20:01 < venomous> seen this survivorman too! he really needs new material 20:02 < Zuph> (I'm only here for another half hour or so) 20:02 montgoej +1 20:02 < bkingx> Wife made me turn it to Survivor 20:02 < montgoej> but I'll have to leave at 9 as usual 20:02 < etank> Well like i said in the email. I have no real agenda for tonight. 20:02 < phrontist> I war-drove my zipcode when I was in highschool - used GPS and made a map and everything :-) 20:02 < etank> i really want to just come up with some ideas for us to do 20:02 < etank> Zuph: do you want to go over the Charity Project while you are still here? 20:03 < Zuph> Yes 20:03 < etank> hit it 20:03 < Zuph> Charity project: I wish I knew where we were. 20:03 < Zuph> In short, I have no damn clue. 20:03 < Zuph> At length, my contact for the 60 computers has fallen off the edge of the earth. 20:04 < Zuph> So I am, as of now, assuming we have 0 computers instead of 60. 20:04 < Zuph> So the roadmap as of now looks like this: 20:04 < Zuph> We need computers. 20:04 < Zuph> Once we get computers, we need to put Linux on them. 20:04 < bkingx> I might be able to get my hands on 8-10. 20:04 < Zuph> I'm not going to plan beyond that, because I don't want to get excited. We'll take it from there once we get there. 20:05 < Zuph> bkingx: that would be awesome. 20:05 < bkingx> They will be older PII's 20:05 < p0g0> Zuph: to be nice, we need to wipe them first, then put linux on them 20:05 < etank> we have talked too about getting with FreeGeek to get something going 20:05 < Zuph> Now, Medium term, I'd like to eventually become a freegeek affiliate 20:05 < Zuph> http://freegeek.org/ 20:05 < Zuph> they're basically a charity organization that does what we want to do 20:06 < Zuph> But they're big and experienced. 20:06 < etank> and they are know and established 20:06 < etank> s/know/known 20:06 < Zuph> Once we get a few machines out the door, and prove ourselves to ourselves, I'd like to get in touch with them, and tap into that contact network. 20:06 < Zuph> But that's slightly longer term 20:06 < venomous> etank: you code geek! 20:06 < Zuph> In the meantime, let's get some systems and put linux on them. 20:07 < Zuph> And that's basically all I have. 20:07 < pat40503> University of KY has been having their computer and other stuff auctions. My friend got 8 PCs Tues. He just called and has gotten all of them working 20:07 < p0g0> Zuph: what do you do with them after you put linux on them? 20:07 < Zuph> p0g0: We give them away to families that don't have a computer 20:08 < Zuph> We're going to try and stuff them with software tools that would be useful for families 20:08 < p0g0> Zuph: and do you train them? 20:08 < etank> We had talked about using Xubuntu. But if the machines are fast enough then regular Ubuntu would be good to use. 20:08 < Zuph> We will provide a basic manual, but more or less, trust them to have an extremely basic understanding of computers to begin with. 20:09 < etank> p0g0: there has been some talk of setting up some Skype accounts and offering "phone" service for a few hours one day a week. 20:09 < phrontist> I would go with Xubuntu unless they're pretty new machines... 20:09 < Zuph> Obviously, we're a small organization, and can't serve as 24/7 tech support and training. 20:09 < p0g0> etank: a phone support network ? 20:09 < etank> that and pointing them to the forums, irc, wiki and of course Google. 20:09 < Zuph> We can make a good effort at making it easy to use, and provide support where needed, but that's pretty much all we'd be capable of. 20:09 < etank> p0g0: to some degree yes 20:10 < phrontist> some sort of up front training would go a long way though 20:10 < montgoej> teach them google-fu, it solves all problems 20:10 < pat40503!n=patc@74-131-211-12.dhcp.insightbb.com [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)] 20:10 < p0g0> I'll note that many folks who cannot afford a computer cannot afford a telephone either 20:10 < etank> we could do like a habitat for humanity thing 20:10 < bkingx> Nor broadband 20:10 < etank> they have to come in for some training to "earn" a PC 20:10 < Zuph> p0g0: Noted. Which is why we'll try as much as possible to make it useful without internets or external support. 20:11 < phrontist> how do you go about finding people who want and can't afford computers? 20:11 < etank> p0g0: like loading the machines with a static copy of Wikipedia 20:11 < Zuph> phrontist: We were thinking we would cross that road when we get to it. 20:11 < tom8658> Zuph, good idea 20:11 < etank> phrontist: we can talk to schools 20:11 < Zuph> We're still a ways off from even getting machines, let alone getting them all set up and ready to go. 20:12 < tom8658> UK surpluses all sorts of machines that are perfectly OK, my old P4 workstation just got surplussed 20:12 < etank> they will know of families that are in need of something like this 20:12 < p0g0> I'd suggest the every county has a Comp Care outfit 20:12 < phrontist> tom: can we talk to UK about giving those boxes to us instead of auctioning them? 20:12 < p0g0> they already ahnd out old cell phones to the lost and abused to call 911 with 20:12 < etank> tom8658: do they do an auction or something 20:12 < montgoej> well, I have 10 monitors, so we've got that if nothing else 20:12 < p0g0> the UK auction is an old thing 20:13 < tom8658> etank, phrontist im honestly not sure what happens to them, i think they might get auctioned, sometimes.... I'll talk to some people 20:13 < p0g0> I think they cannot change those rules, as they have to offer the gear inhouse first 20:13 < tom8658> yeah, but I'm in house 20:13 < etank> :) 20:13 < tom8658> im not sure if theyd be willing to let them go to a charity 20:14 < etank> do we need to get the team set up as a non-profit orginization first? 20:14 < p0g0> tom8658: they might- if you can make a case for your department "wanting" them 20:14 < etank> i think that the New York Team has done that 20:14 < tom8658> i think after the departments get to pick at them, it shouldnt be a problem 20:14 < Zuph> etank: That's extremely difficult to get done at a federal level, and usually requires that you be doing something first. 20:14 < zenwhen!n=troy@ubuntu/member/zenwhen ["This computer has gone to sleep"] 20:14 < tom8658> plus, the departments rarely take much, most people have $ for new machines 20:15 < p0g0> the 501.c.3 orgs are not that hard to create- it's only the tax deduction part that is hard 20:15 < bkingx> That is GREAT montgoej !! 20:15 < Zuph> We need to get computers and get them set up reasonably well before we can worry about anything more complicated, I think. 20:15 < Zuph> Can't put the cart before the horse. 20:15 < tom8658> it wouldnt hurt to be non-profit, especially when dealing with UK 20:15 < tom8658> they love that kind of thing 20:16 < tom8658> just get ready to be PR material for the next 5 years :P 20:16 < etank> as far as training goes we can always do more install fests and use those as training times 20:16 < etank> tom8658: that is fine. as long as we get the boxes. :) 20:17 < tom8658> etank, ill see what i can do 20:17 < etank> anybody else want to add more on the Charity Project? 20:18 < montgoej> do we need keyboards or mice? 20:18 < p0g0> tom8658: I've a library of non-profit stuff, and UK has a Center for Non-profits...I may be setting one up for the MadWifi folks (may not either) too, fwiw 20:18 < Zuph> montgoej: probably 20:18 < montgoej> I can get a TON of them 20:18 < Zuph> If anyone has any leads on computers or parts, please update the wiki and get in touch with me. 20:18 < montgoej> like a big box full, cause our teacher wishes they would "disappear" 20:19 < Zuph> You can "surplus" them :) 20:19 < etank> montgoej: do some magic then 20:19 < montgoej> I'll try to get them tomorrow 20:19 < Zuph> I "surplused" a case of HP-48G calculators to the back of my car :) 20:19 < p0g0> The Christian Appalachian Project(CAP) used to have truckload of gear 20:20 < p0g0> *truckloads 20:20 < etank> this is the hard part 20:20 < bkingx> If I can get 10 boxes, we'll need monitors, mice, keyboards. 20:20 < p0g0> I'd get a van full every year or so, from the Chicago area in the mid 90's 20:21 < etank> i think that once we can start giving away PCs it may get easier to get people to donate more 20:22 >>> pat40503!n=patc@74-131-211-12.dhcp.insightbb.com 20:22 < etank> OK. So when do we want to do another Install Fest? 20:22 < p0g0> from experience, the training is very important 20:22 < Zuph> July. 20:22 < Zuph> or August 20:23 < bkingx> At the earliest, I say July or August 20:23 < etank> tom8658: when does UK start back 20:23 < bkingx> If Gutsy is released in Oct, I say we do it Aug or Sept. 20:24 < tom8658> etank, mid-august 20:24 < tom8658> sept sounds good 20:24 < etank> so how often do you want to do them then? 20:24 < etank> once every 4 months? 20:24 < etank> quarterly? 20:24 Zuph +1 20:25 < etank> Zuph: for which one? 20:25 montgoej says every 3-4 months 20:25 < p0g0> who is your target audience? 20:25 < Zuph> 4 months, whatever. 20:25 < etank> p0g0: whoever wants to run or needs help with linux 20:25 < etank> so really ... everyone 20:26 < p0g0> how far out are you willing to go/travel? 20:26 < bkingx> I think we need to re-evaluate the intent of an install fest. 20:26 < p0g0> an do they need to know that they want linux yet or not? 20:26 < bkingx> I think it turned into more of a helpcenter than installing 20:27 < etank> p0g0: i dont think so. we should be able to "evangelize" 20:27 < etank> bkingx: as long as people got help 20:27 < bkingx> But the event was advertised as Installing, not helping. 20:27 < etank> watch Revolution OS. they talk about install fests in it at some point 20:28 < bkingx> I just think we we need to advertise what we will be doing, not lumping it all under some title called "Install Fest" 20:28 Zuph == out 20:28 < Zuph!n=Brad@74-138-203-144.dhcp.insightbb.com ["Leaving"] 20:29 < bkingx> When in truth, there were only 2-3 people who were doing an install, and they had to quit due to timing. 20:29 < p0g0> well, it's a big job to provide the gear, and then train the innocent 20:29 < etank> well next time we _do_ need to plan on the event being longer 20:30 < bkingx> Agreed 20:30 < p0g0> for a fact, I have to go too 20:30 < bkingx> later p0g0 20:30 < p0g0> not just the install fest, but now 20:30 < p0g0> been fun and interesting 20:30 < etank> later p0g0 20:30 < etank> you can read the logs later for the rest of the meeting 20:30 < etank> if you want 20:31 < phrontist> could we link to the logs from linux.uky.edu? 20:31 < etank> phrontist: do you mean put a link to them on your site? 20:32 < bkingx> I am really excited how it turned out....I would like to see it advertised as something else, IMO, if we continue that format and expect the same types of participation. 20:32 < etank> sure 20:32 < etank> so do we want to plan for mid Sept then? 20:32 < bkingx> I think that sounds good! 20:33 montgoej +1 20:33 X626 +1 20:34 venomous +1 20:34 tom8658 +1 20:34 bkingx +1 20:35 < etank> ok we can plan towards that then. 20:35 < etank> ok. bkingx try to stay calm during this part of the conversation. 20:35 < bkingx> ;) 20:36 < etank> we are approved now and can officially have a web site that is not the wiki page 20:36 < etank> we can request a sub domain of ubuntu.us 20:36 < etank> i mean ubuntu-us.org 20:36 < etank> we can use kentucky.ubuntu-us.org 20:37 < etank> ubuntu will even host the site for us 20:37 < etank> bkingx registered ubuntu-kentucky.org and we were asked by jono bacon to stop using it 20:37 < etank> how should be procede with setting up a site now 20:38 < etank> do you want me to request the sub domain? 20:38 < bkingx> I still like ubuntu-kentucky.org, if we can get permission to use it. 20:39 montgoej seconds that 20:39 < etank> the thing is that some teams are using that kind of naming and others are using the whatever.ubuntu-us.org naming 20:40 < etank> i really want to be consistent with what the other teams are doing 20:40 < bkingx> Well, we can use both and have them point to the same spot, but should advertise with whatever we decide to use 20:40 < montgoej> what if we could just point both to the same server? would they let us point ky.ubuntu-us.org to the ubuntu-kentucky.org server? 20:40 < etank> montgoej: i will have to ask about that 20:41 < etank> i would think that they would 20:41 < bkingx> It's hard to choose since approved teams are using both scenarios. 20:41 < bkingx> what do you prefer, etank ? 20:42 < etank> i dont know 20:42 < etank> you paid to register the domain so in one way i dont want to waste the money used 20:42 < bkingx> Well, whatever we choose, I think we should host it ourselves. 20:42 < etank> on the other hand i like the ubuntu-us.org name 20:42 < etank> bkingx: if they will let us host it then sure 20:43 < etank> of course ubuntu is doing the whole trademark thing now 20:43 < etank> so i dont know how that plays into it all 20:43 < bkingx> It just seems like we will have a bit more control hosting it ourselves. 20:43 < bkingx> True 20:44 < bkingx> Being an approved team, ad already having it registered, I don't think they will ahve a prob. 20:44 < etank> let me ask around and see what the ubuntu / canonical stand on this is 20:44 < etank> then that may make the decision for us 20:45 < bkingx> cool 20:45 < montgoej> sounds good 20:46 < etank> cool 20:46 < etank> What kinds of projects do we want to tackle next? 20:47 < etank> tom8658: does the UKLUG have any projects that we can all help with? 20:47 < etank> like amybe E-Day next year 20:47 < etank> s/amybe/maybe/ 20:47 < bkingx> Let's open up our own coffee shop!! 20:48 < tom8658> etank, yeah, E-day is in... feb '08, we don't do much over the summer 20:48 < bkingx> Offer a Gutsy CD with every Latte! 20:48 montgoej says +1 to the coffee shop idea !!! :) 20:48 < etank> tom8658: do you all have events before that? 20:48 < etank> October or November time frame maybe 20:49 < tom8658> not sure. we havent planned that far ahead 20:50 < etank> when we were at Half Priced Books they asked if we would be interested in coming in and doing a demo sometime 20:50 < etank> they had a tarrot card reader in there 20:50 < etank> that would not take the whole team 20:50 < etank> just a few of us 20:51 < etank> would anyone be interested in something like that 20:51 < montgoej> something at a book store would be cool 20:51 < montgoej> I'm in 20:51 < bkingx> I like your idea of collaborating on a video we can play in a loop or something. 20:52 < bkingx> Then do some live demos every 10-20 minutes or so. 20:52 < etank> the video idea was to create a screen cast that had no sound 20:52 < bkingx> right 20:52 < etank> just something that would be in a loop to make people ask questions 20:52 < bkingx> Let people see something as they pass by 20:53 < bkingx> I think it would be cool to film a Mac vs PC vs Linux commercial. 20:53 < etank> then maybe have a machine running beryl or compiz to show the cool crap 20:53 < bkingx> I know there are a few out there, but I think we can do something pretty cool. 20:54 < etank> ok so montgoej is in 20:54 < etank> anyone else interested? 20:54 bkingx +1 20:54 < montgoej> yay more people! 20:54 tom8658 +1 20:55 < etank> cool 20:55 < etank> So are you all up for having more IRL meetings? 20:55 montgoej + 1 20:55 < etank> the install fest was a really good time i think 20:55 montgoej has to leave and will read the rest online later 20:56 < montgoej!n=montgoej@adsl-074-171-214-246.sip.bgk.bellsouth.net ["Ex-Chat"] 20:56 < bkingx> I had a great time too! 20:56 < etank> i know that Zuph has been trying to get a coffee meeting started but is having a hard time getting people to show 20:56 < bkingx> Really glad to see the UK and LPLUG folks there! 20:56 < etank> bkingx: well it _was_ at UK 20:57 < bkingx> I detect a hint of sarcasm there!! 20:57 < etank> it would be weird without the UKLUG there 20:57 < venomous> sorry...i've been out of the chat....on the phone with cisco 20:57 < bkingx> venomous: on first name basis with cisco!! 20:58 < venomous> might as well be.. 20:58 < etank> how about a key signing party? 20:59 < bkingx> YEEHAW!! 20:59 < etank> there has been talk of doing that in the past 20:59 < bkingx> I'd like that!! 20:59 < etank> we could do that before the next Install Fest even 20:59 >>> beezky!n=pdunham@h193.160.140.67.ip.alltel.net 21:00 < etank> welcome bkingx 21:00 < etank> i mean 21:00 < etank> welcome beezky 21:00 < bkingx> Thanks etank !! 21:00 < bkingx> beezky!!!!! 21:00 < beezky> thanks guys 21:00 < bkingx> Maybe key signing in July? 21:00 < etank> venomous: look beezky is here 21:01 < etank> bkingx: thats what i was thinking too 21:01 < etank> and maybe someone could do a talk on gpg while we are at it 21:01 < venomous> hey! i see...what's going on beezky 21:01 < beezky> venomous: Fine long time man! 21:01 < phrontist> I'm up for key-signing, but let's do it later... september 21:02 < phrontist> lots of us students get out of dodge during summer 21:02 < etank> phrontist: makes sense 21:03 < etank> that would put both the key signing and install fest at the same time 21:03 < etank> but that shouldnt be a problem 21:04 < etank> then we can count on another release party in October 21:04 < etank> well thats all i got tonight 21:04 < etank> does anyone want to add something? 21:04 < Ubuntu-Ky> Something is as something does. 21:05 < etank> forget something 21:05 < Ubuntu-Ky> Ok etank 21:05 < pat40503> I am new tonite. When is the next on line chat? 21:05 < etank> pat40503: we do the meeting every thursday at 8:00 21:05 < Seften> I'm all the way across the state from you guys 21:06 < Seften> I've always wondered about keys 21:06 < etank> but someone is online most of the time 21:06 < etank> Seften: where are you? 21:06 < bkingx> Welcome pat40503 21:06 < Seften> Murray, Kentucky 21:07 < Seften> 4 1/2 hours from lexington 21:07 < Seften> lol 21:07 < etank> well we do not have to be in person to do a key signing 21:07 < pat40503> I hadn't used IRC since its early beginnings.I quickly downloaded mIRC and put on my dear ole Win XP and PC has been rebooting so I lost out 2-3 times in this group 21:07 < Seften> What good are gpg keys? 21:08 < Seften> I've never understood how they are used 21:08 < etank> gpg keys can be used for encrypting files 21:08 < etank> digitally signing emails and files 21:08 < Seften> They can be used in Im too right? 21:08 < Seften> IM* 21:09 < Seften> Like gaim? 21:09 < Ubuntu-Ky> gaim is probably nice but XChat is better 21:09 < Seften> oh 21:09 < etank> they really let people know with a good sense of security that you are they one who sent the email 21:10 < pat40503> Ubuntu-Ky how do you use gaim? I am on KVM and can switch to Ubuntu but couldn't figure out how to use as IRC 21:10 < etank> pat40503: Ubuntu-Ky is a bot not a real person 21:11 < Gat0rvean!n=gat0rvea@74-140-247-203.dhcp.insightbb.com ["Ex-Chat"] 21:11 < pat40503> I was told early to address my reply to the user who made original statement so what exactly is a bot 21:14 < etank> a bot is a program that acts as a person in a chat room 21:14 < bkingx> pat40503: a bot is a program that will respond 21:14 < etank> watch this 21:14 < etank> !hi | pat40503 21:14 < ubotwo> pat40503: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-kentucky! 21:14 < etank> ubotwo is a bot too 21:14 < ubotwo> etank: Error: "is" is not a valid command. 21:14 < Seften> lol 21:14 < etank> he responded to the !hi command 21:17 < etank> ok so meeting adjourned? 21:18 etank +1 21:18 X626 +1 21:18 bkingx +1 21:18 < etank> cool 21:18 < etank> i will post the logs as soon as i can get on the wiki :(
KentuckyTeam/Meetings/2007April26 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:17:20 by localhost)