- Lets get this thing going again.
- Cup of Ubuntu (Louisville and Lexington)
- CDs. I still have a ton of CDs if anyone wants some.
Please feel free to add to this list of topics as you see fit.
20:01 < etank> is everyone ready to get the meeting going? 20:01 < jkeyes0> always 20:01 < etank> kool 20:01 < pat40503> I'm new but here 20:01 < etank> 1) Lets get this thing going again. 20:01 < jkeyes0> welcome, pat! 20:02 < pat40503> thanks jkeyes 20:02 < etank> now that school is starting back 20:02 < etank> vacations should be calming down some 20:02 < etank> i am hoping that once UK is back in session that we will be able to start working with the UKLUG again 20:03 < etank> maybe (hopfully) for an install fest 20:03 < etank> when we started the team there was a lot of enthusiam 20:03 < jkeyes0> and a release party, when 7.10 rolls around. :) 20:03 < etank> what can we do to get that feeling back again? 20:03 < etank> jkeyes0: exactly 20:04 < etank> we need to do that and the install fest at seperate times 20:04 < etank> last time we underestimated the amount of time that it would take 20:05 < jkeyes0> I really like Zuph's idea about occasional meetings at coffeeshops, the location is the only problem for me (and a lot of people, I'd assume). I could do louisville or lexington, just not very often. 20:05 < etank> what about once a month 20:05 < etank> with the location changing each month 20:05 < etank> once in lex and then next in lou 20:05 < etank> and so forth 20:06 < etank> and i have a friend that is a teacher at a school here in lexingtong 20:06 < jkeyes0> I'm sure I could work something like that out. Could always showcase new games/programs we find during those as well, and new desktop themes/layouts 20:06 < etank> *lexington 20:06 < etank> he said that he got permission to allow us to meet there for IRL meets once a month or so 20:06 < montgoej> that sounds good 20:07 < etank> i would kind of like to get the feeling of this being a big LUG 20:07 < etank> where we can learn from each other and stuff 20:08 < jkeyes0> that's a great thought, etank 20:08 < etank> is there a "but" with that? 20:08 < etank> :) 20:08 < jkeyes0> nope. great thought, all around. 20:08 < etank> cool 20:09 < etank> we also need to get together and work on the Charity PCs 20:09 < etank> bkingx's wife is ready to kill him :) 20:09 < etank> he has about 30 machines in his basement 20:10 < bkingx> yup!! 20:10 < p0g0> and Liebert in the bedroom... 20:10 < zenwhen!n=zenwhen@ubuntu/member/zenwhen ["This computer has gone to sleep"] 20:10 < jkeyes0> lieberts are great, and horrible. 20:10 < bkingx> And she is HOT!! 20:11 < bkingx> haha...just like a woman, jkeyes0 !! 20:11 < etank> bkingx: if nothing else we should just set a date to work on those boxes 20:11 < jkeyes0> giggity 20:11 jkeyes0 +1 20:11 >>> zenwhen!n=zenwhen@ubuntu/member/zenwhen 20:11 < etank> and whoever shows up then that is great 20:12 < jkeyes0> I'm glad to help out, as long as it's not a tuesday. Any evening after work is good, and some weekends. 20:12 < etank> bkingx: it is your house 20:12 < bkingx> 8/25? 20:12 < etank> why dont you set a date and time 20:12 < etank> and then we can see how it goes 20:12 < bkingx> say 2:00? 20:13 < etank> is that a Saturday 20:13 < bkingx> yeah 20:13 < jkeyes0> sadly, I cannot make that date (best friend is getting married in gatlinburg, tn), but if you can get enough others to volunteer, go for it. 20:13 < Vorian!n=Steve@ubuntu/member/Vorian [Connection timed out] 20:13 < bkingx> work for a few hours and watch a movie? 20:14 < etank> do you have the space to set a bunch of boxes up? 20:14 < jkeyes0> is there anyone here who is unfamiliar with what the Charity PC's project is all about? 20:14 < etank> Zuph: we need to do the same for your bunch of PCs too 20:14 < jkeyes0> brb 20:14 < bkingx> yeah...we can use the basement 20:15 < etank> bkingx: can we set up some tables in the middle of the room to work around? 20:15 < bkingx> We really need to inventory, test and clean. Then figure what we have from there. 20:15 < bkingx> Sure 20:15 < etank> your couch looks kind of heavy :( 20:15 < etank> true 20:15 < zenwhen!n=zenwhen@ubuntu/member/zenwhen [Client Quit] 20:15 < bkingx> I have a pretty decent 6' table. 20:15 < etank> the first time we meet may not even involve installing an OS at all 20:16 < bkingx> right 20:16 < etank> who all can make it that day? 20:16 etank +1 (i think) 20:17 < bkingx> Well, how about this saturday? Kinda short notice, but we are free? 20:17 < jkeyes0> :( out of town this saturday as well. :( the 11th is good, though. 20:17 < etank> lets try for the 11th then 20:17 < bkingx> ok 20:17 < etank> if that is good for you bkingx 20:17 < etank> then 2 weeks later we do some more 20:17 < bkingx> yup 20:18 < etank> mind if i bring the kids ? 20:18 < etank> and wife of course 20:18 < bkingx> nope! 20:18 < etank> cool 20:18 < bkingx> OK, so the 11th at 2:00 20:18 < etank> that sounds good 20:19 < bkingx> We'll test, clean, inventory, suss out the junk, and then watch a movie? 20:19 < bkingx> Maybe pitch in for some pizza's? 20:19 < jkeyes0> mmm, pizza, movie, computers, mmm. 20:19 < etank> what about coffee? 20:19 < etank> mmmm 20:19 < montgoej> I should be able to be there 20:19 < montgoej> sorry, I walked away 20:19 < bkingx> and coffee!!!!! 20:19 < etank> montgoej: cool 20:20 < etank> X626: could you make it too? 20:20 < X626> I'm not sure. 20:20 < X626> I'll try to make it, though. 20:20 < etank> i think that Zuph is AFK :( 20:20 < bkingx> nivek: ? 20:20 < montgoej> I'm not sure if I'll be able to get the monitors on the 11th or not 20:20 < etank> montgoej: no prob 20:20 < bkingx> Don't worry about it montgoej 20:20 < etank> bkingx: has quite a few 20:21 < bkingx> Yup 20:21 < bkingx> About 20 right now? 20:21 < montgoej> they're packed into a storage building, but I'll get them soon 20:21 < etank> kool 20:21 < bkingx> Something like that 20:21 < etank> 2) Cup of Ubuntu (Louisville and Lexington) 20:21 < etank> we kind of already talked about it 20:21 < etank> but when would be good to have a coffee time? 20:21 < Ubuntu-Ky> I guess time is starting to get short for some planning though 20:21 < etank> forget time 20:21 < Ubuntu-Ky> Ok etank 20:22 < bkingx> that bot is a PAIN!! 20:22 < montgoej> lol 20:22 < etank> etank! 20:22 < Ubuntu-Ky> etank is code god. He can do it! 20:22 < etank> but he is smart :) 20:23 < etank> so who is up for meeting for coffee? 20:23 < montgoej> maybe we should tell it to forget etank... 20:23 < etank> :P montgoej 20:23 montgoej is! 20:23 jkeyes0 +1 20:23 < bkingx> +5 20:23 X626 +1 20:23 etank +100 20:23 < etank> k 20:23 < etank> so when 20:23 < bkingx> Carmel Macchiato!! 20:24 < etank> i am assuming that lexington is closer to everyone than louisville 20:24 < etank> we should really switch from town to town though 20:24 < montgoej> I vote lexington, I'm there way more often 20:24 < etank> so that those farther from lexington dont always have to drive so far 20:25 < etank> im good for lexington too 20:25 < bkingx> Let's do north-west so folks don't have to go all the way through town. 20:25 < bkingx> Versailles rd area? 20:26 < etank> any ideas on a date yet? 20:26 < bkingx> Old Frankfort, Leestown? 20:27 < etank> i would say this Saturday but jkeyes0 wont be in town 20:27 < etank> how about next thursday night 20:27 < jkeyes0> sadly, no. but if enough people are up for it, don't mind me. I can always make the next one 20:27 < jkeyes0> next thursday would be good too. 20:27 < etank> in place of a normal meeting 20:27 < bkingx> That sounds good 20:28 < etank> but can montgoej and X626 make it? 20:28 < jkeyes0> good point. school night and what not 20:28 < montgoej> I probably can't, but it's alright 20:28 < etank> no it aint 20:28 < X626> I won't know just yet. However, I doubt it. 20:28 < etank> if possible i would like to have a day that works for a large part of the group 20:28 < etank> so we can have as many as possible there 20:29 bkingx nods 20:29 < etank> jkeyes0: will you be gone all weekend 20:29 < etank> will you be back on Sunday? 20:30 < jkeyes0> I will be back sunday afternoon/evening. I can try to be back earlier, but it's hard to get away from the family. 20:30 < etank> nivek: how about you? 20:30 < etank> what if we met at Starbucks on Sunday 20:31 < etank> montgoej and X626 could you make it then? 20:31 < jkeyes0> ooh, starbucks. I've got a giftcard there. :) 20:31 < montgoej> I might be able to 20:31 < X626> Probably. 20:31 < montgoej> I'll have to see, but I should be able to 20:31 < etank> what if we met around 4 or so 20:31 < etank> that way everyone can make it to church 20:31 < etank> if they go 20:31 < montgoej> sounds good 20:32 etank says that they should too 20:32 < etank> :) 20:32 < etank> vote? 20:32 < X626> Sounds good to me 20:32 montgoej +5 20:32 jkeyes0 +1 20:33 bkingx +1 20:33 < etank> which starbucks 20:34 < bkingx> isn't there one at Leestown and New Circle? 20:35 < etank> i dont know 20:35 < bkingx> There's one at Versailles and Parkers Mill 20:36 < etank> i dont really care where 20:36 < etank> as long as there is coffee 20:37 < jkeyes0> versailles rd would be good. I'll have to talk to the wife about it (shouldn't be a problem, just want to make sure she's aware) 20:37 < bkingx> Bring her along 20:37 < etank> that works for me 20:38 < etank> yeah bring your wifes too 20:38 < etank> if you have one that is 20:38 < jkeyes0> we'll have to take the dog back to the house before coming 20:38 < etank> bring the dog too :O) 20:38 < jkeyes0> they allow dogs in starbucks? :P 20:39 < etank> the one near where i live leaves doggy biscuts outside for them 20:39 < montgoej> well guys, I gotta go early, but I'll read the logs online 20:39 < montgoej> I should be there sunday, but I'm not completely sure 20:39 < montgoej!n=jordan@unaffiliated/montgoej ["Leaving"] 20:39 < etank> ok then, last topic 20:40 < etank> 3) CDs. I still have a ton of CDs if anyone wants some. 20:40 < bkingx> Me too 20:40 < etank> i have about 300 20:40 jkeyes0 raises hand. I'm taking my last one to the parents this weekend, and while I've still got 6.06 CD's at work, it'd be nice to have some 7.04's to hand out. 20:40 < etank> i will bring then to the coffee shop then 20:41 < X626> I could use some to try to give away at school. 20:41 < etank> anyone that wants one (or lots) can have them 20:41 < jkeyes0> awesome. are they all ubuntu, or are there kubuntu/xubuntu as well? 20:41 < etank> kubuntu, edubuntu, ubuntu, 32bit and 64bit 20:41 < etank> they dont ship xubuntu at shipit 20:42 < jkeyes0> I'd love a few Kubuntu CDs as well, if possible. 20:42 < etank> no problem 20:42 < etank> i will bring all that i have 20:42 < etank> take as many as you want 20:42 < etank> we should be getting more in October anyway 20:42 < Zuph> Shit, I was AFT 20:42 < jkeyes0> nice! 20:42 < Zuph> *AFK 20:42 < Zuph> Now I'm back 20:43 < etank> but they will be Gutsy 20:43 < Zuph> Forgot to close the laptop :9 20:43 < Zuph> :( 20:43 < etank> wb Zuph 20:43 < etank> Zuph: i will try to bring you up to speed 20:43 < etank> we are going to meet at starbucks on Sunday 20:43 < etank> this week 20:44 < Zuph> The one off Man O War that we went to last time? 20:44 < etank> we are going to meet on the 11th at bkingxs house to work on some Charity PCs 20:45 < Zuph> Sounds good. 20:45 < etank> Zuph: the one on versailles rd 20:45 < etank> can you make it this weekend 20:45 < Zuph> I'll get specifics when I'm not wasting time during the meeting. 20:45 < Zuph> Yeah. 20:45 < etank> sweet 20:45 < bkingx> That should be the closer ones for the those from Frankfort and L'ville. 20:46 < bkingx> So, 4:00 on this Sun for coffee? 20:46 < bkingx> Last about an hour? 20:46 < etank> Zuph: the last topic was that i still have sooooooo many CDs 20:46 < etank> i am going to bring them with me and anyone that wants them can have them 20:46 < Zuph> Works for me. Plan on an hour, let it run til whenever? 20:47 < bkingx> Right 20:47 < etank> thats the plan 20:47 < bkingx> Then the 11th at 2:00 for test, cleanup, inventory and then movie and pizza? 20:48 < etank> thats the plan 20:48 < bkingx> Cool! 20:48 < Zuph> Sounds awesome. 20:48 < bkingx> That's the plan then 20:48 < etank> does anyone have any questions or anything at all to add? 20:48 < Zuph> Any interest in a Cup of Ubuntu: Ville Version any time soon? 20:49 < Zuph> There seem to be a lot of members on the forums that are from Louisville and surrounding areas, and I'd love to get these people active 20:49 < Zuph> I'll send out a mailing list mail for those guys. 20:50 < bkingx> cool 20:50 < etank> Zuph: we were talking about doing on month in lex and the next in louis 20:50 < etank> Zuph: if you can get something going there then go for it 20:50 < Zuph> etank: Is there going to be enough overlap that they need such a large separation? 20:50 < etank> i think that would be great 20:51 < etank> i dont know 20:51 < etank> my fear is making the wife mad :{ 20:51 < Zuph> ? 20:51 < etank> too many trips from the house and all 20:51 < bkingx> yup 20:51 < Zuph> Is there anyone here that WOULD go to the Louisville coffee thing if it was a month after the Lextown one but wouldn't otherwise? 20:52 < etank> i would still try to go no matter when it is 20:52 < bkingx> I can't promise anything, but I would like to make it up there. 20:52 < Zuph> I mean, I don't want to make it a malicious act of scheduling conflicts. 20:52 < bkingx> And we might be able to get vanload to go. 20:53 < bkingx> I say do it 20:53 < Zuph> How about this: Plan on me doing a Louisville coffee meetup this month with the goal of getting Louisville guys more active, and then a bigger Louisville meetup next week. 20:53 < Zuph> That way there's not pressure on you guys to make it to a meetup that might anger the wives. 20:53 < bkingx> Sounds good to me. 20:54 < bkingx> It would be great to get those Louisville guys more involved/ 20:54 < Zuph> I mean, Louisville people shouldn't have an issue making two meetings in a month if it's local, but for you guys it's more of a problem because of the drive. 20:56 < etank> sounds good 20:56 < bkingx> Cool...I think we got alot accomplished then 20:56 < jkeyes0> next week when? sunday? 20:57 < Zuph> For Louisville? 20:57 < jkeyes0> yea 20:57 < bkingx> This Sunday for coffee, next Saturday for machine cleanup. 20:57 < bkingx> I'll email directions with RSVP this week. 20:57 < etank> wait 20:57 < etank> this sunday is lexington coffee right? 20:57 < jkeyes0> yes 20:57 < bkingx> yes 20:58 < etank> what is the date for the Louisville one Zuph 20:58 < Zuph> TBA? 20:58 < Zuph> I'll send a mailing list letter out and see when people are most available 20:58 < Zuph> and if people don't decide, then I'll just pick a date 20:58 < Zuph> It will be clear at least 7 days ahead of time, though. 20:58 < Zuph> Sound good? 20:59 < etank> cool 21:00 < etank> good meeting all 21:00 < bkingx> Yup! 21:00 < bkingx> Time to settle in. Been a long day 21:00 < jkeyes0> off to watch me some battlestar galactica. good meeting 21:01 < bkingx> G'night all! 21:01 < Zuph> Cya bkingx
KentuckyTeam/Meetings/2007Aug02 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:17:34 by localhost)